Quote of The Day

Friday, July 26, 2013

My First Video, 2013 Shoe Series!

Shoe Series Completed! 
Shy one shoe....;0)My very first video... 
featuring an original folk song "Iron Bird" by Beardo!
He wrote it for Cupcake when she was away in London
on business a few years ago!
Grab your tea or coffee and stay awhile! 
 Or not..... I won't be offended!

Oh my, what a week! Creative interruptions and mishaps. 
If  I didn't respond to your email last week 
I apologize I had every intention to.
 Between the hairdresser, a birthday celebration, 
 costco, shopping with my daughter 
and a few other necessary jaunts,
I was spent, and needed a few days to recover!! 

Yesterday I had a brainstorm to make a slide show of all my icads!  
 After  I moved a few things around on photobucket
 I discovered I'd became a magician...yep...all the icad shoe photos
from the  last two months of posting had disappeared...Forcing me to
dawn my puzzle masters hat to get them all back up 
 in some semblance of order on my blog!
What a feat, since foolishly I hadn't  numbered them. 
I remembered where some of them went,
 the others I just guessed. It was like playing a game  of memory!
To say I was disappointed was an understatement!! 
Especially since moments before I was feeling 
so  proud of myself for sticking with this 
challenge for two  full months!
I think I even inspired my daughter! Who has been fabric!
painting real shoes for hubby and herself  lately! 
Beardo spotted these shoes that he wanted for work, 
but didn't like the color. The price was a tenth of what
 his normal work shoes are so Cupcake offered to paint them!
This is closer to the true color! The guys at work were
so impressed with his blue shoes one of them took this photo!!
You can see the seed nut doesn't fall far from the tree!!
Last year Cupcake painted herself these teal colored sandals that 
held up beautifully!! She's wearing them this summer too! It's
 hard for her to find comfortable sandals with a soft material
 lining that can stave off moisture! So at the end of the season I
found another pair she can paint when these ones wear out!
While shopping Cupcake strutted around in marked down 
dirt cheap, very high end, comfy brown shoes 
similar to the ones above! She insisted I  visualize them 
in pink and black.So I made them an icad instead! 
I look forward to seeing them done up!

 After I got over the initial shock at how thin flimsy  the new school
 index cards were I thoroughly enjoyed creating new cards weekly!
These last few icads complete my Shoe series!
I'm sure many of you are relieved!
I'm kind of sad  and will miss them,
but have a few new things on the horizon.
I painted all my cards with acrylic paint, then
 added the quotes digitally so I could preserve the 
originals without words! 
Possibly using them later down the road.
  This challenge has really opened my spectrum.
Now  I plan to gesso and paint the back of each card,
 then adhere the quotes that way!
I'd like to redo a few that I despise too!
My daughter recommended I put my series into photo album. 
Originally I was going fix them to a binder ring
but feel hesitant to punch a hole in them....
Any suggestions of how to preserve
 and display them nicely?

Sorry, very long post with 
nothing very sage to share this week!!

Did you ever join an art challenge that took you in a new direction?? 
This is my contribution to Paint Party Friday and icad Challenge!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Shoes and More Life Questions

We all live such incredibly unique lifestyles.
What kind of environment do you need to strive?

Do you like an action packed home, 
or a relaxed one?
First and foremost I need Peace...probably why I have a metal peace sign hanging from my car mirror and  in  few discreet spots in my home. I have ornaments for my Christmas tree and a revered piece of blingy jewelry shaped into a peace sign.   If you've ever lived in a home that was fraught with arguments, and grumpy frustrated over worked people craving a cocktail then you will understand the exhale factor when life is filled with peace, compassion and laughter!!

 What is your most comfortable situation to 
develop your talent in?
You won't find me creating in a plein air group. I just don't enjoy painting with others present, even though it can be so much fun! I have yet to produce anything I was satisfied with. I tend to need complete alone time in the quiet of night with the lull of television (mostly informative shows) or music in the background.

