Quote of The Day

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Baby Brother Forty Five!

Happy Forty Fifth Birthday

Just a newborn, with a tuft of black spiky hair protruding from your tiny head I adored you from that moment forward. At two, you buzzed up and down the halls on your yogi bear ride-on toy. I was only seven but you amused me. Four years old and you insisted on taking all the wheels off your trucks. I didn’t pay much attention, but I revered you. Just five, over and over you concocted the antic of sticking your bare finger out the fly of your jeans, pensively awaiting the barrage of adult laughter. You amazed me with your humor. A little man at six, you stood between me and the teenage boys harassing us. My brave little brother, you took a whipping with tree switches across your tiny bare chest, Just to protect me, your eleven year old sister. I admired and respected your courage. A year later a huge percolator of coffee dumped upon your small body. Again you valiantly endured the pain of peeling nipples and second degree burns. My first love came early at thirteen, he was seventeen and I was forbidden to see him. You lied for me and kept my secret. Only eight years old, I trusted you and knew you were my friend. When our parents went out; we secretly danced in the prohibited living room against the light of the Spanish lamp. We ate ice cream and stayed up late watching movies. As a teenager my life became busied and I drifted away from you. At twelve you started to lift weights and I admired your strength, endurance and discipline. It was the time when I socialized into a woman and caretaker. And you became a man. I got married and went away, Mom told me, for weeks, you sat on the front porch with your dog, missing me. Caught up in my own life, I didn’t even realize how abandoned you must have felt. We stayed friends. You begged me to let you drive my vehicle within the complex before you had a license. I let you. You put a ding in my brand new red car and I made you scrape the wax off my floor as restitution. As a teenager you had your own life and I had mine, we weaned away again. You were busy chasing girls and I living in the confines of a monotonous marriage. We’d get together to share secrets and laugh, so handsome and fit, I admired your girth and enterprise. We’ve hung on to each other through death and folly. For a minute in time our love laid dormant, only to be revived with spring’s new growth, with lessons learned, natures changed and new found respect. Years later I admire you as a father, a husband, a brother, but mostly as a man. With strength and courage, responsibility and adventure, your talents still amaze me, your humor entertains me, and your generosity astounds and overwhelms me. I love you dear brother and I’m so proud to have you as my family! Your one and only sister! Written by Sherrie

Friday, April 28, 2006

Soggy Sundae

Posted is a picture of our dinner party Friday evening at Red Robins in celebration of my brother’s birthday. The waiters stood covertly by, ready to pounce on the birthday boy with a song. Unfortunately right at that moment someone from the party left for the washroom. One of the kids hopped up to bring them back. Meanwhile the employees stood waiting, all but tapping their fingers in anticipation of the event. Then randomly the oblivious Darcy also disappeared for a nature call. The rest of us left seated chuckled at the comedic chain of events. Megan and Sierra returned to the table, and after more waiting Darcy finally returned. Bryan was getting a bit anxious for his co workers, seeing that the restaurant was so busy, and knowing they were obviously falling behind as they stood around. Finally, after keenly waiting, the best part of the evening transpired. The table was barraged with the Red Robins staff toting a partially melted complimentary birthday Sundae. My brother was forced to his feet while they taunted him with a song. The funniest part is the fact that he won’t eat sundaes, especially with whipped cream!!!! Not good for his fine physique! He did however take one complimentary bite of the very soggy concoction!

Estrogen Frenzy

Finally after three years of growing his tresses, Bryan severed it for cancer. His determination was admirable as it has been way too weighty for some time. Wanting to be sure to have at least ten to twelve inches to donate and then still maintain some semblance of a musician’s style. That, and the fact that us girls whined at the mere suggestion of him cutting his beautiful mane.

Yesterday was the day. The beauty salon was full of girl squeals the moment he released his mane from the double pony tail. There was an estrogen frenzy, as everyone surrounded him. Ally our hairdresser seductively ran her hands through the mass procuring her creative juices. Long, thick, wavy, virgin hair is enough to put any hairdresser in a trance.

My mother was a beautician for forty-three years and absolutely abhorred working on long hair, except to cut it! Her arms ached while doing extensive tresses, so when anyone booked a perm, or highlights for lengthy locks, especially if it was thick, she’d be tempted to decline them.

