Quote of The Day

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Be A Skeptic, Because In the End

I see beautiful people stumped with relationships. I see some 
pairing with those so unparalleled to them it's doomed to fail!  
I see people naively give their heart freely away to  
the wrong partners!  And yet when you have children, you 
must be extra cautious to protect your heart.....
because their heart is also a  part of you!

Recently I have seen a few situations with children that truly
breaks my heart. A mother of a one year old parted for a month 
while her child visits the father and his girlfriend. 
He left her before the baby was a year.  Now, for the next twenty 
years the mother will have to relinquish her child 
to whom ever the father deems okay to have sex with. 
Sorry to be so blunt but it's a sad fact!  
The mom is distraught missing her child.
Another second marriage breaks up, the children are very attached
to their stepmother and her family. They have missed out on
previous planned holidays, a wedding, seeing step cousins 
they grew up with, and large family gatherings are now nil!
Digital art, and color changes!
In the End

 And in the end,  the kids lose it all
parents move on, 
Friends pick sides
All that’s left are the brothers
and  the sisters
Aunts disappear  into the dust
bonds broken in irreparable ways
Summers spent together in sunshine
Have drifted into the maze
of sorrow and regret,
of  children they forget
Chasing around the camp fires
Christmas gatherings now gone
Blank cards on birthdays
Disappear into muddied air

And in the end, Nothings ever the same
Soon the light will dim
Everyone will forget their name
Lives will go on as though someone died
Many hearts will break, 
and all the kids will have cried
For  their memories of childhood
Were swept up as crumbs
tossed into the fire
Leaving them to succumb
To a grief they never asked for
For a loss so unprepared
Where people move on anew
And little souls are left undone
For relationships they counted on
Are now dead, and gone!
Were you ever hurt by someones breakup other than
 your own? Did you ever truly get over it, or did if fester 
under the surface? 

This is my contribution to Paint Party Friday, check it out and join in!!


GlorV1 said...

Love your drawings. Interesting post as always. I think everyone goes through some hurting experience in their life. We usually try to put one foot in front the other to go on and hopefully succeed. :) Take care and have a great day.

Karla B said...

This is lovely!

Raine said...

Beautiful faces! Fitting well with the post :)

Abigail Davidson said...

I like the different color combinations you came up with! So lovely and full of expression. Happy PPF!

Lynn Cohen said...

I love the women you have drawn here. I am going to pretend that they are all happily married to their first and only husbands, who are all faithful beyond measure, who worship the ground they walk on. And that all have 2.5 children, all beautiful, smart, athletic and happy. I'm going to pretend that the children all grow up and marry equally happy, faithful, functional spouses and have functional families of their own. And all holidays are spent in total joy and bliss from birth till death, which occurs at ages well beyond the norm.

I just do not want to think of any old hurts, pain, or sadnesses of mine or anyone else's today.

Just want to think happy thoughts! HPPF! ;-))))))

Faye said...

Great post, Sherrie! I'm so glad my sisters and I have kept close contact even though there's 900 miles between them and me. When things get tough it sure is good to have family to support one. Last week was cataract surgery and now I can see your paintings even better! Yay! I always love reading your insightful musings. Food for thought.

Faye said...

Great post, Sherrie! I'm so glad my sisters and I have kept close contact even though there's 900 miles between them and me. When things get tough it sure is good to have family to support one. Last week was cataract surgery and now I can see your paintings even better! Yay! I always love reading your insightful musings. Food for thought.

Valerie-Jael said...

Great post, and so true! Valerie

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Love your girls! it's kind of a sad post. At the end it's what you make of the situation and hopefully find joy in it no matter on which end you end up. :) That's how I like to think of it anyway.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic post. as a long ago divorced Mom I made sure my son had all those memories and when We found my husband we truly made a new family and he had his Dad and his Dad's family too. 22 years later my son is now 27 and he and his stepdad are best friends and he also has his dad and another whole side to his family. It is really hard, and often adults put themselves first which is the tragedy for the kids. Sage advice my friend. xox

Ivy said...

