Quote of The Day

Friday, November 01, 2013

Happy Art Paint Party Friday, Art everyday Month

My daughter has asked me three times if my blog is up yet! I'm working on my Christmas cards so I  had to steal this post  from  my drafts. Not  sure if it's a repeat or not. Sorry if it is! I'm a little under the weather the last two days  so my blog felt like a bit of a chore.  These two images came together this morning starting with scribbler then popped into a paint program to finish them off!! I didn't want to miss paint party friday! I am also joining in on art every day for the month of Nov....hope I can keep up!!
Over the years I’ve seen happy marriages, seemingly contented children, living in perfectly groomed homes with elephants in room, pooping. Metaphorically of course! I’ve seen misery and laughter melding into a fire of complex deceit. Addictions carefully honed into wallpaper glue as part of the decoration, stabilized and well concealed behind layers of insecurities.  

I watched my mother admire everyone and anyone with more education, more money, and more status than her. Unable to recognize what a gifted cook and humanitarian she was. Not to mention wise, creative and intuitive!    

I’ve seen too many people living a facade, with partners oblivious to their needs. I have watched children acting out, while parents blame everything, and everyone instead of looking within.  I‘ve witnessed a melding pot of anger brewing below deep seeded pain, with no release. I’ve heard so many false cries of injustice; I’ve listened as words and situations have been totally misconstrued. After fifty seven years on earth the message I’ve received is, “NOTHING IS AS IT APPEARS TO BE!” Behind each visual and every word hides a complex story peppered with pain, insecurity, and shame.

So my art reflects that. I surround myself in a home of unconventional colors, and happy art. I paint things whimsically, deflecting from what appears normal. It seems fruitless for me to aspire to normalcy when it’s most likely an illusion. Sadly I see prosperous people walking around in a fog of discontent. I wish I could encourage people to  find joy in the small things that  money can't buy!  It’s sad when I hear people aspiring to be like others when they are so gifted themselves.  Besides we all have different crosses to bear during periods of our life. I dream of a day when people revel in their own personal individual gifts and beauty. It takes so much energy to live in a world of constant desire, when waiting within, is a vessel of internal bliss! 

What is a simple pleasure that gives you more joy than anything money can buy? 

Sending loving healing thoughts to my friend Tracey Fletcher King during her journey to fight Breast Cancer! Tracey you are truly in my thoughts every single day! Big hugs across the miles!  Also Sharon you are sent love and healing thoughts! Faye,  Netty  and my friend Janet you dear ladies are missed too, hope you are well!


Gillena Cox said...

such a sweet caring post; have a nice Friday

much love...

Valerie-Jael said...

I love your post again. Hope you feel better soon! Take care. Hugs, Valerie

Victoria said...

Hello friend..hope you feel all sparkling and bright real soon..hugs!
Beautifully expressed and such a powerful post! Gorgeous art..wonderful as always!
Get better sweet kindred!!

Netty said...

sorry to hear you are feeling a bit blue and under the weather, lets hope lovely lady this soon passes.
Beautifully written post as always and love your little people. Wishing you a good weekend and happy smiles, hugs Annette x

GlorV1 said...

Hope you are feeling better. Love your artistic talents. Thanks and happy weekend.

sharon said...

Wonderful post and images. I think colour be it flower, insect, or the colour of someones attire often makes me stop in my tracks and admire. Sorry to hear you are not running at 100 per cent. Sending healing thoughts your way. Thanks for yours, I am a lot better this week, so fingers crossed that it may continue!

bellefrogworks said...

Your posts are like a breath (or two) of very fresh air. Nothing is what it seems because we hide behind our smiles. Everything worthwhile in life (especially relationships) is a lot of work to maintain - whether it's a spouse, a friend, a child or whatever. Keep creating your happy whimsical art. You brighten up the days of many.

Linda Kunsman said...

wonderful post- and yes my thoughts and wishes go out to the ladies mentioned. Sorry you're under the weather too-hope you feel better real soon! I'm so with you on finding joy in the simple things. It's so sad to know of those who constantly strive and search for the happy that is most often right in front of them.

Jez said...

A post full of truth and interest as always. So sorry you have been under the weather Giggles, and it shows through a little in your sadness about the way people miss the important things in their lives through thinking that the grass is greener in someone else's life.
But fortunately we do meet some people who know what should be valued and aim for happiness for themselves, their family and anyone they know or meet, so there is a little balance there.
What makes me happy, a simple pleasure - it may seem a strange little pleasure but I am always happy walking down the pier in our local seaside town, heels clicking on the wooden decking, eating an ice cream and holding my dear love's hand.
I hope life brightens up again every day - oh,and I forgot to say how I love your painting and your new banner. XX

Unknown said...

A friend recommended Paint Party Friday to me and a I am glad she did. It led me to your post which while I am sorry you are under the weather, was otherwise exactly what I need to hear. I have been struggling with the paint what I see. I often think life would be better with a color tune it and this helped me to see that my art can do that. It is okay to paint purple shadows because grey is boring. THANK YOU!

SLScheibe said...

