Quote of The Day

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Limitations Paint Party Friday

Face #22
As a young woman I was encouraged to get a good job and a house, with the promise that it would be a lucrative investment! There was never mention of getting a job you enjoyed, only one that paid well!
Face #23

At the beginning I was a girl satisfied with less. Always making something out of nothing on a tight budget. I had a very limited wardrobe, and rarely spent a cent on clothing or shoes. I painted furniture and rooms to spruce things up! I was sincerely delighted to live with less, until I got a union job making twice the wage, doing the exact same thing. 
Face #26,#27,#28.#29....... done with my finally located twinkling h20's that were sitting nicely on a shelf in a painted lunch box!...yahoo!
 As I heard co-workers chatting in the coffee room about their beautiful purchases I began to want more. I knew I worked very hard and deserved as much as them. It started with a microwave which ran about sixteen hundred dollars at the time.(Isn't that such a laugh now eh? Beware of  upgrading  high end electronics today people!!) There began my affair with "THINGS"!  Enmeshed in a bland marriage I threw myself into decorating my home and buying "THINGS" to anesthetize my lonely heart! 
Face #24
 Once all the rooms were decorated and the basement was finished I began to find fun outside the home. I had fun clothes, a fun vehicle and fun friends. I ate, drank and was merry most weekends. But the "Merry" in my life was a facade. Inside I still felt unfulfilled.... After a short separation from my husband we reunited and continued to consume. Something for him, something for me, eventually buying a bigger better forty-four hundred square foot home with a spiral staircase. Even though I felt like a queen at 29 it wasn't until my daughter was born seven months after the big move that I knew what had really been missing! I finally felt complete. 

 The previous years of buying was a substitute for my 12 year, childless marriage.  I had never really considered being a mom until then. However, everything I bought there after was for her. Still on that dysfunctional treadmill of thought that you needed to have "THINGS" to BE happy. Since my emotional needs were never met as a child, I wanted to insure my daughters  were! The first four years, my little girl had everything a princess could imagine, loads of love, lots of fun, and "THINGS"...and then, I GOT REAL!  She was always a really good child and even though I didn't need to say many " No's" I knew her future world might. So I strategically started using the word "NO" so she wouldn't be too disappointed when out of my care. Happily she is still closely in my life and still rarely hears the word "NO" from me or otherwise.... 
Face #25
Fast forward twenty years. After fifteen years of a physically limited lifestyle, forced fiscal restraint, a divorce, a few disappointments and  loads of grief,  my creative life was born! We often hear about the importance of moving past our limitations.  Last week however I seem to be bombarded with the message that many wonderful things can happen within the realm of limitations. Not sure if it's what I need to hear or whether it was just a recurring theme last week! 
I use a cane now. Friends and family probably wonder why I don't feel much like having visitors.  Instead I meet people outside my home,  keeping dear ones close. My world  is getting smaller as I pull away from my old lifestyle, yet my life is more satisfying than ever before. Within my limitations creativity flourishes....plus I've been using my cane to turn off lights, draw things to me, and threaten bullies....Just kidding about the bullies!! However I often shake my cane in the air in jest... It seems when  life becomes limited new outlets  are presented, new thoughts form with new avenues  to be explored. 

What have you learned from your limitations? Have you ever had limitations that spawned a new path in your life? 

Oh and on a side note Paula from Buenos Aires has me as a guest Blogger this week featuring a few of my shoe stories on her blog Keep it Simple make it Great! Thank you Paula for the shout out!

This is my contribution to Paint Party Friday and 29 faces of September!


Jez said...

Hi Giggles, This is another wonderful 'get-you-thinking' post. All lovely paintings and truths. Have skimmed through and loved it, and will be back later in the day for another look and another comment. XXX

Paper rainbow said...

A wonderfully frank and honest post, you always share so much that I connect with. The people we treasure are indeed our most precious asset, and sometimes limitations are good, boundaries certainly are. So often it seems we should strive for more without stopping to think 'are we more than happy with what we have'

Valerie-Jael said...

