Paint Party Friday
When Cupcake hears a young coworker complaining about life, she'll ask them to tell her three good things about their day.... If they're perplexed about her query, she'll ask a gamut of questions! Whether they had a good sleep in a cozy bed, a nice breakfast, if they have a roof over their head? Whatever their answers, she jovially reminds them how fortunate they are. Once they absorb what she's said, they smile! She lets them know if they can find a few things in their day to be grateful for they're doing well. Once their train of thought changes, they perk up, and seem happier.
A few weeks back we spent time cleaning and purging for an appraisal on our home. One morning we recycled a few old electronics, some small appliances, and our bottles. All that old stuff was holding negative energy in our garage! Cupcake got nine dollars for our bottles then tootled off to work.![]() |
A card made for Faery Goddesses Birthday, she had open heart surgery before Christmas! |
Stopping at Shoppers she saved 20 dollars in coupon items. Her first hour of work a customer stopped by handing her a mall gift certificate for another 20 dollars! For no reason, except that she'd listened to the woman the previous Monday while she was going through such difficulty. Upon return the lady expressed how Cupcake really made a difference in her life. The woman having spoken with two physicians, all of her friends and her partner had not found resolve until she spoke with Cupcake. Unfortunately Cupcake only remembers that she listened to the woman, but doesn't recall how she responded! Two hours into her day Cupcake was up 49 dollars and had so much positive energy in her realm! Her secret.....she is always grateful for even the smallest things! To be honest she was born that way.....even when she was little she would sincerely thank me at the most random times!!
Another day was spent intensely focused on a room that needed some real love and attention. My room!! It's difficult to do in on my own now and I was thrilled to have a couple of helpers ! The next day on her way to work Cupcake found her favorite discontinued perfume for a huge discount, as well as much needed high end makeup brushes for only a few dollars. Plus her favorite converse runners were finally back in stock. Turquoise too!
Our whole week continued with lovely little surprises suited to our lifestyle... container tubes Cupcake had been waiting for arrived so she could make own lipsol, since she is so allergic to the over the counter ones.
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Credit to Jodi Ohl at Sweet Repeats! |
We also purged several bags for with all the energy draining items out of our home we are open to positive energy coming in! Plus we found a few misplaced items during the cleanup and got a pride of ownership comment tacked on to the appraisal!
Have you ever noticed when you give things away, or donate items, even better things appear in your life? What negative draining items are you hanging onto?.....I hope it's not a spouse!
What you give out always comes back! Firm believer! Happy PPF!
congrats on your win, love Jodi's piece!
Nice upbeat post today to go with your cheerful art!
Hey...It is surprising how I am planning on a piece of art for an exhibition and have to use the same kind of theme :) Yes you are right...even the very thought of doing good to somebody is heard by HIM and good is done to us in some or the other way !! Totally totally agree....and yes I have decided to eliminate all negative vampires from my life and am already doing so !!
Now I know why you refer to yourself as Giggles. Reading this made me smile, the last line, giggle!
I teach this to my clients I counsel in my private practice. Three postives for every negative thought. It works.
Love this story of gifts gained from giving and getting rid of...
I'll keep my spouse! I think of no negatives at the moment. A house that needs cleaning and purging, yes! But art making gets in the way I'm glad to say!
Hugs and HPPF! Happy Life!
There isn't a single thing in this house I couldn't live without,but the main job, sorting and to get rid of things remains. Love your art and these welcoming shoes makes me smile each time I see them.
Happy PPF!
Lovely post - and a good reminder. I MEED to clear out my hall closet and free up space, that would do me good! Hugs, Valerie
That happened to me (purging, taking up carpet and putting down laminate, etc) when I got off the 'Statin' drug. I woke up, my body stopped hurting, etc. I gave away so much stuff, took so much out to the garbage (sometimes those black bags aren't big enough - I went through almost 2 boxes of them) and I'm single and have been for 15 years. Yes, it feels good. I love the drawings with it. . .But Cupcake has a good role model Mom. Blessings, Janet PPF
Spring cleaning in any form is wonderfully revitalizing. Great post. Hugs xx
I'll test the giving receiving on sunday! WE have a flea market at our school and my son's class is earning money for a study trip.
Usually I like to give supportive comments, help, whatever just for the sake of giving. I have never been aware of anything coming back connected with my giving apart from gratefulness on the receiving side. ;-)
I actually would like to combine giving and making art in my future work. Just need to find out how I'm going to do it.
Have a great weekend! Uncluttering is on my to do list, as soon as july comes :D
Ilona xx
love the colours and great advice
It is true: whenever we give things away, good things bloom in our lives.All kinds of energy you send to the universe, it gives you back.Love your post your heart and the positive energy I feel here.
Have a magical day!
Karla B
Sherrie, what a wonderful tribute to your Cupcake! Gratefulness is sorely lacking in today's world. It seems that as time goes on we become more and more a "me-first" society. The scripture about what you sow you also reap is a truth no matter how it is said. Some say what goes around comes around. By giving out we receive. Maybe not in the manner we thought we might. You colorful art is so pretty. I like the one that is a design. It could be a designer paper at Michael's. In addition, I am trying to declutter and it is not easy.
congrats on clearing energy! it's so gratifying. Loving your colorful work this week and how wonderful to have a Jodi Ohl print! Happy PPF!
Such lovely colorful pieces here! We all need to give more, we've been clearing out our cellar getting ready for a "vide grenier" as they call such sales in France (empty attic sales), it's so good to get rid of stuff and folk can pick up pieces and enjoy them, recycled well used things!
