Quote of The Day

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Bed Mate!

This silly mop of color done on a sketch book page inspired two 12x12  canvases below.  Here is the original with a few color edits first.   I just love this pattern but it wasn't easy to replicate.. I'm hoping to have some cards made up for my personal use!

Sadly my romantic bed mate bit the dust last week. In fact he probably choked on all the dust bunnies I saddled him with the last few years!! Both him and that room have been neglected.  Sometimes I would turn him on and just leave the room big tease that I am!! Actually I'm not as much of tease as one might think. He just can`t hold my  attention the way he used to!! Fairly fickle I find his competitor way more alluring and interesting!!  With his larger spectrum of knowledge, he keeps me occupied for hours on end!  We play games, read, communicate, and do research together!! Even though he holds my attention the most, it's actually Art I'm cheating with!!!

However I did like sleeping with my old bed mate and I hate to admit  I'd always fall back on my first love!  In fact I could  keep him turned on all night long, I have even been known to fall asleep right in the middle of a very interesting encounter! However in the end it got to the  point where each time I turned him on I had a hidden agenda, mostly it was to lull me to sleep, other times it was just  to find out the time!!! I know, I know, not the greatest argument to keep the same  bed mate for the  past sixteen years. He`s loyal, we have all the same interests, he lets me do whatever I want and no one else turns him on the way I do! A win win in my eyes!  It seems like forever that I`ve had him all to myself,  so when he died, I knew he had to be replaced!!! I knew his competitor the P.C just wouldn't be enough during those cold winter nights, so  I got a new T.V!!!

Yes folks for the last sixteen years my only bed mate has been a television, which often competes with the computer!! However they are my two best friends, and the only thing I am interested in turning on at this juncture!!

I will duplicate these canvases into cards eventually! I took a couple of quick photos  very late at night so it's not centered well enough. But I like how the edits make the wall color change. I'm excited about doing a lot more with these pieces, as well as having some prints done!! 


GlorV1 said...

Oh, wow...love that you'll be making cards out of your work. Totally awesome. Sometimes a TV can be a good companion. tee hee. Take care giggles and enjoy every day.

Janet said...

You gave me a good laugh with your story about the bed mate.

LOVE the flower painting and I think it will make gorgeous cards.

Susan said...

Great post!!! And I enjoyed your art as well.

Faye said...

You had us going there, girl, with all that bed talk! I had figured out you were talking about a clock radio. Funny post. I love the paintings you plan to make cards from. I think that's a great idea. Very pretty art.

WrightStuff said...

I thought it was a Kindle, then an iPad, then you said 16 years and had me flumoxed... ah... one of those old fashioned televisual sets!!

Netty said...

You certainly kept us guessing......lol The paintings will make fab cards. Happy PPF, Annette x

Marji said...

I particuallary like the bell bottom faces - love! I was thinking kindle too - but then got tripped up with the age of your bedmate. Lovely post. Great art. Happy PPF

aimee said...

beautiful! they'd make great magnets too! happy weekend to you! xo

K J D said...

I was confused!!!!!

I love seeing (and hearing!) what you have been up to each week.

I love your art and really enjoy seeing it in its different colourways.


Linda Kunsman said...

What a creative and funny storyteller you are :):) Love your colorful paintings and that you are going to make cards of them!! Happy PPF!

Debbie said...

ha good story and i love your paintings this week. Happy PPF!

sharon said...

Giggle giggle, love your story, suspense ahh. Love your pictures

Tracey FK said...

That is funny,,, you have a way with words and the rose canvases are going to make wonderful cards...xx

Jez said...

Enjoyed this post, and all the humour and bright colours that I know I will find when I turn to you. All your paintings here are so good. For some reason the male trio look just like the Beatles (minus one).
Your cards will be lovely , and the lucky recipients will love them. Thanks for brightening up my day.

Anne Manda said...

hahaa, great post! :) Lovely painting, fun to see it in different colors, it will make really nice cards! HPPF!

