Quote of The Day

Friday, August 17, 2012

Paint party Friday Grumps

Quirky Girl sketch book acrylic
This week I am working on a mid sized cradle board. It's still a work in progress... other things in my sketch book are a real disappointment!!This is my quirky girl from a few weeks back. 
In a perfect world I'd be kind to everyone! For the most part I am. There are times though when my every last nerve is tested. By whiners, those  abusive towards animals,   and children. Of course there are the stupid mean people too!!
This is how my cradle board started!
Today I saw a guy in a nicely ironed peach button up shirt running  with all his might in attempt to catch the bus.  I assumed the bus was waiting for him, instead it pulled away, just as the old fella got to the stop. He was seconds from the front door!!  It was as though the driver was taunting him by leaving. I was so mad I felt like spitting. I rarely anger, but it was hot and that was mean!! Against my good judgement I considered giving the old fella a lift,  but I was already late and would have had to double back. Plus I'm too much of a chicken to pick up a stranger....in a perfect world, or  maybe in a different era I would have!!

On one of the hottest days of the year,  what would possess a bus driver to pull away just as someone arrived?  I slowed in my lane to catch a glimpse of the transit driver who was close to retirement himself. It's not like the bus was full, he just chose to ignore the man!! Why??? How hard is it to be kind???
 A foot stool and sturdy peace box I got to house paint and art supplies for under fifty dollars!
Five minutes later I changed lanes to prepare for my turn! I could see the man  behind me shake  his head. I always use my blinker and leave a couple of car lengths before I change lanes..I'm a cautious defensive driver. Still another male grumpy pants. This is the second day in a row a man has shaken his head at me, the equivalent of a tsk tsk,  like I was a naughty girl. Why are old men so friggin grumpy? Not all, but many!! Young men don't shake their heads at me like that, it's the old dudes!! Wish I had a magic wand to put a kindness spell on the grumpy ones!!
Paints I can sit on the couch next to me then hide at a moments notice!
That would be why my home is always a soft place to fall!! My son-in-law comes in the door, almost singing H-e-l-lo....I love the sound of his beautiful voice! Cupcake yells hello as she runs in, grabs the keys to the mail in pursuit of her coupons!! 

Many nights they catch a waft of food cooking. Sometimes they wash their hands and pitch in, to complete the meal!! Then they  retreat to change into comfy clothes before dinner. We eat and share our day. It's a very pleasant time.
Soft place to Fall, acrylic on cradle board in progress

Our home is a soft place to fall!! No matter how many men shake their heads at me, or how ugly the kids work day gets it's always nice to come home! In my life that wasn't always the case.  As a child it was always a surprise coming in the door!  I vowed not to be a nag when I was married, I never did. I vowed not to nag at my child, I tried not to. I may nag more now than I did years ago!! Still our house is a soft place to fall, because in the end, " Only kindness matters," and we really appreciate each other!!

Am I the lone soul who provokes  old men to shake their heads??

Make sure to visit other artists at Paint Party Friday 
Dream Goddess and me!
Big Happy Birthday to my bloggy soul sister Lucy who rarely blogs anymore, and my dearest oldest friend Dream goddess! Two of the most loving KIND, talented, women, born on the same day, phenomenal mothers, ethical people with such generous hearts! Both ladies deserve the best!! I feel so blessed to have them as part of my life!! Have a great day ladies!!! Love you both!!! 

My New York Soul Sister Lucy


Jez said...

A beautiful post, I really enjoyed reading it. I always love your colour changes because it's something I spend a lot of time doing, though I think we use different programs.

I love your painted box, and the idea that you can have it close to you and quickly close it if visitors arrive - the equivalent of hiding one's knitting behind the sofa cushion.

There can't be enough kindness in the world. Like you I try hard to be nice to people, and try to do at least one kindness a day to someone I meet. Perhaps our kindnesses may be given to someone just after one of the 'grumps' has been unpleasant, and life will be brighter.

I love reading your posts - you seem a lovely person.

GlorV1 said...

Hi Giggles. Happy PPF and have a great weekend as well. I like your quirky girl and also where you have your paints. Nice way to hide your paints in a flash. I always like how you give your work different vivid colors, full of life....like you. Don't worry about those people who shake their heads at you. I don't think they mean harm. Look at it this way..."Why this man is shaking his head at me and flashing his eyebrows up and down, meaning he likes the way I look." tee hee. You'll feel better. I like the way you think and am glad you find peace in your home, much like me. My home is my haven. I love being home. Take care and thank for sharing your work and thoughts.

bellefrogworks said...

