Quote of The Day

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sunday Scribblings "Destination"

I definitely have a few intentions that I have contemplated for the New Year! I will hold them close to my heart…you’ll just have to stay tuned to my blog to see what manifest! In the meantime here is my Sunday Scribblings….for Destination for 2007!

Happy New Year everyone, be safe, and don’t feel pressured to celebrate if your authentic self would rather stay home and just watch a movie or spend time with friends….Create the life YOU want!

Here is a link to two free movies, “What the Bleep do we know” and “ The Secret” they were sent in my email….now isn’t that true to form on attracting what you want…..last night I watched “What the bleep do we know” for the second time! I could watch it another ten times for sure! Make sure you watch them soon as I'm not sure how long this link will be available!


Destination contemplation
With anticipation
Use more imagination
Incorporate simplification
Implicate fascinate mandate
Instigate Intoxication motivation
Magnificent, recurrent opulent
Integrate velocity of generosity
Declaration affirmative intention
Establish copious solutions
As my New Years resolutions!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Second Chance

Beard or no beard? I prefer Andrews new furry ways!

Visiting friends through Christmas is such a joyful experience. Especially this family who go back to when Pepper was a baby! I always wished Pepper would find a man like Andrew because he was such a remarkable teen and now a phenomenal grownup! She has! There’s exactly fifteen years between me, them and Pepper. They love card games as we do.

Oodles of doctors visits later, their three year old boy has no actual diagnoses for his restricted mobility. The four month old girl has no apparent physical symptoms of a disability that they all worried about for several months. Both preemies, these children are so incredibly lucky to have such attentive loving parents.

We had such a great time kibitzing, and playing cards, like old times. Hard to believe they were Peppers babysitters when she was their son’s age! Every time I see them, I miss them for quite sometime after! Note to self, more of Selina and Andrew in the New Year! Such great folks I’m so proud we’re still friends after twenty years.

When Selina was a girl of fifteen she took from my house, a bag of chocolate chips and a nightshirt my mom bought me in Hawaii. Her mother and I busted her. I knew she was a really good kid and rarely did anything wrong. At thirty I lectured her on how stealing could change the whole fiber of her life. She cried tears of embarrassment and remorse. We hugged and I knew she was forever changed. We giggle about it now….Giving her a second chance, was a gift to myself, without it, I wouldn’t have theses amazing people in my life today!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Poetry Thursday "Attraction Action"

Displayed in my eggplant on-suite bathroom; is an ensemble of Amber Romance products from Victoria Secret. One of the many favored things Pepper got me for Christmas, she knows how much I love the scent of this line, and grabbed six during her visit to Seattle last week. She bought me so many lovely things, that I’m almost embarrassed….yet I feel so honored that my daughter treats me like a queen!

Last night I had my brother and his wife for dinner. I bought him the DVD “ The Secret” for Christmas. We’d both been longing to watch it for sometime now. So I made a curried shrimp dinner, together with the kids we watched the movie. I have lived this concept for about ten years now, but need some minor changes to create more abundance. To open the flood gates I needed to be more aware of exactly what I want to create in my life! Blogging has been helpful at requisitioning desired interests. Now I forge ahead!

Attraction Action

Change my thoughts
Change my mind
I’ll step ahead
Not lag behind

Create abundance
Enjoy the mirth
Believe the greatness
Of my worth

Feel grateful
Every second
Accept cadences of
Treasures beckoned

Just the best
Shall come my way
I’ll think this thought

That’s the secret
Of a attraction
Positive thoughts

Grateful action

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Day Giggles

This is a pin Laura got me! It's a little shoe with a face on it....adorable, and I love it!

