Quote of The Day

Thursday, May 25, 2017


Everything Moira does is so creative!
Some weeks are  better than others! 
Cupcake was sick several days and 
then I came down with it! Needless to
say there is a lot of barking involved 
and we don't have a dog! It's taken
hold on all of us and stopped everything
in it's tracks!!  Seems like our rock,
 Beardo, is right behind us as of today!!
Jacque  likes to play shuffleboard with the boys
Social media makes it quite fascinating being 
able to follow the life of kids you knew when your
 child was in kindergarten! To have seen them interact as 
wee ones and now have children of their own! My child
 always seemed to know exactly who the good souls
 were, as young as five!
Dobson is an arrogant artist that annoys people
A few of the girls have become amazing young women
one a nurse and fabulous mother!  The other, single
 and a world traveler with her own cyber business!!
Horigon loves fashion, even his casual wear is fun!
It's interesting to also see the kids who she
shied away from. Usually the  more athletic types!
A popular mother of three who she always 
avoided  posts photos of her seemingly
  perfectly fit  body and lifestyle! During 
Halloween this mom posted a video of her lone 
baby in shopping cart sweetly waiting as she comes 
around the corner and spooks him while wearing 
a very  scary mask. The child was crying and
 shaking in fear while she laughed in hysterics.
It was painful to watch  and sickened me!
 Several months later , during a layover,
she was caught in a terrifying situation,  her 
children in tow!  Pretty sure how she felt during
that scary incident  paralleled how her little one
 felt months before!
Duncan  was pretty proud that he caught a few fish his first time out!
I was surprised to see how well one young man
adapted despite being raise by a  self involved,
primadonna bipolar single mom with a revolving door 
of husbands. One incident his mother went on an 
unreasonable tirade for no reason  when  her son had
 dinner at my home with a small group of friends! There 
was no reasoning with her.  Sad for the boy,
at an inconvenience to me I drove him home!
Apparently this was common place with her, his
brother lived with their dad! He has since eked out
 a simple life with a very overweight young woman,
and a dog. He is an amazing wildlife photographer
 who lives and works far from his mother!
Harley enjoys boating fishing is just one of the perks!
Some of the kids who were raised in the higher
echelon have really good work ethics and have
become quite successful. Yet some of them have
taken on the worst traits of their parents!! Children
do learn what they live! However some choose
not to follow in the footsteps of the dysfunction. 
While others step right into the quicksand of
 their flawed circumstances!

Friends hangin Happy tiler peeps
It's also interesting to see the groups of kids
who've melded since kindergarten! Still friends,
a few married. A few with learning disabilities have
done so well...which is never surprising to me.
Some of the smartest ones tended to take their 
 intellect for granted! While the others adjusted
to their struggles and  superseded them!
Nanette loves to sing!
I truly find  humans and all their unique
antics so interesting!  Some how they 
always seem to amuse me!! We can
learn so much from how we act and react 
to life situations!! 
Singers Happy Tiler peeps
Have you learned anything from 
the young people in 
your life?

Wilson sings all day long...he is such a happy soul!!
My happytiler peeps have been put on hold as I work
on my canvases. I have so many done ahead it gave me
good leeway to be sick and still work on my 
canvases! Some peeps I have decided not to share
because I despise them!! Duncan should have
 also been one of them!!
Have a great weekend and thanks for visiting!!

