February 24th, 2009
Empty rooms
Full of toys
Empty hours
No more noise
Blank calendar
Appointments void
Nature’s decorum
Looms destroyed
Disabled children
Lives have ceased
Parent’s heartache
Changed world
Changed lives
Changed hearts
A mother cries
Dreams crumpled
To bits of rubble
Spirits captive
In sorrows bubble
Compassion staid
Of what to say
A couple’s anguish
In disarray
No words of solace
No words of just
No words of hope
To help adjust
Lovingly cared for
Through every ill
Needs and nuances
resolved at will
Amazing parents
Profusion to cope
Bound in adversity
On a downward slope
"Sorry," too lame
For suffering endured
Pardon my failure
for a germane word
Nothing I imagine
Can ease this grief
Vacant of answers
For your relief
So I hold you close
In thought and prayer
When the world disperses
Expect me there
After a difficult journey through life, my friend’s young son has passed away. Nothing can prepare you to have a child that never realizes his first steps, or throws his first ball. Nothing can prepare you for daily bouts of medication, feeding tubes and seizures. Nothing can prepare you for a monthly calendar jammed packed full of physiotherapy sessions, doctors appointments or having your child poked and prodded at Childrens hospital. Nothing can prepare you for weekly bouts overnight in hospital with your child during flu season. That’s what my dear friends have faced the last five years. As hard as is was, nothing is more difficult than losing that child. I can’t begin to fathom what it must be like for them to lose a second disabled child. To have no children occupying their home, to have life as they’ve known it halted completely, while ripping out their souls.
My friends have been the kindest most loving patient parents any child could ever have. These are the times I question life most. They are wonderful amazing people. I couldn’t have imagined better more tender parents for those two angels who graced this world for only a short time. I can’t help but wonder how my friends will cope with this huge void in their lives and in their home. Nothing could have prepared them. My heart bleeds for their sorrow. I am sad beyond words and tears…........often life just isn’t fair.
My worse fear.
I have followed this little angel's life through you. I can't imagine the pain they feel right now but want to say my heart is with them as a parent and I mourn the passing of this tender soul.
He was a beautiful boy, and his parents were angels in their own way. My prayers and love to them and you.
Thanks for sharing... My thoughts and prayers are with the parents and family as well as with you and yours. The title of this is perfect... Be well...
no words can express how much this tragic news breaks my heart.
I can't even imagine what these poor parents are going through. They are in my heart and prayers, as are you and Pepper and Bryan. Hang in there Sherrie. xox
I'm so sorry honey. Often life isn't fair indeed. You and all concerned are in my thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time. Biggest hugs ever. :)
This is a pain I cannot wrap my mind around. I hope they can help each other through the agony. Such a huge loss.
My thoughts and prayers to all who loved these precious angels.
Comfort hug Sherrie
To lose a child! Can anything be worse! I think not. I'm glad you are close to them. This is such a sadness they need to be surrounded with love. Sending my small patch of love to them.
I'm so sorry for your friends and for you. I will include you all in my prayers tonight.
That is heartbreaking. I can't imagine.
my heart aches with this news , wrapping my heart around you
I am trying to catch up on blogging. Only to see they have lost their second child. I do so feel for these parents. So heartbreaking. I will keep them in my thoughts. Love Hugs and Blessing to you and them.
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