Still able to contain it in a ponytail for work Bryan is thrilled about loosing a few pounds off his head and neck. No more fur barrier! No more night sweats because the hair is acting as a blanket. No more having to spend half an hour combing the knots out after a shower. No more waiting hours for his locks to dry.

Do you think he will grow it back? Or cut it shorter?.............. I’m not telling!!

It was a beautiful gesture of love, from a Johnny Cash worshiper! Not surprising at all coming from such an incredibly thoughtful man as

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Just Enjoy

I recycled an ugly tray, by giving it a coat of gesso and sponging on some acrylics. I used a permanent marker for the lettering and then colored it with more acrylic. I added a few plastic jewels for fun, then modge podged it. I will use it to serve cookies and any dry food items, but I'm reluctant to put anything hot or wet on it. I don’t think it would hold up to that. It could probably use a coat of varnish on it for added protection.

It was enjoyable to create and I love the visual combination of the purple and green. For now it sits on my upright piano. I think it would make a distinctive kitchen wall hanging. I just don’t have any room for it because my Mary Naylor art takes precedence.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Half Spent

Sometimes it’s really difficult for people to absolve a relationship even when it’s very dysfunctional. There are many forms of abuse, some more covert than others. Mental illness can be very trying to live with. Often a young person will get roped in before they even know what’s happened to them. They become emotionally and physically entangled with a dramatic entity which can seem impossible to escape. This poem was written for a young man who is oblivious to what he’s dealing with!

Half Spent

When you show up at my door
I can see you’re weary then
The day’s been long
The emotions gone
And you’re half spent

She’s wrapped you in
Her clever web
Oh guilt, Oh desire
Zapping energy
Trudging through muck mire, half spent

Nothing sounds good
Creation’s left the house
Back to the rain
Wallowing in mundane
You’re half spent

You tell yourself
Next time will be better
With no sleep a sexual treat
And still today
You’re half spent

Fill up on your music
Try not to respond
It won’t get any better
Time just carries on
Today you’re half spent
But tomorrow you’ll be gone!

Written by Sherrie Leesa

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hotdog Buddies

Today when I awoke it was such a gorgeous day and I had nothing to share on my blog. I was reading daily meditations, pulling Tao cards, looking at pictures. Still nothing came to mind, except an unfinished draft of my romance with the color orange.

Then my Hot Dog buddy called and wanted to meet for a quick coffee. Bogged down with house work and lots of must dos. I knew I shouldn’t go, yet desperately wanted to hook up with my busy friend.

So Laura and I agreed to meet at Costco to return a few things, browse and have a hotdog. Ever since she found out I love hot dogs as much as she does, (with the standard mustard and relish) we have been having them in different niches. Known as the Gypsy goddess and Love Goddess; we are now hotdog buddies too!

It was quite a comical ordeal trying to take a digital picture of ourselves. By the fourth try we were giggling so hard that the camera was shaking. I’m sure the smiling onlookers were amused. Wondering why these wacky women were trying to take pictures eating hotdogs. Well by gosh, we were having great fun without drugs or alcohol!

Laura is my most adventurous friend, always game for fun. She has been known to kidnap gnomes, take pictures of them in different places, and then return them to their original spot. She started fun sock Friday in her place of work. Now every Friday all the employees compare their fun goofy socks to see who has the most unusual pair. She out does herself on every holiday and is the foundation of everything fun.

She is so many things to so many people. A very humble photographer, artist, writer, and the best party planner I know! She’s a traveler, who volunteers, routinely gives blood, has all the kids at her house daily and works full time. She never forgets a birthday. She is the lovely Laura from my “Laura’s life” poem and my gypsy goddess hotdog buddy!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Silly Little Box

This is a silly little Box I picked up at a thrift store for next to nothing. It originally had a neat teal colored stain on it but after awhile needed an overhaul. So I just threw some scribbles on it, to give it a bohemian flair. It’s just a fun piece to hold keys and sunglasses as we come in the door. It really wasn’t planned out, it just sort of happened. I used to be way more conscious about planning things out. Violette has inspired me to just let go and see where the color takes me. If I tire of it, I will just sand it down, throw on a coat of gesso and see where is goes from there.

