Why are there so many media bullies out there?
A facebook page created as a mockery because an actor mispronounced someones name is mean spirited especially when a learning disability could be in play. Many people with dyslexia go undiagnosed. Sadly it's a stigma that is hard to shake. I imagine it's humiliating to be scrutinized in the media for an unintentional faux pas!
Why do we need to humiliate celebrities in the media anyway? Are we trying to humanize them, or teach children how to formulate bullying tactics?
Are we all just a big bunch of hypocrites? Telling kids, reach for your dreams in one breath, but make no mistakes along the way because there are those waiting in the wings to pounce and mock your every move!
I read a facebook thread of a locally missing child, without knowing the circumstances people were so quick to criticize a 13 year old and his parents. It was shocking how many people had mean things to say. On a whole most Canadians are pretty kind and polite...but there is an underbelly everywhere of ignorant mean spirited adults!! Those who need to belittle and argue every moral discrepancy. Sadly a child who runs away has a problem that needs to be addressed. Problems that could be under a huge umbrella ranging from mental illness, addiction, learning disabilities to abuse. Many things go on behind closed doors that good upstanding citizens could never imagine. A child doesn't need to be ridiculed and berated for running away!!
This wasn't suppose to be a rant like post. Sometimes I just need to purge these so obvious to me, thoughts! Hoping others will take note of how our whole society needs to change if we want to take a stand on bullying. When we laugh at I am sick of seeing a famous young man sensationally humiliated in the media...a boy who has grandparents, and siblings that love him. Why are they even allowed to put someone urinating in a jail cell on television anyway? What is wrong with our society? Are we so unhappy with our comfortable lifestyles that we have to search for people to pull into the gutter? Children learn what they live.... I have said this all my life...it's seems true more than ever now.
Did you know that if you poke a pin through the stem just under a tulip it makes them stand up longer? |
What bothers you the most about the bullying that goes on in our midst?
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Love all the digital color changes on these forlorn little guys! |
Oh gosh - yes - you are soo right with all what you write here..
The bullying that goes on in our midst that bothers me the most is the ignorance and the egoism of the most people and the unthruth of them and that they pamper their kids not with LOVE and wisdom but make them gaga with teaching them how fab to be rich on earthly goods... that's horrible!
I LOVE your matching pieces in this post to your text..amazing!
There isn't an excuse for bullying. It totally affects a person for life. It's very sad. Love your faces. Very nice work.
I don't watch TV so I have no idea what this was, but yes, there is so much bullying, online and locally. I think having everyone online has giving a small moment of stupidity, or a small mistake, the chance to grow to a gigantic size withing hours or even minutes, something that never happened before. And it reaches all corners of the world, something that always took forever to reach, if ever. Sad that something so good is used in such a goody insulting way.
I LOVE this colorful face! All of them!
This is an important rant! It boggles my mind that people seem to need a scapegoat, someone to be regarded as less than themselves to feel good about themselves. I think it is a very insecure being who needs to make themselves feel better at another's expense. Racism, hate crimes, bullying, idle gossip, put downs, gay bashing, they all reside in the same box to one degree or another. Sad world when we can't all just be accepting and respectful of each other's differences! What a different world that would be! One can hope!
You are so right! Some people feel so strong when they can insult others anonymously. Good post! Hugs, Valerie
I am not aware of the incident you are speaking of, but bullying is not acceptable behaviour from ANYONE! Yet people still do it & when in the mass media, then kids think it's ok... and it NEVER, EVER, is :( Great post & your rainbow collection of faces rock :)
I am not aware of the incident you are speaking of, but bullying is not acceptable behaviour from ANYONE! Yet people still do it & when in the mass media, then kids think it's ok... and it NEVER, EVER, is :( Great post & your rainbow collection of faces rock :)
How true you are, I think most of us have been judgemental at some point about situations and people that we really know nothing about, I try now to consciously not and correct others who do. You are a very wise and caring soul Sherrie. x
Great post, there is no excuse for bullying. Love your faces. Happy PPF, Annette x
I stopped reading comments in newsposts just for that reason. Because the internet is anonymous it gives every moron out there the chance to vent his/her frustrations, and I have no desire whatsoever to take part in that. I hardly watch any TV, so I don't know the incidents you're talking about, but you're right: bullying is never acceptable, and I believe firmly society should take a stance against it. But there have always been and will always be ignorant, judgmental and mean-spirited people. The only thing you can do is teach your children how wrong that is, and how important it is to always keep an open mind. At least, that's what I try to do with my children, and I know for sure they will never ever bully anyone. We all carry a responsibility here ....
