Quote of The Day

Thursday, January 30, 2014

What would you do? Paint Party Friday

 This is my contribution for Paint Party Friday!

Two weeks ago a  local hero died at fifty seven years old. A seemly fit man my same age, who'd already had two hip replacements. One who gave decades of volunteer service and saved many lives! We can only hope one day this man who once spent two nights and three days in a gully with an injured man who snow shoed over an embankment until he was brought to safety is one day revered in a movie. 

We were teens together, but I only knew  him from afar. Still his death took me by surprise, I found myself grieving all last week. For his family, and all the community that loved this paramedic, volunteer search and rescue leader! There will be a huge void now that he's gone. I miss his face on our local News channel.  Sadly no one knew Sunday morning this beloved man would be gone that night!  It has propelled people to give generously to his cause.

I watched the intense video stream of this interesting mans epic memorial six days later. Admirable tributes from friends and coworkers only a true hero would receive touched me immensely.  I broke down when his adult children courageously spoke lovingly behind their tears. Revealing how dear their father was as a man in his community and  to their family! There is  now a campaign to name a peak of a local mountain after him! He truly deserves this and much more for his tremendous selfless service!
It was the passing of Princess Diana that motivated me to wrap up my divorce and move ahead many years ago. I wonder how many others will change direction because of the passing of this dear man.  I can't help but wonder what people would do  differently if they knew they only had a short time left! 

I think I need to get crackin that's for sure...because I have several things I want to accomplish, now I just need to figure out how to control interruptions, self sabotage and physical ailments! 

So what do you think you would  do differently if you knew you only had five years left? 

Here are a few photos cupcake took of the dinner I recently made. I scavenged the fridge for the tail end of our veggies some left over teriyaki pork to make this scrumptious chow mein dish in order to celebrate Chinese New Year! I thought it looked quite pretty!
I wanted to share the beautiful dish my dear friend recently sent me. It was made years ago in her glass blowing days! It now houses my rings! Yes I wear all three rings at once! Nothing says artist more than a bunch of big silver rings
Now if only it were this easy to change my wall colors as it is to digitally change this dish color, I'd be in my glory! Much love to all those who need it this week!! Hug your loved ones, tell them that you love them, and have  a great weekend! Don't forget to take lots of photos of them too!!


Paper rainbow said...

A lovely post and a fine tribute, as for what I would do with only five years? Well i think that no matter what I decided it would probably not be enough. It is strange how viewing our own mortality can change the way we think. The colour change glass bowl is lovely, how I smile as I look at your silver rings because as I look down at my typing fingers I see two very similar ones on my fingers!!! :)

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your glass bowl, I have some vases made of colour change glass. Great post. Valerie

Netty said...

Great post and a wonderful tribute to your friend. Love the boot of flowers and the great photos...oooh loving those rings. Happy PPF, Annette x


Unknown said...

Beautiful and touching post, Giggles, lovely written. your Chinese meal looks so yummy and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and art. Big, big hugs to you!

jywheeler said...

What a wonderful tribute to a special man's life. Thank you for sharing that with us. I truly believe his spirit lives on and is with his family, the community and now us as we read about his life. On a lighter note, I love your painting and the digital transformation of it....and that's a really cool dish (and what's on it too). Happy Paint Party Friday.

soulbrush said...

Great art great tribute and great question- I've often wondered what I would change if I knew my time was limited- and I think the answer is maybe: nothing. I am contented. Happy PPF.

Karla B said...

This is a lovely tribute. If I had only five years...I don't know, my friend. Love more and more till it hurts. In 5 years I wouldn't have enough time to see the graduation of my girls or even their wedding and babies. They would still be very young. I wouldn't rest in peace leaving them like that. So give me more 5 and maybe I will be able to give you a better answer.Meanwhile I can only say: I'd like to love more because I do believe love is the only thing we carry when we pass away.

Ginny said...

I love this tribute to a wonderful man. What would I do differently? I really don't have an answer. I try to spend my time doing what is important to me and hopefully making a difference to others. I hope I would continue to do the same.

Love those rings and the beautiful dish they sit on. It is nice to have something so special made by a friend.

Helen Campbell said...

A wonderful tribute to your friend. My condolences. I like how you digitally altered your glass dish. Happy PPF!

Susan said...

A wonderful, thoughtful ( and delicious looking)l post!
I love visiting your blog, you always make me think!
Happy PPF

SLScheibe said...

That's a wonderful post and a really nice tribute :)

I think your new year dinner looks delicious!

kat said...

Wonderful art and food here this week too, your dish looks scrumptious! 5 years is short, we really must value each day, for me it's giving the most to my loved ones, being with them and sharing plenty happy moments! That's what is most important now and would become even more so, our time is indeed so precious, let's live and enjoy!

Anne Manda said...

Lovely, thoughtful post! Love your flower shoes! Your food pics look delicious! And the rings and the dish, great colors!

Linda Kunsman said...

What a loving tribute and again, very thoughtful post. Love your shoe vase of flowers!! Funny you mentioned how Diana's death affected you. I had the same thing happen when Katharine Hepburn died- I cried awhile although I never knew her except in movies. Same with Bette Davis. Then it came to me that I mourned their strength as women - and my lack of it. So I began to get a backbone and become a stronger person myself-though not quite like them :) Your dinner looks yummy. And your glass dish with your rings is beautiful-the colors are grand together! Happy PPF!