Happiness Test!

On the weekend I visited my artist friend Violettes blog, I noticed a link on her message board to a website called Authentic Happiness
which presents a varied selection of tests to gage your strengths. Participants in the test take part in a study for further personal development. I thought it to be interesting and partook in two.Here are the results of my Signature Strengths test in order of strength, verbatim.

My top strengths Forgiveness and mercy
You forgive those who have done you wrong. You always give people a second chance. Your guiding principle is mercy and not revenge.

Gratitude you are aware of the good things that happen to you, and you never take them for granted. Your friends and family members know that you are a grateful person because you always take the time to express your thanks.

Judgment, critical thinking, and open-mindedness
Thinking things through and examining them from all sides are important aspects of who you are. You do not jump to conclusions, and you rely only on solid evidence to make your decisions. You are able to change your mind.

Humor and playfulness
You like to laugh and tease. Bringing smiles to other people is important to you. You try to see the light side of all situations.

Bravery and valor
you are a courageous person who does not shrink from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain. You speak up for what is right even if there is opposition. You act on your convictions.

I look forward to completing more of the tests so I can find areas in which to focus on improvement!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Today I am an official BLOGGER!

  • How to Change habits"

  • Today is the twenty first posting on my blog, so that makes it officially a new habit. Apparently it takes 21 days to break an old habit, or start a new one.

    As a young girl I loved to journal, but life took hold and my diary days waned. During the last part of my long arduous marriage I started doing morning pages as a requested exercise in the book

  • The Artist Way

  • Intimate daily thoughts were to be recorded on paper. So I covertly did what was suggested, sealed my writings in envelopes and hid them between the pages of old books. Knowing full well there was no possibility my ex would discover them, as books were never his forte.

    One year after penning the pages, I carefully unsealed the envelopes to read over my past thoughts. Disappointingly finding absolutely nothing had changed in a year. That, among many, was one of the deciding factors for my divorce.

    Now my agenda is to write and share things about myself that may in some way enhance or inspire others to do what they love. Eventually I will share my more intimate nature. Ultimately my goal is to express words, thoughts, pictures and art that captures my essence, as a wonderful legacy for my beautiful daughter.

    Today I am officially a blogger!

    More Mary Naylor Art!
    I love this series because it depicts the big beautiful woman. Something I can relate to, as a renaissance woman in a diet drink world.

    Saturday, April 22, 2006

    Fun-ctional Art

    Here are a few of my favorite pieces of functional art. Every morning I have coffee in my special heart patterned mug. It’s beautiful and fun, and large enough to hold almost two regular cups of coffee. I begin the day working on my blog or with a game of online scrabble, coffee in tow. I have such a fetish about what I drink out of. I refuse to drink out of a chipped mug, and tea cups are not my friend. Mugs need to have the prefect handle to get my chubby hand through without burning my skin! Aesthetically I love to experience the colorful patterned mug, filled with a great java.

    The heart shaped glass box is often filled with homemade cookies or truffles or something else yummy. The plate and bowl are also used as serving dishes. I have a variety of mugs in a different patterns and one other plate that I will share tomorrow.

    My family is aware of my passion for Mary Naylor art. Many of my acquired pieces were gifts. I am so blessed. Everyday I am greeted by this art and everyday I feel grateful to be able to own a few of these creations. This particular pattern is not found on her web site, although my other pieces are! My motto of late is to “Only buy what I need or love!"

    Friday, April 21, 2006

    The Right Direction!

    I’ve been wondering what direction my life should take lately. When I remembered my Daily meditation book The Souls Companion
    Having experienced so much loss; (family, career, marriage, health, dignity, and even self esteem), I have often used it to find internal solace. Randomly I open my book and read whatever passage avails it self to me. Almost every time there is a significant correlation between my quandary and the comforting passage on the page.

    My Soul’s companion has traveled to every room in the house. Having been drenched in bath water way too many times, the well worn binding and pages were swollen when I finally parted with it. I released the book with love to a dear friend in crisis, hoping she could find the comfort and direction that I had.

