Quote of The Day

Thursday, February 27, 2014

29 faces of February, Paint Party Friday

# 17 My attempt at Frida Kahlo
Last Sunday our family was up at four thirty in the morning to watch our Canadian boys play Olympic hockey! It was so worth the getting up for! They won gold! To celebrate, my adult children built a patriotic snowman named Pete! I couldn't resist painting him for Lynns new blog, and to commemorate the rare snowfall last  weekend! I'd have preferred black eyes but he's not my snowman!!
#18 Pete the Snowman
Once a week we like to get a burger at our favorite haunt.  Pretty sure they call us the pickle people since we always get two pickles on all the burgers. Even though it's rarely busy sometimes it's a rigamarole to request no mayo for  Cupcake  who has an egg allergy.  Every so often we get someone who rambles so quickly through the order trying to be so efficient we just know it's going to be wrong! Even if we ask them to repeat it back.  I half expect them to  shoot the burgers  into our car to complete the order quicker. 

#19 Nola
It's  humiliating to  ask to have it redone, hoping they don't spit on it the next go round!! I am always as polite as can be. I just  wish people could connect at a more sincere level. So many corporations big and small push their employees so hard to be quick. The world is in such a hurry. Everyone wants a big bang for their buck without truly connecting to humans beings. I'm a regular, I don't want to pull ahead and wait beyond a window when no one is behind me just so I'm not sitting on their timer. Or have them apologize for the wait when it truly didn't take very long.

#20 Elma
I  feel for people always in a rush, hurrying to this and that. So many beautiful things are missed during that rush. I appreciate people being efficient but that's a lot different than being rushed! 

 Cardamon #21
Are you a person who is rushing through life disconnected, scavenging for free time to create?

#22  Jo
Or are you an efficient person who connects with others in a sincere way,
making time to create?

#23 Catalina
Or do you leave behind all the daily minutia 
so you can live the creative life?

Jen #24

 Savi #25
 These are my faces so far for 29 faces of February.....

#26 Ruth done in colors I rarely use and don't like.

 #27 Mister also a one line digital drawing!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Be YOU! Paint Party Friday

Note books and a quote book I had made up by Vista print..  The color turned out fabulous!

#12.#13#14#15 for 29 faces of February

Over the years I have watched certain  bloggers emulate those they envied or admired!  It was much more blatant than they probably realized....all the while they were extremely talented with their own style. Somehow they felt the need to take on a part of another bloggers persona. I find that so sad... I myself have taken a few online classes and find  it could be very easy to imitate characters similar to those I have been taught by. However I am so cautious about letting that happen, still at times it slips past my radar too!  Without ill intention of course! I always revert back to my love of color, black lines and quirky digital characters! That's who I am!
Mugs and a mouse pad made up with my art! Looks much better in person!

#16 A card I made for gypsy goddess also better in person...I didn't get a good photo!
A good teacher explains their process  encouraging you to add your own voice to the work. Teachers who advocate finding your own style with the  influence of their process produce the most exciting results from their students! I love watching artists evolve with that kind of direction!!  Sadly a few admired bloggers are often copied. Once a blogger starts emulating another successful blogger diverting from  their own style or voice they usually lose me! I love visiting blogs that are authentic and unique with the artists soul splashed across the page!
I painted Lynns shoe  a while back and added her quote to it for my personal quote book....

My post was long last week, many may have missed Will Terrels video link. He is such a generous teacher you can watch his videos and hear his sage teachings free. Even though he is a cartoonist his words apply to all artists. I dare you not to learn something invaluable in those videos. I know I have!
There was a half price sale so I made up 40 pages of my shoes accompanied with favorite quotes including a few of my own!
Being yourself is always so important. I hear so many musicians and  artist underestimate their talent. I know I need more practice myself...but as years go on I learn more, picking up tips along the way from other bloggers.  Sometimes I'm horrified by what I produce...still I plug away hoping to get better! Consider your talent part of your soul, no two matching we all have something unique and different to share! That's is why I love Paint Party Friday so much....because there are so many different levels and styles of art that make my heart sing every single week!! 

