Quote of The Day

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Unexpected Night....Paint Party Friday

Cupcake and Beardo

A week ago  Monday morning, on the bus, Cupcake said to Beardo, "How will we ever top  Paul McCartney?" Monday evening they were offered 12th row Oprah tickets, in exchange for a few weeks of dog sitting. Seats were so expensive I won't even tell you the cost.   Not a fair deal for her generous boss, the ticket holder who had front row seats!!

So last Thursday Cupcake and Beardo trotted off to see O in Vancouver. Not without  Beardo  first offering me his seat in his gentlemanly fashion, knowing what a fan I am. I declined knowing he also wanted to attend!  My foot wasn't up to par but to be honest I'd prefer to watch her in the comfort of my own home, while doing artwork. 

Inspired by Oprah, but NOT Oprah...done in scribbler and paint program!
Stedman flew in to surprise Oprah. Lovingly introducing the woman he knew, opposed to the one the audience knew!  He explained how the little impoverished girl from the south was so grateful  for everything in her life. Including each and every person in that stadium. Oprah was surprised  and seemingly humbled by his  appearance!
I picked the kids up at the skytrain afterwards. Beardo was quick to express his surprise   at how much my friends  and I are like Oprah! Apparently our humor and mannerism are exactly the same. I fluffed it off as our era...but secretly I felt honored to be paralleled that way!!

 She's a great example for my era!  I'm so happy the kids got to hear her speak so intimately! A very exciting, unexpected, inspirational night for them! They chattered
on for quite sometime afterwards! I felt as though I too had been lifted up  by her performance!

 Beardo also noted his amazement at how much we live
 the philosophy she touted!!
 Surprising facts

O was shocked at how clean the streets of Vancouver are.

O wanted to lose 30 pounds before Vancouver but then Lance Armstrong called.

O has several of the girls from her school living with her while  they attend university.

People in the  Vancouver stadium sang   Happy Birthday to her a few days early
.....a first for her....Yesterday, Jan 29th was her birthday!

A few points made at the show!

 Feast on your life; live gratefully; find a way to serve. 

 "What you gives comes back to you” 

  Everything has  a purpose

Happy Birthday Oprah
For more fun artwork check out  Paint Party Friday!

What  is the one great  thing you believe about yourself ?

For more about O in Vancouver go here!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Paint Party Friday....what is it worth?

Done for Paint Party Friday this Crazy mother and child 
was first sketched, then put into the microsoft paint program.
I digitally cut out the mosaic style pieces and added color! 
  Then digitally altered the colors in photobucket!
It was relaxing during a fairly stressful week!
It's kind of quirky, like me

 From the time my daughter was ten I raised her on my own with one hundred and eighty dollars a month custody payment. That is approximately five dollars and ninety one cents a day! Certainly not enough to feed her daily, let alone keep a roof over her head! On her nineteenth birthday it stopped completely. By law it should have been more. I  never pursued it, knowing  lawyers would eat up anything I gained. Never in a million years did I think that would happen to me or her!! It was less than a car payment!
I asked myself how much it  was worth to have her under my roof every day.....there was no monetary value to that.....it was more than I could ever afford.....I'd have paid anything to know she was safe with me!! Both physically and mentally!! There were some very rough years fiscally and emotionally. I'd not trade one minute, because  I am the true winner!!! I have the most amazing family!! A son-in-law and daughter who treat me like gold..... truly makes me cry with joy knowing how fortunate I am!!!

Knowing that my foot is still healing the kids did all the cleaning and cooking for a friends Birthday celebration on the weekend. They served, and cleared up after us! I can't thank them enough! When I attempt to share my gratitude they both say, "we're a team, we ALL do things for each other....that's who we are!!" There is no monetary value on that kind of love either!!!
 What makes you feel truly blessed in your life?
Tell me one thing that fills your heart with complete joy!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Paint Party Friday What you say can make a difference!

Hypocrite alert!! Read ahead for more.... Happy Paint Party Friday!!
 I love your visits. Wish I had something better to share!!
Digital done with online scribbler and my paint program.

The sabotage monster is sticking around....
And he's getting uglier!!
He's cast a spell on my brain.
He has me focusing on others
 instead of working on my own life!
 I swear he has friends coming out
of the wood work dropping problems
on my lap in the bucket loads from every 
 I have no idea how to dissuade them
without hurting someone!

 Don't mind me I am not my best self right now!!
Because I'M  slightly OVERWHELMED!!!
 On a good note....for stress relief I am painting 
in the evening.....
I played online scrabble with a lady the other day! I congratulated her high scoring bingo (seven letter word)  zealots. She asked  how I stay so positive.  I explained that I was sincerely happy for her. Two weeks ago she was diagnosed with a disease,  finding it difficult to stay positive. I choose happiness, I told her. She was amazed. 

