Quote of The Day

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat you decide!

Happy Halloween Everyone!
Be Safe!!

I started to do a Thursday thirteen yesterday but it didn't work out! Isn't it funny how we start out on one path then we are deviated by something completely unexpected. I am amazed that I can spend so much time at home, yet it still happens to me. That's what makes life such an incredible mystery!

Watch this inspirational video, see if you have any thoughts and art to contribute! Then give it a whirl.They're still calling for submissions.

Lucy from Lulus petals honored me with this special award, Thanks Lucy

Here are the rules: Mention the blog that gave it to you and comment on their blog to let them know you have posted your award.
Publish these rules: Share 6 values that are important to you and 6 things you do not support~
Grant the prize to 6 people.

6 things I value
* Children, animals, family, friends
* Peace, freedom,education, Canadian health care
* love, generosity, kindness, thoughtfulness,
, human rights
* individuality, independence,freedom,
* spirituality, choice, passion, creativity
, emotional well being

6 Things I DO NOT support

* Racism,
violence, bullying/ mental or physical abuse of any kind
* War,

negligent individuals,pet owners, parents
* disrespect to the most vulnerable,children, animals
, elderly,needy and deprived, * Discrimination

I reread this after I posted....I didn't do the tag properly...but I like it! So I'm leaving it!

Violette at Violettes folk art
Donna at the Cookie Sunshine
Tammy Queensized funny bone
Gary Rith The potters Blog
Tammy The Daily Warrior
Tascha at Time with Tascha

This looks like a scene from Mary Poppins, reminds me of the song feed the birds. Seriously looks like a timeless photo. It was taken only a few days ago in Toronto. My daughter was floored by all the pigeons and squirrels there.

When she was little she loved squirrels and we had one we used to feed. In the last year she witnessed a lady bitten at a funeral then a few months later she was chased by one in Beacon Hill park in Victoria. Just last week she was at a family dinner with her dad and a friendly squirrel followed the cat into the living room and sat on the ottoman. Everyone sitting in shock burst into hysterical laughter. She informs me there is a park in Toronto rampant with squirrels. I'm thinking maybe she better make friends with this nemesis of hers. They don't seem to be going away!

I've been missing her terribly. Away on business, she's been working round the clock some days. Being with other people it's been difficult to have an intimate conversation. I realize if she ever moves out I will have to at least connect to her heart once in a while to stay sane! Looks like she might be trying to mail herself home! Unfortunately that's not the case!

Bryan was supposed to go with her but he couldn’t get the time off. We are enjoying each other and working on a project together. My art and his music, hopefully I’ll have a link up in the days to come.

I have been searching the net for Halloween food to make for today. Any suggestions?

This is a trick these two cakes were made in Toronto!

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Created by OnePlusYou -

Surprise surprise my blog is rated General...nice! Now anyone knowing me so many years ago would have never suspected that! I pulled two posts to get it there though! I never felt comfortable with them back in 2006, this is a good excuse to dump them! One was an email joke.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Comment for Tara

A few pink panels I created, a little different than my usual style.
Can you see them made up as throw pillows?
I don't have the fight in me that I did in my younger days. Probably because it takes energy I don't have. But I'll admit I admire those who do. I respect people with principles, I'll even agree to disagree, unless it's about the abuse of a child or animal. That's the one time I can't back down.

The other day I visited a blogger friend whose passionate about change. I started to write a comment that turned into a poem. Instead I'll post my thoughts here, and add a link here so you can read what provoked my response. Some of you may not agree with Tara's perspectives, but she always makes so much sense, and her heart is made of pure gold! Tara this is for you, sorry I didn't comment the other day when I was moved to tears! Be sure to listen to Pink's song as you read along.

You Could Have Walked Away

Tara you could have walked away

But you stood strong to your convictions

You are the heart of decency, empathy

Truth and responsibility

You could have walked away

Nestled in comfort, elevated in a new life

Instead you speak loudly for those without a voice

For those without a choice

For those with less,

You speak the mind of the fearful ones

Scared of opposing wrath

Committed to change you bravely lead the way

Educating the unaware,

Standing for the old healthy America

Other nations look to you with respect

Thank you for your voice of reason

Determination, compassion

I am proud to know a woman

Of your quality, and substance

A passionate woman

Daring to speak against opposition

Heroic enough to speak the truth

Because you could have walked away!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One single Impression " Gift"

A wonderful photo of my goddess friends who attended the
Vancouver parade of Lost Souls Saturday night!
Prompt for one single impression this week is " Gift"

A heart

gently placed on my lap


to the tune

of a newly composed



Intimate thoughts

I secure


as the

ultimate gift!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Thirty five years ago!

