Quote of The Day

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Paint Party Friday " Speak up"

Please visit all the wonderful artists at Paint Party Friday!
Acrylic on bead board
 I wrote this post last week, did a few pieces of art that were horrible. This artwork I revamped by  gessoing over an old piece I did a few months back.  I started out by just playing with color. Sadly the place in my kitchen I planned to hang it  is milometers too tight  to fit over the door...rrrr.... Anyway, now that I see in on my blog I know I'm not finished, or happy with it !! So again it will be doctored!! Or gessoed over !!
Digital edit
Do you speak up  against child abuse? I do!  I've been pretty adamant about this subject since my teens,  long before I had a child! I can be known to voice my disdain too!  Or stand up for a child unfairly treated.

My brother was bullied  when he was very young because of a learning disability .  He fought back. It resulted in me being summoned to the principals office during lunch. I'd retrieve him so he could safely hang with me for the rest of the break!! Five years his senior I took him under my wing including him with my friends!!
  Original Acrylic on bead board still a work in progress!
That same little boy had a spanking almost everyday from a very young age, because he was  so called "busy!" I'm not exaggerating either, mom often bragged about it when he got older. Seriously there were only a very few times he really deserved it!!

My spirit had been broken years before, I knew to be good, "not busy!" In fact, when I was three, I spoke up to my mother who often spanked me with a rubber spatula.  She responded by  smacking me.  I was then  warned not to be  "cheeky". Confused, I humbly asked, "What's cheeky?" She smacked me again, ranting "that's cheeky!" Perplexed,  I still never knew the literal meaning or what I'd done wrong.
Doing a digital color edit really helps me to see the color  changes needed to make it more cohesive.
How could she smack her inquisitive three year old?....I never understood how anyone can smack a little one? Many  parents unfairly demean and reprimand their kids with nasty corporal punishment. Do you stand by, or say something?

Mom always wanted dad to back her up. He was of the mind that two giant adults (one Five feet, the other five nine) towering over one little child was never a fair situation. He felt one parent could easily handle a child on their own. As I write this I wonder if he even knew how hard she was on me when he wasn't around.   I do  know he felt she mishandled things when we were teens!
 An even better perspective on color changes needed!!
I often disciplined my child with my eyes, I preferred to correct her bad behavior! Warning  her to "change her attitude!" Thankfully that all worked, but when it didn't, we talked it out! Sometimes I even compromised!! I always let my child know the  expected  behavior! I followed through too, with discipline that withheld a privilege she enjoyed!! I was lucky though, I had a sweet child to start with. Her heart would have broken if I had been too hard on her!
 Found the little Love box to match the peace one, it houses my pencils, brushes, marker and pens!!

Today I heard about a young  adult male who after much acting out, is now,  in serious  legal trouble. I remember this sweet, sweet boy, how his parents demeaned him after he made the most awesome apple pie. Nothing he ever did was good enough. They were mean!  He's never been an integral part of my life, but a huge part of my friends life. I was never impressed by his obnoxious, sarcastic parents. Although they appeared jovial and fun, their behavior had no proper  boundaries, sadly this boy is now the fall guy. It makes my gut  ache for this kid. I have no idea what will happen to his life...

His story takes me back fifty years when I was in grade one. Standing on the stairs in the school ground a little boy put his hands around my neck and choked me as hard as his six year old hands could squeeze. I have no idea what made him finally release.  It was traumatic, I still remember not being able to breath. I was terrified. I hated that boy. He got all D's in school, was in the lowest reading group. In retrospect he had an obvious undetected learning disability, compounded with a mean streak. I avoided him for the next four years attending that elementary school. He was busy. I can still see that little blond boy jetting around in my minds eye!!

Years later my mother did his grandmothers hair, she told mom how severely this boy was beaten and abused by his father!! When the boy was twenty-one he was put in jail, where he hung himself! His name was Teddy Foster! He'd be  fifty six, had he lived!! Too bad no one spoke up for him sooner!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Paint party Friday Grumps

Quirky Girl sketch book acrylic
This week I am working on a mid sized cradle board. It's still a work in progress... other things in my sketch book are a real disappointment!!This is my quirky girl from a few weeks back. 
In a perfect world I'd be kind to everyone! For the most part I am. There are times though when my every last nerve is tested. By whiners, those  abusive towards animals,   and children. Of course there are the stupid mean people too!!
This is how my cradle board started!
Today I saw a guy in a nicely ironed peach button up shirt running  with all his might in attempt to catch the bus.  I assumed the bus was waiting for him, instead it pulled away, just as the old fella got to the stop. He was seconds from the front door!!  It was as though the driver was taunting him by leaving. I was so mad I felt like spitting. I rarely anger, but it was hot and that was mean!! Against my good judgement I considered giving the old fella a lift,  but I was already late and would have had to double back. Plus I'm too much of a chicken to pick up a stranger....in a perfect world, or  maybe in a different era I would have!!