Love your Skeptics, cool ladies!

Jez said...

I think so many of us have experienced something similar. It can be forgiven. It can be, we belive, forgotten, but sometimes it pops up unexpectedly from the recesses of memory unbidden. But I am with Lynn zcohen in her comment above, and in order to survive I must believe in the happy side of life. Thoughtful and inspiring post as always, thank you dear Giggles.

denthe said...

You're right, there's a lot of grief and sadness because of separations, and often it's the kids that suffer the most. But also the grandparents. Some stories I hear just break my heart. In the end it's the duty of the adults involved to make sure there' a possiblity of contact. But sadly enough it doesn't always happen .... I love your 4 colourful ladies with the thoughtful expressions on their face ....

www.dorissdaughter.com said...

When my mum died, my stepfather of 30 years remarried within a year and didn't want anymore to do with me or my children who thought of him as a grand father. It was very sad and my children didn't understand the sudden change in him.

Tammy N said...

I always enjoy looking at your bright happy art. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such kind comments.

Ayala Art said...

Your colorful and whimsical art make the reality of the post more bearable.
It makes me very sad to see young people running to mess up their lives sometimes.
All one can do is wish them well.

Christine said...

lovely digital art, to go with your sad topic today...we all need to more communication somehow...or is it that some are too selfish and beyond that? Life is so complicated.

soulbrush said...

So many sad but true statements here. Love the art as always.Happy PPF.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I believe sometimes divorce is inevitable, like when there is abuse involved. However, I also believe that some people have a fairytale vision about marriages. Marriages are a constant give and take; they're about sharing the good and the bad, whatever that may be; they're about communication, honesty and support; they're about having an equal partnership; and they're a two-way commitment for life. No, marriages are not an easy task, but a most important one when there's children involved. Blessings!

Unknown said...

I agree that your art works are very connected with your words. Breakups are extremely hurtful but like everything it is a part of life sometimes and everything depends how it will be approached.I believe in power of forgiveness and letting go than holding resentments. Much love to you and have a lovely week!!!!

Helen Campbell said...

Wonderful drawing, and powerful prose. It is hard to see when childish adults do not think of how their actions affect their children. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

kat said...

Great girls, it's always good to read all your musings. There are so many split ups and divorces around, it is so sad, especially for the kids, I always feel for them so much. Blessings your way! xx

Ariel said...

This is a sad post yet so true. Just now one of my friends is going through a separation and her son is with the father and the daughter is with her. She is heartbroken as her son is not with her, he's only 7 and now he's changed so much in school and among his friends. It's such a sad situation that we feel so helpless and can only pray for the best to happen.
Susan [Thanks for letting me know about another Susan /virus or sthg signed up with PPF. But I'm such an idiot that even this week I signed up using my name:) ]

Carolyn Dube said...

This is such an important subject! There are hurts that fester and hurts that heal in my experiences based on how the others handle it. My favorite art is the skeptics one here! Happy PPF!

Nicola said...

Very deep post. I think it's sad when split ups happen but it depends on the situation too. I come from a divorced parents background, I have to say even as a young teen (when they broke up) I was relieved as there would be no more fighting, I also ended up gaining a step family who i love dearly and a step father who has become one of my best friends. That's not to say that the years in between getting used to the changes weren't difficult ( had emmigrated to the other side of the world) was split up from my brother who chose to stay and my father too.......life is definitely what you make of it, and as much as sometimes it was painful, and sad I couldn't have it any other way as I love my extended family now......

Great post it really did get me thinking and love the art you made with it! :)

Jenny said...

Your ladies are fabulous... love all the colors... and such a deep... tug at your heart post...

Jenny ♥

bellefrogworks said...

Your girls are gorgeous - love the colors and the features. Your post is sad but true - the children are the most broken after divorce. So often the adults just give up on relationships because it seems the easy way out - unless there is abuse going on it almost always pays to work on problems. So much pain avoided. Thanks for your honesty even if it painful for some to hear.

Ginny said...