    Then I went on a quest to find a new meditation book, but nothing appealed to me. I resigned myself to live without one, when serendipitously the Souls Companion magically reappeared into my life again. There on the second hand shelf of a local Metaphysical store, amongst a smattering of used books, and in excellent condition, was my manual. Priced at only a few dollars, I was ecstatic to have found the rare little paperback needing a home.

    Having purged a lot of the negative energy, and embracing my creative spirit again, I don’t seem to rely on my “Souls Companion” for answers as I did in the past. Still, every so often, I revisit it like an old friend, just to see what’s new!

    I tried to download the page I turned to today, but I was unsuccessful.
    Here is a small excerpt of that page. Titled
    “My own Life”“When I live my own life, all the energies necessary to coordinate my day have a center of operation. I am living in my own skin, my relations and interactions are in sync with who I am!" In living my own life I guess I am going in the right direction!

    Thursday, April 20, 2006

    Blue Shoe Table

    How this little table turned out gold and blue acrylic, is beyond me. Except for the upstairs loft, and my daughter room, there are so few blue things in my decor. This project seemed to take on a mind of its own, and really is something from nothing. A small round wood table my mother owned, it's probably been around at least fifty years. This fun, side table can often be found holding my drink of choice! It just dawned on me, moms favorite color was turquoise!

    Wednesday, April 19, 2006

    I Choose Happiness!

    Going to My In-between

    I choose Happiness to reside in my soul,
    Stimulate it with things to do, new things I’d like to know
    So I search the net, for art and words, and things to discern
    Fascinating information, many facts I’d like to learn
    Obligations and interests tend to fill me to the brim
    But on occasion, there’s a negative invasion, of the dark voice within
    I stomp it down, in dismay, insisting it must depart
    I refuse to listen, to pessimistic musings, barraging my head and heart
    It lingers on at times, and plays a nasty trick,
    But I know I have the choice, so happiness I pick
    Sometimes for a moment, when people are acting mean
    It can mar my very core, so I go to my in-between
    A place where I can decide, what to think and feel
    I go to happiness and faith, I give myself the spiel
    It’s okay, it’s alright, and it’s meant to be,
    When I feel their anger, it’s not necessarily regarding me
    If they choose to rage, about something that I said
    Of course I feel their fury and it turns to dread,
    But when I feel that need to run, I go to my in-between
    I talk it out, deep within, where I know it won’t be seen
    I tell myself, its okay, it’s alright, and it’s meant to be,
    I ask myself what I can learn, what do I need to see
    Then I send it off in faith, to see what will transpire
    I choose happiness and peace as my utmost desire
    Doesn’t mean the fear is void and there is no regret
    But happiness is the choice I make, my constitutions set
    Often I release the pain when I sense a qualm
    Leaving it with my spirit, I pray to feel the calm

    Written by Sherrie Leesa

    Tuesday, April 18, 2006

    Letting His Hair down!

    So here is our darling Bryan, the very gentle metro sexual man that resides with us.

    For just a few moments Easter Sunday,by request, Bryan let his hair down.Both parents had bouts of Cancer in 2005, possibly motivating his adamant need to grow it long enough to be donated. April 27th he is getting it lopped off. His massive mane has been cumbersome lately, substantially hot and heavy for this leo male! He welcomes the change. We will all miss his lovely locks. Records of his long hair phase will be an interesting review for his prospective children.

    Bryan’s an extremely creative man, whose many achievements vary from producing a delicious batch of cookies, to hand sanding and restoring vintage bikes, or writing a phenomenal piece of music and learning a new instrument. This gentle man is literally and metaphorically a giant in stature! We absolutely adore him.

    Monday, April 17, 2006

    Funny Bunny Ears!

    As you can see the bunny ears made the gamut.Taylor wears them with spirit! Well...I should say, with the help of some spirits!
    Two brother bunnies, Bryan and Dave.
    Bryan is my daughters long term boyfriend! A really loving character and a one of ten children!

    Flanking my spawn bunny Pepper, is the host Jeff, and hostess Laura, of our fabulous Easter Dinner!
    I've known Jeff since he was seventeen years old. Doesn't he look great for a guy in his mid forties? That is my incredible multi talented friend Laura, she is a true gypsy goddess who loves dancing in the moonlight!They certainly know how to party with panache!

