Quote of The Day

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Questions

 This post was written before it was announced that Canadians are the second happiest people in the world next to the Danes! 
Ponto in acrylic

Thanks to all the wonderful artists at Paint Party Friday who gave me input about their computers!! I'm looking for deals and will let you know when a purchase is made! I'm also joining art therapists Weekend reflection this week!!

Do you think some people are just born happier than others? I'm not too sure about that, but I know I wasn't a happy child.  There was just too much discipline for no good reason! Oh there were many happy times but I felt sad A LOT...

Andy is acrylic the rest are digital color edits

I'm grateful that my daughter boasts about her amazing childhood, of course it helps when you have a full sized  Sesame street playhouse in the dining room instead of a dining table. It helps that your mom is a squirrel who takes you all over the city on a search of your favorite blue Slurpees, or takes you for a walk at bedtime  on the first snow fall!!! 
This is Dooley in acrylic the rest are digital color edits

Who wouldn't be happy about  their childhood, with a goofy mother who dives to the bottom of a huge bin of shoes to find a lime green shoe to match your outfit, or shows up at the school with her face and hair sprayed gold wearing a cardboard gold sun around her neck, unrecognizable, draped in gold fabric  dancing on request in front of the whole school! Okay that might not have been her favorite moment! But she sure loved trick or treating with me wearing that crazy costume, and I never told any of the kids at the school who I was, while dressed like a Sunshine!!
The original Mackie in acrylic the others are color edits

Those were very superficial reasons to like your childhood, but we did so much together, from playing cards and games, to filling the car with kids to run around in the park. We were always doing something fun whether is was hitting up a rink to skate, or a pool to swim!! Life was full of excitement!
Original Koda in acrylic, the rest are digital edits

At ten she was the victim in our ugly divorce. Things were never the same for her. I tried to protect her, but with all that transpired it was near impossible. Nothing is ever perfect. Maybe  it was better she learned that early.  Life is like a roller coaster with ups and downs. Thankfully this is a happier time  for both of us! 

Finding bliss in creativity, having a great relationship with the kids makes me happy!! Plus I really do choose to be happy despite many days struggling with aches and pains.

However there are times when I ire, albeit very rare, it manifests in my being very withdrawn. I'm either so mad, or so hurt I can't speak.   Mostly I feel hurt.  When I go there, my mind is all over the map. Thankfully I can reason it out to a quiet resolve. However I have been known to be bought off with pineapple and strawberries dipped in chocolate, and a brand new pack of fine point colored sharpies! Yep, feed me, and throw some art supplies in my cage and I'm good to go!!!
Token an original Acrylic

 How do you work through your angry hurtful feelings?

Life is never perfect but there are all kinds of awesome things that bring joy!!! Those who truly love us know when our heart breaks and usually know how to fix it, or at least quiet the angry thoughts. Even if they have the last word that makes you laugh your head off!! You know who you are cupcake!!

Seriously though I was never one to be too stern. When Cupcake was a kid I set the rules," MY HOUSE, MY RULES" to the kids who didn't have good manners. For the most part I was pretty soft. I believed in correcting bad behavior rather than corporal punishment. Every time I tried being stern my daughter laughed at me... it just didn't fit. I was way too fun to be angry.
Original Forever Friends in acrylic
I have a friend much like me she rarely angers. In the first fifteen years I'd known her  I had never seen her mad.  One day she snapped and was talking fast  and stern, telling people to basically poop or get off the pot... I just howled. I think it was a PMS moment for her.... then I understood why my kid would always laugh at me. Anger just didn't suit my friend. It looked funny on her!! I still giggle and tease her about it!!

Are you scary when you anger, or funny?


GlorV1 said...

Love your pieces! Great job. My motto is to move forward and not dwell on what was because it can't be changed. I sometimes think back to some "not so good" times, but they aren't important now. Life is just too darn short to be angry. I always say, "everything is JUST FINE, JUST FINE." Smile giggles and again I love your work. HPPF.

Marji said...

I think your paintings are marvelous! Your daughter is the beautiful young woman she is now because of you! When i feel angry or hurt, i close my eyes and imagine releasing all that out into the Universe. Then I breathe in with love. Try it, it works. Happy PPF

Petrea Hansen-Adamidis said...

