Quote of The Day

Thursday, May 26, 2016

60 Things I know at Sixty!

Saturday is my sixtieth Birthday. This year I have asked not 
to celebrate! I felt the same at thirty. I would like this day to 
smoothy ride by without fuss! My choice. I've heard from 
 another friend it's quite common. I have a few lunch dates set
 up with individual friends here and there over the next few
 weeks!  Other than that....easy does it for me!!

   My mother would be horrified at how long my hair is at sixty.
 As a hairdresser she always said women should never
 have long hair past fourty!  I wear it up most days because it's 
easier. It's straight, thick and coloured...good enough! She'd be 
even  more horrified if she knew I secretly would love dreadlocks,
 except I am afraid they will be too heavy and hard to colour!
So I will settle for long, thick, straight and dyed!
 For now!
I'm sixty I can do what I want .....right?    
I love Kallees coat and wish there were coats like this in my size...
 I was pretty surprised at how fast I created this list of sixty things
I've learned over the years! I'm sure there could be a long post
with each lesson learned ...but I'll spare you!  
I'd wear Hopes Jacket...but orange is not a colour I can wear!

 1) It’s not always important to be right, time proves who’s right
2)  Enjoy every god given moment with your children
3)  Be generous, often 
4)  Make time for your Children,
5)  Find, and make time for your passion…schedule the time if need be
6)  Only answer the door if you want to
7) Guard your alone time…it’s as precious as gold
8) Buy yourself flowers when no one else does! You’re so worth it!
9) Do what makes you happy 
10) Ask yourself what truly makes you happy
Janelle original
 11) Simplify your life sooner than later
12) Find joy in small simple everyday moments
13) Don’t over indulge…..enjoy smaller portions
14) Ask yourself why you are doing anything you do
15) Know your children are here to teach you more than you will ever teach them
16) Have eye contact with babies all the way up to adulthood
17) Listen to what is being said between the lines
18) Practice delayed gratification
19) Save for things you want
20) Always find the best prices for everything

21) Pay your mortgage or rent first
22) Never buy, or settle for a place with things you don’t like,

 it always gets worse with time
23) Stay away from bad energy at all costs
24) Stave off the energy vampires and their drama
25) Be very selective of your friends

I could wear this jacket if it was a little longer...swoon!
26) Teach your children to enjoy things that don’t cost money
27) Play games with your children, 

teach them to win and lose graciously
28) Read and learn daily until you can't!
29) Be a person that can have a meaty flexible conversation
30) Don’t worry what others say about you, it’s none of your business
Faunty original!
31) Love what you love with conviction and without apology
32) Stop feeling guilty about everything, it’s wasted energy
33) Do good things all the time
34) Be thoughtful and kind whenever possible,
35) Never raise your voice unless there is danger.

Why don't they make coats like this for older women...darn it!! This is so me!!
36) Be very careful who you trust with your children
37) You never truly know the extent of a persons sexual desire, be wary of that
38) Laugh lots daily,
Laugh at yourself, especially when you're older 
40) Stay current, know what’s happening, it will keep you young
41) Enjoy young people, try to learn new things from them
42) The older I get, the less I know
43) Don’t waste food, use it wisely
44) Know that youth is beautiful, worry less how you look
45) Find your very own style, rather than a trend

46) Go by taste, rather than price when it comes to wine and other things
47) Always have a stash of back up money in your wallet for emergencies only
48) Never lend your car or your spouse
49) Value everything you have with love and gratitude daily, 

especially children and partners
50)  Do something thoughtful and nice every single day for those you live with

51) Know some arguments aren’t worth it, walk away 
52) Keep those at bay that make you feel bad about yourself
53) Don’t always give a reason why you do things….it’s no ones business
54) Buy yourself time before accepting invitations… so you don’t have to renege
55) Inform young children what’s happening in the moment, in case of cancellations! 