I chose this heart ornament in a gift stealing endeavor. Christmas day each guest brought something from their home that they didn’t want, or bought something under ten dollars. I brought a nice tin of Werthers candies, and some pretty tea light candles. I chose to bring an item that could appeal to anyone. I suspect Laura’s contribution, the heart ornament, was a little more expensive than the rule; it’s a beautiful silver embossed glass heart, with metal adornments, the picture doesn’t do it justice. It’s very heavy; I will likely find a cozy place for it to hang all year long. Here’s the catch….the metal is detached and needs to be glued back on.

Many of the gifts are funny or tacky. Jeff’s mom brought a gift that got the biggest laugh this year; a large orange plastic box full of old recipe cards from the seventies….we roared with laughter as Jeff opened it. Jeff is a real stickler for purging anything that resembles junk of any sort….off to a charity it goes, or Mr. Curb side! Some things included were a rice maker, I could have used that….(it wasn’t opened yet) movie tickets, a couple of really old movies on DVD, a deluxe pressure gage for tires, led lights in a long tube, ( appropriate for Taylor who ended up with some girly item of clothing one year), a book, a whole bath ensemble that Jeff accidentally added to the other parcels. It was Laura’s gift from her book club exchange; she wasn’t upset, her mom ended up with it! One year Laura had nothing available so she wrapped up a half of a pie. That spurred the most laughter that year. I lucked out this year, but the idea is the laughter and fun this event creates!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Day

Laura's sister Karen and their sweet mom!

Karen was wearing a red apron over a long black dress, a red bow adorned her hair. It felt like I stepped into a nineteen fifties movie....it was so nostalgic and fun!

Gemma sent me this amazing Christmas card, which seem so fitting for me. ….it’s so pretty and such thrill to receive across the miles. Thank you so much Gemma for all the love you put into the card....it went straight to my heart!

Gemma has an awesome tradition involving her moms Christmas stocking.... Sorry GPS I didn’t send any cards at all this year….fighting so much fatigue along the way.

I did however have an amazing Christmas, with load of magic happening all around me, some terrible sadness trickled in too. Lisa’s mom passing and Darlene’s family in crisis awaiting any sign of Marks improvement. Somehow life is like that; Christmas can be hit and miss at times. I have cried every day for Mark and his mom, but it’s also been a great reminder to cherish each precious moment with respect.

Since the loss of my parents, and change in marital status I have altered how I celebrate Christmas, putting less emphases on traditional experience. I’ve changed things up. I haven’t done a Christmas dinner in ten years. I have made many Christmas meals up to that point though; I like going out now, otherwise it feels like any other day for me. There are always more than a few offers, so I join in with others. It releases Pepper from any guilt of me being alone. She's free to go her dads if she chooses. She has gone to Bryan’s house for three years now. One year we had a movie day, ate tacos at the theatre while watching three different movies….it was unforgettable and Pepper still talks about it to this day. Christmas is about being together enjoying the intimacy of family and friends.

Years ago when my brother married his first wife, I didn’t want to put him in the position of feeling obligated to have Christmas with me, his only family. I knew her family was having a huge Ukrainian dinner, that was really important to her. So I bowed out of dinners then. I am always invited to share Christmas with his new in-laws who live about an hour away. Christmas I prefer to be close to where Pepper is, in case she needs me. I would have no problem staying home, and have done it on the sly in years gone by. If for some reason Pepper asked me to do the dinner, I would do it in a heartbeat. So many families are pulled in one direction or another; I choose to have Peace at Christmas.

Christmas day we arose late, I cooked a big breakfast then we watched “ Little Miss Sunshine” and dispersed to different houses for dinner. I went to the Lovely Laura’s house, where I enjoyed a magical Christmas with a story book ambience. After dinner the majority went for a short walk. My ankle was killing me, a result from not enough sleep, so I sat with the elder folk instead. It was four women connecting in the most enjoyable way. Laura and Jeff have fabulous moms, really nice women, full of kindness, and love, much like them. Pepper and Bryan joined his family a five minute drive from where I was. Around nine thirty I picked them up, to visit with the kids back at Laura’s house. Only a few pictures where captured this season, my battery won't hold a charge. This will be the Christmas I remember in my head and heart, and not on film.

