Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Past Paint Party Friday

 What do you mean you gotta go "BOO?"
Why didn't you do it before you left the house?
 About twelve years ago and long before I discovered my artist within I played a pivotal role in a haunted house. A woman having her throat slit several hundred times a night, as onlookers sauntered through. It was a school fundraiser. One of the parents loaned his home for the event, preparation took months.

Production included many volunteers to decorate, act and man the crowd during the Halloween season. It was a blast!
Interviewed for a Vancouver news cast, I was asked how it felt to scream so many times in repetition,  I told them it was extremely cathartic to scream all evening after such an ugly divorce!
Richard, who loaned his home, is known for throwing manic parties of epic proportions. I've missed several of his New Years and Halloween Parties featuring live bands in the last decade but it's not likely you'd ever forget any of his themed soirees. That Halloween turned out particularly exciting. Too bad the Slasher was married… to a woman with my same name!
True Fantasy

Jostled, and giggled,
during each scene.
A grope transpired,
a tickle, a scream.
Some of it acting,
much was not.
Crowd In progression,
mischief he sought.
He killed in succession,
within seconds she’d revive.
Arousal emerged,
she'd never been more alive

My daughter 22 years ago

The artwork here was done five years ago but I thought it might be fun to share it with my new readers!! 
Funny how much it reminds me of my niece and nephew! 
My daughters first Halloween, 24 years ago
 Daughter and Son in Law about eight years ago

My heart is in such a pensive state as I pray for those caught in the devastation of the horrible storm in the east! I've always been grateful for the everyday comforts of my home, somehow I feel even more grateful. If that's possible! Do you ever wonder what you'd take with you if you knew you'd never see your house again?

 I hope you'll be as inspired as I am by all the artists at Paint Party Friday that I feel so blessed to have found!! 


Friday, October 26, 2012

Zombie Paint Party Friday

Last week and most of the weekend  was spent furiously trying to get three photo books, sixty pages together under a groupon deadline.

 This is pretty much how I felt during the process!! It was an excellent deal I wanted a hard copy of some of my favorite art pieces and family related poetry combined in a few  albums!!
 But seriously by the end of it I was turning purple!! 

  To top it off it took forever to upload them to the company!!
I have a feeling everyone was trying to get in under the  same deadline!!

I awoke in the middle of the night in hopes of  uploading against the time difference. Thankfully I did get it loaded but it took some tenacity. 
I was a ZOMBIE by the end of it!!

And so  relieved when it was all done!!

 Anything I've put my hand to creatively this week has not come to fruition. 
Here's another snap shot of how I felt. Notice my gnarly teeth after
not much sleep and too much coffee!!

Night turned into day!!
Anyone care to take a stab at the metaphor for a cat in the ear?? 
I've heard of a bug in the ear...but a CAT???? 
 I overworked a sketchbook page so much this week that it feels likea piece of thick leather and it's still not worth showing...Can you tell I'm frustrated?

However while thumbing through my blog I found a fun piece that many of my new followers may not have read. 
 Sadly it's a true story accompanied by a digital piece (replica of me and my bro)
done a few years ago! 

 True story!!

We teased my mom about this for years after the fact. Even though she is long gone it's a memory that still holds a chuckle. Keep in mind she was a very short woman, with only a few extra pounds. Really cute, very young looking for her age and a bit aggressive. I was always taller and heavier than my mom. Most of the time I felt like a big oaf following behind her. She never ceased to embarrass me in a restaurant, this is just one of those occasions!
Feisty, five foot mom named Sue
You’d dare not do, what she told you to
 Off she’d drag us to the smörgåsbord
A day off of cooking, she implored

 Down the line we’d trail behind
For twenty bucks, four of us dined
 Filled up our plates, all you could eat
Savories, salads, delicious things sweet.

 Mom always heaped hers, just a little more
with chicken almost toppling, to the floor
We’d cringe and scowl, often protest
A covert measure we kids would detest
 She’d shush us, with a voice cautiously terse
Then proceeded to stash chicken into her purse
Embarrassed we’d shudder at this brazen act
Our mother stole chicken carefully packed

She excused it by saying it was for dad’s lunch
We’d paid for it anyway and it’s wasn’t a bunch
In eighty degree weather the chicken would ride
Nestled amongst lipsticks in her purse it would hide
 Shopping, visiting, with no one the wiser
The bacteria laden fowl, now a potential bum geyser
Hours went by with poultry out of refrigeration
Suddenly she remember her chicken with elation
 Placed into the fridge until the very next day
“Chicken Sandwiches everyone?”
We both screamed “NO WAY”!

