Paint party Friday has once again arrived so quickly, I've been in a quirky mood lately which is reflected in my playing in paint!! Hope my characters bring about a giggle!! You can also check out 29 faces of September on Ayalas blog which I'm participating in!
Cola original acrylic on sketchbook |
I read an interesting blog post last week about gossip on Jessica's blog that sparked today's post! . As negative as gossip can be, there can be positive attributes to idle chatter!
Odena acrylic in sketchbook |
Ten years ago my brother noted his sons class of five year olds, the boys vroomed their trucks on the floor, and filled sand buckets while making grunting sounds. The young girls sat around a small table admiring each others clothing, chatting about hair bows, their likes and dislikes! This being said, most women are chatterboxes very early!! Unless of course they are bashful like my daughter was.
Heath original sketchbook acrylic |
For what ever reason, some women can be malicious, facetious, and out right nasty when talking about other women. However if we dropped the negative side of gossip, we can really make a difference speaking about intimate issues with each other and about each other. Womens chatter can bring about great change! Hone and spark intuition, alter perspectives, plus induce self reflection. As ugly as gossip can be, there are positive components to intimate small talk.
A group of school supervisors often gossiped about this one child on the playground, how he always wore the same clothes everyday. The child also had behavior issues. Delving deeper, these women discovered he lived with a jobless single father. The women gathered together enough money to buy the boy some new pants, shirts and stylish runners so he could fit in with the others! I'm pretty sure they took him under their maternal wings too!!
Calvin original in a sketchbook |
Cackling about suspicions of odd behaviors can alert woman to be wary, for their children, and themselves!! Doubting yourself, then running it past a detached friend can put alarm in perspective. As women we doubt our self too often!! Even when our intuition is screaming for us to investigate!!
Eve Original acrylic in a sketchbook |
I worked with a man no one liked. I never understood their disdain. As my boss he'd always been fair and kind to me! He was a great conversationalist and I enjoyed our breaks together. The rest of the staff called him rude because he never responded to them when they said hello! I thought that to be odd. I decided to try calling his name while standing behind him, I did it several times, elevating my voice as I went. Finally he responded and I realized his hearing was impaired. I noticed there was a lot of scaring on one of his ears, but he never spoke of it!! I imagine there was a story there... However I was able to adjust my co-workers onions opinions with what I discovered!

A women who loves color, lives loud and proud driving her child to school with pink seat covers in a jeep with the roof off blaring loud music, I had often been the brunt of gossip. When my daughter was ten I asked her what she liked most about me, she said," You never care what other people/parents say about you!" Which meant letting her wear a fake nose ring when she was eight to an educational " Birds and Bees" lecture!! Previous to having my own nose pierced at forty to commemorate the pivotal birthday!! I could see the mothers heads spinning in exorcist fashion, wondering if my child had a real pierced nose. While my daughter and I built intimacy giggled at their reactions. I knew it was deemed inappropriate, yet I would never sweat the small stuff. Nearing twenty seven my daughter doesn't have her nose pierced, and has no tattoos, even though she works in a world where they are revered!! If it didn't hurt anyone, including herself I let her do it!!

Years ago one of the mothers of my daughters classmate asked me if I was an artist, I laughed in hysterics while blurting an emphatic NOOOOOOO, I asked her why she thought that. Well you and your daughter dress so brightly and just the way you are, I thought for sure you were an artist!! She knew before I did!!! What the rest of them said or thought about me, well, that was none of my business!!
There is always gossip floating around that can hurt us, however do you remember a time when gossip gave you an advantage, taught you something, or helped another? I'd love to hear!
Wow these are awesome! I love the lady with her hands up in the air. Maybe she heard some gossip, you are so right gossip can be good occasionally. It creates curiosity and can lead you to investigate further as you mentioned. Everything has two sides.
lovely work this week Giggles. I love gossip, the good kind, interesting post! I'm trying to learn that there is always 2 sides to a story, it's easy to forget that.
I love coming here and reading your posts. Such wonderful insight into so many topics that most people don't speak of. In fact, i got so wrapped up in the words that I had to go back to look at the art! Which is beautiful also. Happy PPF
This post just zings! I wanna be like you when I grow up lol. Happy PPF you zinger.