Laura the hostess with the mostest!!!
The beautiful Christmas table.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Past

Christmases Past... Little Sherrie, and Pepper. May you all have a magical Christmas full of love and laughter....will post more later tonight! Have a great day.....doing anything that brings you joy!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sentimental Moment

Dad's his retirement, Nov 7th 1984, he died sixteen months later, Mom there beside him, died in1991 five years later also 66.

Dad in his curling sweater, 1974

Christmas dinner 1966. This is Dad at the same age Darcy is now, I was 10, dad was 46. I always sat with him because he would
make sure I got dark meat, the white meat made me choke!

D'arcy wearing dads tweny five year old shirt!

Sentimental Moment

Friday Dec 22nd a Christmas Celebration with my Brother and his children. Basically my only family left, save my daughter. Bryan and Pepper had to work so we arrived a bit later than the others. We ate an hour later, a beautiful meal of stuffed pork roast. Everyone chatted, then as though an alarm had sounded, everyone dispersed at nine thirty, very strange indeed. We played cards with my niece and nephew for a short time, then Bryan, Darcy and I spent the rest of the night in intimate conversation. By ten Pepper had snuck to the couch, curled up, and dosed off. Half hour after I arrived home, Darcy called me; we talked a few hours more. Then yesterday I returned to his house. An extremely busy man, it can be hard to connect. When we do, it’s difficult to disconnect. We miss each other too much.

As we sat quietly reminiscing, it came out that he dreamt about mom every night for the first five years after her death. He was only thirty when we became adult orphans. He astonished me when he revealed a few of mom blouses and a shirt and sweater of dads that he harbored all these years.

There’s D’arcy proudly sporting his coveted curling sweater well over thirty years old. Take note of the orbs over D’Arcy’s heart, about three to his right torso and hand. It was such a sentimental moment, viewing the clothing, watching in anticipation as he tried on dads baby blue, silver threaded, striped shirt from the eighties. To have it actually fit his taut physique was quite a thrill. The emotional clincher was the surprising bar of soap stuffed in the pocket of dad’s sweater. He took it out; each of us had a sniff. With it came a lovely reminder of our dad. After twenty years the scent was still locked in that plastic container. And it was a Merry Christmas for us!

Sometimes you just know they’re around. With me, random lights flicker off for a spell. Doesn’t matter how much I tighten the bulbs, a variety of different lamps still flicker. This post is dedicated to Lisa Oceandreamer, who will have a bleak Christmas with the recent passing of her mom. I hope knowing there are others who truly understand the loss you feel as this time wish you all the besT. It's always a comforting reminder knowing that although our parents have passed on, memories live forever our hearts.

It’s just not Christmas without my dads favorite Christmas tune Nat Coles “The Christmas Song” filling the room at least a few times during the season!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mark is in My Heart! Poetry Thursday Distended Anguish

Please send love and support for Darlene’s son Mark, who just two days ago, had a tragic accident and is struggling to recover. This is a crucial time for Darlene, any an all support is appreciated. As we all make seasonal preparations, Darlene poignantly writes about her devastation, and fears. Please embrace the true spirit of Christmas, take time to Send love to a family that’s suffering.

I created a heart for Mark, although I've not met the young man, I feel a connection and deep sadness for the family. I go to bed thinking about it and wake up thinking about it. I say quiet prayers throughout the day! Originally, the heart was purple on the inside for the courage he will need to recover, then there was blue font representing the young man, with a pink layer representing all the mothers sending healing energy, Red for all the passion and support in abundance,and a fine line of white to represent spirit enveloping the boy and bringing us all together. Instead I made it vibrant orange, full of life, and color, as I imagine he will be when he has recovered. The purple represents the bravery for a Mothers Hero!

For Poetry Thursday I had planned to write about pressure, I opted to write about Marks mom situation instead.