Your ladies are beautiful. They definitely enhance your post which is so thought provoking.
I am just one of those people who believe children come first. It makes decisions simple. When I was teaching and the program didn't fit the child, I changed the program. When my son was young decisions weren't hard, it was what was best for him. I am definitely not perfect and people may disagree with my decisions but it was easy, children first!

Unknown said...

well said.
makes us think about this tough subject
love your art my friend

Anne Manda said...

Love your pretty and onteresting ladies! Great post, although sad.... It's so heartbreaking when children suffer.

JKW said...

What a heartbreaking story/poem. I've never thought about it because I didn't know about it. I've lost everyone except my 2 daughters and 6 grands to death, so there isn't the gatherings, etc and I miss it desperately. So, even if I can't imagine these circumstance, I can see where it would be life-changing. . . and so young. You do publish besides the blog? You have so much wisdom and understanding, you definitely need to share to a wider audience. Blessings, Janet PPF

Unknown said...

Beautiful images (as always!!) I am surrounded by couple breaking up + the effects on the kids is so hard. My Brother in law + his wife split and my children can't even remember her, wee beastie will never know her, all because it is too 'awkward' for her to make the time to see them. (as you can see I am slightly pissed off by her attitude!).

You are totally right it's the kids who miss out xx

Ilona Heimböckel said...

Families tear up in different ways sometimes it is, because relatives sense something wrong is going on or because of disagreements for whatever reasons.
In my family some relations work well and some don't. Sometimes the fact that people move to another part of the country is enough to break the contact :-(

Love your art as always!!! :-) <3

Hugs Ilona

J C said...

Yes, sometimes it is very sad. But other times it's for the best. Children are survivors and resilient, thankfully. I think many times the hurt comes when parents stay together "for the sake of the children", and the children can feel the tension. It's all part of human nature, I think, and we just have to make the best of it and do the best we can for the kids, and move forward and in doing so, we are also teaching them to move forward in life. Great post and colorful art.

SAMARA said...

Sherrie, It never ceases to amaze me how "on" our posts are each week. There must be some amazing link here! Yes, this is exactly what I was referring to in my post...the relationship "darkness" that creeps in when you don't even know it. Your poem is beyond words...something I have to keep for my own memories of the past (mine) and also to heal the hurts I see around me. It is beyond words how graphic it is in the most profound and necessary ways. I commend you for being out there each week Sherrie, you are one I can count on for this and I really look forward each week to the "real" I find when I visit you. A neighbour's child was just molested, - step-predator. It doesn't end even though we each think we have broken the cycle, a new cycle begins. It is the darkness of the lord of lesser light that permeates and poisons and there is nothing I have read lately that strikes to the heart - as your poem states - like your prose does. Thanks for that! Love Samara xox

SAMARA said...

This would not be complete without commenting on the perplexed, confused, cautious but terrified look I see on your girls faces. Sherrie - you have captured it all - betrayal, abandonment, and the ultimate - people taking love in all the wrong places: Soul Murder! You are brave Sherrie - Keep putting out this magnitude of art and words...the world needs you! Samara xox

Gloria j Zucaro said...

Your drawings this week in the color variations are fabulous! But I am in tears, your truths biting.

Kristin said...

You are SO right! The children are often the biggest losers in this situation - and they never even get to choose. Poor Mommy missing her baby - that would break my heart too!
AND lovely paintings as always - they really fit the bill for your post too! xoxo

PiaRom said...

Your painting is sooo very cool ;) I love the right lady´s hair :) luckily I have never get hurt in that way, but I think it is so very difficult to get over those crazy situations I think...xox ♥ Conny

janice smith said...

I haven't been here in a while. So good to be back! Your four ladies are beautiful in all their different colorful versions and your words are true. The loss is so hard for everyone but I do believe it is hardest for the children. Always so much to think about here...Thank you.
XO janice

Unknown said...

Bellissimi i tuoi esperimenti di colore!!

Unknown said...

oh how sweet are your ladies!!!! love this !!!!

Lisabella Russo said...

I like how the art changes in mood with the colors. It's difficult to lose a relationship, but I think it would be even more so with children involved. All people can do is do their best...

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