Quote of The Day

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Purse-Onality "Jaynas Wings"

This Purse will be on display for the Purse-onality art exhibition held in White Rock, British Columbia. From March 6th until the 29th at the Community Arts Council in Windsor Square 90# – 1959 -152nd St., South Surrey. The Opening Reception is March 6 from 7 - 9 pm. The Thirtieth of March will mark my second year anniversary blogging. The purple heart on this purse represent the brave parents who face the death of a child.In particular my dear friends Andrew and Selina who are still in the throws of grief having lost their ten month old daughter Jayna nine months ago, while continuing to search for a specific diagnoses for their severally disabled four year old who has an unnamed genetic affliction. "Jaynas Wings" on the opposite side of the purse represent all children having sadly passed leaving behind devastated families.Accompanied with this purse is the poem about Jayna titled " Did he Call." You may remember this this purse which was altered, it too will be entered in the show, along with my poem " Face it." About facing grief and aging, by replacing it with wisdom, love and creativity.
My Artist friend Violette's helped to facilitate this project and also has an entry in the " Purse-onlity exhibition," you can check out her colorful purse and blog here!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Writers Island " Second Chance"

Writers Island

" Second Chance"

A passive shadow of anger

Skulked in the doorway

Of a youthful decade

Beckoning mirror images

Facades walked hand in hand

With ego,

Right past opportunity

Into the arms of complication

Dissension and aggravation

Warding off warnings

Belligerence reigned

With a crown of insolence

Contempt, concealing shame

Castrating proposition and resolution

Then, a new decade, new life

The silhouette of antagonism

Dissipated in the reflection

Of her blue eyes

A second chance

To be whole again!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings

This is a purse I made for Pepper. My brother is very supportive, and just howled when he saw the cartoon characters. He has been really encouraging, which is a real compliment because he appreciates aesthetics. He also wouldn't hesitate to use contemptible humor to communicate a negative opinion! So I am pleased at his sincere joy in my humorous art! Unconscious Mutterings for this week. Check it out and capture some of your subliminal thoughts! I did these quickly and they really spoke to me. Tyler was a huge surprise, but it means tile maker, and I am happy tiler because I love scrabble. I meet many friends both blogging and playing scrabble.

Going by the movie "The Secret" I like to call myself a winner all the time! So that wasn't unusual! The rest is really pretty straight forward very much how I feel. An enlightening exercise! I think I'll make it a weekly endeavor.

  1. Protocol :: regime

  2. Girlfriends :: Lots

  3. Shoulders :: Big

  4. Coming home :: solace

  5. Let it in :: light

  6. Honor :: All

  7. Tyler :: friends

  8. Thriller :: show

  9. Angela :: Lansbury

  10. The winner is :: me

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sunday Scribblings " Passion"

This weeks Sunday Scribblings prompt is Passion .....well I am so all over that word. It's me to a tee! This just touches the surface of what I am passionate about....this beautiful ocean, that I visited last Sunday! I love the ocean energy, I always feel refreshed after a visit to White Rock beach!
Couldn't go there without partaking in my second passion, food! Especially the tasty light battered fish and chips you get on the beach. Last Sunday was a bit breezy, our chips got cold, but the sea gulls stood staring in wait. It was a day memories are built on, giggling as we dodged seagull poop.
Passionate about good friends who have lent a loving hand as I save enough to get my car repaired. I can't imagine a world without friends. Especially with the ethic these girls have! I am truly blessed. I hope one day I can repay them ten fold!
But most of all I have been passionate about this dear soul for the last twenty two years. Her security and emotional well being has been my obsession! I'm proud to say not once in those years has she disappointed me. Oh we have our tiffs and we're different in many ways! She is my biggest champion! She supports my art, believes in me, rescues me at times, and loves me with all her heart! Yesterday she made me a drink and we giggled about having that drink, because I can count on my one hand how many drinks we've had together! We are such good friends, and when I can put my mothering to the side, we are even better friends. My child is the daughter my mother always wanted!
My other biggest passion is this guy, whom I have adored for the last five years! His tender and gentle soul is beyond measure. He is just so special and destined for greatness! He is an absolute gem to my daughter!
I am also passionate about making sure these two are happy. I support their endeavors when ever possible. If they get in a pickle I like to be there for both of them whenever I can!
Then there is my passion for stained glass. I have no idea why. I just know my body gets excited when ever I'm around it! I know....weird eh?
Oh yes, this was a passionate moment where my friend and I pigged out on desert. My gosh this was amazing...and NO, I couldn't finish it! I think there was a geriatric convention in the restaurant last Sunday night! I swear every slow guy over eighty was there! Can't blame them with the desserts they serve!

I am also passionate about bright wall colors and my insanely funny brother who just doesn’t realize what an amazing comedian he is! Last night he had us in hysterics talking about the scary ice-cubes some people try to serve. The ones with fresh chicken juice dripped on them, or the shrunken ice-cubes so shriveled in the tray, you know, the ones so freezer burnt they are beyond recognition! His spiel continued, about the poison ice-cubes, a trek to the bathroom and no toilet paper. Of course there are sound affect and physical antics to go along with the whole comedic presentation!