Distended Anguish

Then not
Shock, disbelief

In Pain,

Saturated in




Then not

To cope
With faith
And hope

With prayers
For Mark

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Some Sweetness and a Rant!

All went well with Pepper and her dad, thankfully my prayers were answered! She came home from a quick visit in very good spirits, even praised him. I am so grateful, when she hurts so do I. Crisis averted until next year!!!

Make sure you’re alone, take Kleenex in hand while reading through "
A Parents Wish." If you have an aversion to tears, pass it by. Beautifully put and only takes a few seconds!

Last week we watched the Al Gore Documentary An inconvenient truth about global warming. I recommend it as a must see film. I found it so informative, and interesting, sprinkled with a very personal side of Vice President Gore I’d never seen.

In the past, listening to him speak was grueling, I’m not sure if it’s the inflections in his voice, his mannerisms, or the actual resonance . I only wish the media had portrayed him as dynamically as this film has. It’s disappointing that the world missed out on this man being elected to office. Emphasis to reverse global warming and an attempt at a peaceful resolution in the Middle East may have transpired! It’s a mystery now, as parents continue to lose children in a fruitless war!

Al Gore is a passionate teacher. After viewing this movie, hanging my old Christmas lights just felt wrong, with past glitz possibly being a large cost to future generations. I’ve replaced the old with new LED lights. Interior lights soon to follow. Ramifications of wasteful energy are blatantly laid out so even the most ignorant energy hog could not dismiss it! Although Canada has a very diligent recycle program, it’s crucial to do more! Ignorance could all too soon be deadly!

I was really affected by this film, realizing its imperative that North Americans change their energy habits rather than annihilating people for more oil! I remember my mom filling the tub with just a few inches water. My brother bathed after me. We never had water restriction like we do today! The old school mentality was way less wasteful, much more conservative with power, and material items! We had one car when six people lived in the house. Dad took the bus to work daily, car trips were carefully planned. Today people have five cars and can’t pay their mortgage. People run here and there with no conscience of the energy they’re snuffing out. We Baby boomers need a new core belief system; I think the up coming generation is more educated and thoughtful of the situation. We all tend to do what’s politically correct, but I can’t help but wonder if we can’t do more! Okay enough ranting! Obviously I feel more concerned now than ever before! PLEASE just rent the movie!!! It can’t help but hold your attention!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Moms White Lie!

While in her teens my mom fibbed about her age to get into hairdressing school.There she met a girl named Mary; who shared the same birthday! They became great chums. Mom feared her secret being revealed and chose not to tell anyone! Mary was excited at the thought they were born on the same exact day! Each and every year they exchanged cards and birthday wishes, still mom never divulged her true age! As the years passed, their friendship grew, but still mom didn’t have the heart to tell Mary they were not the same age. The more years that passed, the more difficult it became for mom to tell her trusted friend she had fibbed to get into the school. When Mary turned sixty five she called mom, excited about their pivotal day! Still mom couldn’t tell her she was only turning sixty four! That year, Mary conveyed all the particulars of her exciting surprise party to mom! Meanwhile, mom on the other end of the phone, feigned being sixty five with nothing spectacular to report about her pivotal Birthday! A year later mom turned sixty-five so we had a special surprise dinner for her, with friends and family. But of course she wouldn't think of telling Mary! Mom went to her grave with Mary thinking mom died at sixty seven, while the obituary listed her as sixty six! I wonder what Mary thought! Newspaper error? I wonder if Mom would have played it out the same way today? What do you think, should she have told Mary?

It would have been my Moms 81'st Birthday today! She's been gone 15 years, this picture was taken on her sixty fifth Birthday, a year before she passed! Thinking of you today mom, and understanding you more and more as each day passes! Siouxsue shares the same birthday with my mom! Happy Birthday to you too Sioux!