Great post. My whole life has been about limitations, and how to live with them. Not always easy, but being creative is a great asset! Valerie

www.dorissdaughter.com said...

I have always lived a modest live and never really been materialistic with the majority of my furniture secondhand 'bargains' I love a bargain! I have wondered what life would be like with lots of 'stuff' and do sometimes think 'it would be nice to have...' but I do agree that true happiness is in what we share, not what we own:)

Karla B said...

All of them are divine!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful, colourful art! Brightened up my day no end!
Alison x

Unknown said...

dear Giggles, thank you for such a honest and inspiring post. it takes a courage and heart to write it. I like your faces and colours of your heart on them. Lovely and limitless creativity. big hug to you

JKW said...

I've always had limitations growing up, married, divorced (he got it all through bad lawyers on my part) and when he passed, it all went to the kids. I don't regret not ever having anything, I am glad not to be tied to the world. Love the art work with the story. Blessings, Janet PPF

ann @ Whimsyville said...

Well - WOW - i am so glad you found your creativity is number one. Like you I/ we were consumed by consumption. I think we / I have literally bought everything that you possibly could and now.... i want it all OUT of the house and frankly, want OUT of the house :). funny. Happiness is truly in your heart if you just let it speak.... love the paintings :)

Lorraine said...

another thoughtful post to make us all think..like your bright paintings.

Ginny said...

Giggles, you are a wonderful writer and artist. Everything you create is so truthful and honest.
I love your group of faces.

When my husband got sick our life turned upsidedown. His limitations have opened up a whole new world for us. I am always so inspired by how he has adjusted to changing his goals. His creativity and ability to problem solve has been incredible to watch.

Anonymous said...

Another fab post. I am really enjoying being beyond the "thing" time in my life, well except my art stash of course...Having so many things makes you worry about what? Breaking something. Now with 4 rescue dogs, I expect stuff to get broken so I don't have anything that can't be easily replaced from the thrift...makes life so much simpler and happier. Love your quote, your art and your ATTITUDE. xox

Ivy said...

Love them all but especially love #23! HPPF!

Marji said...

Wow, another great and thought provoking post. I think that often when we squelch the creative in us that it festers inside and leads to an unhappy part of our lives - for whatever reason. Yet, once we finally allow our creative side to bloom - with it brings beauty, happiness and healing.

Linda Kunsman said...

long time no see :):) I always come away with things to mull over and LOTS of vibrant entertaining art for sure! I love your twinks one especially. You have an incredible talent for writing so authentically and from the heart. And it's so nice that Paula has given you a shout out on her blog-well deserved!

Debbie said...

I love all of your colorful paintings and I'm so happy that you have found so much happiness and time to be creative!

Anonymous said...

blogland is a great way to find your tribe...so happy you found yours! i really love your sweet girlie with her cane...important for all to be included...she is very special...nice to meet you and happy PPF!!


Faye said...

Sherrie, I always get some insight from your postings. Of course I enjoy seeing your brightly colored paintings and really love #25 today. The good thing is that you have grown deeply as a person of compassion through your trials. You also have discovered the artistic side. Just yesterday our Bible study discussed the fact that many people try to fill their emptiness with "things" that don't ultimately satisfy. Thanks for your post today. Happy PPF.

Helen Campbell said...

Gorgeous colorful paintings and words to make one think. :)

Christine said...

Interesting post, it makes you think about our 'consuming' society, not to mention the waste! Keep plugging on Giggles!

Victoria said...

Such a beautiful and empowering post..I think your cane is like a magical wand!! Very creative..and beautiful art! My limitations have all become gifts..they each brought me closer to my truest self..and opened the corridor to my ever-growing soul and spirit! Yes i know what it is like to have limitations and physical issues..but I don't even notice them..I simply create!
Hugs..thanks for sharing your beautiful world!

sharon said...

Wow you could be describing my life!!! In recent years I have had a lot of limitations placed on me and it is opened up so much for me. I have been that sad rich bitch, opps sorry. Now I am that happy poor thing, and guess what it is the best time of my life to date. Love your faces this week. I have just posted a bit late but made it!

