Quote of The Day

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sunday Scribblings "No Fix"

Sunday Scribblings this week is "Safe"
Although the word is void, that need to feel safe is present.
No Fix

To Witness the upheaval of yesterday
Tomorrow and days to come
Is difficult to endure
Her dad is leaving the country
Moving out of daily phone call
Technically crippled,
void of typing skills
Emails will be sparse
Communication rare
Abandonment feelings rampant
As he moves in and out of fatherhood
Emotionally detached
Unaware it’s affects
Her body deceives her
As she worries away the pounds
Having lost at least two sizes
Stomach pain is constant
Acid reflux refusing to abstain
She fears the ramifications of
Food and drink
Life is scary for her
The insurance policy of a parent
Only two cities away
Is expiring
Each phone call
is a predictable surprise
No words can comfort her

No one can fix her angst
Nor buy or manifest
An amiable solution
The move is getting closer
Yesterday a sty appeared
Inside her eye
Just like he used to get
Frustrated her body continues
to betray her
Just as his love has

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sunday Scribblings " Eternity"

This painting done in acrylics was a request for my daughters bathroom.
 I find it rather plain but she likes it and wanted it this way!

Sunday Scribblings prompt this week is "Eternity" oops, my bad,  I thought it was eternal, it's rare to find many things eternal these days, except maybe a mothers love. Even that's questionable in some homes!  
                                             Also done for Jingle Poetry

No rules for joy

I find joy in simple things
A morning cup of coffee
Gathering with friends
A creative surge
A moving email
A clean house
A car ride with blaring tunes
And a snowy day

I like to celebrate
A friends birthday
A paid bill
A treat in the mail
The ocean in all it’s grandeur
And a game of online scrabble

I enjoy a hot bath
low lights
 beautiful aromas
A tasty dinner
A good book or movie
A documentary
  And Surfing the web

I revel in bright colors
My children and friends
Their successes
Stimulating conversation
Jest and banter
Exuberant Words
And spiritual musings

I have eternal gratitude
For a beautiful home
Discovering my artistic side
Loving family, wise friends
Peaceful moments
A grateful child
And you!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Marimekko fabrics

Photo clip from google images

Does this awesome marimekko fabric inspire you? It certainly does me.
For more patterns check here. I love the beautiful variety of vibrant pattern and color!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunday Scribblings

Taken from google images
 Sunday Scribblings Prompt this week is " invisible"

Retro or Not?

Okay maybe I’m old. In spirit not so much! If a style comes around again, unless I loved it to begin with I really don’t want to experience it again! I loved the seventies, the peace sign hippy era and great memories of my youth! The flower power of the sixties, colors and movement you may see trickled into my art! However I am not a big fan of the retro furniture and household items like the kids are today…

Retro reminds me of an out dated grandmas house, with stinky old cigarette smoke laden walls. No matter how much you cleaned, or painted, seemingly invisible cigarette smoke embedded into everything that couldn’t be painted or wiped down. Unless of course you lived in a non smokers home and didn’t experience that. The mass majority smoked when I was a child, so it’s really surprising I had no desire to  try even one puff of a cigarette.

When I was a kid I would clean everything down to the stove element bowls. Even the drawer where residual crumbs from the breadboard ewww fell onto utensils would command my attention, but not the ashtray sitting in the middle of the table! I despised the smell of wet cigarette ashes married with water. The smell would linger on my hands for hours even after being washed. It was a pet peeve then, and still is!

My growing up years were spent sitting around a brown arborite table with rod iron legs, so when my kids wanted to buy an arborite table for our kitchen I was taken aback. My own mother hated wood tables reminding her of an old farm house in her early years. But I love them. Just last year I painted out my twenty year old raw oak dining room table black! Because we live communally I realized it wasn’t fair to infringe only my flavors into the house. Being as impartial as I could, I checked out the cute red table found at the thrift store, I could see the allure. Thankfully the arborite was faded and chipped! Even though I love our French legged freebie table that I revamped when times were tough, I’d like something rectangle, black, a bit smaller, in wood for the kitchen! With new set of chairs! Still looking… not interested in retro though!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bra for a Cause 2011

Bra for a Cause 2009 " Mountains of Courage"

Boy oh boy I am on a time crunch to find a bustier so I can get this years bra done by the Feb 1st deadline for the 2011 "Bras for a Cause" I found one like new last time. I was honoured yet very surprised when I clicked on the "Bra for a Cause" site this year to see my bra, out of many, used as the thumbnail photo for their 2011 campaign! I am on the hunt today, lets hope it doesn’t start snowing until after I get back! We had a dusting yesterday evening! I hope I don’t have to settle for a regular bra! Kind of have my heart set on a bustier again!

Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 so far

Well 2011 has been a bit of roller coaster ride of emotion. First my hot water tank died at midnight on 4th. With water gushing over the pan I had to call my plumbing  teacher friend at midnight, inquiring how to turn the water and gas off safely. His wife sweetly called in the morning to make sure we were still alive. The tank was thankfully replaced the next day by 6PM, almost seven hundred dollars later. So grateful to our dear friend for always coming through for us!

After spending almost a week trying to sort photos in some kind of organized semblance on a blog post, to find I need more photo storage. Even though its pennies to buy storage, it's the fear of losing five years of recorded poetry, art  and thoughts that's so upsetting.  Probably a needless worry. Do I buy storage and keep that going for years, or start a new blog?

This afternoon I was excited to know I won a lovely print at Tammys Studio . I love Tammy's blog, stop by and leave her a comment!  I feel there's a kindred spirit here, and love the beautiful girls she paints.