insightful. What erks me is we demonstrate the bullying via media - social and visual - then we have to spend thousands if not millions of dollars re-educating the children to NOT bully. Stupid is all I got.
Thanks for the pretty 'moon' faces - Ann
Some people can be very cruel. Would they say these things to their faces I wonder.? Great paintings.Happy PPF
Hi Sherrie, I totally agree with you. I thought the pokes at the celebrity were totally crude and in very bad taste, aside from being humiliating to the victim. My son was born with problems, resulting in anoxia, and later discovered mild cerebral palsy. The negative comments all his childhood about the way he walked or even analyzed things differently made a big negative impact on his self confidence.
As always I really enjoyed your post today. The screwy face with beautiful eyes and the tulips in the vase are really neat. I didn't know that about the pin prick.
I agree that people should be careful with the words they choose and try not to pass judgement because you never know what is going on behind the scenes in a person's life...
On a brighter note - your daffodils are just the sunshine I needed today! (And I will be sure to remember the pin in the stem tip!)
Excellent post Giggles! Love the colours of the first and last face.
It's unfortunate in this day and age with all of the good we have accomplished that some still bare the terrible traits of the past we would love to forget.
Sadly some humans have deteriorated into mindless zombies with not much more than shocking boorish language and actions in attainting their place on the podium.I suppose they think it's the cool thing to do and will garner new fans but only the fools like them will be their new followers. It's just plain disgusting and unattractive and a real shame that we subject youngsters to this kind of circus media, a real turn off.
Annabelle : )
Fantastic post!!! It's good to bring up these subjects and you're so right that sometimes you need to rant about the fact that so many do jump to conclusions and condemn etc. without having all the facts. And then to do it anonymously is even worse-cowards! To me, the worst about it all is when adults act out this way. We're supposed to be setting examples for the younger ones and yet-sometimes the adults are the worst. (Ok, stepping down off the box you got me on :)
Love your face in the various colors-each one is really striking!
Bullying was bad enough when we were kids - now it seems to have gone to a whole new level. why can't we all just play nicely together. Lovely artwork this week.
Yes! when we criticize or ridicule someone we don't realize that our kids are learning the same from us.
I have observed that we humans are either always waiting to hear some tragic news and then to sympathize about it or to find fault with others especially celebrities and then ridicule them.Most of the people love to pass time this way I guess.
Wishing you a happy weekend Sherrie
Great art and of course more wise and truthful words. It seems that we more and more become destructive rather than constructive in what we say and how we live. The world needs a wake up call.
great art, profound words, interesting tulip tip; have a nice Friday
much love...
Hi Sherrie, Your post hit the mark for me today. As you might have noticed I am not posting much at the moment, cyber Trolls are making my life a misery. I have tried ignoring them but you feel so yucky you don't want to go anywhere near the internet. I decided finally they are not going to beat me and I am going to post from a new identity I created when it started last year, they haven't discovered it so I think I will be safe there. I will email you the link. Bullying in all forms is wicked and sadly it is the grown ups who are at the spearhead. I will probably do a last post on Art Inspires next week outing my bullies! Thanks for this post!
we have to try to make our world better, sad to read about mean people. Love your flowers!
bullying is such a horrible thing to do to others, and no wonder it starts at a young age, when there are so many examples in the news! good post today and i enjoyed your art too!
The way the media glorifies certain behaviors and cuts down people is horrible. I couldn't agree with you more. It does send mixed messages to our young, and they definitely do act and speak how others do on tv and movies...