I'm passionate about my Nephew who I promised to blackmail if he didn't act nice in front of the camera. There are six pictures before this one with funny faces, and crossed eyes. I figure he won't like the girls seeing those when he's a teen. Which is right around the corner!

I'm passionate about my niece whose ears stuck out so bad when she was born, I worried a gale wind might cause her to take flight. When she was a toddler she used to ask for " Mommy, daddy ears." They had them fixed soon after. As you can see she's not exactly an extreme make over case!
I'm also passionate about my art, and the colors purple and green!
Heck I am a passionate woman and I could go on forever, about my passion for scrabble, pets, and children. But I won't
So, last but not least I am passionate about my poetry!

Never too late

Suppressed artist contained

Snippets covertly arise

In random poetry,

Vibrant colored clothing

Brightly painted walls,

Fancy cakes and unique jewelry

Smoldering creativity

Furiously begging to emerge

Youth waned, with spirit still dormant

Illness, lost vocation, verbal abuse

Death of loved ones, divorce,

Demise of a valued friendship

Abundant grief reigned

Nearing a half century old

Through the thick darkness

A bud of hope appeared

In a black sharpie pen

Swirling across the page

Producing the unimaginable

Saving my soul from the mire

The artist within was born!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Art from Ang and Meme of Six

My Friend Ang from Altermyworld sent me these beautiful pieces of art. The pictures don't do these pieces justice. I must say I was so impressed by the perfection of depth and detail in these art cards. I plan on framing them for my loft where I spend the majority of my time! They will sit with my family pictures, and adored black velvet children from South Africa.
Thank you Ang my art pales in comparison. This was such a lovely surprise in my hectic life right now. In the next few days things should slow down for a few weeks and I will complete my pieces to send out. I can't wait to do that!
I love how Ang captures the womans figure much more true to form! Ang I do adore your art....I could see a wonderful line of cards done Ang's style. She also sent me a book thong that marks the page. Cute eh? I feel truly blessed thanks again Ang for these lovely gifts from your soul!

The Rules:- Link to the person that tagged you.

Rick at Myrtlebeachramblings passed along this meme. I pretty much thought I had told everything there is to tell about myself. But here are six more things.
Post the rules on your blog.
Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
Tag random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

I fall asleep every night with the television on a timer, sometimes I forget to put the timer on and sleep all night with the TV on. I remember my mother would always wake up when you turned off her television!

I love a clean house I just find cleaning so frustratingly redundant. I’d rather be doing almost anything else! Music is a diversion from the tediousness of the nasty chores, so I can be found to blare it while doing the deed. I do exhale when all the work is done though....but it does seem endless.

I have a hand fetish, if I am attracted to a man I can tell immediately whether I could go further, just by looking at his hands.

When the kids aren’t around I eat completely different. I look in the fridge and just eat what isn’t moldy. This brings me to the conclusion that I probably cook more out of obligation rather than desire. However I do like to cook for my friends on occasion!

My home is my sanctuary, I don’t always answer the phone or the door when I’m home. Sometimes I just don’t hear it because the music is too loud, plus I have bad hearing as well. Other times I may have company and feel it's rude to interrupt my time with them. There are also times I just don’t feel like I need to explain myself….I may not answer it because I'm busy with my hands full of paint, or in the bath, or writing a piece I just can’t stop. I am usually not curious who calls or knocks either! I feel they will call back or leave a message. It’s a boundary my mother taught me! Some people feel it’s ignorant or selfish, I call it self preservation.

I have always loved heart shapes, and peace signs. Probably because I value peace and love so much! It’s not surprising my daughter was married valentines day. She remembers childhood valentine’s days being almost as spectacular as a birthday or Christmas. Since shes grown up I'm not as much into celebrations.

Because many people find memes too obligatory I'll send out a request for anyone who has a blog void to do this meme!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New Son-in-Law

Pepper went to the trade show in Vegas. So much to see and do with so little time. She met up with one of the proprietors from the London trade show he gave her the promised hat for her wedding. It's not due to come to the public for quite some time. I think it was one of the prototypes! She was thrilled.
The evening was spent at Coyote ugly where she celebrated her last night single. Bryan was there to cheer her on! They didn't get to bed until four in the morning! But it was a party to remember and my daughter had liquor poured down her throat....which is extremely rare as she's not much of a drinker at all! The next morning she had no hangover....that scares me! Here they are having breakfast....immediately after was a spa date for the girls! Refusing to pay the hundred and thirty dollars to have her hair done, they bought hot rollers, but one side of her hair didn't turn out! She tried not to stress about it, and is planning to get professional photos done in the next little while.
Bear hug!
Things do go better with coke!! Especially this couple.
The Bride Posing in her forties inspired "stop staring" dress. With her pill box hat, swag scored at the trade show!
A timeless look, down the road it will be hard to pin point which era this look is from!
Fun on the Vegas strip. It's all about vintage replication isn't it? And being who you are! This is my daughter! Actually if the truth be known I really felt ripped off not being born in the era true to my nature. For me it was the swing era! They were slightly late for the chapel, which was very busy on Valentines day. Having viewed the dvd I was so glad I wasn't there. When the two of us start giggling it becomes infectious with no hope of halting. As she entered the chapel she smelled something like potpourri. Her throat became dry and she started to cough randomly during the ceremony. Bryan's sister scanned the church in search of water, there was none. Almost a nervous cough, she fumbled her words. It was so cute, but I giggled hysterically, I'm sure we'll all chuckle for years to come... A slight metaphor for life....Nothing is ever perfect....but she didn't sweat the small stuff so it turned out as lovely as could be!
Sister of the groom.
Just Married.
A toast and a nibble!

