Today I saw two fortune cookies on my facebook page done by different artists and wondered if I might see a third one. A sign I always heed! So I went to this site just for fun and pulled a message! "Your emotional currents are flowing powerfully now!" Sure enough an affirmation that I should get my thoughts down. Do you pay close attention to your daily happenings?
At Easter Cupcake bought a trio of chrysanthemums for gifts. Two yellow and a purple. We kept the yellow. I asked to have a closer peek at the purple since I'm such a purple person. Cupcake wondered if I'd prefer that one, I hesitated for a second then thought she should give it to whom it was first intended. I have been enjoying our beautiful yellow mum. Two days later my beautiful friend came for lunch and brought me none other than a very pretty purple mum. Now I get to enjoy both colors, something that makes me very happy because I love flowers!!
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These are way more vibrant in photo host is off on the color also affecting my art! |
Well, one basket was half full of white sports socks all different styles....I inhaled as I attempted to match them up! Remembering back ten years when I attempted to help another dear friend with her huge basket filled to the brim of every style white socks too!
My brother and my friend are the same age, both live pretty harried lifestyles always running in and out. Doing, doing and doing, every minute of their day packed with one demand or another!
Here before me, a decade later, more crazy white socks to match up! This may sound a bit dramatic..... but after several attempts at finding a match I started to get anxiety. Why would someone put themselves through this on a regular basis I wondered! I'm embarrassed to admit how long it took to fold them all, still less than half of the socks were matched up!
A menial simple task that should take minutes if not seconds was now a crazy mathematical puzzle! Short, shorter and shortest, worn, not so worn, near new, many miniature black logos, different shapes and sizes, ribbed and non ribbed, super white, not as white....nightmare of sports socks before me!! I am a barefoot girl, always have been! You know what I despise even more than socks on my feet....WHITE SOCKS in my laundry basket!! White sports socks should have warning labels.. DO NOT LOSE....PIN TOGETHER AFTER REMOVING, Never EVER mix with other white socks that look similar but AREN'T, ADD TO A NON COLORFAST LOAD OF MULTICOLORED LAUNDRY!
As I tried to find proper matches in that mountain of white madness I realized both of these people could make life so much easier by either eliminating all white socks, wearing them mismatched, buying 50 pairs of the same socks all at once, buying a variety of colored socks or not wearing socks at all like me!
What task do you need to eliminate or revamp to make your life flow smoother?
I'm not sure, Ms Giggles! I'll have to think about this one and get back to you!
I too am mostly barefoot around the house.
I got dirty colored tile floors so I don't have to mop often.
I hired a gardener finally.
I haven't ironed in many, many years.
My husband mostly takes care of himself so I only need care for one, myself.
I could use some shelves for art supplies, so my drawing desk could be a bit neater.
Actually I think my life runs pretty darn smoothly already. Lucky me!
Hugs to you and your colorful dogs! HPPF!
HAPPY PPF Giggles!
What a fantastic post today again! Love it and love all the fantastic colors and puppies ...yeah! and the laundry ..oh my gosh.. you remind me doing laundry right now!
Goodness! I think I would have been very tempted to just go and buy all new socks...
LOVE the paintings all through the story. They made me smile!
Great work, awesome colours.
What a great post! Just love the line of laundry :)
Happy PPF :)
(no. 20 on list - I'm new!)
This made me giggle as I used to wear white socks when I was a runner! Now I love to wear crazy colour ones, I've got fuchsia pink with blue zigzags on right now!... I hate doing the dishes.... Diswasher or a maid? Oh I do love the doggy.
Wonderful, colourful post!I sort my socks while watching TV, which means lots of strange pairs - and I wear them as they come out of the drawer - that's my style! Hugs, Valerie
smashing post and love the ode to the white sock brigade.......loving your fun paintings especially the bird with zetti style legs. Annette x
My mum always said it was good for us to go around barefoot when we were children, indoors - and out in the garden. It could also, of course, have been because she didn't have much money for shoes!
At home neither Dev nor I wear shoes, and if at all possible I wear sandals outside so that I don't have to wear socks.
Your art is special simply because of the intuitive way you paint, the images that emerge on your page are what only you could see, and that is what makes them so individual and lovely. Long may you find these little animals and people in your artwork, they give us so much pleasure. I love the bird on the dog, looking where he has been, not where he is going, and the washing line of bright pairs of socks.