56) What you put out into the world comes back to you...sometimes ten fold!
57) Life is a roller coaster with so many ups and downs, enjoy each moment you can
58) Learn to love solitude, focus on good, prepare for complications, but don't expect them
59) Listen for whispers of intuition
60) Create a lifestyle you love, even if others disapprove
And a few more for good measure!!

Do for others without expecting a return!
Help others but not at the expense of your family
Change the timbre in your voice to command respect
When in doubt question those in authority
Don’t make your children mother deaf by nattering
Never assume you know a persons life
Judge less, love more

 I'd like to thank you all for your love and friendship 
reading my often wordy posts!  I feel so blessed 
getting to know so many amazing kind
 loving people through PPF... You all inspire me 
one way or another! You're one of my favourite
things  about being sixty! 
What's one your favourite thing about being your age?

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sometimes I feel like a Nut!

It doesn't often show up on my blog posts  that I am a bit of a nut at times!! I answer the phone  Hellur like Medea in Tyler Perry movies. When Beardo arrives home he usually chimes hello in his sing song voice! While I can be known to answer back with a  ," Hellur, Wiggle wiggle wiggle!!! " 
It's said that a dog greets you with unconditional love. They usually jump up and wiggle their bums at door on your arrival! We no longer have a dog so I try my best to welcome the kids with love and humour. Since my bad hip doesn't allow  me to physically  wiggle  in jest, as a homage of love. I call it out instead! It's bad enough both kids are  exposed to the  wiggles and jiggles beyond my control as I hobble around! It would be highly inappropriate to do it on purpose, especially at my size!

My   Hellur with a  wiggle wiggle wiggle usually garners a smile, or chuckle. They both know my quirky comments are all gestures of love!!  After all home should always be your soft place to fall! 
I am considering buying a remote control dog with a wiggly bum  that will run to the door to greet the them with love!  Who wouldn't want to come home to  a little fake dog wigging it's bum!  For now a real dog is out of the question!
Beardo teases  me too of course! Which I love. Especially when I make what he calls "dad jokes" or when I make " "Dad sounds"  you know when the balsamic vinegar dressing tickles your throat to the point of coughing. I know my friend Dreamer understands this one since she's had a family member tease her about a tickle induced coughing fit!

Age often brings on inappropriate nonnegotiable sounds. That and beans!  It really is a time when you need a dog to blame!  What is with those different sounds of aging  anyway? Of course I'm sure many of you don't have them, or you just don't live with a peanut gallery who points them out! I especially love it when Cupcake teases me, and I can all but hear Beardo say, uh huh while he nods in agreement! I am so glad I can laugh at myself with my kids!!

This is such a fun video with advice we could all use! I love this Character and how Tyler Perry portrays her!

What quirky things besides putting the word "the" in front of every building you speak about do you do that you never did when you were young?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Move over!

I tend to read too much non fiction online and 
sometimes it gets me so fired up! 
Warning.... a bit of a rant ahead....along
with a little mumbo jumbo....not the most 
creative week for me! 
I am so tired of watching old men out of touch with  reality the new millennium, not passing the torch. I'm speaking of successful men in their mid to late seventies. If you are current, up to date, with the program, have  an open mind,  and aren't still living with a fifties mentality, then power to you! Otherwise....pass the darn torch!
Grumpy original
Sadly hard copy newspapers are becoming a thing of the past that won't be resurrected by government funding no matter how hard a conservative seventy seven year old man attempts to plead his case! Besides by the time news hits the stands it's outdated!! You are not going to be able to continue to edit the voices of women or certain political parties any longer either. It will come through loud and clear in other forms of social media, thank goodness!!
I stole a character from this digital card for the one below! It's fun to reuse my crazy characters!
I feel rather rantish today. I am an older woman who doesn't profess to know it all. I try to stay current but I certainly could be more up to date. I know life is faster, with a larger spectrum of information, and a wider range of views. So why do I keep hearing the voices of these old men come up in my feeds, on news programs and as trolls in internet comments!
I shrunk this guy down and turned him around for the card below!
"NOT A REAL ARTIST,"  an art curator (again an old man) called a  nurse. The self taught  artist used a  middle aged mans artwork as a reference, interpreting it in her own style.   She will probably hear that and feel quite disillusioned, when  (her art was lovely). No, she shouldn't have used another artists work as a  reference but sometimes self taught artists just don't know where to start! Yet on the next page I see a twelve year  old copy  Vincent van Goghs Starry night  on her brothers bedroom wall  and have it go viral! With blessings!
One new character and two old characters used to make this new digital card!
The world is intersected with images people share and use without our knowledge and  it's going to be  really hard to reel that in. There  is enough room for several  interpretations of the same thing....if you don't believe me  check out Draw Tommy Kane site on tumblr. Not one style is the same!! I love it! If only I was brave enough to try to draw Tommy!
In a creative lull so I posted this old digital!