You can check an old Halloween post  here  for the  template on how to carve these pumpkins!! Hope you have a spooktacular Halloween!!!

Check out the other zombies artists  at Paint Party Friday!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

I wonder! Paint Party Friday

 I am excited to read the  artist interview with  Aimee from Artsyville this week!! Join me in visiting her and many other interesting artists Paint Party Friday!!

Benny and the Balloon

Things I'm wondering this week!! I've always said, "Children learn what they live!" they?

Geesh, why are there so many bullies in the world? Wonder where kids learn such
disgraceful  provoking behavior? I'm sure it's not  from the fifty percent divorce rate their divorced parents who speak ever  so nicely to each other during all encounters. 

Definitely not from  watching those trashy trendy reality shows of people abusing and belittling each other.

 Certainly it's not entertainment shows where celebrities are lined up in turn,  bashed,  exploited, and humiliated  in a public forum with little no regard for the victims  (usually their children)?
Seriously baffles me why there are so many bullies!! I'm sure it's not the comedians that manage to demean even the most revered celebrity icons. Or certain musicians who use deprecating profanity and visuals in videos to express their ire?
 For sure it's not the politicians who  rip each other apart in attack ads!! No it can't be any of that! Hmm so what can it be?

It certainly can't be those Normal Rockwell  scattered mealtimes where everyone bustles in and out of the  house on their way to and from music lessons, sports practices, and volunteering dance leaving little to no daily family connection and a lot of huffing and puffing to get it all done!! 
 After all there is nothing more character building than a wonderful family evening  glued to the television , smart phone , or laptop, reading mocking emails and sharing  true feelings with acquaintances or anonymously with strangers!

I know for a fact it's not the influence of  single parents inundated with too much to do, an empty wallet, and loads of frustration doing it all alone hanging around in bars every night on the hunt for a new partner!!
Itchy Witchy
Or the single parents scheduled shifts that leave their kids all kinds of unsupervised evenings and weekends to experiment clean the house!! 

There is no way a wicked stepparent  who holds so much secret  resentment love in their hearts for the children who resemble their spouses  ex , could possibly have anything to do with children being bullies!! No I'm sure it's none of what is it I wonder?
  Where could they possibly learn such deplorable behavior...hmmm... I wonder........ 

Do you have any ideas?

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Bed Mate!

This silly mop of color done on a sketch book page inspired two 12x12  canvases below.  Here is the original with a few color edits first.   I just love this pattern but it wasn't easy to replicate.. I'm hoping to have some cards made up for my personal use!

Sadly my romantic bed mate bit the dust last week. In fact he probably choked on all the dust bunnies I saddled him with the last few years!! Both him and that room have been neglected.  Sometimes I would turn him on and just leave the room big tease that I am!! Actually I'm not as much of tease as one might think. He just can`t hold my  attention the way he used to!! Fairly fickle I find his competitor way more alluring and interesting!!  With his larger spectrum of knowledge, he keeps me occupied for hours on end!  We play games, read, communicate, and do research together!! Even though he holds my attention the most, it's actually Art I'm cheating with!!!

However I did like sleeping with my old bed mate and I hate to admit  I'd always fall back on my first love!  In fact I could  keep him turned on all night long, I have even been known to fall asleep right in the middle of a very interesting encounter! However in the end it got to the  point where each time I turned him on I had a hidden agenda, mostly it was to lull me to sleep, other times it was just  to find out the time!!! I know, I know, not the greatest argument to keep the same  bed mate for the  past sixteen years. He`s loyal, we have all the same interests, he lets me do whatever I want and no one else turns him on the way I do! A win win in my eyes!  It seems like forever that I`ve had him all to myself,  so when he died, I knew he had to be replaced!!! I knew his competitor the P.C just wouldn't be enough during those cold winter nights, so  I got a new T.V!!!

Yes folks for the last sixteen years my only bed mate has been a television, which often competes with the computer!! However they are my two best friends, and the only thing I am interested in turning on at this juncture!!

I will duplicate these canvases into cards eventually! I took a couple of quick photos  very late at night so it's not centered well enough. But I like how the edits make the wall color change. I'm excited about doing a lot more with these pieces, as well as having some prints done!!