Quote of The Day

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Word of the Year Paint Party Friday!

Happy New Year everyone!! 
I'm wishing you all a creative New Year 
filled with peace, joy, good health and fiscal abundance!! 
I'd also like to thank you for all your wonderful thoughts
 and comments over the last year!! 
I really can't express how
grateful I am for your love and support!!

 We had a very pleasant season filled with friends,
 family, loads of laughter and way too much good food!! 
 It was fun and I certainly enjoyed the wonderful decorations!!
Unfortunately it's difficult to fit in visits with all the folks
we love, so we usually end up stretching
 the season into January.

Now we are onto a New Year.....how exciting is that!! 
New prospects, new ideas, new dreams to aspire too!!  
September is usually the start of my New year
 however this year it passed me by as I did
 the same old, same old!!
For 2012 my word was NOURISH.. boy did I do that!!
 Even though I drank a lot of green smoothies and water,
 I think I may have over nourished my body somewhat
 because my photos seem to be filled out a lot more this year.....
 oh yes they are. I am pleased that I managed to nourish 
my art on a weekly basis though!! 
I hope to continue that routine this year!!
For the last few weeks I've been pondering a word for 2013 to no avail! 
Then yesterday it popped to  mind!! 
 I need more focus in my life!
 On art, words, health, and organization!! 
So be it!
 I now have a fairly large body of poetry and art I need to combine.
I'd also like to figure out something worthwhile
 for a childrens book!!
 Wish me luck!!

  How about you? Any new intentions or goals for 2013?
 Do you have a word to propel you into the next twelve months?
Any personal changes you can share?
Or Special creative endeavors?

 Wishing you all good things for the New Year!
This is my contribution to Paint Party Friday this week!!
 Tomorrow I break out the acrylics 
once again!!


Lynn Cohen said...

Lovely New year to you dear artist friend! Good luck with staying focused! Love the art!!!

Janet said...

That was my word for 2012 but I don't think I applied it! I wish you great success with focusing this year. I haven't chosen my word yet. Nothing is speaking to me and until it does I'll just wait.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year!!!! I love this word too!! I call my plan my focus list and this will make it easier to follow!!!! and be on top of the things I want to focus on!!!

Dreamer said...

I like the work focus, a challenge for me these days haha. I was so inspired by a video of sports 'plays of the year', and the amount of skill, fuelled by practice, that I made the word 'practice' my driver this year. Practice makes perfect, and practice kindness. This also takes focus, so will keep that in mind! I love to be able to see your blogs, and they definitely take focus to create! Here is to our success in reaching our goals this year!

Jez said...

I've only heard about the 'year word' in the last month or so, so I'm not into it, but I thought I would use your word just for a while to focus on the best things in life just now, including this wonderful community of artists and thinkers. Your comments during 2012 have meant such a lot to me, and your lovely blog posts. XX

Jess said...

Thankyou for being such an inspiration! I look forward to a new year of your colourful creations. Jess xx

Kristin Van Valkenburgh said...

That's a great word! Love nourish too ;)
I don't usually do a word for each year, but I love the concept (which I only learned through blogging ;) - I may choose one :)
I did do a vision board last year that I plan to do again - I loved seeing the things and plans come true - and seeing what I need to focus on again this year, xoxi

Carol said...

Love your "WORD" ! Best of luck with your goals for the coming year. I had more difficulty than usual choosing a word this year and finally decided on mine last night..."Refine" as in refining everything in my life so that it all flows more readily. Since I seem to have a phobia to "Organization" I thought I might be able to do more with REFINE :0)

pauline said...

I think you are an amazing woman to have a word and to actually have followed through in 2012! Yes, you definitely nourished yourself (with art!) in 2012. So happy that you did and that our paths crossed. I suck at resolutions, so i'm guessing i would suck at "words" too. ;-) I am asking myself these 2 questions for 2013:
1. What do i want to stop doing in 2013?
2. What do i want to create for myself in the new year?
Hopefully, this will get me off on the right track.
THANK YOU for the wonderful support throughout the past year... on-line friends are still friends. xox

Unknown said...

Happy Paint Party Friday and all the rest of the paint party week too. Happy New Year and Focus is a great word and a great thing to be able to actually do . My word must be "nonprocrastination" I think I actually just made that up.
-KAT- #11

Tracey FK said...

Focus is a great word, though totally and completely unachievable for my brain so I will live through your word vicariously all year... focus on organisation sounds like quite an exotic endeavour... better you than me!!! Love to you in the New Year...xx

Anne Manda said...

Lovely New Year and I wish all that good stuff to you, too! I've never had a word for a year... Focus is a great word and I think I take that too, if you don't mind! :) I think I need it. :)Thank you for being such an inspiration - and so much fun! <3

Netty said...

Great word for the new year, have lots of fun. Happy PPF, Annette x

Anonymous said...

Woot, woot! A children's book? Awesome! With Focus you CAN accomplish your goals. Have fun with your acrylics tomorrow.

Marji said...

A great word to live by in 2013. I chose MOVE as my word. Seems I'm feeling like its time to get into gear in 2013. Happy PPF! And, many thanks for your support last year. Looking forward to seeing what the new year holds for us. Happy PPF

Faye said...

I love the idea of "focus" for the new year. Being focused is one of my shortcomings. I get distracted easily. Lovely piece for PPF.

JKW said...

Looking at these all year is certainly a way to challenge your FOCUS. Great art and colorful. Blessings, Janet PPF

Gloria j Zucaro said...

Wishing you all the best in 2013, may all in your life find it's focus! I missed last week, so read on and enjoyed looking at family photos and reading your very poetic commentary.
Love your designs and colors every time I visit.

Carolyn Dube said...

I love your word- and how you've captured it visually! I hope 2013 brings you everything (and that we get to keep seeing your art!) Happy PPF!

Debbie said...

I'm very unfocused at the moment. It takes me awhile. I'll probably come up with a word by June, or July! Good luck with all of your goals for this year. How exciting that you are going to try publishing a book!

K J D said...

Great word!

Best of luck with your book....

I haven't got one word (yet) but inspired by one of the cards I received in my Inspirational Deck... I plan to 'Live life in full colour'

Have a great year!

Karen x

Tammie Lee said...

lovely your word : focus and the musical notes

i know quite a few people using this word for their word of the year.

GlorV1 said...

I like that word for the new year Giggles. To me you always focus on your creativity. Love your piece. Happy New Year and thanks for sharing all your creativity. Look forward to the year and us all sharing in PPF!

Linda Kunsman said...

I like your word focus but if I had chosen it it'd probably be a problem for me :). Isn't it cool how the word you need will just come to you? I actually chose two-empowerment and action. Good luck with your children's book-sounds like a perfect blend of your talents.Happy PPF!

carlarey said...

Happy New Year! It's always great to read about your joy in life. Hope this new year is everything you wish it will be.

carol l mckenna said...

Great word and wonderful design ~ !

(A Creative Harbor aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

Mary C. Nasser said...

So grateful for your love and support, too! :)
Wonderful word...and artwork!...for 2013!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Ritu Dua said...

Your art is bright and cheerful enough to glide you through 2013 :)
Have a magical new year !

Laurie Linn said...

Love the word - Love the art! I think my favorite it the purple one.

It really is a wonderful word for the year. I often wonder what I could truly accomplish if I could figure out how to keep myself from getting distracted by every little thing.

Elisa Choi said...

Happy New Year Giggles! Great intentions to start the year! Hope you have a creative filled year and joy in what you do. :)

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