October 27th, 1973

What's past

Thirty five year ago today

A dream was alive

Strolling hand in hand with hope

Along a path of the unknown

Naivety lead the way

To a promising future

A forever friend by her side

With the essence of prosperity

Children, intensified love

Permeating her life

After a year, things were clear

When bellowing filled the air

She learned to submit

As she witnessed it

Doors punched with holes

Still she went on

Small flame a flicker

Never understanding

What she’d done wrong

She held steadfast to improve

With strength she forged ahead

One weighted foot after the other

Traipsing in the sludge

That was now her existence

Years past by, she’d relented

Sadness infused her reality

A baby brought reprieve

Small ray of hope revisited

A new life to anticipate

She made happiness abound

Despite the obvious dismay

Twenty three years snapped by


Lost in a mulch of misery

Numb, lonely, soul dying

She knew the end was near

Complicated logistics

Delayed conclusion

Then as quick and sinister

As a tornado

It was done

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Scribblings Crazy about me?

With Halloween a week away I thought I’d share the creative pumpkins I made in the past, along with the template to make your own!

For Sunday Scribblings this week;

I don’t like myself, I’m CRAZY ABOUT MYSELF!!! Mae West

This week: bragging. What's awesome about you? You can pick one awesome thing, or list as many as you can. Don't be shy!

It's all Crazy!

I can sing, and I can dance

But I don’t do it anymore

I can sew, crochet too

But that’s become a bore

I can roller skate, and swim,

Hit a golf ball too!

All things in my past

I no longer do

I can fix a vacuum,

Make the odd repair

Cut, and perm tresses

But I’m no longer there

I used to like to cook and clean

Now it seems mundane

Used to decorate at lengths

Now it’s just a pain

I used to love the festivals

Where crowds would congregate

Now I’m disinterested

Scrabbles now my fate

I can play piano, and bridge

That’s behind me now

All a stage I’ve enjoyed

Some may raise a brow

Am I depressed? You may ask

My times filled to the brim

I take care of the essentials

then follow a creative whim

It seems an endless cavern

With so much to explore

My extensive imagination

Who could possibly want more?

When you find your bliss, it’s all uphill from there! I am a multifaceted human being with many assets and foibles; I wanted to kibitz and jest about what I used to be. Yes I am wild about investigating my attributes, but rarely feel phased by it anymore. When I was young I tried too hard, on a quest for approval. In the end it cost me my health. Now I enjoy my contentment. It’s was a lot of wasted time and energy chasing appreciation, adoration and approval. Now I live and let live, in an atmosphere conducive to solace and creativity, with a collection of peaceful people! I’m not soliciting endorsements, so it’s rare to ponder what I like about myself…. I just am what I am! Living in the moment! So be it!! Self approval is optional!

Click image to enlarge the template. For the story how they transpired click here!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday Thirteen " In Costume"

Gypsy Goddess dressed for the polar bear swim
Sister beside her looking quite trim
Mother and daughter host a naughty party
Everyone showed up, not one lady was tardy!

Boa's galore, tried on in a store....who could resist, and opportunity like this?
Teddy bear picnic, face painted in disguise,
brought a twinkle to my little girls eye!
Oh la la la look what she wears
An outfit to garner quite a few stares!
Dressing up in a unique way
Wearing red they honor Canada Day

Halloween honey is just a teen
My little rag doll looking quite lean!
Gypsy Goddess is just on the brink
in her swim outfit she runs to the drink!
Slashed at the neck, I was the screamer you know
for a haunted house event, I did so long ago!
Babies first Halloween, make up was bold
unaware of the celebration at two years old
Now here's my pirot doll happy as can be
Thrilled with the outfit, she picked it with glee!
Clowning around for the kindergarten class
Mother and daughter built memories to last
Sweet as can be in a shiny pink wig
My little girl always trying to act big!
Parade of lost souls, two lovers attend!
Thursday thirteen, this is the end!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Three word wednesday Change

There seems to be a flow of change around me. Driving through the streets of Langley each tree seemed to beg attention. Bright red ones amongst the vibrant orange, brilliant yellow amongst the green! A wonderland of color popping out at me, like a reel from an old childhood view master. I was in awe of the day and how truly blessed we are by Mother Nature. Soon the beauty will fade. In an instant, with the wind of a storm, only barren branches will be left behind. Though they appear dead for a time, behind the dormant stage is a season of hope and abundant future potential. We only need really observe how nature works to know that hope, and possibility are always alive.

All the while I’m thinking when my daughter returns from her trip all the trees will be stripped of color. The appearances will have changed, things may be less attractive, but joy and comfort of home will welcome her. She will feel and see the beauty in that!

Right now it seems the whole world is touting doom and gloom, growing it into a disaster. But as everything changes, those trees still thrive. Maybe we are in a time of renewal. A period of rest, hibernation, reflection, a chance to seek joy and appreciation in the mundane! Maybe we need to regenerate and assess new values, reconnect with our inner spirit and humanity.

Three Word Wednesday! Ache, Difference , Suffer

The end of a cycle

In full bloom

Unaware of their splendor

Clouded with pain of change

A deep ache penetrates

The soul of each branch

Barren and alone,

They suffer the transition

Unaware of springs rejuvenation

Horrified by the conclusion

Disconnected from faith

And expectation,

With desperation and reservation

They succumb to the cold

Of winter and the inevitable

Unaware of the difference

They have made

And will make in the future.

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