Quote of The Day

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hope reborn

Hope Reborn

Two angels arrive
Encouraging relief
Comforting parents
Occupied by grief

Coos of innocence
Fills winters air
Double blessings
Offer hope repair

Tiny jewels
Ten fingers and toes
blossoms of joy
Long awaited repose

Welcome treasures
Restructuring life
For a labor of strife

Memories loom
Of children passed
A shrine exhibit
Mother amassed

Resilient hearts
Beat on command
As birth and grief
Walk hand in hand

My friends who lost their severely disabled son Ethan at age five last winter, after losing their disabled ten month old Jayna less than two years earlier, have just had a healthy set of twins on Nov 7th. They were optimistically reserved during the pregnancy since they were never assigned a proper name for their children"s rare genetic disorder. Which is still being considered by genetic specialist at this juncture.
They took an alternative root and these precious angels arrived to bless an amazing couple. Twins should be a cinch for these two who carted a tall five year old around medicating him every few hours providing 24/7 demanding care. They feel their children taught them so much in the short time they were here, including true courage and patience.
These lucky little princesses... WILL be loved! They'll be spoiled with humorous, fun loving adventurous, immediate and extended family, a warm, kind, loving mommy, aunt, uncle and grandmother, a highly intelligent wise daddy, and people who listens to their needs. This is hope reborn for my dear friends and their new angels.We are ecstatic for these good people!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Scribblings "Oracle"

All Images found on google are accredited to the photographers
responsible for these glorious photos

Wish I had these pieces to go with
our new paint job! Color fills my soul!

Love the rug and color....similar to my family room

Sunday Scribblings Oracle

My oracle is congruent with google reader! Sharing experiences in thought provoking blogs throughout our universe invokes a plethora of ideas and interest. The compilation is awe inspiring, filled with unique snippets of greatness. Art, prose, and style married informatively with vision, spirit and insight. This week I wondered how anyone could ever be bored, with so much to explore and do both physically and mentally. Life is an energy enveloping masterpiece of interesting goings on! All you need to do is embrace it!

Just a few blogs I ponder over the week!

Alisa Burke

On her table is a selection of all my favorite colors, how she uses them is unique and uplifting! Love her artwork!

Found six word Saturday at Show my face!

Here’s mine! Describe your life in six words!

Enveloped in love, color and peace!

One of my favorite blogs to peek in on! Life in the fun lane!

She has brought me over to the white side which I have rejected for years now!!

Beige is still on my “ do not like list!”

Jaime's blog has an awesome video on art and wishcasting.

Dare to wish for! I thought this to be an interesting concept that got me thinking!!

I dare to wish for trust…something I am skeptical of!

Trust I’ll make the right choices

Trust I can get things completed

Trust I am doing the right thing

Trust in people who I thought had my back and ones who don’t

Trust enough to love completely, another!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Six Months

Six Months


He grabbed

Her arm

Off the gear shift

Terror welled


She replaced it

Mind grappling

For a calm



It would




His voice

An excessive

Growl of words

Blaring into

Her right ear

Hope of




The package

Nestled under

Her ribs

Was her only


Three months

Until the


Would appear

The bruises


But not her soul!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Soup Line

This illustration was originally done for Mimis peace globe
day but didn't get posted as originally hoped.

Today we remember the fallen ones, grateful for freedom,
praying for a world of peace.

News Last Night

Hunger trumps humility

In the soup line

At the local food bank

People in despair

Captured on film

Handed food

Out an open window


Do diligence

With little to no

Eye contact

I shed a grateful tear

Of sadness

For those

In need

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Carry on Tuesday "Good Fortune"

Happy tiler digital art "Three odd girls"

Carry on Tuesday sponsored by Keith
The prompt today
is " Arms of an angel"
title of Sarah Mclachlan's song.

My friend's sixty year old step dad won the lottery in the spring. Last week he left to be in the arms of an angel after a short fight with stomach cancer. I've never met the man. Still I feel too sad for words. Sometimes life doesn't seem fair. I can't help but wonder how my friends young sons, who enjoyed this man as a grandfather figure, will cope. It seems the family finally got a break, only to be shot down by this sad news. I'm sure the lottery winner felt comfort knowing he left his family provided for. How's one to understand this complex aspect of life? Sure makes ya think....

Good Fortune

Comfy house
ancient car
outdated furniture
I stop and stare
worn out floors
ratty blinds
old white stove
needs repair
Eighties items
invade the space
Press board cupboards
painted thrice
Fridge freezer
works on a whim
mismatched washer
a dryer squeaks
I exhale and listen
as my old place speaks
a rhyme of home
despite the kinks
I know
I'm the lucky one!

P.S we are in the process of correcting many flaws, upgrading, and sprucing things up!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Sunday Scribblings " Adventure"

Mothers and Daughters
Wonder why they're so sad.
Can you match which ones are related?

Sunday Scribbling prompt this week is " Adventure"
I do love to have fun, but honestly I'm more of a home body than a traveler. There was a time I'd escape a chaotic household to anesthetize myself with adventure. I've always enjoyed festivals, dancing, a good laugh with fiends. I used to be the last to exit a good party, and first to dress in costume for a lantern festival or night on the town.

In the seventies I was a guest on a Navy ship, soon befriending all the top officers who encouraged me to join them in song, and the chef who taught me how to make scallop st. Jacques for five hundred.
When my mom was dying a music therapist requested I harmonize with her for all the patients in palliative care. I've been a screamer in a haunted house, traveled with a school theater group that did Jesus Christ Super Star in another province, sang madrigals with small group of school teachers, but so far my very best adventure is a personal exploration of art.

Everyday is a new creative adventure, whether painting a picture of cartoon people I've never met, writing a guttural poem or pulling out digital characters that I swear started with the etchasketch I got for Christmas so many moons ago! Every single day is an exciting new quest of self discovery. I'm seriously oblivious to know where it will take me. It's a baffling unfulfilled obsession that I am in love with.

The characters I meet along the way, well they're a bonus! I often wonder if the faces are people I've studied on outings, or conjured up from imagination, or some other mysterious force. Doesn't matter how it occurs I just wish everyone could experience this same sense of satisfaction felt while creating.

Why not pick up a pencil, paint brush, or even a crayon and let it lead you to discover that untapped vessel inside of you? Don't worry what it looks like, start with some scribbles. What do you see in those scribbles? Do you love certain color combinations? What is your favorite shape. Just enjoy the process. You never know where it might take you.

In a million years I couldn't have imagined sharing one piece of my art with another living soul....seven years later here I am spreading my joy, with hope that it will be infectious!
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