Love your work! Hard to pick a favourite...but I think the socks and the first three puppies:)
What a socky story :) I always fold my socks and pants :). Thank you for sharing lovely and happy art and thoughts. Big hugs to you!
haha, I can just imagine how you must have felt! I never had white socks in the house, not for me, not for the kids, and my hubbie has only black socks that are all the same, so very easy to match. But since we live in Australia the kids have to wear school uniforms with, yes, white socks. I hate them. Every time it's school holidays I'm happy I'm rid of those socks. Meanwhile, my daughter likes them so much she also wears them for gymnastics practice .... More white socks ... UGH!
If I could eliminate housework, my life would be much smoother! And I hear you about the white socks. They're the worst. Lots of great art this week! I love the hanging socks with all of the colours and patterns! So cute :)
Great post "Giggles"! You make me so happy with your wonderful stories and especially the vibrant art! I'd definitely want to eliminate having to house clean so I could do even more art:)
I love all your quirky and very colorful sketches!!! And your digital renditions of same. Now to the white sock issue - I do my 9 yo grandson's laundry with my husband's and mine. I don't wear socks often - unless it's chilly or I am at the gym I avoid them. However, I have found my white socks in my grandson's drawer and his in mine. And once I grabbed my husband's white socks to wear at the gym. My sneakers were a bit tight that day. So - I hear you. Loved your post - funny and so true!
I've always been a sock kind of girl. I have all colors socks and wear them daily in the house because I don't like to wear shoes in the house. Just socks, and the brighter the sock, the better. As for washing, it seems I do it every other day, therefore I fold. I love to hang the clothes but I'm waiting for it to get really nice before I hang clothes. I love the clothes in the breeze. As for your artistic work, well it has made me very happy this morning. In fact I'm always happy when I leave here. Thank you for that.
love your sock theme today Giggles! And today is flowing very well for me thanks for asking, I take it day by day! I tend to be a worrier and I've decided menopausal hormones make it worse!
ah this was so funny, and FUN!!!! The paintings are amazing, such color, so much life an fun fun fun!! I hate wearing sock of any kind but white are a no go for me, they never come out clean!!!!
Thanks for sharing your work and your story!!! Great!
Smiles, Saskia :)
Super post that made me smile. Isn't it tragic with all the white socks? I've spent hours to pair them up. For some time I started thinking of inventing a new tool to keep then together in laundry, but gave it up. Another thing is the sock eating bug that lives in my washing mashine. It never eats a pair, just one sock at the time. Frustrating.
Love your paintings and colors too. Happy PPF.
I have a plethora of black socks but they are easy to match. Since I moved to Bridge Meadows and have lots of kids in my life, my sock collection is diversifying -- color is running in my socks :) Your paintings are so lively and wonderful. I love the whimsy and color and movement in them. Do you print up your digital paintings? I could imagine a book of them -- colors and characters to lift the spirits.
Your posts give so much to think about interspersed with your lovely illustrations.
I like all of your paintings here very much, but if I had to choose, then it would be the one with the bird with his striped socks and the washing line with socks.
That question is easy for me. I care for a sick husband and an elderly mother. I would like a vacation from them both. LOL OK so I love them but I am whipped from years of this.
Now on to your beautiful art. You always create such joyful pieces. They truly brighten my day.
You have such an eye for color! I love scrolling through your post each week.
As much as I enjoy cooking, I sometimes wish for a chef, or maybe just someone to plan my menus and keep my cupboards stocked. The whole food issue screws me up weekly!
As always, you leave me with thought provoking questions! Your dog pictures had me giggling all the way through your post too. :-)
Gorgeous colors and whimsical paintings. Thanks for the boost in spirits! A pleasure to visit your blog.
Such sweet dogs! Especially like the first one. So adorable!
Oh I love it all but that first doggy captured my heart. So cute. I love seeing so many and in all those colors. Yummy.
The best task I (and my hubby) could eliminate would be having to work the "real world" grind. But on a more realistic level, I've cut back on the gardens (sowing lots of wildflowers) & closed up half the house.
This great bit (and wonderful illustrations)has got my noggin a-turning: what else could be done to free up time for more creativity?
I am with you, folding socks is such a chore. I can never seem to find the pairs, and there are always socks without mates. The picture of the lady with her arms out makes me think she is saying,"What's with all the white socks. Are you out of your mind?"