It is amazing too, however, that a certain politician from Canada, I am not mentioning any names, but I am certain you know who I referring to, keeps doing such ridiculous things, denies them and gets caught in his lies, and then proceeds to go down into the U.S and appears on talk shows. He is supposed to be a leader and is being anything but a leader.
My eleven year old students are appalled by his behavior and wonder how adults continue to support his behavior. He is making all of us look bad and causing the whole country to be the butt ends of jokes. The question is, when will he accept responsibility for his actions? He may have problems, but he is not helping himself, or others for that matter who have problems, by doing the things he does.
There always is more to the story than what we see, but from where I stand, if eleven year olds can see his actions are inappropriate, then why can't he and others that are supporting his indiscretions?
Humiliation is never acceptable and it is unbelievable how many put-downs there are in our media. The vulgar language and behavior in our world is horrendous, and we wonder why our youth are so cruel and uncaring, and then grow up to me cruel and uncaring adults, like those in the media putting down pregnant women and people who make little pronunciation errors. Boy, I sure am glad that so many people visiting this art community have better sense! Thank you!
Great post. I have no idea what incident you're referring to, but I think I get the gist. You are correct that we are a society of hypocrites that tell children, do as I say, not as I do. Also, I have noticed more adults, professionals in the workplace, using bully tactics to get what they want.
Well said. I appreciate this post!
great post! i was always teased and bullied as a child so i make it a point NEVER to do that to anyone else.
Great Post Giggles!
Using social media does not mean that we have the right to insult or to ridicule someone or say what ever we want. Unfortunately, this is becoming so common and no one does much about it.
Have an amazing day!
Your flowers are lovely and I did not know that about tulips, thank you! The mocking that goes on is troubling, I think people do it to feel better about themselves or maybe they do not consider others...
I totally agree! I am so tired of people who just want to see a person fail or constantly see the negative in others. Thanks for sharing :) I love your paintings, especially the tulip one!
As always your work is full of wonderful colors and design.
SOOOOO love psychology. SO I LOVE your post. I had to go to therapy for being bullied as an adult. I used to be attracted to bully like women. Basically "bullies" are insecure and like power or control over their insecurities. They gain power by putting people down. There are a lot of insecure power hungry idiots and that's what we see in the media. That "mean spirited" non-sense. Sad but if we are secure and have an understanding we can shake our heads, feel pity for the ignorant and ignore it. Ugh! So hard! Thanks for sharing. It's good stuff :)
Have a fun day!
I'm late as usual!
Happy PPF :)
It is a sad part of society..
Happy PPF
Sandy :)
I've heard of on-line bullying, etc, but I've never been a person who likes gossip and never listen to it or join in with it. You may say I hide my head in the sand, but I don't read or watch anything of this kind. I hate unkindness and bullying, and sadly there is nothing I can do about the power of the media and social networking to hurt and humiliate people.
If I come across it directly, where someone I know is suffering in that way, then I will act because that is something I can try to sort out.
Sorry to be slow commenting - things are a bit busy at moment with usual round of routine clinic visits. Interesting post - sorry I'm not more positive about it.
Bravo! And well said. I think your absolutely spot on - how can we ask our children to be kind + non judgmental when we see it every day in the media, on the news, from their parents, from their 'supposed' role models.
If I think too much about it, I get so depressed, so all I can do is refuse to watch the gossipy tv shows, refuse to buy the trashy magazines, and teach my girls ways to be kind to each other and to their friends.
Awesome post - I love how you make me think more about our society + how I want my life to be... x
I try to be an informed ostrich. Oxymoron right? But sometimes the things people do become too much and you just need to talk about it. I am glad you were able to express your thoughts so articulately and clearly. And made beautiful art as well.
Wonderful and powerful post..and I always enjoy the intense passion and power you carry though your words and wisdom..shine on..great message and beautiful art always!!
You are so right!Also with that it is the adults not the children, who have responsibility of the bullying. Great faces.
Wonderful work! I wish everyone would treat everyone else with love. Wouldn't life be so much sweeter? Happy PPF!
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