"Powerful Tike" Paint Party Friday
Spring Angel |
Kids in tow, a mom headed to visit Grandma during Spring break. Pleading with facebook friends to pray for her as she headed to board the plane! Motoring towards the gates pushing a stroller, when her wiggly three year old purposely flips out of the stroller running to the other side where the ropes are lined with Border officers.
Bird Whisperer |
Frantic, the mom drops her stuff with her other child and bolts after her Wiggler, dodging through the crowds of people over and under ropes in the customs area, yelling stop!!! Eventually she captures her Wiggly child! Joining her patient seven year old, still waiting at the stroller.
Now dragging the kids and luggage through customs, it was no surprise why she was asked to produce a letter of consent from hubby, allowing her to travel out of the country alone with her children! Once through customs they hit a straight stretch.
This time Wiggly one runs down the isle yelling," "Stop it you Poopie head, stop it!! Eventually Super Mom distracts her child with a promise of breakfast, since the snacks she'd packed hadn't sufficed!
While in line for breakfast she notes the Wiggly ones back arching in her stroller, a sure sign she was preparing to bolt again. Refusing to wait in a twenty minute line Super mother grabs a bag of popcorn for her children's breakfast and heads to the window to watch the planes at the gate. Which finally calmed the Wiggler down enough to board the plane.
Thank goodness for Super Moms Ipad since there was no TV on board! The mom whipped out a sticker book from her emergency kit. Rescuing herself and the other passengers from more Wiggler drama. Who after an hour of stickering, had another small melt down before falling asleep for thirty minutes!
They all arrived in one piece, it was hot and the Super Mom needed a drink! The Wiggler got to Grandmas and slept another three hours! I exhaled when I heard this story....after laughing and feeling grateful my child is all growed up!
What is the funniest, craziest, most vulnerable situation you've been in with your child or children?
Wonderful post! Hugs, Valerie
Haha, I see things like this every time I travel, last week I was travelling by train to Wellington and a Mum with 2 toddlers in tow, had similar issues. Love the pictures they're awesome.
smashing post and love your quirky characters. Happy PPF, Annette x
Love your drawings this week, especially the first one with the fluffy hair. And the one with skates makes me smile :-) I never liked travelling on a plane when the kids were small, and I certainly wouldn't have tried it on my own. One of the moments I remember clearly when the kids were small is me arriving at school early in the morning and finding the school closed (I'd completely forgotten about that...). There was a small boy waiting there at the gates, whose mum had just dropped him there and left (guess she forgot too...). I had something at work that really needed to be finished, so I decided to take my kids with me to work (not much choice really ...), packed my 2 kids and the little boy in my car, and drove to the boys address. But nobody was there, no neighbours either, so in the end I just drove to the police station and dropped him there. Then went to Antwerp, parked my car and got on the tram with the 2 kids. You should've seen the face of my boss when I arrived an hour late with two little kids in tow ....
That's fun story and I love the art. :)
She's a brave mom. I remember flying home with my nine month old who cried for almost the entire trip. I was in the middle seat with a baby on my lap. Let's say the businessman on my right was not a happy camper. It has been over 40 years since that flight but I can still feel his annoyance. Needless, to say I was really happy when we landed.
I've been to so many vulnerable situations with my daughter.But I am going share a sad one. She was 6 so she looked at me and asked: "Mum, did my father left us because he didn't like me?"I still feel my heart aching as I remember that day.I look at her and answered: " Nah, he left us because he didn't like me" She hugged me and we stayed there for some time. We both sad. I guess our hearts entwined.Love your work. It is always vibrant and full of positive energy.
That does sound exhausting! But I can relate to all this, as so many mums with young ones will too...I travelled alone with my boys when they were little and I remember well how tiring that was, having to change planes and rush through the airport with my one year old and three year old as fast as we could so as not to miss our connection, that would have been a nightmare!
Your art goes so well with your telling of this story. It's been fun as always visiting here again!
Love the Spring Angel!!!! Great art through out and I love the post. Now I really must get outside and enjoy my one day of warm weather before the cold returns ♥
what a story! I'd need a drink after that too:) Wonderfully creative paintings- I especially LOVE the bird whisperer!!
Sherrie, Wonderful bit of diversion for the day! Loved the illustrations of your cute story (cute, unless you were the mom or one of the poor passengers on the plane). I had many an embarrassing episode with my ADHD son before they had the designation of ADHD. At that point in history it was just another unruly child whose mother couldn't control him to most observers. Always love your posts.