On one of the hottest days of the year,  what would possess a bus driver to pull away just as someone arrived?  I slowed in my lane to catch a glimpse of the transit driver who was close to retirement himself. It's not like the bus was full, he just chose to ignore the man!! Why??? How hard is it to be kind???
 A foot stool and sturdy peace box I got to house paint and art supplies for under fifty dollars!
Five minutes later I changed lanes to prepare for my turn! I could see the man  behind me shake  his head. I always use my blinker and leave a couple of car lengths before I change lanes..I'm a cautious defensive driver. Still another male grumpy pants. This is the second day in a row a man has shaken his head at me, the equivalent of a tsk tsk,  like I was a naughty girl. Why are old men so friggin grumpy? Not all, but many!! Young men don't shake their heads at me like that, it's the old dudes!! Wish I had a magic wand to put a kindness spell on the grumpy ones!!
Paints I can sit on the couch next to me then hide at a moments notice!
That would be why my home is always a soft place to fall!! My son-in-law comes in the door, almost singing H-e-l-lo....I love the sound of his beautiful voice! Cupcake yells hello as she runs in, grabs the keys to the mail in pursuit of her coupons!! 

Many nights they catch a waft of food cooking. Sometimes they wash their hands and pitch in, to complete the meal!! Then they  retreat to change into comfy clothes before dinner. We eat and share our day. It's a very pleasant time.
Soft place to Fall, acrylic on cradle board in progress

Our home is a soft place to fall!! No matter how many men shake their heads at me, or how ugly the kids work day gets it's always nice to come home! In my life that wasn't always the case.  As a child it was always a surprise coming in the door!  I vowed not to be a nag when I was married, I never did. I vowed not to nag at my child, I tried not to. I may nag more now than I did years ago!! Still our house is a soft place to fall, because in the end, " Only kindness matters," and we really appreciate each other!!

Am I the lone soul who provokes  old men to shake their heads??

Make sure to visit other artists at Paint Party Friday 
Dream Goddess and me!
Big Happy Birthday to my bloggy soul sister Lucy who rarely blogs anymore, and my dearest oldest friend Dream goddess! Two of the most loving KIND, talented, women, born on the same day, phenomenal mothers, ethical people with such generous hearts! Both ladies deserve the best!! I feel so blessed to have them as part of my life!! Have a great day ladies!!! Love you both!!! 

My New York Soul Sister Lucy

Friday, August 10, 2012

Paint Party Friday " The Truth about Me"

Kotter done in Acrylic
 This post went in a completely different direction than expected. I'm even sharing different art than  planned!!  Sometimes when you write the soul takes over!! I thought some of these color edits matched the piece a bit better!   Check out all the talent at Paint party Friday!

An old chums daughter got married. I was lurking the photos. She didn't seem happy. Again "I Wish I didn't know what I know." I wonder if the older folks saw how scared I was getting married.
Alpine in Acrylic
I was absolutely sure I wanted to get married until I passed by my dad. As he hugged me I began to cry, it continued all the way down the isle. No one knew I was blubbering because I didn't want to give up my name!  They probably thought  it was  tears of joy, or did they??? Was that a warning sign?

Mavens Mess  in Acrylic
 I was too young! In retrospect my marriage probably manifested from a need to escape  my tumultuous home life. I enjoyed playing house, but the first time he screamed at me for leaving the cupboards open the love started dying! The pounds piled on.
A few years later I lost the weight, got a cool car, grabbed some independence, lost myself in work and friends. Had loads of fun outside of my boring marriage. Sewed, decorated, baked, bowled, golfed, anything to lose myself in life, always longing for a deep intimate, kind, love connection! 
 No  matter how I would placate my man, nothing changed. Eventually I left for a few months.  Although I shouldn't have returned, I have no regrets. My daughter was born a few years after I returned, a new house was purchased, pounds piled back, life went on the same for  another ten years. 
 Except now I had  my precious cupcake. So many  happy years with her by my side. I finally knew true love!! The joy of being a mother voided the previous twelve lonely years.

 I visualized life on my own. Wanting to deter watching that  video tape of cupcake reliving my life!! I wanted to raise her with peace and love! The twenty three year Marriage ended so ugly with a rough two years to follow. 

