Quote of The Day

Today's Quote
The true art of memory is the art of attention.
Samuel Johnson

Saturday, October 02, 2010

My Queen of Freebies

For as long as I can remember she always searched for a deal. As a teen she’d wait for an outfit to drop in price before buying it. Her grad dress was discounted to fifteen dollars. She had the best time  dressing in her own unique style!

Her latest passion is coupon clipping! She reads local weekly flyers, checks for specials, then tops that off with her discount coupons. Which she prints off the computer or sends away for! Some items end up being free. There's always a squeal when she gets a deal, accompanied by gratitude!  Since she turned to this mind set more free things have come her way! Recently I won her two tickets worth one hundred and sixty dollars to a charity fashion show event!

Every morning she checks the “Smart Canucks” website alerting her to best weekly coupons and store discounts. It takes a lot of the work out of her search. She takes advantage of manufacturers who entice shoppers to try their products by offering free items, or huge discounts.

At times she gets an argument from the cashiers when presenting  coupons making an item free, so she asks to speak to management. It’s rare that she gets turned away. Everything is legitimate, but it does take some tenacity. She’s been known to switch cashiers if they try to reject her coupons. If that doesn’t work she tries another store. So far she’s managed to get all her coupons honoured. She says “You can’t be afraid to stand up for your rights to cash in these manufacturers perks!” “If you want the deal you have to be persistent.” Which she is!

This month alone she has had free deodorant, bread, body wash, lots of Tylenol, olay products, sanitary items, razors, free star bucks, coffees, muffins, loafs, plus a price adjustment of almost twenty dollars for a dress she bought a few days previous.

I must say she is phenomenally generous too, no one leaves our house without a banana bread or some sort of baking, she buys everyone gifts, on sale of course even if it‘s not reciprocated, plus she never goes anywhere empty handed. That’s  part of the secret to receiving so many free things.

She’s compelled to shop this way because she loves to travel. To afford yearly trips and other things she wants that aren’t discounted shoes/boots and coats, she cuts back in other ways. She also loves the challenge. Her latest goal is trying to get something free everyday! Last year her husband won an all inclusive five star resort trip to Mexico….One can only wonder what wonderful things will come her way this year!


Queen-Size funny bone said...

i see her on facebook when she is happy she got something new and free

teer said...
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J C said...

Nothing wrong with being freebie queen. It's smart shopping. My dh is freebie king. Coupon shopper number one! Double 'em up. Triple deals! Shop at stores with "if we mess up at register you get it free". Oh my, how many free things we have had. And just think how many people overpay because they don't check their register receipts!

Gypsy Hundley said...

I love this!

JP/deborah said...

i love how you talk about your wonderful daughter!

Lucy said...

haha love the crossouts!!! so cute!! YOU GO pep!! teach me too?? FREE is so damn exciting AS is a great deal when you didn't expect it! Recently I found a buffalo jacket that I LOVED but it wasn't on sale :(
the cashier said they were extending their friends and family event and she could take 25% offf... so I said... OKAY what the heck..,. ONly to have her ring it up and find out it was already reduced 25% and then the next 25 came off!! WOO HOOO!!!! :))

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