Quote of The Day

Saturday, July 31, 2010

You Don't Forget

I received this oil from my babies daddy. A Christmas gift I didn’t much appreciate
In my twenties. Still it hung on the wall of my married life for twenty
three years! And the last Fourteen years in the back of a closet
now renovated. So it’s being purged. I thought my daughter may treasure the  of sentiment of it.  One  rose commemorating the single rose he’d steal from strangers gardens along his path  while we were dating.Years later we planted rose bushes along the outside of our back fence for other romantics to pinch on a whim!

You don't Forget

Four officers and a lone woman gather
In conference on the roadway
Outside our complex
It seems important
She’s wearing a heavy jacket
In the middle of summer
A large solo square mystic Topaz
Glitters on the middle finger
Of my left hand
As I grip the steering wheel
Awaiting their move
They walk slowly towards me
Staring into the car
We expect them to stop
Instead they carry on by
Across the back of
The woman’s coat
A shiver runs down
My back
As I drive off
Reminded of that
Day fourteen years ago
When my own life
Changed forever

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Digital Doodles

Dear Daughter asked me to do some new art for her mug. I find it difficult to do things on demand.   I managed to do a few quirky pictures, but the printer refused to  cooperate so it's not complete. Instead of printing the colors on the page, it was darker, and not very flattering to my images. So I think I'll have them done at staples, where I know the color is precise!
I even tried lightening the colors in hopes that would work. It did print the lighter color accurately...but I don't like the lighter colors! I can't figure it out!

I sized the top image smaller so I could continue a pattern around the mug! Here are a few more illustrations I worked on!

This One is called " Mon Amour" Unfortunately I have a new  windows paint
program  that I'm not as comfortable with. I miss my old one!

This digital one is just plain old " Quirky" and boy can I relate!
I have a couple of colorful  framed  paintings, slightly more normal 
  to share sometime this week!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Superficial Dish Post

Warning superficial post!!
Or Should I say super official Post!

Since I moved into my place twelve years ago I have been looking for a colorful set of dishes that spoke to me.  Preferably purple. After a heated search  I settled for maroon dishes.    Complimented by large forest green goblets, now very outdated!  It worked fine for the longest time. Soon after I saw a nicer set, but not the desired purple ones. I resigned myself to enjoy the dishes I had. Spicing it up with a fancy coffee mug here and there! Instead the kitchen was painted purple. I continued to search over the years for affordable nice dishes.

After eight years of wear and tear, many chipped  and  broke, so  I needed new ones. Still on a search, nothing spoke to me, again I settled. A plain black set at a discount store, very cheap! Should have known black wasn't a good idea. Soon those were so marked up from knife scratches, I couldn't get the food on the plate quick enough to cover the embarrassing ugliness. I turned the lights down low and apologized every time I had company.

I'd never owned a nice set of china like others, instead I inherited an old set off white, (my worst color) next to beige dishes with a brown dogs hare hunting, (my other worst color) and pattern. They are very old. Not one bit me, but I kept them for sentimental reasons. Used them on rare occasions. The kids dislike them even more than I do! So during the renovations we decided we should part with them. They're packed up and ready to go. I may put them on ebay or craigslist, we'll see. I'm sure someone will love them! Very sad that I don't!
In the meantime I found many other sets on sale brought them home, only to return them unused because they  didn't fit neatly in the cupboard, or the shapes and color was wrong. I was  on a google frenzy searching funky dishes, arty dishes, colorful dishes, while looking in all the department stores online. I was determined not to settle this time. But the black dishes were getting worse by the moment, and the summer sunshine was about to reveal my ugly dish dilemma.  They looked so grubby with all the scratches. Still I found nothing that struck my fancy.  I even  had Pepper on the hunt! Still nothing!!! Then  a few month back while in the discount store, Pepper spotted some that could work. I was  satisfied but  it was no love fest. We both agreed this was the best we could find for our budget. Happily I bought them....White dishes, with outline green flowers. No more   ghetto scratched dishes for me!