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Digital Mothers
When a child is born most mothers elevate them 
high above their heads, dropping down a notch 
or two themselves. Putting children before most 
everything else, moms usually take seconds.
Fortunately when kids grow up  some will 
give their moms the accolades they deserve.
Sadly some  never do! 
Marta loves cooking for her church but she's also a scholar.
  I lovingly relinquish  all special occasions to my daughters
 in-laws, because I see the kids  daily, which seems fair
to me! I love that my daughter is part of a huge
 family of in-laws! Never too many people loving 
your children.
Ruby wears green boots with everything
Mothers day this year I felt melancholy, not for myself,
I feel loved and treasured. I felt sad for all the others
 not acknowledge. I felt sad for the barrage of Mothers
 Day advertisements woman must endure the month
 previous! I felt for the newer exhausted moms
  awoken by children demanding they make
breakfast while thoughtless daddies slept.
Minny is a church secretary. Happy tiler peeps!
 I felt heartsick for Mothers wearing disappointed 
faces, unacknowledged by their partners for the
daily hard work that goes into being a good mom!
Church Ladies Happy Tiler peeps
Behind computer screens are children without mothers,
childless woman, Mothers who have lost children, mothers
 who's children are miles away or sick!  All the Mothers
 Day hoopla is just a sad reminder of what is missing. 
My empathy was with them this year!
Athena is a serious editor
Of course social media doesn't help either 
with all the comparisons everyone does!
Just another pin prick for women to endure as
they hear about all the joy in the lives of others!.
Rhonda is a cat lady artist!
If only I could remind young woman
 life is a lot more complex and we 
should never compare ourselves to 
others!! Often things aren't as they
Mickey is a Reporter
Yes women should be acknowledged!
More than once a year too! Not just for 
Mothers day but everyday! My daughter 
felt the air of discontent among  the young
women who weren't acknowledged! Instead
of being a happy day, it was one of more hard
work. A sad reminder of being taken for granted!
Ladies with flowers Happy Tiler peeps!

 Too often mothers say don't waste your
  money on me. I don't need anything! 
 Truly all we want is our children to be happy!!
Still it's important to teach children how to treat
you, so they love and respect future partners!
I often fought with my own mother about that,
as she let my brother off the hook so easily!
Anita enjoys spending time with her mother and daughter
When I was young  my expectations were at times
unrealistically high, and special occasions had 
way more meaning. Now it's just another beautiful day, 
and everything else is a wonderful bonus!
Three generations of cat ladies
There comes a time when  a woman needs  to buy 
her own flowers and chocolates! Do what she
loves, and treat herself to something a bit
  extravagant. Even if others don't acknowledge
 shes worth it, she should never stop believing she is!!
Our Mothers Day bouquet we all enjoy!!
I usually send Happy Mothers Day greetings
 to everyone.This year I held back for those
mothers that feel left out!! Just because
 some Mothers aren't acknowledged with
  reverence doesn't mean they don't
  deserve the very best!!
 Rose picks flower from her garden
 Do you take charge of your life when
 expectations aren't met?
Helga is a financial advisor
  So last week my internet went down, albeit  
an adjustment we took a few days to replace
our router! The break in routine  changed
my computer habits for the better I think!
Angela adores her cat

I've been working on two large canvases
for my bedroom and they are still a work 
in progress.  In the meantime I am 
sharing the many left over Happy Tiler 
peeps again this week!! 
Molly buys herself flowers once a week
A fun thing about these characters is 
how their names promptly appear when
they do! I tried to change a few 
but it was a no go!!  It's kind of eerie 
how that works!! Many of the names
chosen I'd never pick in a million years.
One insisted  her favourite colour is green!
  Can you guess who that is?
Convention ladies Happy Tiler peeps

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Luckiest Mom

  Paint Party Friday

 This is how my children make me feel!!
Oh what a week this has been! To my surprise, for Mothers Day and
 my upcoming birthday the kids decided to paint my bedroom and
  all the furniture! Imagine the excitement and upheaval that caused!!
I was amazed at how after seven years of the kids nagging me 
to choose a colour. This blog post orchestrated  a conclusion 
and a solid choice was made!  My version of a neutral, dark teal,
already painted throughout my loft and hallway!
Afraid I may change my mind the kids rushed to get the
room started!! Giving me the respect of changing my 
mind waited until  preparations were done before grabbing
 the paint! I assured them Adriatic Sea was the colour, 
still they asked several times!  I'm truly impassioned 
about colour so a final decision never comes lightly! 
Digital card with  bits of my older paintings used for my nieces card!!
 Very particular when making decisions. I always start with my 
favourite colours in the moment! In this case every choice seemed
 to have some sort of deterrent! First it must  withstand the test of 
time since I no longer have the capacity to paint my own walls.
The work needs to be done by others. So many deciding factors,
 yet it was in front my nose the whole time! The colour
that I stare at daily! It was too obvious to acknowledge!!
The mirror has been removed so Beardo can mount my tv in this dresser!
As my room was being painted it forced me to reevaluate what to 
keep and toss!! A few emotional moments occurred while reading
  through several old bits of writing! I'm being very selective about
 what stays and what goes into my renewed space!
Now loving my old highboy dresser!!
The majority of the walls upstairs in the loft and hallways 
all match my room with Benjamin Moore  Adriatic sea
  paint! What a glorious surprise the first morning sun shone 
in my room elevating the colour to a new daytime beauty!
With different lighting it changes to a rich jewel tone!
Where as the loft stays darker receiving light in a 
different way! It's been such a thrill to enjoy the new
walls even with the room incomplete.