Happy PPf - love the quirky girl and your color variations. As far as kindness goes - it'jjs a blessing to have a "soft place" to fall back on at home. I had a friend who said she tried to imagine grumpy and mean people as having a toothache. No doubt they are in some kind of pain.

FLO said...

I love to read although I find it difficult to understand everything in English. You are a very optimistic person;)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a frustrating day... can be so discouraging. I call my home my sanctuary. Love your quirky girls. :)

Netty said...

Great post and I do think a lot of men get grumpy as they get older. Loving that box you keep your paints in, so perfect. Happy PPF, Annette x

Victoria said...

Super beautiful post..wise and inspiring and always full of spirit~ I am smiling!
Gorgeous art..shine on..totally fabulous works!

Mary C. Nasser said...

So prolific!
Loving everything you're doing...from the "Quirky Girl" and her awesome hair to your hand-painted trunk, to your "soft place to fall" artwork, and the wonderful tribut and photos of your friends!! :)
So inspiring!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

WrightStuff said...

Your post reminds me of a story an 8 year old boy told me today. Last winter, it was snowy and he was admiring a snowman in someone's garden. The owner came out and said "I've got my eye on you..." in the sort of tone that meant - "don't you wreck my snowman". Poor lad, was just looking at it and thinking it was cool. Miserable old woman!!

Natasha said...

A great post! Sometimes I have to wonder at other people out there, and I can only think they have unhappy lives. I try and feel gracious and compassionate for them, but sometimes I just feel annoyed and curmudgeonly. So important to have a sanctuary to come back ton on those days.

Carolyn Dube said...

Your quirky girl is fun! Love her eyes! Sorry the old guys have been grumpy- hopefully you won't have to deal with them again.

Tracey FK said...

I actually think it is my duty to make older men shake their heads...it makes me feel rebellious and young... they are all such sad things and I think they were probably grumpy young men but I kind of find them funny... and the grumpy ones in cardigans are laugh out loud hilarious.... how can you take anyone seriously if they are wearing a cardigan... in public... love a good cardy at home... but in public, no way... so I tip my hat to the grumpy old men... the headshakers and tsk tskers.... they always make me smile... as do your posts... it is a gentle and soft place for us to land...xx

sharon said...

You made me smile, as I read your post, grumpy old men make me laugh. Love your cradle board cant wait to see it finished.

Marji said...

Its a shame that grumpy old men and tsk tskers can't turn a mirror on themselves and see what they look like to the rest of the world. I think it is wonderful that your home is a soft place to land. Great for you to make your home so comfortable. Beautiful Quirky girl! Happy PPF

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I always believe things happen for a reason and for whatever reason the bus driven pulled off, either he didn't see him or he was running late or was just plain mean, I believe the peach shirt guy was meant to miss that bus. :) He is on a different live path because of it. Gorgeous art as always and I love that peace box. :)

Jess said...

That was mean of the bus driver. It happened to me once when he closed the doors on me. I'm ashamed to say I did a lot of shouting and swearing which is unlike me... but when riled....;)
I love that top picture on your blog of the chairs you've painted, they make me so happy to see such cheerful colours. :)
Jess x x

AM Zafaran said...

Hi, Loved your paintings and that you made grumpy men shake their heads!! Good!!! ;-)
Kindness is lost in my city as well!

Anne Manda said...

Love your Soft Place To Fall painting! We should all have that kind of place... :). Happy PPF!

Debbie said...

The message in your post is so good. Thank you for that. I love the Soft Place to Fall painting. Such beautiful colors, and of course, meaning. 'Hope you have a great week!

denthe said...

Oh my, that peace box is awesome, I LOVE it!!! Want one too now ... Although the stackable boxes might be a better choice for now, thanks for the advice :-)
Loved reading your post, as always. Grumpy people really bring my mood down too. Good on you that at least your home is a soft place to fall ...

Karen Smithey said...

Love your grumpy girl! I definitely have days like that...

I don't understand un-kindness either. Baffling.

Glad home is a soft place to land. Maybe the people who are unkind don't have a soft place...

Faye said...