That's a beautiful post with nice thoughts. And your Choose Happiness drawing is awesome. I agree. :)

Gloria j Zucaro said...

"when waiting within, is a vessel of internal bliss!" What a powerful statement. I hope you get to feeling better this week! Love your colorful happy people, too.

Carol said...

Sorry you are not feeling 100% Hope you get better real fast!!!! Great post !

sheila 77 said...

Love your happy paintings and your fabulous header. I so agree with your message here and we are so lucky to be able to make art, blog about it and share.

Unknown said...

Great post with many wise and beautiful thoughts and your art definitely reflects that too. Thank you for sharing. Big hug to you Giggles!

Christine said...

Lovely post, I haven't seen this art before. I'm thinking we grow wiser as we age don't we? We can see the important things.

Kate Robertson said...

Love the sentiment. Really pissed off right now, working hard to choose happiness right now.

Kate Robertson said...

OOps my comment didn't show up. Beautiful work today.

Lorraine said...

hope you feel better soon and all those who are feeling a bit down at the moment..life is all about coping with the ups and downs

Lisabella Russo said...

I hope you feel better soon! As usual, very thought provoking post. There's more than what's on the surface in most people's lives... Cute image! Happy PPF!

janice smith said...

In all honesty, I have lived behind a happy facade in the past. Thankfully I have learned to just be me...to live life as an open book. It may not look as pretty but it feels so much more real and I feel like my friends truly know me and love me for exactly who I am.
A simple pleasure that brings me joy is just a day spent with my husband and kids when we are all at peace. There is nothing better.
I love, love, love your happy couple. Happiness really is a choice! xo, janice

Abigail Davidson said...

Love the whimsical style of the characters! Happy PPF!

Katie Jeanne Wood said...

I hope you're feeling better now. <3 Thought provoking post, as always. I'm very happy to be me. I've wanted to paint and be an artist since I can remember, and I'm living the dream. It's the only way to live life, isn't it?

denthe said...

I really love the little couple you painted! Sorry to hear you're not well, hope it'll be better soon! Very wise words again, and so true. I think when people get older and more "mature", they learn to find joy in small things. For me simple pleasures are not feeling stressed out, sitting down with a good book, making a jigsaw with my daughter, take a walk at the beach, looking at a beautiful blue sky and feeling the sun on my face, a whole day of painting without having to stop, and, well, a whole lot more, but I won't keep going ... ;-)

kat said...

Hello Sherrie, I made it here a little late, but love to come visit and see what's on your mind. I hope you too are feeling brighter now, your art is spontaneous and has such character to it. Keep happy and enjoy your moments dear friend, all the little ordinary ones! It's so great to be content with all the little simple things, such a shame so many seem to want more, more and bigger this and that. People can put too much pressure on themselves then they can't cope with it all and bang things shatter.
Wishing you well,
Kat xx

Studio Kaufmann said...

I love to hug my guinea pigs and give them green beans. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling! Happy PPF

lorik said...

What you says makes so much sense and I should read it again....I am guilty of some of these things...some of the time anyway. Your art truly reflects your words. What a wise , honest, thinking person you are.

Erika said...

Oh yes, I will choose Happiness! Thank you for this wonderful reminder :) I see new colors and a new style, this fits so well together. Wonderful work and a wonderful week!

Unknown said...

I spent many years with grass is greener syndrome, never realising that what I saw on the surface was just part of the story. I finally realised what a waste of energy + emotion it was + that was when I started living my life!

Great post - very insightful
Kirstin x

Ariel said...

A wonderful post as always. Each and every sentence that you have said here about people/families is so true. Have a great week dear friend
Hope you will feel much better this week and get to create more.

Joy Murray said...

Lovely post. I have not been to the paint party for a while or on line as much -- other things in life are taking up my time -- but they are happy things, even if it sometimes appears otherwise. Love the post of Beardo, too. Thanks for choosing a life of real value.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I believe there is no better joy than to spend a day with my immediate family. They are my true joy and inspiration. Blessings to you, as well as to Tracey, Faye, Netty and the rest.

JKW said...

Where is your degree girlfriend, you always make me 'think' and I thank you for that. If (yeah, right, I know) I had went to a church like the one I'm attending now, my marriage would have been so very different (he has passed now). The one thing I would add is that . .No matter how you think a situation will turn out (when there is another person involved) it never turns out the way you think it will. . .N*E*V*E*R! Why don't I ever 'get that' Dang! Always love your art. Feel better (((((Hugs))))) Blessings, Janet PPF

Ilona Heimböckel said...

Dear friend, you speak truth again. Maybe I should hop over to you before I start my art of the day or to be inspired for the next project? :-)
There are so many wise words here that I can't even respond to them all.
I've always appreciated the small things, because I had nothing of financial value, when I was a child and young person. It could be seeing the beauty in a leaf on the ground or the sparkle of light reflected in a tool, but of course also the company of loved person.
Sending love to you and our blogging friends who are not well!

minnemie said...

You think deeply... you live deeply... you feel deeply. I appreciate that about you.

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