Quote of The Day

Friday, September 21, 2012

Help and A case of the UGLIES!!

Paint Party Friday and 29 faces in September are included in this post, please visit some of these lovely artists!! I'm sorry I don't have better pieces to display this week, it just didn't happen for me. In fact some of these characters are rather depressing!! 

Original Acrylic Joe

My little Acer Aspire laptop conked out on me I need to purchase somethings new....what is your favorite? I'm thinking of getting the new Samsung Galaxy android tablet coming out in five days, I have wanted an Ipad for ages now, but I love windows and I'm afraid it may be too hard to navigate. I've already heard a friend having difficulty uploading her photos.. Any suggestions... The Ipad has the allure of the digital drawing which I love!! All input is deeply appreciated while I make this tough  decision!!

It must be homely week around here.....as in not good looking!!!
To be honest the whole time I was creating this character
 I didn't know if  it was male or female! 
Even though the name is Sid I keep feeling Sid is short for a female Sidney! 
What do you think?
Sabrina looks totally sad and depressed!!
  Glad I don't feel like my characters do!! 

Shouldn't have posted this  character, I don't like it at all!!
Enough of her!! Eww, even the colors bug me!!
Even this guy is wonky this week....
 Meet Bucky in all his distasteful color!!
After posting Bucky in all these ugly edits I feel  like singin the " Somebody done somebody wrong song"!!

I concede this is not my best PPF!! The chubby dancer agrees!!
Any help on the lap top dilemma would be so appreciated!!

That's all folks!!


Mary C. Nasser said...

We are always our own worst critic. :)
I think you are an AMAZING artist, Giggles!!

Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

GlorV1 said...

Oh your work is always uplifting and colorful. I love it!! It sings to me with lots of joy. Love it. Have a wonderful weekend and Happy PPF.

Faye said...

Some fun works! My faves are Sid (female) and the wonky dog. Can't advise on the new computer since I really need a new one myself. I can't even show youtube videos very well.

Ginny said...

Hi Giggles,
I always enjoy your work and this week is no exception. I love Sid's bangs. I guess because they remind me of mine except for the color. I think the chubby angel is cute too.
You made me smile and laugh tonight. Thank you!

lorik said...

These are great. Sid certainly doesn't look happy. But Sabrina looks a bit melancholy. I enjoyed the post!

Tracey FK said...

these are all wonderful but I am no help on the lap top question... I nurse mine along because I just can't face trying to work out what I need...xx

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I have a Toshiba android and its like a giant phone. You are limited to what you can do and load on the thing.

Unknown said...

I would love a new Asus Ultrabook - sleek and beautiful. Just 3mm in front and 9mm at the back - great to carry around :). Good luck with you new purchase. Evelyn

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Sorry about your computer. I can't help you there. I always go for the cheap no-name that has a lot of stuff in it. :)) That toothy grin is a little scary. :) Love the doggy. :)

soulbrush said...

what you consider ugly I think is all totally wonderful!

Anne Manda said...

I enjoy your work, even if you do not, especially Bucky! HPPF!

Carolyn Dube said...

What do you mean- better pieces? These are wonderful! I am an ipad junkie so I am a bit biased. My ipad has become my best friend. There is an app for everything. I bought a very fine tipped stylus so doing the art thing on it is so easy. I will say that nothing is perfect-I have trouble some days with some things. It is a real drawback that the ipad can't easily play flash but there are work arounds for it. Whenever I have typing to do- I prefer a computer over a tablet but that is just me...

Victoria said...

I am loving the color-rush in all of your pieces..fantastic! I think they each are truly unique and wonderful..i love Sid too..and i think they all embody different emotional truths and energies..all meaningful and special!Bucky is so cute!
Wishing you a magical day

Christine said...

your faces all have a lot of character, nice job!

bellefrogworks said...

Love the colors and the faces - they make smile and they are so expressive. I so want an IPad - but not on the horizon right now!

Rita said...

These make me smile, some of them are not conventional beauties, but the same can be said for certain Picasso's! I like them all, especially Sabrina. Happy PPF!

Linda Kunsman said...

First time here and with PPF. I think your quirky, colorful paintings are fabulous!! They make me smile! Thanks for shring.
PS I don't own a laptop, mine is a desktop and it's an HP with windows 7.I love my big screen!

Carol said...

Love all of them and I'm not just being nice :0) No help here on the computer issues sorry.

Netty said...

Loving all your abstract and quirky pieces. Happy PPF, Annette x

Kristin said...

Awe, I don't think so - they are all quirky and cool! I especially love the one outlined in bold pink. I say, BRAVO! xoox

K J D said...

I love how you play with colour.... Sids a girl I think!!! I think your pieces are fun and strong.

Sorry I'm absolutely no help about computers... I have a Sony Vaio laptop (and I love it) but would have no clue how to draw digitally on anything!!! But good luck :)


minnemie said...