Hi Giggles, I enjoyed your post and seeing your fun art works. I agree that home should be where you can relax and let your hair down. I'm not sure I always was successful at making our home that stressfree when I had kids at home. I sometimes shake my head at the young drivers. Many seem to miscalculate how fast I can react in my Lincoln TC and try to cut me off or jump out of a side street directly in front of me. Usually it is a young woman. Sometimes it is a young man. Rarely is it an old codger. But I am a good and courteous driver. I give in to other drivers. I allow them to enter from driveways or roads. The problem as I see it is that so many drivers are multi-tasking that one must always be 100% on the defensive while driving. The world is becoming less friendly and it is showing up on the road as well as other places. Sorry you had an unpleasant experience with an oldster. I'm glad you have a nice soft place to land at home. Just remember most of us have weathered all sorts of driving conditions for 50 or 60 years. I'd trust an old-timer long before a young driver who has little experience. The few old ones who should give up driving have caused blame to be placed on a whole lot of us very good, considerate, experienced drivers.

Lynn Cohen said...

Any chance the old guy driving the bus just did not see the guy in the peach shirt running to get it?
Wanting to give benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was day dreaming? Watching traffic on his left? Who knows.

As for the grumpy men who wag their heads tsk tsk at them! Are we all so overly critical of each other any more? Have we lost all patience for our human kind?

Glad home is a soft place to fall. We all need one of those.

Love love love the peace box. colorully pretty and "Peace"ful!
Full of bright colors to make marvelous art, which you do!

Beautiful people you and your family and friends! A nice place to fall.


Alicia C said...

what cool face! I love how she shows up in different colours

Elisa Choi said...

I love reading your story Giggles. There are a lot to say about what has became of our world. Many negative so to speak. However there are a lot to be thankful and be happy about. There is still kindness I assure you. Humanity has its hope still. And I really like the saying that we have to be kind to people because they are all going through some kind of battles. And yes our home will be the refuge that we can fall onto after a rough day outside or happy whatever. The best is that we are alive and that everything comes from God. Great painting and what a great haul! Hope you have a nice day!

soulbrush said...

Another great post. Yes, I was also determined NOT to be like my mother who was cruel and abusive in every way. I succeeded and now have two well-adjusted grown up sons, who adore me! Yay!

carlarey said...

It's always uplifting to read about how happy you have made your life through the sheer determination that it should be be that way.

Christine said...

your quirky girl sketch is cute! And thanks for the kindness message. I think we get so caught up in our day, we have to remember to be kind.

JKW said...

I love the gal in the different colors.
Your question: I find as I get older, I have much more patience and realize the meter is ticking. On the other hand, most of the people in my 'aged' community where I live, the older they become, the more crabby they get. Why? I can't answer that. . . both men and women. Blessings, Janet PPF

Melisa said...

I have an old man and it takes very little to make him grumpy when he's driving. He's like a different person in the car. Love him anyway, though. I really like your Soft Place to Fall. And that Peace box was a great find! Now I have that Hands song by Jewel in my head...In the end, only kindness matters. I used to play it (rather badly) on guitar. I may have to drag out the old six string!

Kristin said...

Hello sweet one! I am WITH you - the world is so much better when others allow their GOOD to shine ;)
Thank you for sharing this story and your paint box! LOVE that idea ;) xoxo

Elderberry-Rob said...

Hello, thanks for popping by on PPF I have just been browsing your bold and vibrant art work - you have humour and expression in bucketfuls here! Isn't it always harder to watch someone else being shortchanged - more so than yourself! that bus driver will pick up some bad karma I am sure. Betty

HeARTworks said...

How mean! Hope the rest of your day lifted your mood! I like your acrylic box! Patsy

Unknown said...

I loved your post. I don't understand why that bus driver pulled away, but his heart must be two sizes too small, as Dr. Seuss said about the Grinch. Sounds like your home gives you lots of nourishment. I love your painting. Just beautiful and happy.

minnemie said...

What a beautiful description of a home: a soft place to fall...

J C said...

Yes, that is lovely. A home that is a soft place to fall. :) Painting is awesome too!

Lisabella Russo said...

I love your house painting "Soft Place to Fall" and the sentiment behind it. I've taken the bus and it could be quite frustrating at times. I think it's possible the bus driver was lost in his own thoughts, but I don't know. As a driver, I tend to get honked at, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's just annoying... It depends on the situation. I'm glad that no matter the travails of the road, you have such a wonderful home life to come home to...

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