Last week I was very inconsistent with my blogging. This week I have lots to share. To answer
Lisa’s question, yes the new organ is in fine working order, real oak cabinet and all! What a throw away world we live in! Imagine the joy a less fortunate musician might feel to have an opportunity to own something this precious. It angers me to think it was just strewn on the side of the road in the pouring rain! At least wait for a sunny day, where you know someone will see it. I could surmise that they just tossed it out to make room for their Christmas tree. But I hate to make assumptions!

At first there was a ghost key, but once it dried out, it was fully functioning and very clean. Bryan unscrewed the back only to find only a light layer of dust which he vacuumed thoroughly, as both Pepper and I didn’t want any foreign critters roaming the house! Bryan is considerately using his head phones while practicing. Pepper has embraced the accepted the new organ. Giggling every time he mentions that he's is going to play with his organ!

Except that my dining room is shrinking because it doubles as a music room, you’d never even know we have a new organ…Yeah, okay, I am in a little bit of denial! He planned on putting it upstairs in his room, where the other organ resides. I figured he’d get more use out of it downstairs with the other instruments. Hey, I may even have a go at it myself. Hmmm......Now if I could only find my book of Christmas Carols!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sunday Scribbling "Anticipation"

This post was supposed to be written for poetry Thursday with “Street” as the prompt! With limited time during the season, I just couldn’t get it all done. Then I was planning to post on Saturday, again I got sidetracked. So here it for Sunday Scribblings suitable for the prompt of anticipation! Because damn, I have been anticipating posting this since it happened one week ago today!

Last Sunday evening on the way to pick our take out, we passed by a lone organ, covered with only a few light garbage bags. Wind and rain beating sadly down upon it! I halted the car, Bryan looked at me; silently I motioned with my eyes to check it out! He jumped out, quickly surveyed it. Then forlornly mentioned how he wished he could just plug it in and see if it worked. Together we decided if it was still there when we returned, that it was fate, and we’d find a way to get it home so he could plug it in. He promptly voluntarily assured me it would be returned to the road if it was in disrepair!

Sure enough it was still there ten minutes later. But it didn’t fit in the jeep like the last one he bought. Yes, he purchased a smaller version harmony Chord organ, at the thrift store, only a few years back. We amazingly fit it in the jeep, toting it home in the back seat while both adult children contorted in the front seat, hooked into one seat belt! The saga continues. Bryan was all for carrying the new organ six houses down the road, in the rain, with only his slippers on. Concerned about his back, I didn’t want him carrying it all that way. Mother’s determination compelled me to suggest hoisting onto my bumper instead. I backed the car up, positioned it to drive ahead, got as close as I could to the organ, all the while blocking the road completely. He lifted it single handedly onto the car; I turned the car toward the complex road, and drove down six houses, praying none of the neighbors would spot a Hammond Organ sitting on my front bumper, attached to a boy, guiding it down the road. We got to the garage; only one car drove by, thank goodness. I think I already have a reputation as being a bit of a recluse, which may have now elevated to nutcase status, like the cat lady in home number one! Who I suspect originally put the organ out to be ruined in the rain!

The garage door opened and we tried to maneuver it over the small bump, instead the organ fell off the car, Bryan skinned his knees trying to save it and my car ended up with a small chip out of the bumper. We both howled in laughter.

Meanwhile Miss Pepper was not impressed. She had been waiting at the door for us, worried that in light of my recent car troubles, we had broken down again. I felt somewhat like that of a bad child giggling at the situation. Taking on the roll as the mother, some how she was unable to see the humor, of us finding an organ on the side of the road, …..and wondered why the heck we were bringing it home. I will admit the thought crossed my mind too! No, Miss Pepper was not happy about the chip in my bumpter or that we would have to find more room in our relatively full home for another cumbersome instrument. Now we have two organs, an upright piano, and a very happy young man!