Abigail Davidson said...

Oh very whimsical and colorful, nice work! Happy PPF!

GlorV1 said...

Hi Sherrie. What a great post and such creativity and so happy that happiness and well being has surrounded you with your creativity. Love all your faces, very nice job. Have a great weekend. Your blog is a very colorful and happy place.

Kate Robertson said...

Hi Giggles, I have been following you around PPF. I have posted probably at least 10 comments right after you did. Thats too funny. I love seeing all your faces, I really liked the one with the multiple faces in it. Great post today, lots to ponder from it.


Ayala Art said...

I have never been much into shopping, and having too many things is a bother when you have to clean lol I couldn't move either, for a while -2 years- after an accident so I know first hand how frustrating that can be.
Thanks for the post, it is always great to visit your blog.

Beverley Baird said...

What an honest, powerful post. Things have a way of filling our loneliness.
I am just glad I found love with my second husband. I too am seeking more creativity now.
Love all your faces|! Great Debbie Allen quote!

Fida said...

love the faces!

lorik said...

Your writing made me both sad and happy. And made me think too.
Your art always makes me happy:)
Thank you for the sharing your thoughts and feelings in words.... we need to do that more often.. i know I do.

Theresa Plas said...

What a love story! So happy you are at peace. limitations....thinking on that one.

SLScheibe said...

A wonderful and thoughtful post. Thanks for sharing! And your faces are fantastic! I love how much colour you pour into them. I am a huge fan of saturated colour so I love to see big and bright. Very pretty artwork and super portraits. :)

Janet said...

You always make me think about things in a different way. And you always share so much of yourself in your posts...not to mention all your wonderful art.

I began making art when HB and I were living full-time in our RV. It was a limited space so I kept things simple and did drawings and small watercolors. I felt limited by my small space but those first tiny steps kept leading me forward into more and more art. Now I have a small studio and continue to expand my art interests.

Anne Manda said...

Your posts are so deep and thoughtful and your images colorful and whimsical, wonderful contrast! Love them both!

Ilona Heimböckel said...

I have been very economically limited through my childhood and youth, and recently discovered that I miss the feeling of gratitude and self-awareness I experienced back then. I've been grateful when we bought our first house a nice little place that we really loved and everything else I was blessed to experience and had. Now we have a house double the size of the first and seemingly needing nothing at all, but...I won't tell you the rest, because I'm starting to feel sad already.
Your posts always touch me, thank you for that! I know that we need to make changes in our life (my husband and I), just how and where to start? :-) He's a good person really, I can't blame him, it's life and the speeding up of time that draws us with them, I guess.

Hugs Ilona

Forgetfulone said...

I always enjoy your posts!

Ariel said...

Yet another post that is so close to my heart Sherrie.Sometimes we keep on buying stuff to fill the emotional void in our life. Even I've thought about that. I feel,the talk about expanding your possibilities within limitation is kind of true. We tend to think and experiment more. I'm going for a painting class now,and the instructor said, even with paints,"less is more".
Have a great week.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I believe that living in a capitalist country doesn't help our tendency to try and find happiness in buying stuff. Debbie Allen's quote brings light to the issue of not needing to have that stuff to be fulfilled. Blessings!

Carol said...

Another thought provoking post filled with beautiful art :) Love your girl♥♥♥♥♥

Monique said...

I loved all your faces, thank you for sharing.
xx Monique

Lisabella Russo said...

Thought provoking post! I especially like face 25, you do such sweet pieces! I do have limitations, but I'm not sure if they make me more creative, I think they do make me value my time more some of the time though...

Fran said...

Wow, I love all your humerous and colorful creations. Good work.

Unknown said...

Fantastic post this week! Since moving back to my home country, my hubby and I have been so limited money wise, but we are not limited in our lives. What we realised, like you did that 'things' don't buy happiness, its the life you create with friends + family that make you limitless. Thanks for a very timely reminder!
Kirst x

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