I don't think it can be said enough, we are all born with a gift....all of us...whether it's comforting others, teaching, doctoring, defending or creating....what ever it is probably started to be noticeable at eight years old, some even younger..however we may have dismissed it, forgot about it, let it go feeling it was irrelevant... but truly it's who we have always been. I've loved to write as long as I can remember. I had pen pals, I wrote poetry as a little girl, coloring and reading was my favorite pastime!! I was always creating something.... How about you? What were some of the things you did as a child that you totally dismissed as irrelevant? What is something you passionately did as a child but thought it meant nothing...still you loved it?

Remember a copy is never worth as much as the original!  Always be yourself!
It's never too late to find your own voice!
I was very happy at how my vista print items turned out! The color is vibrant and accurate and the pages were a very good quality!  

     I can't tell you what a thrill it is to see my art on certain items!
Give it a shot if you haven't already done so....     

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day! Paint Party Friday

Finding Joy in small things.....that's me to a tee!

Except I said to the kids for Valentines day I want a million dollars 
and a coat of polish on my chipped toe nails!! Silly me! 
I was half joking.... half not...... 
Pet Peeve = Chipped nails

Valentines day is a wonderful day to commemorate love! Even though I'm  beau-less now, I sometimes celebrate  by making a special meal, going to dinner with a friend, creating  a special blog post or just buying myself a bauble or two. A few days ago I  indulged Vista print during their 50 percent off sale  to celebrate my Art.......so five days  after Valentines day I can be satisfied I will be doing a happy dance as 
I open my vista print box full of goodies!

I love anything heart shaped! I've baked so many heart shaped cakes in my day that I  wore out my heart shaped cake pan. For my sixteenth birthday I got a little heart locket that I wore for years. Later I upgraded to a bigger one.  To this day I  still seek out  jewelry with  a heart themes,  as does Cupcake.  

 So it's not surprising Cupcake is celebrating her sixth wedding anniversary on Valentines day!!  Outside of  a haircut  for Beardo and lunch later they have no plans of spending money frivolously just because it's Valentines day or their Anniversary. Instead they frugally decide as a team what they will buy whether it's a music concert down the road or a planned vacation! This little  duo is so wonderfully practical and refuse to play into the hoopla or commercialism of the day! It doesn't mean they don't LOVE Valentines day! I even heard a  little birdy might be making a nice barbeque to celebrate heart day! (We bbq in any kind of weather.)
 I truly find joy in simple things, and if I have given my daughter one gift in life it's to value a buck, and take pleasure in simple moments. I'm proud to see she doesn't  need  a specific day that everyone in the free world celebrates with overpriced flowers to feel valued or loved!  Instead she appreciates the many everyday things her man does for her. I think that's so wonderful! However.....
My argument is that many of the old school partners of my day would leave the bulk of responsibilities on the woman, so on the 14th it was the one day a year for a man to redeem himself by recognizing his partner with flowers and gifts!
How about you, do you feel a deep connection to Valentines day? Are you able to enjoy it for what it is with little to no fuss, or do you need to be acknowledged and celebrated on that one day?
I have done so many more faces for 29 faces of February challenge, but I seem to be having issues with my image host. So I'll save that for another day!

Spoonflower has postponed their free swatch day until they dig out from their snow storm, so keep your eyes peeled for this very cool opportunity to see what your art might look like on a swatch of material....all for free!!!

Also I am totally addicted to Will Terrells instructional youtube videos....They are cute, fun fascinatingly  informative! You won't be disappointed by what this artist has to share! Especially about finding your own style...he is very generous! Enjoy the video and  a few hearts of the sugary persuasion with a dash of cyber love from me this Valentines Day!!

 Happy Anniversary to my dear kids who really do marriage well!! Congratulations on your 6th year married and 12 years together!!! Love you loads! Many more happy years  of love to you!!