    Saturday, April 15, 2006

    Happy Easter

    Pepper put this little Easter Basket together with my favorite Purdys Chocolate. Some say I am a chocolate snob. The basket is actually a small fancy purse! A fantastic bargain for a dollar, reduced from twenty five.She knows I love a good buy, so she felt pleased to share that. Makes it all the more sweet!!! Wish I could say the same for the chocolate, which is like tiny morsels of gold!

    Easter is here again. I just can’t believe how fast the years pass, now that I am almost half a century old. Easter to me, is like New Years is to others. A rebirth, a new start! That’s possibly what provoked me to start my blog at the end of march.

    So I am cleaning up my life. Hence the Spring fever that started a few weeks ago. Purging and renewal the key elements to my daily function lately. I have trouble creating, when things are either too chaotic and supplies are not easily accessible. I am rectifying that. 

    I have carted around a wood trunk for over 15 years, I am finally preparing it to be an art Chest slash coffee table. For now it will just get a base coat of black paint, eventually I may embellish it. The art table I created this year was damaged beyond repair. I salvaged the glass for a mosaic projects. I'm distressed that I didn’t get a picture of the finished project. Note to self; “always record any art you feel proud of!” That table always brought a smile to my face. Friends referred to it as my cat in the hat table. Hopefully I can restore some of the painted wood for another project. Every time I pass by the remnants of it in my garage, I get this angst, wishing it was still in one piece.

    For a time, I was on some dating sites; yesterday I completely aborted all of them. I think I prefer to let go and let god. It was just drawing the wrong people to me. Honestly I am not sure a relationship is truly what I need or want at this juncture.

    Eventually I will write about the craziness that goes with online dating. Its time consuming and an energy drain. So it’s back to the world of creating for me!!!

    Easter dinner will be spent with a dear friend and her incredible family. By nature Laura is a true artist. Hopefully she will let me share some pictures of the dinner. Doesn’t matter what Laura does, there is always an expression of art and love involved.

    Next weeks project is to design and cut out the squares for an art coat that I wish to assemble for the illuminaries Festival in July.

    Friday, April 14, 2006

    Mosaic on the Mantle.

    My Favorite art piece!

    As you can see I did a small edit on this photo of the hand mosaic, mainly so you could enjoy more detail. It looks to be made with mirror, femo for the beads along the hand and heart, colored glass, and then framed in a copper medium similar to that used for stained glass work.

    About five years ago, during an annual summer outing to the Art in the Park, put on by White Rock Artisans, I spied this little mosaic piece that I adored. Being a single mom on a budget I knew the purchase would be way too extravagant. So I just admired its beauty and moved on.

    A few months later while window shopping at a local Art shop in Langley I spied the piece again, only now it had doubled in price. Even more out of my price range than before. The desire to purchase it had not waned. Gathering my wits about me I walked out of the store devoid of the mosaic.

    The composite hand and heart together signifies who I am. My heart often feels the need to give someone a hand up. Not to menion my overt hand fetish pertaining to the opposite sex.

    Every few months I'd visit the mosaic, for inspiration. It went unpurchased for well over a year. Then one sunny spring day three years ago, during a lunch outing with a dear friend we noticed the art store was having a closing out sale. Everything was marked almost half price. I bought my brother a beautiful hand painted art plate for his wedding. The precious mosaic I had yearned for, sat forlorn amongst the ravaged merchandise.

    My friend offered to purchase it for my May birthday. I agreed, only if we could split the cost. She found a beautiful multicolored glass bead bracelet that I purchased ahead for her August birthday. With each glimpse of the mosaic on my mantle, I am reminded of that special day, and just how much I love my friend. 