You get what you give, that's what I always heard growing up. When you give out negative energy, it'll come back to you one way or another. And the opposite is true too. I started the happiness-challenge a few weeks ago, and it forces me to find something every day to be happy about. Amazing how many things I can find that otherwise I wouldn't even have noticed....
Oh - I have so missed reading your posts for the last few weeks! Just been a bit overwhelmed here. Love the art - and I know that when I just focus on me - that's when the negativity starts. Love that your Cupcake is so open to others - that is what really blesses her. Have a wonderful day - happy PPF
What a great post! Very true about giving. A positive attitude always helps. Love your art and thoughts. Have a wonderful day. You have a lot of positive energy here on your blog. I always leave happy.
These are wise thoughts.
As a hospice volunteer, I tell people everyday above ground is a good one! I don't complain about trivialities, such as the weather, either.
My hubby has had prostatectomy, and he is cancer free. It sure shapes your perception of the world.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!
Love your post, Sherrie, and most especially the tribute to your lovely Cupcake. She is such a loving, compassionate young woman. I am trying to do some de-cluttering myself.
Such gorgeous and magical work..vibrant and stunning! Thanks for sharing and shining your magic and wisdom always ..and your thoughtful stories and spirit are always appreciated!
Dear Giggles so nice to visit your blog, see colorful and vibrant art and read those simply beautiful, inspiring and wise thoughts. Thank you for sharing
ANother wise and wonderful post with fantastic art to support it ♥♥♥♥♥
Hahaha, not the husband , he's worth too much!
Last week we filled a truck load and brought to the mission and today after some Spring cleaning, truck and car washes and bolting down the eaves hubby asked if we could do another clean up of the basement , garage and my bedroom and take another trip to the mission, I gladly obliged. Your right , not only more space to breathe after the purge but always good comes of it, truly enjoy the effort and the disconnecting of stuff!
Your daughter sounds like a pretty nice person, good to see she also gets positivity back : )
Enjoy Jodi's painting it's beautiful!
Annabelle : )
Fun reading and enjoying pretty art! The power of positive energy, an E Book by Giggles. Right? You would rock a motivational web site ;) Hugs!
I remember reading in one of Wayne Dyer's books that in the end we really don't own anything - we just use it and then it passes on to the next person. You may pay to use it - but it does move on. Made a big difference for me in getting rid of things. Things have a way of knowing when its time to move on and they create that festering you are talking about. Once that is cleared - the energy is good to go again. I'm cleaning up stagnant spaces too. Makes a big difference.
Great message and love the shapes and colors together! They're filled with positive energy!
You are really an angel sent from above, with wisdom and joy you remind us of what is important. Thank you too for joyous artwork! Oh happy day!
Enjoy your inspiring words and vibrant plantings
Have a nice Friday
Much love...
what fun pics! I always liked your pallete. So vibrant
At one pt I had 'discovered' that every time I cleaned up/purged a corner of my living space (which is always disgusting for some reason) I would get good fortune/a gig/a money opp/a windfall. It's gotten to the pt where I clean up whenever I require extra $$ :D I have yet to be proven completely wrong
Even so, we at our house have a huge clutter/hoarding problem. We recently had a chance to spend a week away from the house, and when I got back I just got so depressed - I still basically am - downright sick with it - but can't find a way out of the mess. That may sound weird or lame, but it's true - I am praying one day we may have the fortitude to deal with the problem once and for all.
thanks for the groovy post!
Congrats on your win - and I totally agree with you..
I say to myself:
the negative thoughts don't bring anything useable to my heart...just the positive things are allowed ...
and it's good to read this post as a reminder ...
I have to remind this every single day!!
be positive
great artwork !!!
Your teardrop patterns are beautiful and so expressive. And your story is perfect. Thanks for a lovely post that's made me think about being grateful and giving.
You have given me much energy with your posting! Being positive is always good. I love your colorful art. Happy PPF!
A great post. Love the bright colours. Thanks for your visit.
great painting,love the brihgt colors and the sweetie girl.
congrats to your win,its such are amazing pieces with jodie ohl.
XXX Jeannette
what an uplifting post!! happy PPF
congrats on your win and again a great post. Love your great use of colours and styles. Happy PPF, Annette x
We have a cleanup and giveaway in my city every year. People put stuff out on the curb, and it's free to take. I love purging, but also LOVE getting free useful stuff. :) It's allll good.
You have a real treasure in your dear Cupcake - or more accurately the world has a real treasure in Cupcake.
I constantly sort out things to dispose of, mainly to charity. Moving from a large house taught us how much we had that we didn't need and in some cases didn't even remember that we had. Now I constantly find things that we can do without - many of the things that we brought to our smaller flat as 'can't live withouts'. I never do one great big job. I try to find one or two things at a time, it's easier that way, and gets done regularly then.
I love both your paintings and the colour changes. The petals image has a lot of life and movement, and changes personality with each colour change.
Awe, another amazing post! I love your whole family and have had fun getting to know cupcake even better through Instagram. You are ALL such special people and I'm thrilled that you are getting the good things that the world can provide. Yes, give and get - it really makes so much sense. xoxo
Congratulations on your win! and congratulations on bringing such a wonderful girl into the world. What an awesome story <3
How wonderful! I think Cupcake should be a therapist - she has such a gift with people! Lovely painting and such good fortune shining on you! I hope it continues and expands!! Happy PPF!
Love your art. Congratulations on your win. You are such a gift to all of us.
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