Quote of The Day

Friday, July 27, 2012

Paint Party Friday with Good and Bad Surprises!

Check out all the creative souls at  Paint Party Friday for some yummy inspiration!!
And Illustration Friday to find more artist  illustrating this week prompt " Lonely"  
Also a first for " In the Studio" artists galore there too!!

Xen pronounced Zen original acrylic 8'x8' cradle board
I have so much to share this week!
 I only worked on three pieces but some of the color edits
 I am in love with so I have to share them!!

 For ages now I have wanted to do a tribute painting of  my friends dog who I adored. 
She passed last year after a long happy life! 
I wasn't sure when would be the right time!!
 I hesitate to give this painting to my friend just in case it makes her uncomfortable,
 or doesn't suit her style!! I still need to work on the eyes a bit more too!!

Oh my goodness I could see these edits on a large canvas.....
I love how fun the colors are!!!
However a  few things I never buy or give to others 
unless I  know their specific brand or tastes, 
is  perfume, artwork and  underwear!
 Especially if we  plan  to stay friends!!

My ex mother in law did a paint by number velvet roses for my wedding.  Expecting me to hang it over my bed!  It was  well intended, but not my taste in decor.   We put it up for a short time! Thankfully she lived on the opposite coast and didn't visit. It was unframed cloth, trendy during the seventies, so I was able to fold it up and tuck it away in case she visited!
Mother and Daughter done in my sketch book from a blotch of color. Wish this were a canvas

Can you see the  mother and daughter?
 It even reminds me of my daughter and I 
had we lived back in the depression era! 

My ex sister in law also sent a huge  piece of art one Christmas, also unframed.  I panicked when it arrived from back east! I'll let you guess the rest!!   What does one do? They  could never afford to visit, so you can guess where that one went too!!

I'm guilty of making a large crochet pillow for a friend in the seventies as a Christmas present. She gave me  a beautiful perfume. I still regret giving her that big old blue eyesore even though it was made with so much love!. I am very picky about my fragrance still she managed to find exactly what I would like. Good friends are like that they just know....but creativity should be shared with caution, so as not to put friends in a precarious position!  
Zak was also done from a bunch of splotches, his nose stuck out first!

If my  friend shows an interest in Xen the painting, it will be hers.  She'll have to tell me though because I don't want my friend burdened with having to find a place for it when it makes her feel uncomfortable or doesn't fit with her decor! Art is a very personal thing, I'm the first to admit my bright colors are not for everyone!! I respect that!!

Do you have a story about a gift that turned into a nightmare?

On a nicer note flash ahead forty years and  I received this awesome snail mail all the way from Australia this week!! From one of my favorite artist/blogger friends  Tracey Fletcher King, who is not only an amazing artist, but she writes a entertaining humorous blog and is of great inspiration to many!!  Tracey sent a  blank card that I'm probably going to frame because I love it so much, plus it goes with my decor. An  adorable post card that really represents who my daughter and I are as  homemakers was also in the envelope, and may find it's way into a frame too!  Thanks a Million Tracey I sincerely LOVE IT!! 

PS....I always try to plant some Kale in pots on my front porch during  winter, they look just like Tracey's watercolor!

Monday, July 23, 2012

I Don't want to Hear it!!

Maizy digital girl on a bike

 Please ladies I do not want to hear how you breezed through menopause!! If by chance you did, puleeese keep it to yourself, otherwise I will believe your memory has been impeded!! Those of you who say child birth  doesn’t hurt should also stay mute, thank you very much!! I will never believe you either! Especially after twenty two hours of  hell and loss of dignity!!
 If by chance you were blessed not to have had cramps during those menstrual years!! Well you can zip it too!! Because while you breezed along picking flowers, and playing tennis and doing what ever else cramp-less women do once a month, I was writhing around on floor for two decades, from age nine to twenty nine, with  not even a prescription Tylenol  that could dull the ache!

 For the record I never want to hear another woman tell a young person exercise staves off cramps either! Any of us who walked our asses off as teens, played sports, rode bikes, swam and roller skated know that’s a pile of whooie!! Five generation of women in my family suffered with cramps I dare you to call us all liars!! We know “ WHY” they call it “THE CURSE!!

 You are not superior because you didn’t have cramps or menopause!!  God just has different pain in store for you!! All women should journal through menopause so they can accurately share with their younger  meno sisters what to expect!!  Women should also write down the real age their children were potty trained. Your child was never potty trained at twelve months old, if they were then you totally forgot that you had to throw out  your pissy smelling brown stained couch!!
 Empathy people, this world needs more empathy!! For crampy gals, menopausal mamas, and young moms raising babes  still in diapers at three…for heaven sakes lets get our facts straight!! If by chance our children were potty  trained a bit early, goodie for us, if we have one less (flush or flash whatever you want to call it) than our neighbor, or don’t wake up every night at three, or have never misplaced our keys, let’s not make others feel bad when they suffer!! Let’s work together to care!! You’re not better because you breezed through menopause, you’re lucky….but don’t rub it in!!!

 If you still like me after this post, then you either had bad cramps, a crappy labor, or can't find your keys!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Paint party friday Reckless Abandon

You  can find a wonderful group of art blogs on this wonderful site!!

It's been hot and my sleep is pretty off kilter! I'm 
late for summer of color  but I finally got it done!!

