Quote of The Day

Friday, November 16, 2012

Paint Party Friday and a Tree

Original Christmas Tree done in acrylics

I have been painting several pieces  I won't share yet. This tree was cropped, I did a digital color edit, put it in my windows paint program, shrunk it down then add three of the altered unique colored pieces to make my blog header and some cards too!!  

 Even though this year seems to be packed with Christmas Spirit in our house, I have a few friends going through some extremely difficult times. I felt so sad for them that I had tough go at decorating.My dear friends are constantly in my head and in my heart while I worked on some seasonal art instead! 

 Today I got the much needed new lights on my tree, they were suppose to be purple, but they're pink.  Then I stopped, sat down and traveled through my blog to find how decorated last year!  Instead of looking at the tree I found this old poem to share!  
Written by Happytiler 2009
Not Much a Follower
Never been a follower
Never quite knew why
Looked for the oddities
Detesting to comply

Attracted to things original
The one of a kind
Interested in the opposites
To stimulate my mind

Trends set in, then disappear
I tend to shy away
Adjusting quirky tastes
My flavor to convey

Never chose to be like others
Didn’t want to be the same
Fostering a unique spawn
With a distinctive name

I’m looking for a car right now
None seem to fit my style
I’m waiting to be romanced
By four wheels that beguile!

Enthralled by vibrant color
Yet black is what I wear
Accessories may be vivacious
my decor may be rare

Not much do I follow
I deviate along the road
Toodling at my own pace
Fascinated by personal goad

Maybe it’s ego driven
Needing to be odd
I have absolutely no idea
Why off beaten path I trod
The guilty Snowman in Acrylic 

For a time I’ll follow politics
I may follow just one soap
May follow a little of this and that
Drawn to issues full of hope

I can’t follow any violence
Cruelty or abuse
I can’t follow addiction
Or things that don’t amuse

Make me laugh, make me smile
Give my heart a tug
I will follow if I’m entranced
If I’m bored I"ll pull the plug!

How about you, do you remember feeling odd as a child and at what age did you finally embrace that?

Please join me in visiting these wonderful
 artists at Paint Party Friday! 


Sunshineshelle said...

How cool is this!!! Love the poem & paintings, you are multi-talented :) Haven't done any Chrissy themed things as yet but this post makes me want to - Happy PPF!

Carolyn Dube said...

Love your Christmas trees! I love color and Christmas is not a time when I stick with just red and green! Odd, yes, I was odd as a kid- very odd and my friends say I am still odd- but they wouldn't have me any other way! Happy PPF!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Christmas trees and snowman. I think holidays are coming.:) Love them!

Christine said...

love your funky tree and the snowman's cute too!

carol l mckenna said...

Dynamic Xmas trees and love the snowman ~ wonderfully creative work ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

PS Poem is excellent and I tend to be a 'lone wolf' not following the trends or crowds ~ still learning to embrace my 'eccentricity ~ Wonderful to meet an 'online' kindred spirit' ~ Thanks for being YOU!

denthe said...

Oh, I can really relate to that poem! I don't remember feeling odd as a child, but growing up I noticed my ideas about life in general were different from my friends. I never had problems acting upon them either. Still don't. And I'm okay with that ... ☺ Love your new header! One question: I noticed you have a different quote up there every time. Is that something that you change, or does it change automatically? And if it does, how do you do that? I would love to have that on my blog, I'm addicted to quotes .. ;-) Love your trees btw!

kat said...

Oh your trees are great as is your poem, great to visit you here again, we're both on to Christmas I see.

Netty said...

Loving your whacky trees and that fab snowman. Happy PPF, Annette x

Kat Sloma said...

I love what you've done with this single painting. Yay for digital art! As to your question, I've finally embraced my oddness as an adult, in my late thirties and early forties. I've heard from other women that their forties brought freedom. Happy PPF!

GlorV1 said...

Love your trees and snowman. Great pieces, all of them. Happy PPF!

soulbrush said...

Christmas seems a bit sluggish round here so far- I guess it will all rev up sooner or later. Happy PPF in the meantime.

Lynn Cohen said...

Such color and joy here eminates from every tree painting!
Yes, of course, I was an "odd child" and I don't think it was till my late 30's when I finally really found myself! HPPF!

Marji said...

You have gotten a lovely jump on Christmas. Beautiful work this week and wonderful poem. Happy PPF

Janet said...

Love the new tree art and the way you've decorated the blog for Christmas.

I wouldn't say I felt odd as a child but I was definitely not like everyone else. I personally think it's good to be different and to follow your own path.

Faye said...

Great Christmas tree and what a gorgeous header you have made with the different versions of it. My daughter could well relate to your poem, but not I. She even wrote her own poem about being different and not following the crowd. Thanks for visiting my blog today.

K J D said...

Your trees are fun... great as your new blog header too.

Love the poem.... I am still odd but I like being that way :)


Linda Kunsman said...

LOVE your new festive blog header-and your whimsical trees are fantastic-what fun cards!!! Your poem is so well written. I guess you can consider me odd in the sense that I am the most level headed, different thinking and different looking member of my family-ask my friends :):)
Adorable snowman!

Anne Manda said...

Awesome poem and I love your colorful and color changing Christmas trees, too! And the cute and funny snowman!

sharon said...

That poem I so relate to! I was always different from my peers as a child and it has taken me ages to accept and love that I am different. Love your new header and the tres. Colourful as ever.

Debbie said...