A great post once again. You always make me think!
Thanks for being brave to share!
Do you know I don't like socks either! I know summer has arrived when I can throw them aside and put on my birkenstocks, however the UK weather means that window of opportunity is rather small. Love your socky clothes line :)
Here is too dancing barefoot!
Your paintings are always delightful, full of humor and fun! Oh tasks…I try to do just the essentials…those are largely enough!
I like pairing up socks it gives me a feeling of accomplishment Lol!
Love you colourful little dogs. Thanks for your visit.
eheheh! I have no problems with sock, as I have only black socks, black underwear and black clothes. :))
I love your colorful puppies. Glad you shared more with us this week.
I love your colorful puppies. Glad you shared more with us this week.
luv your art and your words of sharing, as for the laundry, i still have to grow the patience to sit and fold, i just toss in a cupboard and days after sigh and get back to folding
have a nice weekend
much love...
Although I enjoy colored and patterned socks when I wear dress shoes, I wear primarily white socks, since I am kind of a boot kind of guy. Therefore, I can relate to your issue and snickered at your commentaries. As to making my life run smoother, I guess it would be to not be such an OCD/perfectionist guy. I am a lot better now than I'm older, especially after rearing 2 girls, but there's still somethings I can't let go. LOL! Anyway, only time will tell. Have a blessed week, my friend!
The puppies are so cute! I am with you on the sock thing lol... We put them all in a bucket and catch as catch can. Sometimes I think I take too many showers, that would save time, though the big thing is too much clutter of course , one day I will share a pic of our living room/studio and all will see!
Giggles, your hilarious! Great post! I say feed them to the dogs... : )I hate white socks with a passion so not many in our house except for my son ,he has a white sock passion. Fortunately he doesn't have too many left thanks to Grace( our golden) . She has a habit of taking them out with her for a pee and during the winter they get lost, by spring they find their way into the trash.Love the art!
Annabelle : )
I'm so glad I can at last get into your blog, Sherrie. I don't know what happened yesterday, but I totally couldn't get as far as the part about the socks. I could read up through the part about the flowers. Now, about sox. My dh always got white Gold Toe socks. So I rarely had trouble sorting them. And yes, he bought them a dozen pairs at a time. I have started wearing shoes in the house although I really prefer to run around in sock feet. The health people say it is dangerous for old people not to wear shoes. About the art, I love the blue puppy.
I sent a comment but I'm not sure I hit send before closing the page. :( Enjoyed the post and was able to get it fine this time.
Id love to see snazzy socks once in awhile...maybe I shall have to purchase myself some pretty purple socks with some pizazz. I have 4 sons all wear very boring socks. I go barefoot most of the time. due to feet pains. I would eliminate anything that makes me stand for too long on my painful feet. like washing tons of dishes.
love your whimsical art...I also am whimsical with my owls this week
Hi Giggles, first I want to say that it was extremely kind of you to offer to fold your brother's laundry. I actually am the designated sock folder of the family. I do it while watching tv and find it a mindless, even relaxing activity. But I don't think I'd do it for anyone else :) Also I don't worry if socks are missing because I figure that is the responsibility of the wearer and they are very lucky to have a good natured sock folder anyway. I love your whimsical dog, with the cutest tongue. xo
How funny. . . .I know I know, it was to teach you patience, didn't you get that? lol. I wore sox (to keep warm) up north, now I don't even wear shoes, at least most of the time. Love the puppy. Blessings, Janet PPF
I couldn't stop laughing... I am one that has to match the socks and it is very irritating when they come from the washer in an odd number hahaha
Pinning them sounds like a great idea, if I could only convince the kids! (they do their own thank goodness!)
Almost forgot to mention, my favorite of this week is the aqua and hot pink puppy, great combo!!
Haha! Ooooh, I SO get that! White socks are the worst - and guess what? It's my next task for the day! To fold what must be at lease a dozen loads of laundry. Boo!
Oh, and you had me at pink puppy! LOVE him (or her) xoox
Lol! You made me giggle. :) My husband never matches his socks and always looses one of them so you'd love our laundry basket. :) I just don't bother searching for a pair. If they coincidentally end up in my hands then I'd pair them otherwise I leave it up to him to find a pair if he wants to but mostly he's wearing them mismatched. Love your whimsical colorful art. :)
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