Although I feel frustrated when I see one blog artist  way too similar to a licensed artist flogging very similar images as their own. It's few and far between, but understandably happens. Since many artists teach how to create their own characters verbatim. I have taken a few of those classes and worried about being too similar! Perhaps focusing on technique with a suggestion of maintaining your own style or version of that technique instead, is better!  I know a few artists who have done that with great results...they make great teachers too!! There are enough different tastes and styles for many artists to be recognized and uniquely enjoyed everywhere!
An old digital as a filler for the lull in my creativity!
We're living in a rebirth of new information, it's the pioneer stages so things aren't  perfect. However there are wonderful new things abounding that we can all embrace and enjoy! Find our own unique path, support each other and relish our own style.  

It's not the nineteen hundreds, "I am still sick of old men trying to run the world they have already messed up.  So move over Mr. Outdated ideology  make room for  others  to have a kick at the can! Time to try things a new way!

What has been frustrating you lately?

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Happy Mothers Day

Fun Mom
Being A Mom
I didn't know  love, until my child was born
that unconditional feeling, vulnerably worn
Holding next to my heart, every blink and squeak
the biggest proponent to making me weak
Church Lady
A love so distinct it can't be described
A feeling unknown until  it  arrived
It's a yank and a tug, a tear and a smile
as my heart did a jig that first little while
Elly the Exerciser
Chest pounding with pride, my baby in tow
  elevated elation where ever I go
Excited each morning for that first bill and coo
Propelled by the love, it invades all I do
Garden Mom
 As years went  by I found  joy in each stage
with new experiences on each turning page
Many things  she taught me, all quite profound
Even as an adult she continues to  astound
Tina the Teacher
The love for my child trumps all things
the sound of her laughter heals all stings 
Her chosen partner is my child now too 
For him there is nothing I wouldn't do!
Mothering may be difficult, eating all your time
The continuing reward is beyond sublime
 the friendship, the honour, the love I've received
Was nothing I could have  possibly ever  conceived!
I'd like to wish all who celebrate Mothers Day
this Sunday a Very Happy day doing 
what you love!
Whether you have fur babies, relatives you
care for, or even elderly parents you love 
dearly.  A Mothering  nature is a gift to 
the world! You should celebrate!
I was a Mother Spirit long before I had my child!
 My daughter is the same! Every single day I
am grateful for the love of my child!

 Being a mom has been the best thing that ever happened
to me! I am ever grateful to have the honour of
raising such an amazing spirit who has brought me
so much joy! 
Thank you daughter for marrying the kindest most loving man ever!
Thank you for teaching me to live in the moment more!
To enter a situation with a clear slate and no expectations!
Thank you for loving me so well with my many flaws!
Thank you for taking time to know what I love and
for bringing so much joy to my life every single day!
Mothers Day is my favorite day to celebrate because 
Cupcake and Beardo make me so proud to be a MOM!

What is your favourite day to celebrate?
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