Your tree design is so nice. I think it will make a beautiful Christmas card design, though it might be hard to choose which color scheme to go with as they all look great!

Breesmimi said...

Thank you for visiting my blog today! The colors you've used for your Christmas trees are fantastic! I love the snowman too and the fact that you didn't stick to traditional colors of the season. Good for you!
I was the kid that used ALL the colors in the crayon box BOLDLY. Most artist I know are rather eccentric and zany characters but that's what makes them wonderful to be around.
Happy PPF!

Molly said...

i always love seeing your designs across a rainbow of vibrant colors. great poem--- and great snowman, too.

hope things work out for your friends!

Tracey FK said...

I love the poem and thanks for sharing it with us... and the cards will look amazing in the various colours and as a group on your header they look fab... thanks for all your comments this week as well... haven't had the chance to get back to you, but they were all appreciated...xx

Rita said...

I felt odd as a child and only started embracing it 5 minutes ago! haha...but seriously...in my 4th decade I feel better about myself than ever.

Lovely art!

Denise Mulligan said...

Hiya Giggles!
What an awesome poem!
I can totally relate. I've always felt different from my family. I have a rebellious nature too, which gets me into trouble still. Not that I intend to be rebellious, I just can't get with the program! ;)

I never liked groups, or being from a large family. I like one on one conversations and can't be bothered with a lot of small talk.

I'm an introvert and often mistaken as shy. Not! It's just that I can remain quiet for long periods, living in my imagination. That being said, when I do get with someone that is interesting, we can talk for hours.

I've always been fascinated with the bizarre in life. Weird, strange, off beat it all makes my day. I can't remember embracing feeling odd, I can't remember much these days.

I do love your fun and quirky nature. Also love your Christmas tree and that snowman looks very mischievous. I wonder what he's up to? Your header looks fantastic as well.
Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Love your trees and your poem. And I wear a lot of black too, although I do art in vibrant color! Hope you find the car of your dreams! Happy PPF!

Anonymous said...

Love the poem, and your christmas trees are so cute, they made want to start doing something for the holidays.
Have a great day!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love your Christmas trees. They are so happy looking. Blessings!

Deepa Gopal said...

Nice poem. Love the variations of Xmas tree... Festive and vibrant :)
Hugs to you too Giggles.

Nicola said...

Gorgeous christmas trees, I have to say that the purple is my favourite! Love how you play around with the different colours, and that snowman is too cute!!! :0) You've made me all Chrismassy now! ;0)

Jane Wetzel said...

wow, noticed the very cool blog banner immediately! LOVE your trees..

Karen Smithey said...

You know, I think I did, though I didn't want to be different...

I'm having a giveaway over at Art in the Garage to celebrate my 1000th post--hope you can stop by and leave a comment!

janice smith said...

I just had to go back and scroll up and down through your beautiful trees. It's fun if you scroll quickly - almost like watching a Christmas trees with lights that cycle through different colors. Love it!
As for feeling odd...I always tried to fit in and never really did. Some time in my early fourties I grew up. Now I just get weirder with each passing day! To be honest, I like being the oddball

www.dorissdaughter.com said...

Loved looking at all your different christmas trees and your poem is very good, I enjoyed reading it and could relate to your wordsand reading your other comments find so many kindered spirits:) For me, growing up was a struggle as I didnt fit in with trends and was often seen as 'alternative' and made alot of mistakes trying to find 'my own way' I like to move around a lot as I find it hard to settle and difficult to meet people I am compatible with so tend to be a bit of a loner, although I am quite happy in my own company and have been lucky to have found a soulmate in my husband.

carlarey said...

Love all the color variations of your trees. It's great to be able to shift and change them like that, and not affect the original, isn't it?

According to my family, I have always been proudly, defiantly odd.

Unknown said...

I love your christmas trees + I really loved your poem. I think you need to look for a really bright purple car! I wasn't brave enough to embrace my quirks until well after school. I admire the fact that you felt comfortable enough to embrace your oddities earlier. x

Nora MacPhail said...

I like the hot pink background for X-mas! Why not! Cute snowman too.

lorik said...

Those trees are dazzling! Especially the purple ones. And he is such a sweet, smiling snowman.

Ayala Art said...

All the versions of the Christmas tree are wonderful, I like them all!

Julie said...

I really love your use of color and your style, I can relate to your words. Odd yes, but I prefer to say unique. ;)

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

I think your snowman is adorable. I hae always thought I was normal and everyone else odd.. :)) HPPF

Gloria j Zucaro said...

Love this post, the poem is great! I let myself be different several times in life, but it was not acceptable! I finally escaped when I was 57, but still struggled with friends who wanted me to conform.. Finally I am able to say "I think I'll pass, it's not for me! Love your outlook on life and your bravery!

Lisabella Russo said...

I love the Christmas trees! You are so caring in how you are thinking about your friends. I don't know if I've ever embraced the odd in me, but I have accepted it :).

Carola Bartz said...

Your trees are so beautiful, and the guilty snowman is hilarious. I love his face!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Thanks to the Internet, us odds can meet and be even. :D
Lovely trees and cute snowman. Awesome banner!

Kristin said...

I too love the poem and the paintings - the first tree I've seen! AND that guilty Santa - LOVE it ;)
Thank you for your sweet note of congratulations - it was really nice of you to take the time, xoxo!!

Kristin said...

I too love the poem and the paintings - the first tree I've seen! AND that guilty Santa - LOVE it ;)
Thank you for your sweet note of congratulations - it was really nice of you to take the time, xoxo!!

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