J C said...

Girl, you had me going. I was trying to guess your bedmate and I thought it was your clock that died; you know, music to lull you to sleep, etc. I never guessed the tv. I should have. I have a bed mate like that too. Cant imaging living without! Love your paintings!!!

Lynn Cohen said...

You are hoot!
All the art is great fun too.
Was going to send a condolence card but decided you could make one yourself while laying awake at night!

Elisa Choi said...

Lovely works Giggles. Love the flower and the character! Happy thanksgiving!

Carolyn Dube said...

Love the new look of the blog! Your bed mate story is fabulous! I love the faces that you created- all the layers under them- wow! Happy PPF!

Mary C. Nasser said...

Your bed mate story made me smile, Giggles!

Your floral work will make FABULOUS cards!! So lovely!

Glad you had a productive week and a joyful Thanksgiving!

Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Christine said...

They'll make great cards, I was guessing a stuffed animal or something for your bedmate, lol.

Carol said...

Love your flowers and they will make great cards!!! I knew where you were going with your funny story but enjoyed every word of it just the same!!!! Have a great week :0)

Carol said...

ps..... those people are a hoot too! I love your bold colors and playfulness ♥♥

carol l mckenna said...

Love the simplicity yet dynamic style and color! of your art work ~ Wonderful! ~ (A Creative Harbor)

thanks for coming by and commenting ^_^

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Love the head people. :) As always it's great to see all the different colors. :)

Rhonda said...

Such an fab amount of work you've doe this week! Thanks for the humor to make me smile this morning! I think your cards will sell really well. HPPF ♥

Kristin said...

Oh my goodness! So much work here! I LOVE the idea of making some into cards - and you can give them as love notes to your computer and TV - which, BTW, I SO agree with you! xoxo

Annabelle said...

Fun post andI l luv the cards, especially the orange , teal , well looking at them, i suppose i do like them all ~^..^~ They will make great cards!

Unknown said...

I love your canvases! They are stunning, and I think they would make the most perfect cards. (I will definitely be lining up for some!) x

Denise Mulligan said...

Hah! You got me. I couldn't guess who your bed mate was I thought maybe it was a pillow or stuffed animal? Duh...you said you turned it on. Hee hee! Love your mod squad faces.
Thanks for making us laugh and giggle.

Fallingladies said...

The cards will be great! I loved your story!

pauline said...

Those flowers are beautiful and i LOVE that you'll be making cards with these! The background colors are just gorgeous and i love the black outline. Your work is always so colorful and alive. No doubt like you are. Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. I hold them near my heart. xox

lorik said...

Love your swirly colourful flowers! They are full of energy!

carlarey said...

Love your tulip paintings. Glad to hear your new bedmate is such a gem!

denthe said...

Haha, can you believe that at first I even thought you were talking about a man? I was wondering whether my English wasn't good enough to understand everything. But only for the first few sentences, then I started wondering what else it could be. I absolutely love your body-less figures, and your canvases are wonderful! So nice to see all the different colours too! Great work again this week! ♥

soulbrush said...

I would love to spend a week roaming round your brain- would be fab! Happy PPF friend.

Julie said...

lol! funny... I really love your big face guys!

JKW said...

I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving. Love the cards and the idea of using them as your personal cards. Great art. Blessings, Janet PPF

Laura said...

Now that did give me the giggles. (Sorry couldn't resist.) Love the artwork too.

Alicia C said...

lovely colours! I love how you do that. Honestly, you are not alone (no pun intended) in having the electronic buddies as the only bed mates. For some couples, the TV is like the 3rd member of the crew.

EVA said...

LOL - I was guessing an electric blanket...

Lovely artwork!

Anonymous said...

lOve, love, love all you share with us, but particularly I love your little boys. The are awesome!!

Unknown said...

I LOVE your style ! I plan to add my latest post to the next Paint Party Friday !


Amy C said...

the rose would make beautiful! fabric too

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