    Thursday, April 13, 2006

    International Womans Day

    Mother, daughter, Sister, Lover

    I am a woman, and I cry when no one can hear
    I have huge dreams, I never share
    I have fantasies, I dare not reveal
    I have unrequited love, that is never recognized

    I am the white noise in the home
    Persistently preparing, repairing and doing at all times
    I love deeply, with vision, constant hope, pride and joy
    I have a relentless faith, in life, in god, in family, in future

    I carry the burdens and secrets of others
    Hold guilt to my heart, where empathy,
    Forgiveness and optimism obstinately reside
    Often suppressing passion, and creativity

    I do my duties without fail, or resentment
    I stand alone in my failures and regrets
    I give, even when there is but a pittance
    I get less, expect less, and take less, feeling like I am less

    I am taken for granted, heard with rare acceptance
    I am courageous, beyond my expectations
    I am the unpaid teacher, waitress, homemaker, and psychologist
    I am the solver of problems, and scarcely put first

    I have thoughts, I feel ashamed to share
    I have wants, I will never reveal
    I have needs that no one will heed
    I have a lonely soul, which I can not seem to feed

    I am a woman, and I cry alone, about what isn’t
    What will never be, what is lost, forgotten, not forgiven
    Not recognized, or realized, or capitalized, I cry about
    Poverty, and love forlorn, for loved ones, and love forgotten

    I am a woman, resilient in majestic proportions,
    I am a woman, of maternal magnificence
    I am a woman, with imperial abilities
    I am a unique woman, the queen of my family
    And heart of my home!

    Written by Sherrie Leesa
    In celebration of International Woman’s Day 2006

    Wednesday, April 12, 2006

    Unique Purses

    Giggles Goddess Purse

    Sassy Sequin Purse

    side view


    My daughter Pepper and I created these purses by covering a raw wood box with three different mediums. Pepper made her purse by collaging Beatles pictures over a pre coat of gesso, then followed with a few coats of modge podge and a few coats of varnish. She embellished the handle with large black wood beads and glued the remnants of a black boa around the outside to satisfy her passion for fur!

    For the Giggles purse I used acrylics, and a few plastic jewels, over a pre coat of gesso, and just painted my handle. Then modge podged a few coats over everything, and topped it with another few coats of varnish.

    The sequined purse I just painted over a pre coat of gesso, then glued the sequins in patterns, added a few plastic jewels, a few coats of modge podge and again vanished a few times.
    My mistake with this purse was not taking the time to do really thin coats of modge podge. Worried about the sequins properly adhering, I chose to used massive amounts of modge podge, which did bubble somewhat during the drying process. It surprises me that I still get compliments on it. When I lay this purse out on the counter to pay for my wares, often times the cashiers swish it through, and automatically try to charge me for it.

    The wood boxes we started out with aren’t premium quality, so it was imperative that we took every screw out and glued them back in, with either a hot glue gun, or crazy glue, just to insure they don't fall apart.

    Pepper also creates many purses from vintage material. She has given me permission to post them at a future date!

    Tuesday, April 11, 2006

    The Happening

    Saturday evening in the seediest part of Vancouver The Happening had their first show since releasing their five song cd. It has been fun to watch the boys evolve over the last few years into a mature mesh of alternative music. Two brothers; (Bryan and Dave) their friend Shane have been writing and playing music together since grade school. Having passed through a few different phases these young men, all in their early twenties, are starting to hone a unique sound of their own. The boys have a huge repertoire of influences, everything from punk all across the spectrum to Hank Williams and Johnny Cash. An eclectic array of music fills any space they reside.

    Practices, the majority of the time, are at my house. It’s interesting to watch the production of a song unfold. Instrumental is usually worked out between Shane and Bryan, while Dave, the lyricist, collaborates to find the melody. The process can stem from a few sessions, to many grueling weeks working out a song.

    I am emotionally invested in these boys as Bryan is my daughter’s long term boyfriend, and the others are like family. Although I know they are capable of excellence, I found myself white knuckling it, as the show progressed. Mother to all that I am, I was hoping the night would be amazing. Except for a few glitches, it was a wonderful experience at entertaining on stage. Even I found myself surprised by shrills of goose bumps gracing my back, as Dave pulled out his mouth organ and played to the screams and chants of the crowd.

    It was a “hurry up and wait,” evening. Check in time is seven and then they wait until well after the hockey game at nine. We all had enjoyable evening, but I am going to wear a “Please don’t kill me t-shirt” if we end up in that area of town again!
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