I  jested  that I'm old!!  I told her life  wasn't  always easy, that I've been through a lot of grief  but still choose happiness, finding joy in the small things. It seems the more grateful I feel the more blessed I am. We continued to play our words. She told me she was writing down what I said. She was a sad fifty year old.

I suggested she find what she loves to do, and do that for as long as she has! She thanked me profusely and planned to take what I said to her group.
Cupcake took this yesterday on her Android  sunrise in our neck of the woods!
 She said I really really helped her. I'm glad I did!! You just never know when you will touch another human being in such an important way!!  If she's taking it to her group I imagine what I said will affect a few others too!! Being kind  really matters!

Cupcake took this on her android Sunset the same day!! As well as the next one!!!
 It really is the simple everyday joys that help
 me to stay positive even when the people I love
are hurting!

What do you do when many people truly need you at one time
but you want to take command of your own life?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sabotage Monster, Paint Party Friday

What a week this has been. Eleven days into a new mind set and I swear the sabotage monster is out to get me!!! Still, I persevere. A crisis call,  sad news from a relative and some intervention.  Still I stay focused. All the while the jelly bellies sit but a few feet away whispering EAT ME, in unison, all 36 flavors.  Instead I ask myself, could I eat an apple now. The answer is always no, I push the jelly bellies away!! Yeah ME!!!
 So  far I have kept to my word of doing one small task a day, utensil drawer, a makeup drawer, a large tupperware cupboard,  a makeup drawer and programing a new cordless phone.....again.... Yeah Me!! While I must continue for at least 21 days to make this a permanent habit, like I did seven years ago with blogging. Regrettably I only blog once a week now because frankly  I get a little sick and tired of myself at times!! But I'm still here!!

So my News Years plan is going well except for those few  very big worrisome glitches. Then yesterday I  attempt  to bring a bit of laundry up the stairs. I am so proud of myself,  not having to hold the railing since my hip is on a good day!!
But it's dark at the top of the stairs,  my toe caught on the last step. I fell flat on my face!! Oh yes I did.... and I'm a bigun too!! So you know how that went down...Fast and hard.....not good. The noises were nasty...but I heard those same scary noises in the  morning when my bones cracked five times on the way to the powder room.
I was a little in shocked by the whole event, a few clothes, mostly towels strewn everywhere. Probably cushioned my fall. I picked myself up but felt my foot swelling...it was a bit sore. I took something for the swelling and iced it immediately on the advice of my daughter. Although it's difficult to walk on, it's a bit better today than yesterday. It only hurts when I walk. I still did a little chore today too......Yeah Me!!
 I am working on a large canvas 40x30 but it's still in the ugly stage so I'll save it for later. Instead I'm sharing a digital character and  pattern I made from the background of one of my paintings.   I love the color edit on the pattern and would almost like a duvet cover in a few of the colors!!  Then I combined the digital monster with my pattern. As delightful as he may look I am ignoring him.....sticking to routine... Yeah me!!

Thought for the week!!

 You can't make someone be who you want them to be! 
 You have to love them for who they are!

Have you ever tried to change someone?

Don't mind me as I hobble slightly late to Paint Party Friday this week!!You too can  enjoy  visiting  this wonderful community a beautiful people!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Word of the Year Paint Party Friday!

Happy New Year everyone!! 
I'm wishing you all a creative New Year 
filled with peace, joy, good health and fiscal abundance!! 
I'd also like to thank you for all your wonderful thoughts
 and comments over the last year!! 
I really can't express how
grateful I am for your love and support!!

 We had a very pleasant season filled with friends,
 family, loads of laughter and way too much good food!! 
 It was fun and I certainly enjoyed the wonderful decorations!!
Unfortunately it's difficult to fit in visits with all the folks
we love, so we usually end up stretching
 the season into January.

Now we are onto a New Year.....how exciting is that!! 
New prospects, new ideas, new dreams to aspire too!!  
September is usually the start of my New year
 however this year it passed me by as I did
 the same old, same old!!
For 2012 my word was NOURISH.. boy did I do that!!
 Even though I drank a lot of green smoothies and water,
 I think I may have over nourished my body somewhat
 because my photos seem to be filled out a lot more this year.....
 oh yes they are. I am pleased that I managed to nourish 
my art on a weekly basis though!! 
I hope to continue that routine this year!!
For the last few weeks I've been pondering a word for 2013 to no avail! 
Then yesterday it popped to  mind!! 
 I need more focus in my life!
 On art, words, health, and organization!! 
So be it!
 I now have a fairly large body of poetry and art I need to combine.
I'd also like to figure out something worthwhile
 for a childrens book!!
 Wish me luck!!

  How about you? Any new intentions or goals for 2013?
 Do you have a word to propel you into the next twelve months?
Any personal changes you can share?
Or Special creative endeavors?

 Wishing you all good things for the New Year!
This is my contribution to Paint Party Friday this week!!
 Tomorrow I break out the acrylics 
once again!!
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