At my brothers Christmas function Cupcake asked everyone their goals for 2014 and was met with blank stares. No one knew or had any goals. The conversation ended. Plans for the new year can be very private and sometimes there just aren't any as people struggle day to day!
Last year I think my sister in law knew she would be leaving my brother. Christmas was just way too perfect! It's been my experience when things are too perfect it's fruition, an end of something big!
Despite the worry my brother felt all year about the pending season, it turned out beautifully for his Children. As much as I was grieving my sister in law the few weeks prior to Christmas it felt much the same as past celebrations! It was lovely! My brother is an extremely apt guy, and my adult niece stepped up to the plate working along side her dad! I was so proud of both of them!!
Ultimately I know a bit of what I want to accomplish this year. I sabotaged myself a few months before Christmas and won't be doing that again. Boundaries are the most important thing for any creative. Sometimes it disappoints others but without the time to create nothing gets done. I always say " Boundaries set you free." I love oxymoron's!
I threw around the word "Refine," but I am about as far from refined as the crass Louis CK. That word is all wrong for me even though I'd like to refine some of my work. Then I thought about "Define" which I abandoned. What I really want to do is "Compile" my work but that word seemed too bland for an avid Scrabble player! I need a word that I like the sound I decided "Glean" works for me!! I could even change the "G" to a "C" and fit some of that into my year too!! "Glean," it is!!
What word or words having you been milling over to define your New Year?
This is my contribution for Paint Party Friday!
Glean is a great word for 2014! My word....? 'Frolicsome' decided upon after reading Irene Rafaels post ;)
Wishing you a very Happy 2014, may it bring you fun, laughter and creative light. x
Glean is good! I have been pondering my word for 2014 and it suddenly came to me while reading your post - adventure. My life, my art is to be an adventure. Really it should be two words Fun and Adventure. May you Glean many art works in 2014. Hugs Sharon.
great word... may you glean as much as you need for feeling well!
Happy New Year !
Always a pleasure to visit your blog!
Well, this shced me at first, cause thought it said 'clean', which gave me a bad conscience! But glean is a great word, have a great 2014! Valerie
I like "glean". You can have fun with it in artwork with that nice loopy "L". Last year mine was "stretch" and I think, (not positive yet) that this year will be "open".
We've got our words, now bring on the New Year!
Glean is a great word choice....I am working on a piece of art for my New Year's post and my new word....Been thinking about it for a few weeks now.....Love your multicolored hearts. xox
Glean is a good word! I hope it's successful for you in 2014 and you have many art successes and many more joys. I don't have a word myself but I do have lots of goals and I've been thinking about them for some time now. Wishing you all the best in 2014! :)
Hmm, I had to look up that word since I didn't even know what it means .... ;-) Sounds like a good word for next year. I have been seeing these "word of the year" posts in a lot of blogs, and I've also been contemplating whether I should choose one. The only thing I can come up with is "change". 'cause that's what next year is going to be all about I guess ....
Glean sounds great to me, Sherrie. Your colorful art is beautiful and a happy way to sail out of one year and into another. I loved what you said about boundaries help us to be free. Ten years ago I wrote a devotional book. One of the stories in it pertained to my rebellious black lab Sam. In the story I tell Sam that if he stayed within the limits I set for him, he would have more freedom. I was comparing this to being obedient to God, following his laws and being allowed more freedom, because of obedience. I think you hit on an important thought there, and it applies to art and everything else in life. Have a wonderful 2014! Health and happiness to you, one of my favorite bloggers.
What a wonderful word for the new year! So perfect for the new things to come and to find out, to discover and bring it to life :) Love your artwork this time alot and ALL the variations are soooo beautiful!! xox ♥ Conny
Piaroms Art Journaling
What a great word for 2014!! Your piece is truly beautiful. Love your blog!
Glean is great -- it's often what artists do -- glean out the colorful overlooked bits of life, the stories and the things we might want to remember. My word of the year, I think will be gratitude. It's an oldie but goodie for me. I am grateful that you share your work with us. Glean on, dear.
Glean is a fine word! Best wishes to you in the new year!