They are pretty cute, the mugs are a little outdated, but the flat bowls are nice for pasta, and I kept my black deep bowls for cereal! Are you still reading... I know boring...but I'm getting to the good part soon, I promise!

Then two weeks ago it happened....while shopping in costco...damn it. I still love you Costco!  Some fancy schmancy Laurie Gates dishes....NOOOOOOOOOO.....I had given my black dishes to goodwill in the boxes of my new dishes....it was way too late to return them. In the meantime I was using Peppers black music note dishes for company, which she worried would get scratched up!(The deal was if I packed up the hare hunt dishes, she would unpack her  when we live by ourselves dishes)

Laurie Gates,   is a man by the way  dishes danced in my head. Would not leave my mind. Bright flowers, melding with purple. Large mugs, so beautiful. I was in love...in fact I have a bit of a fetish about nice colored water goblets, and coffee mugs too.

It was Pepper who convinced me to get them knowing my four plus eight year search had been fruitless. After much thought, and the nudging of my daughter I did it! I purchased two sets of dishes that  I lurve lurve lurve !  When the kids go to work, I take a mug out  of the hutch, where we store the good dishes to have my coffee, and I sneak out a bowl for my morning cereal too. Just because I can! Silly but I finally have a set of dishes that expresses who I am! I've come a long way baby, from harvest gold, another of my least favorite colors, Corelle living wear, to beautiful rich Laurie Gates, which was affordable too!

I have been on a rampage to purge, and of course this test smacks me in the face. Well, I'll just have to get rid of more stuff, that's all there is to it! In the meantime, here's the dessert we enjoyed last night. I assure you it looks better than it was, I used a store bought sponge cake that was a bit dry. However the strawberries and homemade chocolate sauce were yummy, especially on my new plates! Only used for company of course! Except my SIL brought me a coffee in one this morning.....I think he  knows my secret!

What is something that you have wanted most of your life that you never got until you
were half a century old? Was it something as ridiculous as a nice set of dishes? Or is there something silly you desire that you are afraid to purchase  or do for yourself because of what others might think, or because it's superficial??? I wanna know if I am  the only dish fetish wack job! 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Scribblings " The letter P"

Todays sunday scribblings is brought to you by any letter I want!
These photos are taken and credited to my friend Richard Wiebe,
I'm always in awe of his photos!
These are recently taken of the Vancouver fireworks!
I find enjoyable visuals marry nicely with words!

The Letter P

Composed freaks gather
At the door for a smoke
Ignoring the new law
Exchanging lies
Wearing mismatched
Summer clothing
Dredged up from
Who knows where 
Begging to be laundered

A cracked out
Tiny women
Drug worn face
Pushing her bicycle
Past my car
Teeth missing
Filthy caste
On her left arm
She has that
Nobody cares look
So neither do I

Who gobbled
 Up her soul
And spit her out
To die
I wonder?

Middle aged man
With a Goodrich
Tee-shirt weaves past
I suspect he’s not good
Nor rich
 An old man
With a beige
Perched under
The seat of
His motor
Rides aggressively
Shaking his grumpy
Head at me
Because I’m
Parked in his
Normal path
Far from the smokers
Darling Daughter
Reamed him out
this week
As a pet owner,
Having no water
For his pooch
During this heat wave
was unacceptable
Especially after
he complained
his dog had sunstroke

A grubby big bellied,
Bearded man
Walks by with
A large icy coffee
Comfort for his
Lonely life
On a humid day
 Show all
A young ethnic dude
Struggles to carry
Twenty pounds
Of potatoes on
The tops of his
Outstretched arms
Depleted of strength
He stops to
catch his breath
And adjust his
Starchy load
That one had me perplexed
An influx
Of motorized chairs
Head for the mall
Some with more torque
Than others
Scouting out free
Air conditioning
Old ladies wearing
Unflattering pants
And dirty shoes
hobble behind

All I can think is

Thank-you for abundance
My kids
My friends
My car
My perfume
And cash in my purse
Because  boy it sucks
To be the letter P

Saturday, July 24, 2010

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