 There was a huge sacrifice. I no longer had the means to give my child everything she deserved!! A higher education,  a proper grad dress, a proper wedding, extra curricular activities, trips, driving lessons, and fiscal help. All things people around me gave their children! I was always happy for the others, and yet wished my child had those opportunities too!!

Instead I gave her a peaceful home, love, loads of silliness and laughter! Despite her missing out I think she may truly  be one of the happiest and most grateful, generous adults I know. She doesn't need jewelry, big diamonds, fancy cars to be happy. What makes her happiest is security, her hubby, her occupation, charity work, travel, fresh raspberries off the vine, a picnic, a board or video game, a yummy meal,  a good coupon deal, a freebee, extended family, the ocean, her aunties my friends, and her mom!! 

So when you feel upset because you can't provide everything you think your children want, or need, remember my story! What truly makes  your child's happy? Had I stayed married, she would have had all she missed out on and more!

Alpine is a work in progress!!

But would she be that same wonderful highly ethical  woman I love and admire?  Or a woman striving to live up to and surpass all the opportunities she was handed, in order  to feel, find happiness??  

Friday, August 03, 2012

Paint party friday, " Mom and the Goddesses"

 I'm a cup half full person, however I never forget where I came from, and every tough hurdle that formed who I am! Tomorrow will be the twenty first anniversary of my mothers death. We had a difficult relationship, but there were so many wonderful things she taught me. Although our personalities were completely different,  I think I understand her much better now!! 
Angel on my Shoulder acrylics in a sketchbook

So when I was picking shapes from splotches this girl with a little angel on her  shoulder appeared. It was a very intuitive piece! My daughter always feels my mothers presence when she travels alone.
 My mother died never truly knowing me. She knew I was creative, calling me a great  homemaker (because I painted furniture bright colors, decorated fun cakes, sewed and crocheted) while my cousin was the  housekeeper. I always surrounded myself in color, yet never painted a stroke on paper until I was forty seven!! She died never knowing why I was so quirky growing up!!!

Funny how life continues to teach us!  My daughter is like  mom in too many ways to mention. Her wallet is stuffed with coupons like moms was  and she has everything except the kitchen sink in her purse.  At five foot three, a whole three inches taller than mom she totes a purse heavy enough to win gold medal at the purse carrying Olympics. 

Cupcake has a gift of cooking intuitively like mom did. Even though I'm a good cook, my daughter is a step above me. She whipped up a sauce for a stir fry this week that was to die for!! I have gladly demoted myself to her sou chef!!

 My daughter makes things happen like mom did, she loves travel, needs to get away to let her hair down, and is fairly high strung...like mom!! In fact mom and I bucked heads too often. While my daughter and I  thankfully are pretty  amiable.
 Fit of Conniption Acrylics on Sketchpad

I really believe our kids are put on earth to teach us far more than we can teach them!! I used to think no one knows a child like the mother, I still believe it to be true when a child is young! However a question I've pondered of  late has been..... "do our children know us  better than we know them???"  I'd love feed back on this question...I'm fortunate that my  daughter and son-in-law know me so well!! 

On a lighter note the goddesses gathered at  Mexican restaurant and had many laughs. My one friend let her young grandson eat all the sugar he wanted and was outed when he held his head with both hands and screamed "MOMMA, I've had too much SUGAR!!!" While she tried to shush him!!  My daughter is such a germ freak I often  threaten to let her kids lick door knobs!!  She doesn't have kids yet, but I'm using reverse psychology in preparation, just in case she has notions of me baby sitting full time!!  She doesn't by the way!!
We celebrated Earth Goddesses in the blue, behind her is Faery goddess and Nature goddess, I'm the Love Goddess in the black Sombrero, Dream Goddess who made the cake is beside me!! Isn't the cake fabulous!! It was coconut pineapple cupcakes hidden in a terracotta pot. It was so incredibly delectable, gummy WORMS and all!!

 Have a great weekend!! You can visit more wonderful Artist 
at Paint Party Friday, join in if you so feel inclined!! 
 I'm not sure where "Fit of Conniption came from" but I will tell you the same day I went out with my Goddesses was the anniversary date of that fateful day 16 years ago when crash, boom, bang, my   23 year marriage ended in a very crude way!!

I'll leave you with more edits and Burny the dog.... Come on now, you know I always have a dog on the blog!!! 
 Has anyone lost their blog list normally displayed
on their side bar ???
 I'm so upset mine is gone, I'm hoping it's
a glitch and reappears!

Most women deserve purple hearts, 
we are all so brave in our own way!!

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