Pepper can be a real softy so I figure she just needs time to adjust to our new piece of loud sounding furniture! I have come a long way from a anal young woman in my twenties, to a “what ever” kind of eccentric Love Goddess now! I treat Bryan as though he's my own and really enjoy seeing him happy! So in the words of the Beatles, I say, "JUST LET IT BE!”

Treasure On The Road
Treasure on the road
Waiting to be had
Weathered wet and worn
Seemingly not so bad

He looked at her with surprise
Her eyes motioned an okay
He jumped quickly to the curb
To try and find a way

She opened the side door
He tried to load it in
A feat unaccomplished
Her head began to spin

She said, “Hoist to my car”
On the bumper it did sit
He held tight and walked along
Lost his slippers for a bit

As they got to the garage
Tried to drive on a bump
He lost his grip as he laughed
The organ fell with a thump

Skinned knees, still he laughed
When he turned it on to play
Elation staid the musicians heart
With the organ here to stay!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Decadent Chocolate Nutty Pie


1 CUP BROWN SUGAR ( packed)

Beat eggs until frothy add sugar and margarine. Beat until well mixed. Add chocolate chips and pecans
Stir until well mixed then turn into pie shell.
Bake in a 325 degree over for 50 minutes.
Just to let you know I made my own Oreo crust bottom, doubled the recipe and made a large pan to freeze. They turned out wonderfully. Also walnuts can be substituted. Also you could substitute your favorite chocolate, mine being (purdys) for the chocolate chips!
Here is my thought to make a very expensive dessert! Cut in wedges or squares, add a dab of vanilla ice-cream, swirl either caramel or chocolate sauce around the outside of the dessert, then top with real whip cream! Decadent treat for that special occasion!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Goddesses Christmas with Charlotte


Barb, Laura, Connie and Janice, four of us six goddesses celebrating at a restaurant, sharing great food, loads of laughter and a small gift.

For years we’ve done an ornament exchange. One of the gifts this year was a Victorian style head on a stick doll; we named her Charlotte, then proceeded to taunt and tease her like school girls. She seemed to anger, refusing to have her picture taken. Many attempts made with a digital camera ended in a ghostlike white blob on the screen. After much consoling I was able to get a few takes of her. It’s very likely I haven’t seen the last of this glass idol. Possibly the girls will elect her as an alternate Goddess for the group, or maybe even a mascot. She really is quite lovely! Charlotte was razzed quite relentlessly; her hazing process was a nice addition to the evening of frolic. I was later informed that the reflection off her glass head may have contributed to the many ghostlike photos.

Gifts were distributed randomly, each goddess received an ornament suitable to their personality and taste. The goddesses are extremely artistic women yet no one really has time to make ornaments during the busy holiday season. I may propose we do that next year. An advanced years warning should be ample time to put something together. Honing the immense power and creativity we share as a group should produce some wonderful pieces.

The phenomenal ornament I took home was met with some glorious sounds of jubilation. A jesting shoe freak goddess, asked whether they had it in her size! It was no Manolo Blahnik boot but it certainly may have been fashioned after it! Now what shall I fill it with?
Any suggestions! Lights may work….

It was a night full of Christmas spirit and good cheer, all the goddesses felt energized the following day!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Rolo Cookies 250th post!

Heat oven 375 degrees

Rolo Cookies

1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup butter (softened or melted) or marg
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 eggs
2 ½ cups all purpose flour
¾ cup unsweetened cocoa
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup chopped pecans (optional)
48 Rolo’s 5 or 6 packs

The secret to these cookies turning out well is to make sure the dough is completely chilled and stiff before wrapping the rolo!

Add sugar and melted butter in a large bowl. Beat until fluffy. Then add eggs and vanilla and blend well. In a smaller bowl add flour, cocoa and baking soda, mix well, then add to the sugar mixture and blend well. Stir in ½ cup of pecans then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate 30 min to and hour.
With a floured hand take roughly 1 tablespoon of dough and wrap it completely around one rolo. Then press one pecan onto each cookie. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for 7-10 min (until slightly cracked) cool 2 min and then remove from cookie sheet.