JKW said...

After I had bought Morning Glory seeds to plant (shh - can't plant here at the condo), I came home and read your blog. Many Blessings for his family and those that knew him. The 5-year thing. I may only have 5 years, I'm 14 years older than you. . which makes me closer to 'His Table.' I just learned how to take the steps I need to the Yellow Cottage. Took 5 years for me to 'understand' what I need to do. He takes us through our paces, until we are Ready. Lovely blog and pics. Blessings, Janet PPF

GlorV1 said...

It's a lovely tribute to your friend of past. He sounds like he was a man with a very big heart. God bless him and you for honoring him. Your shoes/boots look great. I can wear something like that.:) You always manage to do such fine work. If I only had 5 years left....Ayeeeee...it could be any day really, we never know, but I don't know. I guess learning everything there is to be learned, eating the best foods, go to Spain, go to New York, Albuquerque, and much more. More importantly the time left would be spent with family on a daily basis. Ah, life is precious. Take care Giggles, you are one of the good ones in life.

Faye said...

A very thought-provoking post to go along with your lovely shoe and flowers painting. We knew my dh had only about 3 years when his diseases were discovered. So we went on the trips we wanted to make, repaired things so I wouldn't be left holding the bag, arranged our affairs (will, trust agreement, medical directives, etc.). But most of all, we never failed to say I love you to those we love, especially to each other. It was a sad but very sweet time in my life. I don't know I will have 5 more years. I am trying to get things in line for my kids, but I am enjoying my life and my friends.
Life is short. Exude love, not rancor should be our motto.

Unknown said...

a feast for the eyes and the tummy!!!!! Happy PPF!!!

Christine said...

cute art, wonderful reflections as always. your dinner looks delish!

Sue Seibert said...

What a lovely, poignant post.

Cindy D. said...

So sorry about the sad news. It sounds like he did a whole lot of good while he was here.

I just love that bright, fun boot with the flowers!

Carola Bartz said...

A beautiful tribute to this man. What would I do if I only had five more years to live? First I hope I would stop worrying so much about stuff that probably will never happen and concentrate more on things that count like doing fun stuff with my family. Take lots of photos. Paint more. Travel to Churchill in the late fall to see the polar bears. Spend more time in nature.

Gillena Cox said...

art and tribute, so lovingly shared

thanks for stopping over at my blog

much love...

Ariel said...

Wonderful post SOme time ago I had wondered if people knew their death dates would they be more kind and good or the opposite to fellow humans?
Love yourchinese dish.Hope you have a happy weekend

Carol said...

Love the art and your tribute to your friend is lovely.
It's hard to say what I would do if I only had 5 years left... Definitely Laugh more...LOVE more and spend more time with family and my art.

Unknown said...

Very poignant reminder!! Blessings and hugs!

Jez said...

A lovely tribute in words and pictures to your friend and the community's friend. And what a good idea if a mountain peak could be named for him.
Five years to live? Well I've had two years of a five-year prognosis, so to have five would be a bonus, and as long as my love is still with me then just living the normal happy daily life, plus family, is enough for me.

Lorraine said...

love the colours

DVArtist said...

This is such a lovely and sincere post. Caring for and then seeing my younger siblings pass I try to take advantage of the day I am in. 5 years just may not come.

Unknown said...

as it happens, I just came back from the wake of a friend who died at 55 - my age. He was diagnosed with extremely aggressive lung cancer in November and told he had 6 months to a year. But he died on Tuesday. This events make us keenly aware of how precious every moment is. Your post is a beautiful tribute and I love the shoe with the flowers. Peace to you.

Janet said...

As always you got me thinking with this post. At my age I may only have five more years to live!!...but I don't think I'd do anything differently. I'm happy and content with my life just the way it is.

Annabelle said...

Beautiful gorgeous post Giggles! So glad I popped in!

I checked out the links to the story , very sad , especially when a life is quickly taken and by surprise. It's comforting that he left a legacy behind, his son will carry on his work for him : )

I always think of the time I have left and of the many things I want to do without getting lost and ignoring my family. I know I won't get everything done that I want, so I should take a step back and take a closer look at the stuff I want checked off my bucket list. One things for sure, need to spend quality time with my family!
Thanks for the reminder…life is short, life is fragile, without any doubt .

Happy Painting ,

bellefrogworks said...

So sad to hear that a bright light has gone out in the world. I grieve even though I didn't know him - we need all the light we can get.

Kate Robertson said...

Your post is a beautiful tribute to your friend. I often go through that when someone dies. I am happy to report that one of my big items on the bucket list is going to happen this year. I am going to Ireland.


Deepa Gopal said...

Lovely tribute! Beautiful colours there...and the glass bowl's cool!

Tam Hess said...

Beautiful post. So true we need to think like there is no tomorrow or at least accomplish the things that are important to us. Not put things off! I like you boot and those rings are gorgeous!!

Happy paint party Friday! I'm late, my sis had her baby Saturday. Hooray!


denthe said...

He sounds like a beautiful man, and you gave him a wonderful tribute. If I knew I had only 5 more years I would stop stressing ... Or maybe I would stress even more, because there's so much I still want to do...
There's no easy answer to this. I know for sure the last years would be spent with the people I love the most and doing the things I love the most (painting and reading ....)
The dinner you made looks so yummy... I'd LOVE to try it!

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