These are totally awesome and your post is full of grand advice :0) you made me smile very Big :0)
My daughter was also very shy. Instead of enjoying a mother who was different, she was always embarrassed. Today she lives 1000 miles away and hardly ever communicates. I guess everyone reacts to their own drummer. We have fun we are together which is rare, but she still makes fun of my eccentricities. That said, I envy you your relationship with your daughter. Your paintings are beautiful today. I love the dog with the teeth. Reminds me of the ad n TV about "doggie dentures". I think it's for Milkbones.
Love love love the colors and color changes of these wonderful draw/paint-ings!
thank you for figuring out your co worker was hard of hearing. Since I am I appreciated that intuitive thoughtfulness on your part! and glad you shared the information for his sake.
funny about little boys and girls differences!
And love that you LOOKED like an artist before you realized you were one! LOVE THAT!!!
I don't think of myself as a gossip type person; however, I can certainly see the value of sometimes sharing helpful info like you did.
Great to visit here again, I love the spontaneity to your pieces, they are so very free, just like your words and thoughts...I'm not really a gossiping type, just like to lend a good ear when needed, more the receptive kind...thanks for sharing with us and happy PPF to you!
Such a great message in this post- the story of your boss with hearing challenges really spoke to me today-I wonder how many times things like this happen. You've been very busy- lots and lots of wonderful art here!
I think gossip can be healthy as well... it can be destructive, but more often than not it is just communicating and that is always good... I laughed at the nose ring and the driving into school parts... sounds very familiar... I always think it isn't gossip that is bad it is being judgemental... love Cola by the way....especially the version close to the end...xx
Such wonderful art, Giggles!
Your blog posts are always insightful and your artwork does always make me smile! :)
Especially love that first image of Cola...being the dog-lover that I am. :)
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
All great but i LOVE Calvin!
A really thought-provoking post, full of interest, and gorgeous colourful art as well. I love all the paintings.
Hi again Giggles. I felt I just had to come back to say this:-
You are not just an artist, you are also a first class writer. I hope you know and believe that. I always find your posts give me food for thought. Jez XX
I agree - Friday comes too quickly. I love your playfulness. Love your characters - quirky is good :).
Have a nice weekend, E
I love all these faces, especially the green lady.Your post was the perfect way to start my morning, as it so often has been. I just wish we had been memebers of the same PTSA!
Fascinating post and great art... I love Heath!!!!
Love your art work and attitude ~ great positive spin on 'gossip' ~ I find that one doesn't need to contribute to the 'gossip' but can learn information that is good ~ especially now that I am single again (widowed) it is good to 'get into the world' to find out what is happening ~ 'take what you need and leave the rest' Each person is unique and no one is perfect ~ Great post ~ (A Creative Harbor)
very interesting! thanks for the shout out to me. love your work. Whenever I log onto your blog and see all the bright colors and patterns, I feel so happy! happy PPF.
I enjoyed your post - both the words and the images. Your images are so strong and expressive -love the rich colour and the spontaneity. thanks for visiting:)
Love all of these, but especially Cola, who looks like he has been up to no good and just done something a bit mischievous! :)
Great post and love your paintings, such intensive expressionism and awesome colors, lovelovelove Cola! HPPF!
Such strong paintings! Love the vividness of your work.
these are all so beautiful i don't think i can pick a favorite! but if pressed, i think i'll go with heath! :)
your art work is so fun and i LOVE it all. I love color too ...The Boy scout troop that my sons joined when we moved here had a scout that was "different" he has ...well lets just say inappropriate-ness going on as far as his comments sometimes. he doesn't make friends with anyone, wont look in your face when he talks to you. He says just what he thinks all the time (brutally truthful, but a little rude) I was a bit shocked by him at first. We Came to find out a year later that he has a type of autism called aspergers. He is on medication but sometimes refused to take it cause it makes him tired.Dave became the new scoutmaster. This boy now almost 18 was hoping to be an Eagle scout...he had all the merit badges and did all he was supposed to do for the rank but some of the adults tried to block his advancement. eventually He earned his Eagle Scout rank under my husband's kind leadership and friendship ...this boy succeeded as they developed a mutual respect and understanding. that the other adults never tried to develop. they didnt want a "different " kid around their children...they never tried to understand his conditions. I love mu hubby for finding out and researching the facts and having a sense of humanity and kindness to want to guide this kid. He is now in college and working a job and doing well despite all the disapproving,mad looks and gossip behind his back. I am grateful my hubby helped me to understand also.