Wow Candians & Dans huh? Lucky I have both in my blood!
Love your vibrant pictures and such a wonderful discussion. What a lucky daughter you have!
Happy PPF!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Such a wonderful and generous assortment of eye candy this morning. Thanks for sharing,
Happy PPF!

Netty said...

Terrific reading and fab artwork. Happy PPF, Annette x

aimee said...

great color variations! dooley is my fave. xo

Rhonda said...

You sound like an awesome mom...one I wished I had. I too was raised very strictly. Your words in this post could be mine! I' sending you pineapple and strawberries dipped in chocolate, and a brand new pack of fine point colored sharpies and a big hug! Love your illustrations! ♥

Faye said...

I love your work and faithfully read your posts each week. You and your daughter have a wonderful relationship. Cherish it. Like you I had a stern mother. When my kids came along, I found myself following along in her "training". Thankfully, I realized it soon enough and began to be more playful and laid back. My son who had the strict discipline as the oldest child is loving and attentive in his middle-aged life. My daughter thought I was silly and wanted nothing to do with me. I hear from her 3 or 4 times a year. So I guess some of the results are heredity, not just environmental. At 77, I think I'd say that life is not just what happens to us, but more importantly how we react to what happens. When I'm angry, I cry and throw a pity party; come to my senses; wash my face; and eat chocolate.

Julie said...

I really enjoyed reading your post and your art puts a smile on my face, I love the vivid colors.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful post and very creative and expressive art work ~ Wow! ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Mary C. Nasser said...

Another amazing post, Giggles!
Really love your portrait of Andy, Dooley and Koda!!
Sounds like you were a wonderful mother to your daughter, too. :)
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Daniele Valois said...

I'm sorry I couldn't go through and read the post, but the art is so colorful and fun!

Carolyn Dube said...

What a fun mom you are!! When I am angry I have to put myself in time out and get paint on my hands. Then I slowly release it all on the canvas. Happy PPF.

sharon said...

I just so love reading your posts and viewing your colourful art. Love it all, your daughter is a very lucky girl. I grew up in an angry household and hated the yelling and screaming, it is strange though I don't often get angry, and if I do I often burst out laughing halfway through my tirade, which rather spoils the effect! Maybe I had my share of anger as a child, and now am at peace?

carlarey said...

You are an inspiration to me as a mother. Your determination to change the situation for you and your daughter, and give you both a better, happier life should be required reading for anyone with a child.

Molly said...

i love all the color and energy in your collections each week. your happy, fun spirit always shines through!

Tracey FK said...

great post and on reading that you can also be bought off with chocolate coated pineapple I finally understood why it is that we get on so well!!!!!

Natasha said...

:) Great post, love the paintings this week, and your wise words. Very inspiring.

soulbrush said...

LOVE this whole post- the way you bare your soul is just fab. I think all kids are born happy and unafraid and we as parents plus LIFE changes all that forever. I hate anger and try to avoid it at all costs- it leaves me feeling helpless and frustrated and sick to the stomach- I hate the rage inside me and how it makes me feel. So I try to suppress it and look for other alternatives- sometimes it works sometimes not. Have a very happy weekend friend.

Sinderella's Studio said...

I, too, love the entire post. So many shared feelings and thoughts here. Happy is good!
cheers, dana

K J D said...

I loved seeing your art and I loved reading your words.


Linda Richardson said...

great post, great art, great words and ideas! Having a special friend sho can quiet the angry thoughts - that special indeed - thanks for sharing!

denthe said...

Lovely work again. Ponto is so sweet, and Koda looks like he doesn't have a care in the world. Love your forever friends too. I do think some people are born with a more melancholic attitude than other happy-go-lucky people. Which doesn't mean they can't change that, but it takes more effort I think. It sounds like you are a wonderful fun mother, making up for the hard times you had as a kid. I think I'm scary when I'm angry. I can yell and swear really loud. But it never lasts long and I always make up ;-)

ger chouinard said...

Giggles! What is your real 1st name? ... can't seem to find it anywhere! LOVE the colors in your work and your a great MOM! We do the best we can do and only pray it works and I really think it worked for you and yours! Thx for sharing the alisa burke lead and have a great week! g

Ginny said...

I love your beautiful bright art. It always make me smile and I look forward to seeing what you have created each week.