Just before and after they came back life was a bit fast paced for me! I loved hearing all the stories and getting prepared for their return. Writing emails, making phone calls, loading and cropping pictures on to her face book, in between doing laundry and preparing for an art show has all been very time consuming

They will have a large party rather than a reception in a few months. With Bryan's basic immediate family being 27 people the rest will be my family and friends who she calls her aunties. So it won't be small by any means. They definately seem happier than ever so I guess marriage suits them well. Both tired from a few weeks non stop, I enjoyed my time home alone, but I love having them around too! They have no plans to move as we live so well communally! So everything is pretty much the same except it's official, I have a new son-in-law.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Just Married

The seven days that Pepper was gone Bryan spent every waking moment painting her room and cheater on-suite. He had three to four hours sleep all but two nights. Where he had five hours one night , and the last night he only had two, which he considered relinquishing completely!
The room and furniture were all painted Benjamin Moore Onyx. More less black. We had a mess of cardboard and Styrofoam along with junk from the room cluttering up the hall ways. Everything was in disarray! I Wish I'd taken pictures, it was a nightmare! The final result is revealed at the end of this post!
From a small girl, when she first fell in love with trolls, she knew she'd never be married in a white dress. Even though she is most deserving of that right, she's never liked to wear white clothing of any sort. Red or purple were her color choices even way back then. After a long search for a dress, she settled on the red. Happily trying to recreate a forties look similar to my mothers modest wedding.
Early in the relationship, they knew they'd elope. Having worked in the wedding industry they both knew it would be a lot less stress. And I really think it was! The planning was to a minimal. There was detailed prep, but for the most part there was no outside pressure. I always wanted my daughter to have an economical wedding, with more focus on the relationship and less on the fantasy of a wedding. But ultimately I wanted her to be happy, and make a choice suitable to who she is, rather than conforming to societal pressures.
So with the bride in a red dress, and the groom in red shirt and shoes they flew to Vegas with Bryan's sister Ava and brother-in-law Jon to be married in a small chapel. So far they have attended an all day trade show and spent the night prior to the wedding dancing on the bar at coyote Ugly. The owner of the company who accompanied Pepper to London, showed up in Vegas and together they partied with Bryan, Ava and Jon, all night long.

My friends and I celebrated at a restaurant, where I told them the news. Many will be shocked but not surprised that they are married. It did seem inevitable, as I imagine them as this old couple with matching red vortex coats and dark converse runners. Still taking the bus on occasion!
So yesterday at 5:15 pm on Valentines day this sweet couple who've been together five years tied the knot at the Graceland church in Vegas, where many famous people have been before them! Both thrilled and more in love than ever.

Stayed tuned for Wedding pictures.

The Bed

This picture doesn't do it justice. It is a very pleasing romantic looking room! Which originally was going to have yellow accents, but the colored intended doesn't seem available. So for now if will be accented with red.It still needs curtains and a few more accents. For now it looks really sharp!
This is the chocolate cake with Banana icing and purdy's chocolate drizzled on it! The mock wedding cake was scrumptious!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Young Lovers

Red resonates through them with strength and power

Capturing passion, and a penchant for only each other

They first held hands, that sweltering July day five years ago

Their desire for Music melded them slowly over the months

Sacred, they held to each other, sharing friendship

Supporting dreams and fulfilling emotional needs

Laughing, reveling in precious time spent alone

Thoughtful and attentive to each others needs

They filled unforeseen voids creating a deep and lasting love

Carrying it over the rubble of the past, towards new horizons

Where the new day can grow with the nourishment of the rain

or flourish in the suns encompassing rays

Whatever the weather, they'll endure it together
As One

Just know

I’m not there but my heart is smiling upon you

I’m not there but I’m thinking only love

I’m not there but I’m thrilled you’re having fun

I’m not there but I’m holding you in my heart

If you wonder, I can assure you I’m well

If you need to know, I enjoy my time alone

If you're worried, don’t, because I’m happy

If you desire, fly as high as you can,

Just know I’ll catch you if you fall

Just know I hope you never will

Just know I pray for your happiness

Just know my heart is beaming with joy

Because I love you so much!

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