Beautiful art and message. I was captivated by all of the gossip around here. ;) Seriously, I enjoyed reading about the positive side of gossip. I think it's when you can help someone or see them in a better light because of something you heard about him/her that can make it a positive thing. What an interesting way of looking at it. Great post!
Coming from a small town, I have, in the past, heard some pretty outrageous gossip about myself. I always wonder what that first person to say it was really thinking, when it had no foundation. Others are just repeating what they heard but that first person had to actually make up stuff to spread! I think there has to be huge insecurity behind behavior like that.
I'm loving Cola and Heath, especially. Cola looks like he's laughing. I love it when dogs laugh. :D
totally LOVE your blog! Love Cola and your color looks!
Love your work this week and the intellectual post about gossip. Personally, for me, I don't like gossip. Gossip is not positive and it brings people down. I'm glad the women helped the little school boy, but I wouldn't say that was gossip. They were trying to come up with a way to help the boy and having a discussion about it. Gossip is talking behind someone's back, spreading negative or personal information about someone and does no one any good. That's why it's considered a sin. Just sayin'.
Hi there! I love Calvin and his birdies all colors!
I know two artist friends who gossip and I NEVER participate and sometimes speak up about it I feel they are showing their own insecurities. Most artists I know are so kind, and sharing and open-hearted. Gossip makes me feel sad. I am glad you have always been "you. I love all the colors, of course! Have a good week.
Love your artwork this week, especially Eve and Calvin. Interesting what you're saying about gossip, how it can also be seen as positive. I have always hated gossip, and steered clear of people who were doing it. I'm sure they were talking about me too, but since I don't like people who gossip anyway I couldn't care less. I think gossip can really bring people down, and I'm not sure I will ever be able to see something positive in it. There's this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: " great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people" and I think that says it all ...
Vos petites histoires sont super. J'adore vous lire et j'aime aussi tous les dessins qui illustrent les histoires. ;)
A la semaine prochaine...
I love how your paintings are always so full of movement. :) Awesome dog teeth. :)
cool post! especially love the dog :D
I think you've hit the nail on the head re. gossiping as a social function. Not only i the way you mention re. dissemination of information - but also is used as a social organization method - IE by keeping people 'in their place'. It's not pretty, but inevitable.
as for me, i recently became privy to a weird gossip triangle between relatives. It was a foolish situation, because one member did NOT want a third member to come visit, but would not tell the third member, unloading onto the 2nd member. The second member told the third member (I think this was correct) and in the end all sorts of drama ensued. Here's an example of useless gossip - why not be forthright? a simple "I do not want yu to visit" would have saved all a world of trouble
I love your images, they are wonderful.
As for gossip, I usually don't like it, or let's say I don't like the bad kind, the mean kind. It seems that this kind of gossip seems to dominate. It's often so judgmental. However, I'm not free of that either, but if possible I keep away from it. Usually I don't care what people think of me, but it was quite a long way to that point.
Your art is wonderful, but mostly I loved, really enjoyed, truly appreciated, reading your post! Well done. xoxo
It's always fun coming here to see what conversation you have going and to see all your wonderful, colorful art.
Calvin might be my favorite...I think it's because we have a Calvin in our extended family and he's the best kid.
I am really loving all these drawings/sketches. And WOW! I can't believe the number of participants. Good Going, Ayala! Wish I had time to post on everyone's individual submissions.
Oh, Giggles... i LOVE LOVE your acrylic Eve in the sketchbook. Your work is always so vibrant and full of life. (same goes for your stories!!) LOL. The Calvin is great too... wonderful! Have yourself a great Friday, sista! xox
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