This old Highboy dresser has gone from eyesore to cutie patootie!!
 I'm going completely out of my box to have crispy
 white curtains not yet purchased!! Totally unusual for 
me.  I have always veered far away from beige
or white in decorating, except  for appliances
and bathroom fixtures! However  I have a revered 
white pitcher for flowers  that is a favourite!
Plain appliances are the only way to go since
 the harvest gold debacle of the seventies!
Which took me only a year or two to regret!!
Now the thought of white, suggested by Cupcake,
excites me!! Even though some apple green ones 
tried to naughtily entice me!! White is my new 
joy and will enhance the room and my spirit!
  Just a sneak peek Benjamin Moore Adriatic sea colour! 
Here is a sneak peek at the colour, which in actuality  is  
prettier  and brighter in person. Cupcake tried her best to 
capture the  shade to share with you!  My kingsize bed 
is in the midst of being painted!!  Cupcakes extreme
 allergy outbreak during sanding is making for a slower
 completion than predicted! However it's amazing to wake
  up in a new room! Admittedly I am spending more
time than normal there  because I'm so in awe of the
 I can't even express how grateful
I feel to have such amazing kids!!  
Last week these two  enjoyed their
Christmas and birthday gift concerts!
Three in a row all in the same week,
and still made time to paint too!
The kids met a punk Legend Chi Pig at  Me First and the gimme gimmes concert!
I love "Me first and the gimme gimmes"...they take songs of 
old and make them New and fun!! Interesting how this old guy
has never deflected from what he loves even when so many
outgrow certain music tastes! Not hard to see he's an artist too!
So glad my kids have such eclectic artistic tastes!! It keeps 
me current and open to all things new! 
Cupcakes favourite  exercise as a child and still is!!

I am truly blessed to have a daughter who treats me with
such love and respect! A woman who cherishes the value 
of a dollar, knows how to appreciate what she has, and 
enhance it! A woman who knows how to find joy in 
simple silly moments like getting a photo taken on a
huge costco chair!!

  I was so blessed the day she brought Beardo 
home to join our life! He has  treated me 
with love and respect from the beginning and 
continues to do so daily! By all accounts  
he is my child too!! Having this wonderful 
couple in my life, making sure I'm comfortable
and well taken care of makes me the 
Luckiest mom ever!! These two bring
me love, joy and laughter daily, as 
my two best friends!! Thanks guys 
for all the amazing things you do for me!
I love you both more than you will ever know!
I LOVE my new room too!! 
I hope you have a blast at Mumford &  Sons, and  U2 this week!

What is right in your face that you need to 
change but haven't in way too long?

Would people recognize that you're an
artist by the way you present yourself 
to the world?

Thanks for all the amazing meaty comments last week! Every word
is revered and often sparks new posts! Happy Mothers day to 
all women who make a difference in the world as caregivers to all!
Whether you're a mother to children, parents, friends or animals you 
are to be loved and respected for your dedicated effort and  sacrifice!! 
Appreciate the beauty that is you!! 
Do something wonderful and special for yourself, you deserve it!!
Love Sherrie 