Late afternoon I called  to have the second of my five year free oil changes on my kia soul done only to find  I have to pay another eighty dollars to have tires rotated and something else done to keep up my warranty. On the fourth oil change I will need to pay 200 hundred bucks for more maintenance. NO ONE TOLD me this when I bought the car!!! I am NOT HAPPY! My trust of this company has diminished!  Still love my car, but not feeling the love with KIA....I've not finished with this issue. I'll keep you abreast of what happens! Sadly the two people I trusted at this company have left, darn it! 

I may have to change my word for 2011, after all the year usually defines the word. I just hope it's not FIGHT!!

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sunday Scribbling " A walk in the park"

Sunday Scribblings prompt this week is " A walk in the park"

I'm a very liberal mother, yet  I had strict boundaries about manners, behavior, and respect. I also expected to have a child who experimented in her teen  years. One who would constantly buck me, argue, and hate everything I said and did. Instead I was blessed with this child from outer space. One who asked my opinion, sincerely thanked me for everything from the time she could talk, and never argued with me during her teen years. It sounds to good to be true, but we had this incredible friendship from the moment she was born. I think I annoy her more now than I ever did when she was twenty and under!  It really was a walk in the park to raise this wonderful unique girl

Yesterday while out for breakfast with a friend  my daughter took the dog we're sitting out to widdle.   Bundled up in MY big black housecoat,  MY lime green crocs and her candy cane pajamas she somehow locked herself out of the house.  It was a very cold morning with snow in the forecast.   The door was jammed with some of my art canvases acting as a lock. Figuring I would be home shortly she waited patiently outdoors freezing her butt off! The first fifteen minutes she willed me to come home quickly as she waited for someone with a cell phone to pass by. No one did.   I had called several times assuming we might hook up  to  do some shopping afterwards. I figured she was probably  in the shower.  I finished a few errands after breakfast and forty minutes later, after several calls to the house and her cell, I began to think maybe she was annoyed  that I didn't invite her along to breakfast.  I considered doing a little shopping alone, but decided against it! While she  spent an hour and a half  huddled with the dog inside the housecoat,   in the  freezing cold trying to plan her next move. Knock on the door of our Ms. grumpypants neighbour was  her  very last resort!   Needless to say she was standing at the garage when I arrived home , terrified with my less than stellar hearing I'd go in the house and not hear her banging on the door to get in! She spent the whole afternoon trying to get warm while we both laughed hysterically at the comedy of errors! Because by golly that  hour and a half freezing her buns off was no walk in the park!

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Over one thousand

Blogger was wonky and my photos are everywhere on the last post!  I passed my 1000th post just before Christmas with no mention! So here we are 1008 posts in! Hard to believe I have been blogging almost five years!
I tried to download a few more photos but was informed I have exceeded my quota and must now pay a yearly fee for more photo storage. I'm not happy having my free blog held hostage!

Above is the photo of art work placed on  a wall up my stairs.  On each heart is a motto by which we all live by in this house. We are kind, loving and thoughtful to each other, sharing intimate conversation,  enjoying laughter, music and creativity.  It's because of this creed we're able to live peacefully together!

Personally I'm not fond of blogs without visuals so I'm off to buy more storage otherwise those hearts will be the last photo on this blog. Now that's a sad thought!

Friday, January 07, 2011

Brow Threading

                                  Image taken from google images
For those  blog friends who mentioned they aren't familiar with threading, this post is for you!   A week before Christmas I had  my eyebrows threaded.   It's a very simple quick procedure, where a piece of twisted cotton thread is used to remove and shape the eyebrow hair. It's no more painful than plucking and does a more finished look that lasts longer. It can cost anywhere from three to five dollars to have your eyebrows done, a few more dollars for your lip. It's usually done in a salon by ethnic stylists.  For more info on the ancient method of epilation (threading) read here .There are also Youtube videos explaining the step by step method. You can  have your eye brows dyed in these salons as well. Pepper and a few other friends have done it for years, walking in with no appointment it's done immediately. Try it if you can find a salon in your area!  I wish I'd done this years ago!

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Recap of 2010


I have been fighting with the blogger photo uploader for several days trying to post a recap of my favorite parts of 2010. Visiting these munchkins two days before the New Year brought me so much joy! Two little miracles planned, wanted, dearly loved and so much fun!!!

I was greeted with  open arms begging to be held. What a thrill
knowing she's the skeptic of the two!

Look at her, she knows a great guy  when she sees one! A man
who will one day make a phenomenal dad!


Wearing the little monkey pajamas we brought them!

Twins scheming, "you look in her purse, while I try on her shoes" So cute!!

Eventually off to dream land in a very cute room!
Their mom and dads amalgamated 40th birthday party celebrated in august! My friend Niccis 40th and Bryans eldest brothers 40th birthday.  Makes me feel old! The twins parents babysat Pepper when she was a baby!

This guy got all new industrial parts to spiffy up his jeep...which used to be mine. He loves the car as much as I did...only he has the skill to fix it when need be!
I got piles of sundries free from my coupon clipping daughter, a free pair of lenses during the 10,000 free giveaway that clearly contacts held, and free concert from my SIL, plus I won a few prizes, cuz after all I am a winner...... at least that's what I tell myself!
The cupcake tee-shirt I won for Pepper from my artist Friend Donna Gotlib!
Got new hardwood floors laid, which was like birthing a child, chaotic, messy, painful but well worth it!

Finished several pieces of art hanging in my home.

Got my eyebrows threaded for the first time.....now why the heck didn't I do this years ago!!! Silly me! Try it you'll love it!!!
The year had a few glitches but the positives outweighed the negatives!!!
 Happy New Year everyone! Let's hope I can blog more frequently now!
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