Reckless Abandon
Done with red and copper acrylics

This is my final piece for Summer of Color watermelon ice-cream was the prompt!
A  big thank -you goes out to Kristin who hosted this really fun summer affair!
I met some wonderful new friends and really enjoyed all the vibrant art that came out of each  color suggestion!! Everyone was so inspirational!!

When I was at Micheal's this week scooping up some deals l waited behind a young couple at the check stand. The male pushed a large buggy, while the embarrassed mom tried to  deviated her young daughter from a trinket she spied. The little girl badgered her mom, whining and fussing, when that didn't work, she tried a fake cry  while  the mom walked ahead.... Poor mom was so frustrated and tired, I suspect it was a fairly new baby in the buggy. 

The dad had a nice nature, they tried to quietly calm their demanding daughter, hoping to tame her momentary nonsense. But the little girl only ramped it up even more! The mom bravely took a stand threatening to put back the few dollar craft items she had in her red basket! I was silently rooting the mom on. 

The four year old, (at least I suspect she was four because that's how I remember them acting, terrible)  carried on even more knowing her mom was attempting to  put the other things back, explaining it wasn't worth waiting in the long line for a few things if she continued to cry!
I shot the mom a sympathetic smile, and lightly chatted with the couple to relieve their embarrassment! I assured them we've all been through it!  Not to worry, they were doing a great job! I often see older women tsk tsking young people. It's so mean, and rude! They were attentive parents, their daughter was well kept and adorable despite her attempts to gain power over them! I believe we should support young parents, it's a  vulnerable time.

I used to threaten to embarrass my  daughter if she embarrassed me. I was a mom of my word. When she was a teen I could be known to hang my head out my jeep window singing, or yelling something crazy  on the drive to school if she got  too mouthy!  Kind of glad all those days are past!! Not sure I'd have the gumption now to be that crazy...but hey it worked!! Right cupcake?

 Molly and Polly

That's all for now folks, art on!! I'm going to try and muster up the determination of a four year old  to accomplish something really productive this week!!

I used humor to correct my child's behavior, how about you how did you or do you get positive behavior out of children?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Perception

Perceptions, we all have different ones. It's really bizarre when you dial ahead eight years to hear a person repeating their history completely different than what you observed. Is it a form of denial, or self preservation? Possibly a bit of both. 

I listened in total disbelief.  Who is that person standing before me, blathering  their story in a completely fictional way?   Shocking really. A reputable young person, voiding the life that was. 

If they were truthful they'd realize the high cost of chasing their dream. Only to find once caught, it was empty, without depth or parallel value. If they could see what I do, they'd see a darkness, laying dormant......for now!

 Desperation is an  unattractive, destructive animal! When fed with sacrifice it changes our destination, eats away at soul, and eludes personal growth.  Bobbles, trinkets, or status will never fill the emotional void it creates!

Oh there are times as an older person I wish I didn't know the things I  know. It's no wonder old ladies sit in corners completely hush! We've made our mistakes. Helped   family and friends struggle through theirs. Albeit wiser, we wear the scars of our experience with dignity knowing young people don't really want to know what we know..........................................yet!

Have you ever fooled yourself about what was? Or convinced yourself your life was one way, when it was actually another?

Friday, July 13, 2012

Paint Party Friday and Summer of Color

Paint party Friday and excellent chance to peek 
into the weekly goings on of some wonderful artists!
Gladys popped off the page after I watched a horrid interview of a mentally ill old actor  on a very popular news show! The guy yelled and swore through the whole hour! I was so frustrated by the end of it I wanted to scream! That's pretty big for peaceful me!! I kept asking myself why I couldn't turn it off since it gave me harsh anxiety while I was watching!! 
This is Rudy, at least that's who he insisted he was! 
I've never known a fat Rudy  so I didn't think it seemed fitting
I thought his name was Tubs.
He looks a little scared of Gladys eh?
So many people I know are swathed in drama this month. 
It happens to all of us at one time or  another,  fighting
through the anguish, taking  away an appreciation 
for those peaceful moments of joy!
Corbin the Zombie
 I've been walking around like a zombie since sleep seems 
to evade me during our short hot spell.  
Leaving me lots of extra creative time! Don't you find there is a place between Zombiness, and R.E.M sleep that makes you more creative?

I just love all the color edits on Joey!

 It was funny because last week I did this duck, 
who also popped off the page, 
quite grumpy I might add!  For Summer of Color!

I started to edit the duck to remove the lettering because I hate it!! 
The edited version turned out terrible!
The quote was fitting on Monday when Cupcake
put her groceries through the self scanner and it was  
talking back at her!

She said she felt like she was in a Saturday Night live skit!!
Not gunna lie, I thought she was 
going to lose it on someone!
It really was like a duck getting mad at a butterfly!!
Quite a silly scenario!

 Especially with so many people suffering!
 Last week I did this journal page! Fill your heart with kindness!
Soon after a friend asked if I had any spare clothes for a woman in need
Funny how it's hard to purge just for the sake of getting rid of it!
But  when you know you can actually help and make a difference 
it's sooooo easy! I often wonder if we get more out of giving
than the person receiving..... I think so!!

Here are the many faces of Rudy, or are they siblings?
Sorry I am so insanely addicted to the color edits!!
My post are becoming crazy long!!
 This is Brave Gladys!
Jealous Gladys
 Angry Gladys
Goth Gladys
Last but not least Crazy Gladys!!
That's all for now folks!
Have a nice weekend!
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