Friday, February 07, 2014

My Normal Now Paint Party Friday

Original digital " On the Bus" 29 faces of February
Recently I've spent  a lot of time in the car waiting!  I don't mind because I really enjoy people watching!
It's great fodder for cartooning.
Original  digital before color changes! #2,#3,#4,#5 of 29 faces
Digital characters are probably one
of my very favorite things to create!
Especially quirky ones!
Sometimes certain color edits turn out really ugly.....
 As quirky as people are, everyone seems to have
 their own sense of normal! What's customary in my life
 now is nothing like my childhood or early adult life!
Unfavorable color edits all!!!.....
 My parents drank and smoked, with that came a lifestyle
of weekend parties, card games, and loud arguments! 
All in a perfectly normal way!
Or so I thought until I  married and created 
my own lifestyle!
Doesn't matter how you look at it certain styles are just plain ugly!
At first  my normal consisted of a lot of budgeting, 
tv watching, delayed gratification and very little socialization.
  Creativity was always peppered into my days, 
with sewing, crocheting, playing piano, 
decorating or cooking! I was pretty contented with that!
As more money became available, different 
possibilities arose! I enjoyed  wild times partying,
 dancing, concerts, I dabbled in many great activities too!
 It was  fun for a time! 
Until I became a mother.
The new normal was a life rich with good food, 
good friends! Playing card games, and scrabble.
Days at the beach in summer, the rec center in the winter,
 attending any available child friendly event.  I had so much
 fun with my daughter and our friends! It was a very social time! 
We had many intimate dinners at home with different family friends,
 often ended in family sleepovers and a big breakfasts
the next morning!

A few years after my parents passed I became single mother.
Adapting again to a new normal. 
A quiet, simple normal of my choosing!
 The tables had turned, now everyone I knew had more money 
and adventure than me. With faith at my side,
 I quickly adapted to living more simply!
I socialized but it was very different. A little less elaborate!

This last decade I have lived a creative life! 
Surrounding myself in color, whimsy, and happy  people!
Allowing myself  a messy art corner that can
be quickly hidden away! I like my peaceful normal!
Many could possibly be bored with my lifestyle.
However I am not! 
Each color change exudes a new persona!
We are all programmed to our own normal, but
until we are conditioned to certain forced changes
it can feel so strangely unfamiliar!
Like it or not, eventually we adapt !
Sometimes compensating for the voids!
How does your normal look compared  to others?
 Are you quirky, adventurous, socially busy, happy, unhappy? 
If you could change one thing to create a new normal
 what would it be?  Do you have any voids?
 If so, how do you compensate for them?

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Happy 28th Birthday Cupcake!!

I love you because you are
a grateful woman who works hard,
and loves deeply your dear husband 
his huge Christian family
my friends and me!
I love you because 
you have such a generous nature.
 Sharing your coupon knowledge, charity items, 
your good sense, your wonderful baking 
with the world, for no particular reason! 
I love you because you  
care deeply about humanity,  speaking to 
and for those less fortunate, 
discovering their stories 
and reserving judgement!

 I love you because you are positive
 loyal, kind, patient  and thoughtful 
to me, and others!
 I love you because 
you are independent, love board 
and video games, trolls, cards, dogs
 traveling and shoes!
I love you because you love black
 and red as much as me, if not more!
Enjoy our bright funky surroundings,
and know how to have fun on the cheap!
I admire you because you love so many genres of music,
 have such an enormous music knowledge, 
knowing  the lyrics to more 
songs from my youth, than I do!

 I admire you because you are patriotic, 
get excited about a hard downpour of rain,
 a good concert, a day at the beach, a 
car show and SNOW!  
I admire you because you aren't like me,
you talk comfortably to everyone,
enjoy traveling, ask for deals, 
get many things free,
prefer fun childlike characters on
your Christmas tree,
old teacups, hard candy
and carry a million useful things in your purse!

I admire  you because 
  you love Vegas for the fun, 
the glitz, glamour, 
concerts and  shopping
 more than the booze and gambling!
 I'm proud of you because you know how to have fun
by being silly, enjoying the moment, dressing up,
being witty, playing games, or cooking!
  I'm proud of you because you enjoy simple moments,
have consistently recorded  family events with
thousands of photos even though 
you don't own a high end camera!
I love  you because you are peaceful,
frugal, respectful of money and others!
 Helpful to your in-laws and me all the time!
I admire you because you're smart, 
great with numbers, 
brave, spiritual, don't succumb to 
instant gratification, or peer pressure,
 don't need praise, are a wonderful cook,
 creative, goal oriented and will backpack
to attend a festival!
But most of all I love you because you are You!
My amazing special daughter who is such a good soul,
and my best friend! Have an a phenomenal year  Cupcake, 
you deserve the BEST life
has to offer! Thank you for all you've taught me!!
I feel extremely blessed!!
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