Glean is a wonderful word but I think my word for next year will be changes.As matter of fact, I have already started this change. I won't work on Saturdays anymore after 25 years.I is my first step. I've been thinking about learning Ayurvedic Massage or maybe Aromatherapy. I still don't now.I will have more time to do all the things I want to and I am glad I had courage to begin a new year wearing a different soul.Happy New Year, my friend!Thanks so much for brighten my days with your unique vibrant art. Much love from Brazil!
Glean is a lovely word. Mine is changes. As matter of fact, I have already started my changes. I won't work on Saturdays anymore.It's been 25 years working now-stop and I will be free on the weekends in 2014.Another change is related to my students.After all the strikes we - public schools teachers - went through this year, I decided I want to work only with poor people and I want to teach till the last day of my life.They more than anyone else need English and Literature ( the subjects I teach) to read the world and understand the hidden mechanism in our society. After dictatorship all I wanted was to be free. Dictatorship started the year I was born and I spent 25 years of my life squeezed by it. Now all I want is to do things that I love like spending more time with my girls, reading the books I love or dedicating myself to my digital art.I will 50 in 2014. I need some fun too.Thanks so much for your thoughtful words and for your colourful vibrant art.It has brightened my days.Happy New Year and much love from Brazil.
You know that word at a glance looked like the word gloom to me. I thought ??? Yes, glean works way better, lol.
makes me happy!
Happy New Year Giggles. May it bring you all you want. I like that word. I like that you've thought about it and found the word you wanted. I haven't. Thanks for being a blog friend and popping in to my blog. I appreciate that. Take care and HNY to you!
Glean on then! :-)
I had to look it up and as I didn't know the word I was not sure what I read in your painting ;-)
I have been thinking about a word for 2014, though I've never chosen one before, I think I could use one. Focus on something I want to achieve personally…
I guess something like move forward/courage/believe could be words for me to help me focus and grow.
I wish you all the best for the year 2014 and hope to see a lot of art and read a lot of inspiring words here on your blog!
Ilona xxx
I love your word glean. I think it is a great word for 2014. It will be interesting to see where it leads you.
My word is build. I want to continue to build on to the foundations I laid this year. But I decided I needed a word (it turned out to be two) to describe how I would feel as I was building. I want to feel excited and energized. I think the three will work well together.
Have a very Happy New Year!
Wishing you a happy and positive new year! Happy PPF!
A post to set me thinking, and as always enjoyable to read - and I love your 'Glean' art. I've never set myself a word for the year before, and at the moment all I can think of is 'survival', but perhaps with a bit of pondering I might be able to come up with something better. Have a wonderful year in 2014 - I've loved the year of visiting your inspirational blog and look forward to enjoying your posts during the coming year.
I always enjoy reading your insightful posts. :) Hope "glean" will give you the best year so far. Happy New Year 2014!
Boundaries are the most important thing for any creative. Sometimes it disappoints others but without the time to create nothing gets done. I always say " Boundaries set you free."
Um, yeah. You totally nailed that one for me too! I so completely agree - and HAVE to make more time for my art this year as well. To that end, I have decided to start my day with art journaling, even if it's only a half hour.
AND I LOVE your word for the year. Blogging has taught me this word of the year thing, and I choose one last year (courage) that I really did stick to. I'm thinking "confidence" for this year but I'm still not quite sure. GLEAM is brilliant! It says so much too.
Thank YOU for your friendship this year. I just love your look on life and always enjoy my visits here, thank you!
Happy New Year,
happy gleaning new year..have enjoyed reading your witty thoughtful posts over the year..namaste
Grief, I don't have a word yet this year. I've had a word every year. . .last year was amazing. So many changes, so much family and even decorating (major). . . .I did make a list of things that I need to think about accomplishing this year (no, NOT a 'resolution' list. . .which to me is just a 'wish' list that never gets done --- in other words doesn't work for me!!) I always love seeing your thoughts and your creative art. Many Blessings in the coming year, my friend. Janet, PPF
I've noticed a lot of people are picking 3 words, instead of one. hm..I like that because you can have a word for different areas of your life. Still, nothing is jumping out at me just yet..I'm still thinking about it.
I would love to have Zen as my mantra for 2014. I am one of those people who is either comatose like a coach potato or running around buzzing with ideas and manic as hell. Well I will try and find some kind of balance. Happy New Year and have a Gleaming new year!!
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