I wonder! Paint Party Friday
Waverly |
I am excited to read the artist interview with Aimee from Artsyville this week!! Join me in visiting her and many other interesting artists Paint Party Friday!!
Benny and the Balloon |
Things I'm wondering this week!! I've always said, "Children learn what they live!" But....do they?
Geesh, why are there so many bullies in the world? Wonder where kids learn such
disgraceful provoking behavior? I'm sure it's not from the fifty percent divorce rate their divorced parents who speak ever so nicely to each other during all encounters.
Definitely not from watching those trashy trendy reality shows of people abusing and belittling each other.
Certainly it's not entertainment shows where celebrities are lined up in turn, bashed, exploited, and humiliated in a public forum with little no regard for the victims (usually their children)?
Zombies |
Seriously baffles me why there are so many bullies!! I'm sure it's not the comedians that manage to demean even the most revered celebrity icons. Or certain musicians who use deprecating profanity and visuals in videos to express their ire?
For sure it's not the politicians who rip each other apart in attack ads!! No it can't be any of that! Hmm so what can it be?
It certainly can't be those Normal Rockwell scattered mealtimes where everyone bustles in and out of the house on their way to and from music lessons, sports practices, and volunteering dance leaving little to no daily family connection and a lot of huffing and puffing to get it all done!!
After all there is nothing more character building than a wonderful family evening glued to the television , smart phone , or laptop, reading mocking emails and sharing true feelings with acquaintances or anonymously with strangers!
I know for a fact it's not the influence of single parents inundated with too much to do, an empty wallet, and loads of frustration doing it all alone hanging around in bars every night on the hunt for a new partner!!
Itchy Witchy |
Or the single parents scheduled shifts that leave their kids all kinds of unsupervised evenings and weekends to experiment clean the house!!
There is no way a wicked stepparent who holds so much secret resentment love in their hearts for the children who resemble their spouses ex , could possibly have anything to do with children being bullies!! No I'm sure it's none of that....so what is it I wonder?
Where could they possibly learn such deplorable behavior...hmmm... I wonder........
Do you have any ideas?
Pretty much all you've said. Love your pieces. Always so full of color. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend.
I love visiting your site for the vivid color, the art and the thoughtful inspiration! This was a good one!
I think it depends on the character of the person. Some can handle the situation at home some can't and it very much depends on the parents and how they raise their kids as well. If a family is strong and loving, the outside influence is harder to penetrate in my opinion. I love your paintings. :) Especially Benny and the balloon. :)
what utter delight and joy it is to visit you - I LOVE your art and posting!! Happy PPF!
Terrific characters. Happy PPF, Annette x
Very expressive and thought provoking!
Great post. I too believe that the values and morals start at home and the stronger the family unit the harder it is to have the bad influence penetrate. Lovely post. Great art this week. I love the one in the coat. She is great and those spotty socks are pretty fun. Happy PPF
LOVELY bold and beautiful art (and heart - I always love hearing what you have to say ;)
Great post! Fun art and very true words. The world seems to thrive on mean anymore.
Your art is always so wonderfully inspiring! I want Waverly's hair! :)
And Benny is a cutie.
Thank you for another insightful and important post, too. I wish there were no bullying in the world also.
Mixed-Media Map Art
Once again a wonderful colourful and thought provoking post.
Your artwork is wonderful - the commentary is right on!
Once again I am in love with all of your art ♥♥♥ Your words are pretty darn good too!
you nailed that post!!!!! the funny thing we find is that people think we are odd for wanting to do things as a family rather than farming out Phantom... and we have gotten so much rubbish over the years, but now we have this great little family unit and know we we right to stick to our guns ... love how well you express things...xx
This is another mind-blowing post Giggles. You are such an amazing artist and writer and thinker. Why on earth you are not syndicated in all the newspapers I can't understand. I love the way you have presented your thoughts here. With love and thanks. XX
Another thought provoking post with great art too!
I love that little witch of yours, she's such fun! Bullying is a terrible thing, sadly it exists. I too believe that family support and love is the most important thing, some get it and sadly some don't. Take care! xx
Having just retired as a teacher after 43 years- I could tell you some really awful and true stories about bullying. I took it very seriously in all contexts and events at school- wish we lived close by- could chat to you for hours- know i could. happy PPF anyway.
Goggles, thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. But I have to answer it. You are a most creative and original artist and you ALREADY HAVE your own individual style. Believe me, believe it, and I know all your followers and fans must feel the same. XX
Sorry about the 'Goggles'. It's this horrible auto spell corrector. I wish I could dispensable it.
I think you've hit the nail on the head, my dear. Basically, when you get down to it, it is the parent's or parents' responsibility to teach kindness and manners to those little ones, who come into this world as self-centered beings. I love your art today. The way you paint eyes has always made me wish I could do as well.
I wonder the same thing myself sometimes. And I think you pretty much summed it all up! When I hear how some so-called adults act and talk, it's no wonder the kids think it's normal and start acting the same. Sad but true.... I enjoyed your art, and Waverly who keeps coming back, wondering ....
nice art this week, you've said it all, very depressing but true! What a world we live in! I think my kids have a healthy self esteem, hope it will carry them through these difficult times and meeting troubled kids.
Love your art and your post...except that I was raised by a single mom and then later had a stepfather and they were neither one as described above...other than that I couldn't agree more.
Have a great weekend!
Lots of truth here to think about. Lots of beautiful art, too. xo
The ugly and the beautiful , we have learned to live with both. Art helps us and family even more. Thanks for such a important and truthful post!
Annabelle m^._.^m ~^..^~
Very thought provoking post, bullying is terrible...
Love your art, all of these pieces, so expressive and fun! :)
love that lady -- I don't think there is any more bullying today than when I was growing up. I think we once viewed mean behavior between children as a normal rite of passage. It's good that now we call attention to it, teach our children that they don't have to tolerate it, and are more aware of it. I also see so many young people concerned about the world around them -- doing service work, volunteering. This was not the case when I was growing up. So there's hope!
Fantastic art and I Love your compelling post! Happy PPF!
Fabulous post..yes bullying is a very sad and disheartening thing among children..and some adults! Beautiful piece..love benny..and the witchy..they are ALL fantastic and brilliant and full of life! Pure magic!!
Always a joy visiting you!
PS; Love your new blog header..such power and vibrant color punch..fantastical!
"I Wonder" has such an impish look on her face -- she's my hero!
Interesting post on an important topic. I think drive for money making and business and competition and pushy behaviour all contribute. What some call "taking the initiative" eg. going up the side line in a traffic lane, others (like me) call "pushing in". I think we often admire the pushy, go -getters who walk over everyone else instead of the kind, considerate person.
....some random thoughts about your topic.
BTW- i love the art that accompanied your words.
You are a gutsy blogger, Ms. G, and brave to put these questions to the world...I think your art and thoughts are compelling together!
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