Thursday, May 04, 2017


Sisters Morning Coffee Happy Tiler peeps
It was a thrill  when we bought  beautiful new  bedroom
furniture several decades ago.It was loved for years.
 Then one day, all of a sudden, it became outdated. 
A bit  of an eyesore but still useful. So we  kept  it!  
Dusted it, fed the wood oil to preserve the sheen.
Each year that passes is a reminder of how fast
 the aging process is. Until eventually you
  detach from it!
Chelsea always has something wise to say but needs her morning coffee first!
People suggested I should dispense of the suite two decades 
ago when I divorced. Part of me thought he might take it,
being the lover of wood that he was. The huge heavy set 
 wouldn't work where he was living.  I couldn't really
 afford to replace it with anything decent! So I sufficed.
Naomi needs her morning coffee before she starts her creative regime
There is a great satisfaction in salvaging something old to make it
 new again! As I admire my kids painting  my fourty year old wood 
furniture I'm reminded how much joy and sense of accomplishment 
I felt when I invested   time to repaint seasoned furniture to 
match the decor of the moment!
Painted bedside tables with glass knobs. Too embarrassed to show you the ugly before photos...
Every single time you accomplish something by amending
a situation or item  it brings you a deep feeling of
 satisfaction. Even if it's just making small  changes 
to your surrounding by taking a step towards improvement!
It's like  an awakening.
Stinky is a bit of a dork but has super nice friends
 So many times parents aren't willing to let children 
try new things for  fear they'll make a mess or wreck 
something. Others give their children free range to 
make mistakes, and eventually find that sense
of accomplishment on their own!
Amy is even more liberal than her friends know
From the age of three I stood on a chair cooking beside my mother.
 I was baking alone at eight, and making pies and perogys by 
thirteen!! I sewed and crocheted very early too!! Even though
  I felt self-conscious in my very mature body, my self confidence
  could be measured in my ability to do things and connect 
intimately with people!
Midge is a very compassionate person
Praise wasn't common when  I was a child. 
Parents and authorities focused more on 
corrections.  So you flailed on your own, figuring
out how to relate to the world and fit in! 
Harvey is a strange dude who wears vintage shorts and works out!
I raised my child differently. She was praised for natural
abilities and good choices! Some criticize millennial's 
being praised for  good choices rather than accomplishments.
   Even when I enticed Cupcake, she had no interest
  to cook beside me! Instead she found her footing
  in her own time. She's now an amazing intuitive cook,
who takes more risks than I ever did! She also finds
comfort in baking or cooking when stressed!
Gwen is quite an unnecessary  worrier
Cupcake wasn't forced to do anything. Somehow she learned 
what she lived and found her own natural skills too!
 She emulated my work ethic, my cooking, my generosity, 
my love of family. She loves to sew like I used to, she loved to paint 
up furniture just like I did, and she loves to budget wisely much
 like I always did. However she amped it up by couponing.
Party girls
As I watch my daughter I see a mirror of myself. A person I never
quite appreciated enough when I was young.  I was always trying
 to do more, to be more, and do better!!  As I watch her
 I realize I was enough all along.
Harriet hasn't a clue how to fix her hair so she just brushes it and goes on her way!
In fact I was better than enough. It was a gift that I could cook 
well and efficiently.  It was a gift that I could budget extremely 
well, remember prices, eke out great deals while being a
Jane of all trades! It was a gift that I had patience and
 understanding for my child! Not everyone does!!
Roger is quite aware that he's an oddball  and embraces it!
Why is it that we realize these things late in life? Why do we not 
appreciate how slim and pretty we are in our youth... 
 Youth IS beautiful!
These odd balls are friends albeit quite different they get each other!
There is such a great sense of accomplishment in knowing 
your gifts. In enjoying your achievements even if they're small!
I've watched Beardo bloom into this amazing man with each
  large or small triumph and discovered new skill.
Penny loves mornings, coffee in hand making a to do list!

My daughter is a homebody. Even more than I was when
 I was young! In fact she's more similar to my mom that way! 
All four generations of women have been very independent
 souls despite their dedication to homemaking skills.
Haley has really bad OCD and tends to match everything
I'm so glad my daughter has always found  satisfaction
 in her home life. Not everyone appreciates being home, fixing
 up old things, making new things and just being. Some folks 
are adventure addicts, thrill seekers  on a completely different 
path. Some people are always on the treadmill of  life 
chasing god knows what, for no good reason, never
 completely satisfied!
Sunday Best
Some can't be alone with their thoughts or even hear
 their own intuition in the quiet of the day! Some sadly
 never feel the peace of their creative spirit, or joy of a
 their accomplishments! Some never find their true 
calling....how sad is that?
Melva doesn't always wear appropriate clothes for the occasion
So, if you're still one to underestimate your gifts, 
stop now!  We all have different things we're really 
good at... altogether it makes for a pretty interesting
and diverse world we live in! Appreciate who you are 
and the gifts you were blessed with and revel in the 
joy of that!!

What are your special gifts that you 
have never properly given credence to?
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