Quote of The Day

Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer of Color week two

This is Skoots, he's showin his bum!
Summer of Color 2012 
Mint chocolate chip colors 

It was a miserable weekend here in B.C. 
The rain was bouncing so high off the pavement, you'd get 
soaked just running to the door from your car!
I can't say I don't enjoy the cooler weather
because I really do!

Purely by accident I pondered the question,
 "Sometimes?" this weekend!
Unexpected things happen and there is absolutely nothing we can say!
People get angry about one thing, but they're really mad about something else!

It's difficult to celebrate someone who doesn't deserve it!
 We assume someone said something nasty, but it  was never their intention!
 We're late by a few minutes, but avoid having an accident that demolishes our car!
 We think of a person we haven't seen in ages,
and they pick up the phone and call us first!
We have  family members that are difficult so we avoid confrontation!
 We hurt someone  unintentionally, and never know it!
 We lift someones spirits but  never know that either!
What are the first few things that pop into 
your  head when you think "Sometimes?"


helena said...

I love all the different colour ways

sometimes family rubs every raw nerve without noticing

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Lol! I love Skoots' bum. :)) Awesome!

Fishcake_random said...

Loving the bum, and all the questions.
x x x

bellefrogworks said...

Skoots is adorable - love the change in colors in your woman. You are right - life is a succession of "sometimes"!!!

Ritu Dua said...

Beautiful work of art!

Marji said...

I do like Skoots... but I think your girl is awesome!

Kristin said...


WrightStuff said...

Remember that Erasure song Oooh Sometimes... the truth is harder than the pain inside... (or something like that!!)

I like this Sometimes piece, but the doggy really made me smile :)

WrightStuff said...

Remember that Erasure song Oooh Sometimes... the truth is harder than the pain inside... (or something like that!!)

I like this Sometimes piece, but the doggy really made me smile :)

Molly said...

It's always so interesting to see how different your paintings look when you change the color schemes!

I ADORE Skoots and his bum! He would make a great character in a book for kids. Even his name is perfect!

Joanna said...

Another song for me, "Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much.....etc."

Lovin' your spotty dog and the Sometimes lady :o)

Mandy said...

Love your work....and sometimes i wish my life wasn't so busy and i could sit for 5 minutes doing nothing and not feel guilty...xxx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I like how you have changed the colors, yet they all relate to the Summer of color. You certainly have posed a lot of questions. I guess I'm SO happy I live with a cat and have no living relatives. I guess I wish others were as happy as I am.

Diana Taylor said...

Sometimes I come across a blog that has beautiful artwork AND makes me think!
Thank you for that!

Jenny said...

Awww Skoots is just gorgeous... so very adorable... and beautiful Sometimes page and words...

Sometimes I forget just how blessed I am... thank you for sharing... and for the reminder...

Jenny x

Caz said...

haha scoots is cute!

minnemie said...

Love what you did here. Her expression totally captures the pondering... sometimes...

Linda said...

Your colors are amazing as usual...:) Just love cute Scoot!

Sometimes if we speak up we might find that we are both thinking the same thing at the same time and it's lovely.

Jo Murray said...

Cute Scoots! It's all good tho' 'sometimes' there's an odd hiccup.

Kristin Aquariann said...

Ha, Skoots has a cute bum. ^.^

Sorry to hear it was such a miserable weekend, I hope the weather is nicer today.

-:¦:- Art Update: Mint Chocolate Chip -:¦:-

Sandi McLean said...

Scoots made me smile - a lot. Well the weather in Victoria wasn't all that bad!

Tracey FK said...

the first few things I think of when I hear sometimes are exercise and ironing... my two least favourite things in the world... I avoid both and luckily married a man who happily irons as long as I let him watch the football in peace... great deal there... have a great minty week... your paintings are fab and I hope the rain starts to settle down... we have actually had some sun here finally!!!!

Jez said...

Love your lady and the idea behind the picture - and all the 'Sometimes' quotes. I agree, it's amazing sometimes how we are thinking of a person and they contact us. Sometimes pleasure comes from where you least expect it, and is a special joy.

K J D said...

Super cute dog.... loved seeing the colour changes to 'sometimes'

.... sometimes its better to just think something and not say it out loud!


VonnyK said...

Skoots is so cute. I love the sometimes and the way you changed the colours. The words are perfect.

Daniele Valois said...

oh my, skoots is cute!

JansArtyJunk said...

LOVE what you did with this weeks colours...Skoots is Soooo cute!
Sometimes we put walls up, not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.

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