Oh man, I feel her pain! I have a red head who has been known to ask inappropriate questions VERY LOUDLY in a crowd, once propelled himself out of a Target buggy (and landed on his head) and set some scissors to a friend's knitting project...the list goes on. But after a while all of these situations have become humorous... hindsight... sometimes waaaayyyyyy hindsight;-) Btw, love this art quote on yr side bar: Painting is a source of endless pleasure, but also of great anguish. So true!
your fun paintings add much to the story!
Fun story that goes with your vibrant colourful style. Thanks for sharing. My plane trip from hell involved my 10 month old, a basinette that was too small, vomiting, weeing on mum's spare top and a whole lot of walking up and down the aisle. Makes a good story though!
Love your characters and what a great story. Always fun when I visit.:)
I find airports fascinating, all those people all with a story to tell. Great quirky characters :)x
LOL! This is a fun story and I love your whimsical characters. Blessings!
I love the colours and your whimsical characters are just beautiful.
Happy PPF
Sandy #86
Haha - love this!
All the figures are so cute - and the colors are fantastic!
Your work is so unique, I love it! :)
Smiles, Saskia
Oh, I loved this, the colors, the sense of speed and dangerous situations Super Mom's fly into!
oh, poor Super Mom!! what a brave woman!
i once worked with a woman who had to travel by plane with 3 children under the age of 8. long story short, after many delays, she ran out of diapers and baby bottles. to say she was frazzled would be a HUGE understatement!
Fun story and love your work. Thanks for your message in my blog.
Oh dear, funny story! I can remember those days, still living them at times with my youngest who is seven. My son once had a hugely embarrassing colossal meltdown in the mall when he was about 2 or 3. Falling on the floor screaming and crying. He wouldn't listen so I just pretended to walk away and that made him get up and follow me.
I love the skating art! Really cute :)
Wonderful post and colourful art Giggles.
Been there , done that and don't miss it : )
Annabelle m..m
Oh my, this sounds all so familiar yet far enough away (finally!!! ;))
Thanks for sharing - good stuff :)
Also thanks for stopping by earlier <3
Oh, does this bring back memories in airports. Why oh why did I ever attempt it?? But supermom are... well, super. Cute story and I love the paintings. ``irene #66
wonderful combo of the story (whew,!) & delïghtful pics! Love the happy Colours!
My X is a biologist, and we made frequent trips into forests etc in our region. At about 18 months, each of our 2 kids managed to innocently wander off when we were in a remote area!
Our son (the second, and more adventurous) strolled down a trail, hidden by plants as tall as he... my father-In law would chuckle years later "I never heard Bill yéll so loud in my life, as that time Josh was lost in the woods!" Josh will tell you he wasn't lost!! ... fortunately, he turned around, he wasn't being naughty, simply curious and confident...
what a poignant time, Karla! And what a quick, kind response to your daughter!
I love all your colourful paintings, particularly the bird whisperer - what an inspired idea - and the paintings of that poor mum. Lovely fun story. I think one of the worst events like this that I remember was when my elder daughter at about the age of 6 kept complaining that her foot hurt her. I couldn't see anything wrong with it, but in the end took her to the doctor. He asked 'When does your foot hurt?' Her answer - 'Only when someone treads on it'. One very red-faced mum.
Love the skating mom, that's how it feels while they are growing up- as if you are constantly on skates! Happy PPF dear heart.
I always feel sorry for any parent traveling alone with small children.
When we went to the States for the first time, we had to change planes in London. Our daughter, 2 years old at that time, was fascinated with planes. So instead of waiting in line for the gate, she bolted away and into the gate, past the security zone. The officers didn't allow us to get after her - she was happily at the window, watching the planes. It needed a supervisor for us to be able to get in and "reclaim" our daughter. Jeez, I was pretty mad at those "officers". Argh!
Awe, I love all your flying Super Moms! And that story! Oh what a crazy day that must have been for her - I just felt sorry for her! Poor thing - and smart mama to have an emergency kit :)
The only thing that comes to mind for me is when Kendra was small she used to try and hide in the middle of clothes racks, even though she knew is was not okay. It scared me every time! xoxo
I love this art so much. Quite striking with the story. They didn't have planes when my kids were little (well, not for us). We always had car trips. . . Fun, sometimes difficult, but it is a beautiful country we live in. I didn't take my first plane ride until I was 40. Then had to start flying a lot. . .which busted my ears and I can't fly at all now. It hurt so bad I wanted to jump out, nevermind the consequences. Should have known right then my ears were allergic to flying. I didn't know that people who fly all the time have tubes put in their ears every so often so they can keep their jobs. Blessings, Janet PPF (That's all some ear docs do, those kind of operations. Amazing what you learn when something happens to you.
Love the illustrated story! So fun and crazy! Happy PPF!
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