I don't get angry often and when I do I don't feel good about it. So I do my best to see and appreciate all of the wonderful things that surround me. I really believe that the way we think creates the world we live in and I want to live in a happy peaceful place as much as is humanly possible. Of course as a child, I couldn't know this so it was up to the adults to create that world for me. But now, the world I live in is up to me and I want it to be filled with happiness.

PS Your Halloween costume sounds great!

Christine said...

lovely pieces, you wonderful mom you! I hate getting angry, it's not pretty, and bad for the blood pressure!

Jez said...

Yes, I am sure some people are born happy. And then there are those who are born happy but made miserable and sad. But as with yourself that doesn't have to be kept as a way of life, as you have shown.

I made a very conscious decision when I was a young teenager that I WOULD NOT accept the constant efforts to grind me down and that I would be a happy person. OK as you say we all have sad times and difficult times, but the happiness helps us to deal with them.

You sound a wonderful mother and person. And I love all your paintings and blog posts - the sad paintings are so expressive and touching.

Victoria said...

Hello Kindred...fabulous post as always..and full of deep insightfulness and wisdom! Beautiful color art..so fantastical and full of energy..big massive energy, and like a color-high..beautiful!
Yay.,,I am from Canada..we are very happy-free-spirited people!
and to answer your question. ..I throw myself into a creative coccoon..let it swallow me and spit me out when done..So i either create music-sing or create art and transform my emotions! works for me!

Debbie said...

I hardly ever get angry but when I do I think I'm pretty scary! At least I scare myself.:-) Your paintings are all cool this week! I like to paint when I'm upset, but not anything too controlled; just throw paint on a canvas or paper and smear it around. It really seems to calm me down.

Anonymous said...

Hi Giggles -- My favs are the BFF and love the My house, My rules. Makes me smile; love the color palette. Whimsical -- I like whimsy!! Thanks for your sweetness over at MorningDewdrops. We're starting an event on Oct 1. Blessings Terri

Ritu Dua said...

Your art is so bright and cheerful...with so much energy :)

Laura said...

Great post. Lots of food for thought. Fab paintings too.

lorik said...

I enjoyed reading your words and looking at your images. Fantastic! And straight from the heart - as they say:) Wonderful art!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I think happiness is just a point of view and it depends on your personality and life experiences. That said it's entirely possible for some to be born more happy than others. It doesn't mean though that you cannot concisely change that. I thought most happy people are in Brazil. :)) I love your artwork. It makes me smile when I look at it. :)

Unknown said...

Love your posts and love these pieces. Especially "My House, My Rules." My younger daughter and I have a constant battle about her cleaning her room and making her bed. But my mantra is "my house, my rules!" I do believe some of us just have a shorter fuse than others. It's genetics or karma or whatever you believe in. But we can always work to lengthen our breaths, take the pause, etc.

Nora MacPhail said...

Wow, you've always got so much to see!! Very inspiring and interesting.
Happy Creating.

Deepa Gopal said...

Wonderful to go thru ur artworks... and a really nice post.. it does happen and I think there wouldn't be many without anger. I am a happy person by nature, I get angry too! SOmetimes I succeed in controlling it, at times I lose the battle against anger:) Anyways, Don't Worry Be Happy!

J C said...

As always, I have totally enjoyed my visit here. The best part was taking your child for a walk at bedtime at the first snowfall. How magical that would have been for her. Good job mom!

Hadiyah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

SUCH a great post! I loved reading it and your name Giggles suits you perfectly. :) I am a pretty quiet, reserved girl so when I get really upset about something...I blow my lid and shock people. Lol. Happiness is a choice. I try to choose well. :)Have a fab week!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Darling, you ARE a sunshine! :D

minnemie said...

A golden face, hair and sun... now that is totally worth a healthy Giggle! My kids will love you.

Elisa Choi said...

Giggles now I know why your name is such! I'm a sensitive person and gets offended easily but I am trying to control myself. But when the situation calls for I am angry like a tiger..if you know what I mean. Life isn't perfect but it's how make it. It's how our attitude shift life to be happy. I applaud you for being brave and happy and bringing happiness to your family. Cheers to you!

Janet said...

Wonderful art, great stories, and always something to make me stop and think.

Basically I'm a happy person but when I get mad (really mad) everyone stands back! It happens very rarely but I can explode like a volcano. Once I explode then it's usually over quickly and I'm back to being happy.

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