There has never been a more accurate quote to describe how I found true happiness. I love creating things.  It's what got me through loads of grief, my childhood, and divorce! It fills me up to produce something useful, meaningful or fun! Years ago it was sewing, painting furniture, changing decor and cooking,  now it's art and writing.
 What are your goals and dreams?
The most surprising thing about life is discovering who you really 
are late in life, then realizing  you still have dreams worth pursuing! 
Dreams different than you ever could have imagined
when you were young!!

What is something you changed your mind 
about that took you by surprise?
I have prided myself on changing my mind many many times over the years!
That's why I like to surround myself with people who are strong in their convictions with often differing opinions. It introducing me to different perspectives!

I had tunnel vision about men and often lumped them all in the same category. My wonderful son-in-law has really helped me to realize there are amazing, kind, special men out there who are so undervalued!! Thanks buddy for changing my mind!
 What was the biggest sudden change
 that threw you into the worst pain of your life?
I have been through so much loss in my life, but an unexpected rift in two very important relationships several years ago are what produced drastic changes for the better!!
So sometimes, after the pain comes great reward!

 What is one of the most memorable 
lessons you have learned?

I have learned that I am stronger than I thought and that faith and courage can get you through the toughest situations! No matter how hard life gets, and trust me there can be really rough spots, there will always be better times, better situations, and better people to help you through it all!!

I had a struggle with sage and sepia
 for this weeks Summer of color.
We just have no chemistry. 
Plus they're always hanging out with 
my nemesis's  beige, taupe and brown,
who seems to loiter  in kitchens and powder rooms!!
 I find them boring wall flowers! Not in  a good way either! 
They haven't much to say, and no sense of whimsy.
In fact they look rather dull beside all the other colors.  
They seem grubby too. As though my favorite green 
decided to roll  around in dirt then   thought it 
wise to  change his name to sage!   
  I can't be sure, but I suspect they don't even 
 wear deodorant! Just sayin...
"They're no my favorites"...( said with an Austin Powers accent)
All kidding aside...hope you all have a great weekend!

   This is my contribution to Paint Party Friday, SOC, and Icad where you can find many talented artists!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Shoes and Questions for Paint Party friday!

So funny how blogging is! This post took on a life of it's own
bringing about many questions and memories!
This is my contribution to Summer of color week four red and yellow, ICAD
and Paint Party Friday all amazing blogs to visit!

Are you someone who needs or wants to be noticed?
Do you think it's important to be noticed?
I once had a friend who was so meek, no matter where we went
they always forgot to serve her coffee or take her  food order!
Since she's gone through menopause she's less tolerant
and  found her voice!

What do you focus on?
 I have always focused on my immediate family even when I worked full time
they were always my priority.  When times were tough I took solace in their support.
 In turn I have been paid back ten fold with a really loving close knit  family!
Now I focus on art too!!

Do you celebrate your creativity by making fancy cakes,
dressing funky, decorating your house with color,
 putting on the Ritz for special occasions?
I used to have pink seat covers in my jeep, and several bumper stickers! The only ones I remember are  "Princess" for my daughters side and "Goddess" for my side, plus"Mean People Suck" and " Mean people breed little mean people"along with a license plate holder that said " Love Goddess"  
The best part was watching in my rear view mirror as people discussed or chuckled at my window stickers! Now that I create art I no longer have any bumper stickers!
Do you know your worth, to your family, your friends, your community, your blog buddies?

My friend told me that her daughter, a single mom of two children had taken a poem off my blog,  printed it out and framed it. Each day she'd read it to  get through the tough times!  I'd have never known had my friend not told me!
I was honored!

Are you Happy?
My friends baby died six  years ago, 
I was so upset that I had no way to help her.
Her younger friends busied with organizing the funeral
and family watched her disabled son. 
 I wrote  a poem in a blog post to honor my friends child. 
When I arrived at the funeral 
everyone in attendance was handed a leaflet.
 I read the leaflet shocked to see only my poems  
with the photo I had posted to my blog. 
Beardo looked over at me, tears streaming down my face
 and said,"Well, you wanted to help, looks like you did!"