Pepper made Rolo Cookies yesterday! This is my 250th post, in celebration of that, and Christmas, I thought I would share my recipe with you.....It's always a hit, and theres still time left to make them for the holidays! If you have any doubts, remember I didn't get this big without a little help from my friends! Great Recipe I promise!!!

Today Pepper found the sunglass attachment to my glasses....they're magnetized and tend to cling to my keys, often getting dropped in odd spots without my knowledge. Today she found them on a chair.....they've been missing a week. Now my fridge freezer isn't working again....if it isn't one thing, it's another.....go figure! I am ecstatic about my sunglasses....as I often drive the kids....sleepy eyes hidden behind them!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sunday Scribblings " No Punishment, Just Rewards"

No Punishments, Just Rewards

Punishment for a child, was never in my plan
Correcting bad behavior, is how my parenting began
Always wanting to do right by me, she’d heed my dagger stares
As they screamed in silence…..” honey, don’t you dare”
Never seemed a consequence, she just knew I may be mad
And yet, I had this darling kid, who was never really bad
Manners in abundance, smiles were equally as many
Yelling and screaming, well,….there just wasn’t any
Politely she would ask for things, rarely I said no
Unreasonable wishes never came, she just seemed to know
This may sound like la la land, a mother in denial
But I thank the gods above; she’s never been a trial
The childhood that I led, was full of scorn and wrath
I decided long ago, my child would follow a new path
One of love with kindness, respect and understanding
My creed has never forced, a parental disbanding
All grown up, the roles reversed, still respect is present
Although at times we disagree, we treat each other pleasant
My reward for lack of discipline, may be fraught with ridicule
I used my heart and intuition, to lead life by my own rule
I had the power over her, somehow she was beguiled
Now I’ve reaped my just reward, of friendship with my child

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Tribute to Sue the Artist! Where ever you are!

This Saturday I wanted to share with you a few crafted ornaments that I have carried with me for over thirty years. These phenomenal little characters were made by a once upon a time sister- in-law. She used Hazelnuts, (the only nut I am terribly allergic to) for the heads, walnuts for the bodies. We have long divorced the brothers, and haven’t seen each other for years.

As I decorate my tree every year I think of Sue’s tenacity and patience making thousands of ornaments over the years. She painstaking spent hours painting each tiny face and hand sewing little outfits for each ornament. Making ornaments all year long, afforded her the ability to buy Christmas presents for her children. I’ve always adored these little treasures, I’m sure she’d be very surprised that I have toted them around all this time. They have become very nostalgic to me. I have no idea her married name now, but I know she is an incredible artist!

Just two years ago Pepper was working at a retail store; one of the supervisors asked her if she had a sister name Jen….(same last name). Pepper explained that she was an only child, then let it go. A few weeks later the Supervisor asked her if she had a cousin name Jen. Pepper hesitated…then replied possibly, because she only knows her as Jennifer, and hasn’t seen her for years. The supervisor insisted they have the same mannerisms, work and sound the same, with a similar look. So Pepper responded by asking if her birthday was Christmas day….sure enough it was her cousin, working only fifteen minutes away. I find it interesting that a woman who makes Christmas ornaments all year long, would have a child on Christmas day!

I got my car back, three hundred dollars later I still don’t feel confident that it works properly. So tonight I missed my cousin Kyms party, Violettes, and Heathers soiree. Sorry I missed them ladies I’m sure they were a blast. I just didn’t want to risk being stranded on a long dark road or a major bridge. Monday I shall venture out and see how it’s working. If there’s a problem I can get it to a shop easier.

Lisa’s mom had passed on the anniversary of John Lennon’s demise. We are all sad for her loss, especially at this celebratory time of year. We wish her peace and love in her sorrow. May the angels envelope her in their care.
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