Quote of The Day

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Perception

Perceptions, we all have different ones. It's really bizarre when you dial ahead eight years to hear a person repeating their history completely different than what you observed. Is it a form of denial, or self preservation? Possibly a bit of both. 

I listened in total disbelief.  Who is that person standing before me, blathering  their story in a completely fictional way?   Shocking really. A reputable young person, voiding the life that was. 

If they were truthful they'd realize the high cost of chasing their dream. Only to find once caught, it was empty, without depth or parallel value. If they could see what I do, they'd see a darkness, laying dormant......for now!

 Desperation is an  unattractive, destructive animal! When fed with sacrifice it changes our destination, eats away at soul, and eludes personal growth.  Bobbles, trinkets, or status will never fill the emotional void it creates!

Oh there are times as an older person I wish I didn't know the things I  know. It's no wonder old ladies sit in corners completely hush! We've made our mistakes. Helped   family and friends struggle through theirs. Albeit wiser, we wear the scars of our experience with dignity knowing young people don't really want to know what we know..........................................yet!

Have you ever fooled yourself about what was? Or convinced yourself your life was one way, when it was actually another?


Nora MacPhail said...

I see from the top image on your blog that you painted some chairs. I mean literally, not a painting of a chair!
They are fabulous! I have painted furniture in my home but none I painted myself. Very inspiring.

Jez said...

This sad lady is definitely looking back on events in the past and wishing she could replace them with a different kind of remembered reality. With a bit of luck she will perhaps be able to overlay them with a little mistiness so she can start to convince herself things were otherwise.

bellefrogworks said...

Although I have told lies (mostly as a child) I don't have the ability to change what happened - even in my own mind. Aside from things I don't remember well - I have always had to face the way things were. I have trouble understanding it when someone tells me a completely fictional version of a reality I witnessed. Your sad lady's face speaks volumes -

Renee! said...

Hi there! I love the chairs at the top of your page!!!
About this post...
I often wonder what my children think when I talk about years past... when I share things I kept to myself because they were too young to understand... and I also wonder what life they were living when they tell about a past I don't even recognize as their mother!!! I think we're all a mish-mash of reality+denial+successes+failures all competing in our heads and hearts to be the truth! I will say this... hind sight is always better!
Thanks for making me pause and think today!
Have a great day...

GlorV1 said...

Your words are food for thought for sure. Love the faces that do go very well with your profound words. Have a great rest of the week.

Gloria j Zucaro said...

Wow! Now that is a serious topic. I think we all probably rationalize things when we are not ready to change ourselves in order to change the circumstances and always think...sometime in the future... But as I get older, I realize that some of my friends who thought ...in the future...never got there, to the future,so lived only in the imaginations future.

soulbrush said...

I find your posts insightful and interesting. I believe we all fool ourselves about one thing or another! Am going to add your blog to my list of favourites so I can visit more often.

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