To read an abridged version of their beautiful story of joy after grief go here!
Are you able to show your true self to the world?
I’ve  never fit in my  family
With my quirky little style
Colorful, brass and brazen
I stayed just a little while

I must have been an Indy kid
Back in the hippy day
Swimming tumultuous waves at home
Just to find my way

Different clothes, shoes and tastes
A philanthropist at best
Misunderstood by many
Neutral with all the rest

Life took a glorious twist
I found my own tribe
People who could appreciated
My unusual vibe

My parents died not knowing
The artist trapped inside
Creating funny  characters  
With a monumental pride

Often an embarrassment
Not willing to conform
Wearing Christmas lights at a dance,    
deflecting  the norm

Weird is wonderful I say
Not boring or contrite
It’s the act of artistry
It makes the colors bright!!!

Written by Happy tiler 2009

Do you ever feel like a weirdo?
  When I was eight months pregnant I went to a little restaurant across the line.  Of course pregnant ladies always have to pee. When I returned from the  bathroom my husband asked, "whatcha got there?" I turned around to see a trail of toilet paper leading from the rear waist of my pants all the way down the isle around the corner to the bathroom..Unbeknownst to me, my inner weirdo came  out to play without my permission!  I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants!!
Are you a homebody? Do you love your home?
 With an recent  train derailment explosion that took out most of a town in Quebec and the  floods in two major cities in Canada rendering people homeless, we have been so in love with our home which isn't always perfect, but it's perfect for us!

Over half of my index cards done for the month of June!
  Many people needing love and comfort this week, 
just know I  am thinking of you and sending you love and light!

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Shoes and Shite

This is  a continuations of my icad shoe series and Summer of Color  week four  is pink and Charcoal grey! I'm including this in Paint Party Friday as well!! Happy Fourth of July to my American friends, wishing you  a safe and fun filled Celebration!!
When cupcake was little her dad took her out to buy me a Christmas present. She  found me some really nice pink panther slippers knowing how much I loved the character. The bottom wore out so I had a shoe maker put a leather sole on them. I got several more years out of them until my puppy chewed the ear off!! Years later for  my fiftieth birthday my daughter bought me a new pair of pink panther slippers, they weren't as durable as the first pair , but they sure brought a huge smile to my face!! I still wear them when I sit at my computer desk!

My mom was a hairdresser for 43 years, she had a shop in the basement of our home! In the seventies everyone looked like the stepford wives with the same brillo pad wash and wear perms. When my brother was eight he got into a fight while mom was working.

During the kerfuffle Dyno D was pushed onto a juniper bush where all the neighborhood dogs defecated. Soon he bolted into  moms salon with a head  full of doggie do-do crying that he had poop in his hair. Mom’s customers were aghast, they started gagging, and so did she. Mom pulled what she could out by hand then put him in the sink to be washed…..but ewwwww it was disgusting!!!!

We laughed for years about old poop head! I managed to remind him of the event at his wedding and it garnered a crowd of laughter. Especially since he's such a clean freak, known to have five or more showers a day! He laughed pretty hard too! That was the one time stepping in the dog dung would have been  a better alternative!
My daughter was in high school when I wrote a letter of praise to one of her teachers.  He called for permission to present it to the education board in support of his unconventional English program threatened by a group of disgruntled conventional English teachers. 
The next year, unbeknownst to me  my daughter landed in one of the angry teachers classes. I never understood why the teacher constantly made snide comments to Cupcake for no good reason. My girl, on the honor roll was now getting below her deserved grade. So she asked for direction from a trusted teacher who willingly guided her. Still she was under valued. 
So we tested the teacher, having two different qualified people do separate assignments. She got the same results. Cupcake said nothing but  ambled through the rest of the semester dedicated to her studies.  It was pointless to address the  teacher, we knew  cupcake could do nothing to  improve her grade!

During grad ceremonies, an extremely hot evening Cupcake wore a short skirt under her  grad gown, along with very high heels. The plump  English teacher in charge of the grad line looked at her and said," I hope you trip!" Stunned, my daughter was glad she was finished with the nasty spinster! Thankfully she didn't trip!
I was completely perplexed why she was adored by every other teacher,  and niggled by one. It would be years before I realized my  detailed letter  of praise for one teacher  had brought the wrath upon my daughter....My child had been caught in the labyrinth of educational politics!! It was quite the lesson.

Have you ever taken years to get answers for something that had you totally perplexed?

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