I do enjoy your whimsical creations!

pauline said...

oh girl, these are GREAT!! i especially love Sid... and perhaps surprising to you - i love Sabrina - sadness and all. :-) You always have a way of expressing so much emotion with just a few strokes of color. I love your style. As for the laptop dilemma, i'm a big APPLE fan, so the iPad is my call for you... xox

Jez said...

Your paintings are all wonderful - and artists reflect life, so it is only right to celebrate our sad days as much as our happy ones. They resonate with me - had a few of those lately, but they are part of the colour of our lives that make us appreciate the good days. I love them all. You are so talented, reflecting all sides of life.

Jez said...

As you know, I am an I-pad fanatic. But there is a point to beware of.
I have a MacBook, I-pad and I-phone and the wonderful thing is that they are all synchronised - as soon as I take a photo it's immediately on the MacBook, ready to Photoshop or print.
BUT, at the moment, in UK anyway, you can't print directly from the I-pad unless you get a special printer. I believe there is also an app that allows printing from the pad, but I don't know how good that is.
So that aspect would need looking into if you don't have a Mac computer.
The I-pad is very easy to use and the apps are marvellous and not expensive - or the ones I have aren't anyway.
Sorry this is long, but I hope it helps a little.

Unknown said...

I thought although Sabrina looked sad she was so lovely. I loved her expression and I am glad you shared her. I think you paintings are gorgeous! x

denthe said...

Well, you might not like them but I think they're wonderful. ALL of them! Even Sid (who to me is a woman btw ☺)Sorry, can't help you on the laptop question, I don't even know what an android tablet is ...

Gloria j Zucaro said...

You made me laugh, Miss Giggles, so it can't be all bad. Maybe that was your cranky self showing through about laptop dilemma? Your colors are gorgeous as usual and I like the chubby dancer! I only have a HP large computer, which I love, with a 21 inch Samsung monitor. I have been thinking about a laptop lately or some such device so I could have it in my painting area to use for better color in my references than my 15 year old printer that makes horribly untrue printouts! So I am no help! But I will be interested to hear what you decide on and how you like it.

Unknown said...

Colorful and very unique faces. Love them!

Tam Hess said...

Oh I disagree! They are all awesome. SID is my fav. "She" is amazing...all those colors and lines, wow. AND none of them look very sad to me. FUnny how things can seem so different to different peeps. LOVE these faces!

Rhonda said...

All your colorful characters are such fun to see. Can't help on the computer questions...think it's a matter of preference.

Rhonda said...

All your colorful characters are such fun to see. Can't help on the computer questions...think it's a matter of preference.

Rhonda said...

All your colorful characters are such fun to see. Can't help on the computer questions...think it's a matter of preference.

Rhonda said...

Sorry for the numerous posts..computer gliche!

Jenn said...

I think these are great and so full of character. I just love all the experimenting you do with color!!

And now I have that Somebody Done Somebody Wrong song going through my head....heehee

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

It´s amaizng what you do with colour. It changes the mood of the pieces.
I don´t think Sabrina is sad, just tired. Sid is still a mystery.

Janet said...

I'm not going to be any help with you regarding the lap top...I have an Acer but I don't use it very often. Mostly in the evenings while I watch TV...I cruise around Pinterest!

JKW said...

What a variety of faces and colors, even dots, this week. I am an Apple gal. I have an iPad, but I also have a Mac Mini. Blessings, Janet PPF

kristin maynes said...

Oh my, those are just wonderful!! I love all the colors and originality. I don't think any of them look depressing, they are all delightful!

Lisabella Russo said...

Joe's eyes of blue are just lovely! They're all so original and creative. I think all artists have some self doubt at times, I think the important thing is to try to keep on pushing forward. You definitely did that! I don't actually own a laptop, so I can't be of any help there...

J C said...

Girl, you art is delightful. I especially like Bucky. He looks like he is advertising for puppy dentastix. Your paintings make me chuckle, so that means they are good. My daughter has an Acer. She likes it ok.

Viola said...

I think your paintings and drawings are just lovely and fun! :)

I'm sorry about your laptop.. hope you'll be able to troubleshoot it..

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Lots of lovely colors. HOpe you figured out the computer,iPad issue. My Friend lynn has a new iPad and had major problems getting to her blog until she went to the Apple store and they helped her work it. Here's her blog about getting it worked out in case you are still trying to figure it all out. She was feature artist on PPF last week..http://lynn-nonameblog.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-to-upload-photos-from-ipad-to-your.html

Jess said...

I like the colours on 'Sid'! She...SHE looks great! Have a good weekend!
jess xx

Debbie said...

These faces are not ugly at all. They have so much personality and are much more interesting to look at than something that is "perfect" in my opinion! Your colors are so expressive. Great job.

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