Quote of The Day

Friday, August 03, 2012

Paint party friday, " Mom and the Goddesses"

 I'm a cup half full person, however I never forget where I came from, and every tough hurdle that formed who I am! Tomorrow will be the twenty first anniversary of my mothers death. We had a difficult relationship, but there were so many wonderful things she taught me. Although our personalities were completely different,  I think I understand her much better now!! 
Angel on my Shoulder acrylics in a sketchbook

So when I was picking shapes from splotches this girl with a little angel on her  shoulder appeared. It was a very intuitive piece! My daughter always feels my mothers presence when she travels alone.
 My mother died never truly knowing me. She knew I was creative, calling me a great  homemaker (because I painted furniture bright colors, decorated fun cakes, sewed and crocheted) while my cousin was the  housekeeper. I always surrounded myself in color, yet never painted a stroke on paper until I was forty seven!! She died never knowing why I was so quirky growing up!!!

Funny how life continues to teach us!  My daughter is like  mom in too many ways to mention. Her wallet is stuffed with coupons like moms was  and she has everything except the kitchen sink in her purse.  At five foot three, a whole three inches taller than mom she totes a purse heavy enough to win gold medal at the purse carrying Olympics. 

Cupcake has a gift of cooking intuitively like mom did. Even though I'm a good cook, my daughter is a step above me. She whipped up a sauce for a stir fry this week that was to die for!! I have gladly demoted myself to her sou chef!!

 My daughter makes things happen like mom did, she loves travel, needs to get away to let her hair down, and is fairly high strung...like mom!! In fact mom and I bucked heads too often. While my daughter and I  thankfully are pretty  amiable.
 Fit of Conniption Acrylics on Sketchpad

I really believe our kids are put on earth to teach us far more than we can teach them!! I used to think no one knows a child like the mother, I still believe it to be true when a child is young! However a question I've pondered of  late has been..... "do our children know us  better than we know them???"  I'd love feed back on this question...I'm fortunate that my  daughter and son-in-law know me so well!! 

On a lighter note the goddesses gathered at  Mexican restaurant and had many laughs. My one friend let her young grandson eat all the sugar he wanted and was outed when he held his head with both hands and screamed "MOMMA, I've had too much SUGAR!!!" While she tried to shush him!!  My daughter is such a germ freak I often  threaten to let her kids lick door knobs!!  She doesn't have kids yet, but I'm using reverse psychology in preparation, just in case she has notions of me baby sitting full time!!  She doesn't by the way!!
We celebrated Earth Goddesses in the blue, behind her is Faery goddess and Nature goddess, I'm the Love Goddess in the black Sombrero, Dream Goddess who made the cake is beside me!! Isn't the cake fabulous!! It was coconut pineapple cupcakes hidden in a terracotta pot. It was so incredibly delectable, gummy WORMS and all!!

 Have a great weekend!! You can visit more wonderful Artist 
at Paint Party Friday, join in if you so feel inclined!! 
 I'm not sure where "Fit of Conniption came from" but I will tell you the same day I went out with my Goddesses was the anniversary date of that fateful day 16 years ago when crash, boom, bang, my   23 year marriage ended in a very crude way!!

I'll leave you with more edits and Burny the dog.... Come on now, you know I always have a dog on the blog!!! 
 Has anyone lost their blog list normally displayed
on their side bar ???
 I'm so upset mine is gone, I'm hoping it's
a glitch and reappears!

Most women deserve purple hearts, 
we are all so brave in our own way!!


Faye said...

I enjoyed your post this morning, Giggles. I too lost my mother 21 years ago this year (but in November). Your tribute is beautiful. I love the idea of using the heart. Some mothers and daughters are best friends. That was not my case either as a daughter and then as a mother. Not that I didn't want it. It just didn't seem to happen. Almost every day there are things I want o ask my mom but alas, cannot. I think my daughter will understand me better as she ages. I know I understand my mom better in retrospect.

bellefrogworks said...

My mom had a very debilitating stroke in 2010. She is still alive - but not the dynamic woman she was. Even though we disagreed on many things - I miss all of it - even that parts that drove me crazy. I often drove her crazy as well. Love your artwork - the dog is such a fun piece.

GlorV1 said...

Your artwork is always so colorful and I do love that. I always feel happy when I leave here. Have a wonderful weekend.

Mary C. Nasser said...

What a beautiful painting and tribute to your mother.
So sorry for your loss.
You are in my thoughts. :)
Mixed-Media Map Art

Victoria said...

HUgs Giggles..beautiful art and gorgeous tribute to your mom..shine on..

Christine said...

Lovely heart, I never thought about how well our kids know us...hmm.

Netty said...

Have thoroughly enjoyed reading your post and it certainly has made me think about mothers and daughters.....mmmmm I like order where my youngest daughter thrives in chaos, just like my mum, obviously I could go on and on but won't you will be happy to hear.......lol Loving all your fab artwork and pictures. Happy PPF, Annette x

Marji said...

Beautiful artwork as tribute to your Mom. I love how that angel is there in the picture. It really does feel that way sometimes doesn't it. you Goddess girls in your sombreros look like you are having tons of fun. Happy PPF!

ANNE said...

What gorgeous colours! Love them!!!

It's amazing how alike a child and a relative can be, isn't it?? Even to living their lives out in almost exactly the same manner.


thanks for your sweet comments on my painting, happy PPF!

Unknown said...

This is a beautiful post as a tribute to your mom. Everyday I wonder if I'm doing a good job with my kids.

Your paintings are so beautiful, how do you manage to have time and paint 4 pieces?? I hardly have time and ambition :(

Have a great day!!

Ayala Art said...

wow, what a post! You left me thinking and remembering stuff, sometimes relationships are not what we expect, but I believe everything is a way to learn more form others and from ourselves. The art ass always, yummy and colorful, thanks for sharing!
(I do not have the blog gadget you mention, but my blog had some glitches too last week)

Tracey FK said...

great posts and art to go along with it... I think Phantom knows me much better than I know her... kind of think that is the way it is supposed to be... though it is great fun watching her become who she is...xx

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

I lost my Mom 18 years ago. We were best Friends. Got along wonderfully. I miss her still. Now my Dad and I butted heads a lot. Hes been gone almost nine years..I miss him too. I have no kids to answer your question. But I love your colorful Art. :)) HPPF

Unknown said...

Fabulous - you seem to have lots of fun, and art is a joy. Enjoy!!!
Happy weekend, E

VonnyK said...

So much has happened to you over the years, so glad you are still smiling and happy. Your art is beautiful, maybe you were meant to store it up inside all those years, until it was the right time to release your wonderful talent. I have three kids and they certainly know me too well, especially my eldest girl.
I love the beautiful colours you use.

Alicia C said...

wonderful art - and thanks for sharing re your mum. These are memories that live on forever, and as you say, we are all passed down to coming generations so nobody is really 'lost'. cheers!

Hwee said...

Thank you for sharing your post. The mother-daughter relationship is a strange one, could it be due to the same type of energy colliding into one another (as opposed to a mother-son or father-daughter relationship)? My own mother doesn't know me and she never has or will, but I have my own little boy whom I am very close to.

Love your art work, and seeing the wonderful female frienships that you have!

Ginny said...

Your art was a wonderful tribute to your mom. I am not sure if our children know us better than we do them. I thought I was very different from my mother growing up but now I completely understand her and appreciate what she used to say. Even though we were very very different back then, we had lots of fun together.

PiaRom said...

wonderful tribute to a lovely mom ♥ our mom´s will rock our heart forever I think! Totally love your first picture...it tells a story!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

All different subjects but all still in your style. :) Love it!

Anonymous said...

Some great pieces ony our post-all different but very clearly your style. Its a shame your mum died without knowing you were so artistic. I don't have kids so can't provide any insight into the relationship as a mum but as a daughter I think my mum and I tend to rub each other the wrong way because we are so similar,albeit with very different takes on life!
My side bar has disappeared twice now and i asked on google help.apparently its to do with html code onyour last post (missing <div or something. If you check the code there should be something like that so just add another one.) no idea how it went or what it means but it works! Not sure why my blog link on ppf doesnt work for you as i copy and paste it direct from my blog. Hope its just a blip!

Karen Smithey said...

My mom has been gone for eleven years, now, and my dad less than a year--And I don't know that we ever stop missing them and the time we spent with them--even the bumpy spots!

Carolyn Dube said...

Your post struck a chord with me. I lost my mother almost 20 years ago- I lost her just as we began to really get to know each other. Now that I have kids I understand so much more of why things happened the way they did when I was growing up. I love how you expressed your feelings about your mother through such wonderful art. Thank heavens I found art too.

denthe said...

You always write really interesting posts. Love the picture of the girl with the angel on her shoulder!

Melisa said...

Fit of Conniption, LOL. I know it was inspired by something serious and not at all funny (so sorry), but that title just makes me giggle. Maybe the "she" dinosaur will bite his head off, because dinosaurs can get away with that kind of thing and it sounds like he probably deserves it.

An'Angelia Thompson said...

What a wonderful post!

Kristin said...

Morning! I love this post - so much shared and so much insight here - I too have a sometimes challenging relationship with my Mom, and have an only daughter now. I think my daughter has taught me (and continues to) a lot - and I have a wonderful relationship with her - hopefully that continues when she's a teen! ;)
Beautiful, bold, colorful art - and love the angel on your shoulder!! xoxo

Siggadisart said...

Im leaving your blog smiling, it was kind of fun to read. I love your hearts, they are so colorful.

Linda said...

I really enjoyed your post. My relationship with my mom was probably similar to yours. We were close at times but she didn't really have a clue as to who I was. When I was going for a career she was after me to get married, or she'd rather tell me about her time out with one of my cousins ....etc.. At a certain point I stopped telling her things about myself because I felt she wasn't really listening.

My daughter and I are closer but in an effort to be independent she keeps certain things to herself. I think she's afraid that I'll give her advice and I usually do. LOL! But she does like to hangout and talk which I adore.

I love your heart painting as well as the Angel on my Shoulder. Great job!

Jez said...

Like you I lost my mum about 20 years ago and I think about her and her hard, sad life every day and love her so much. She gave up her life to us and was so brave. I have tears in my eyes as I write this. My younger daughter and I fought for years and years - mainly because we are so alike but she fought against it. But happily it turned the corner and know she always says she realises she has even turned into me! And we even have telepathy between us. It was worth the wait. Your question is interesting and I will discuss it with her. Thank you for an insightful and thought-provoking post, and I feel I now understand your wonderful love of colour even better. Love, Jez

Liz Powley said...

I really don't think we can understand our parents fully until we have children of our own. I know mine have altered my view of my parents. They are still crazy, but I understand them a little more.

I love your heart painting. Such lovely colours.

Best wishes,

Introverted Art said...

I love the Angel on my Shoulder painting, but you ladies together with your sombreros on is a miracle in imagery. Beautiful women together celebrating life.

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