When my cousins son was little he found navigating "L's" difficult, calling himself Tywere instead of Tyler. A smarty pants menacing neighbour girl liked to correct him.
Just the other day Beardo responded to me in jest, Ow Wearn it, when I wearn it !! We all burst into fits laughter!! I often make reference to this fun little phrase.Thirty years later I'm reminded that we all learn in our own time!
I'm sure the little neighbour girl is grown with children of her own now, and still needing to be right! But this week I heard a saying that " No one ever died from being disliked!" from Rita Morano.....and it's so true!
If you're outspoken, assertive, or controversial you can be sure to pick up " haters" along the way. What is the cost of that I wonder? It's been my experience that being authentic, controversy and all, builds strong authentic trusting relationships, weeding out the flakes and fakes!!
I also heard another quote this week that I loved too...."If you have to pick between being loved, and being respected, always pick being respected! If you have love without respect it probably won't work, but if you are respected there is a better chance you will get the love that works! Even more reason to step into your own shoes and wear them proudly!!
I have never shied away from strong controversial discussions. Many times my perspective has changed, other times I have influenced change. Either way someone has learned something!
Even though I have strong opinions my intentions are always good. Sometimes I'll speak up for those being unfairly treated. Often at the expense of being liked. It's usually been worth it, even though I have trudged through some pain which usually concludes in another roll of cellulite around my waist!
How about you, what would you pick, being loved or respected?
I am very excited about getting a geli pad for Mothers day along with a bunch of art supplies especially when I thought I would have to order it online. The kids found one at the art store....the sizes were limited but I am making the 8x10 work for me and it's quite fun!! The first two characters were created with my geli pad as a jumping off point!! Have a great week!!
When my cousins son was little he found navigating "L's" difficult, calling himself Tywere instead of Tyler. A smarty pants menacing neighbour girl liked to correct him.
One day she said, " Your name IS NOT TY---WERE it's TY---LURE,"
dragging it out in a very definitive voice!
Tired of being corrected he snapped back,
"I will wearn it, when I wearn it!!!"
Just the other day Beardo responded to me in jest, Ow Wearn it, when I wearn it !! We all burst into fits laughter!! I often make reference to this fun little phrase.Thirty years later I'm reminded that we all learn in our own time!
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If you're outspoken, assertive, or controversial you can be sure to pick up " haters" along the way. What is the cost of that I wonder? It's been my experience that being authentic, controversy and all, builds strong authentic trusting relationships, weeding out the flakes and fakes!!
I also heard another quote this week that I loved too...."If you have to pick between being loved, and being respected, always pick being respected! If you have love without respect it probably won't work, but if you are respected there is a better chance you will get the love that works! Even more reason to step into your own shoes and wear them proudly!!
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I think she looks like she could be Jay Lenos Mom! |
Even though I have strong opinions my intentions are always good. Sometimes I'll speak up for those being unfairly treated. Often at the expense of being liked. It's usually been worth it, even though I have trudged through some pain which usually concludes in another roll of cellulite around my waist!
How about you, what would you pick, being loved or respected?
I am very excited about getting a geli pad for Mothers day along with a bunch of art supplies especially when I thought I would have to order it online. The kids found one at the art store....the sizes were limited but I am making the 8x10 work for me and it's quite fun!! The first two characters were created with my geli pad as a jumping off point!! Have a great week!!
Your art always brings a big smile to my face. I like that quote about being respected too.
Have a great weekend
You did great with your gelli plate. I've yet to pick one up. I just love your work. It makes me happy. I think I prefer the respect, because out of respect comes friendship and from that friendship comes closeness. Well, that's what I think anyway. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoyed your post. Thank you.
Love your characters, the skateboard especially. I choose respect, love lasts longer with it, without it it dies.
I like your paintings... a gelli plate is quite fun to play with, isn't it?
To answer your question, I would rather be respected. :)
Happy PPF!
Great post and lots to think about. Looks like you are having so much fun with your Gelli...I have yet to get going on mine!
congrats for having such nice funny art supplies...I think your kids respect and love you so much....
since they know so well with what kind of gift they can make you happy...
for sure this is the result of your love ***respect -
respect ****love
I love to be loved and being respected - otherwise I cry and stop my love and symphaty for those who don't respect my feelings- I try to make all around me respecting my aura by setting charme against "un"respect.
Happy PPF!
I like coming here first. You always make me think! I agree being respected is very important. I think I do love most people whom I respect! You are going to have so much fun with that gelli plate. Do you follow Jessica Sporn? I respect her as an artist and as a incredibly generous, giving, caring human being! I love her art! Some of it hangs in my home. She makes stencils that go so well on her gelli plate papers. Your art here is always so colorful and highlights your stories so well. HPPF! Xo
Great colours and bold images.
Love the fun paintings with the great colours this week, and the story was just tooo funny. Hugs, Valerie
Your characters are all so great! I definitely pick respect, love and respect should definitely go together anyway!
I love the perspective of the skate boarder! That's so sweet what the little boy said to the girls -good for him!
I agree with you in that I will never remain quiet about what's important to me just to avoid offending or offending someone else-for me of course that's animal welfare issues and I'm sure there are people who roll their eyes when I share yet another online petition in my Facebook page but if no one ever spoke up then nothing would ever change whatever it is that's important to you. X
Love your works and can see you are already having fun with your MD present. Happy PPF, Annette x
Here's another great post, finding the button and hitting it square on.
I rather like Tywere with his different colours of hair, he's really cool. Neighbouring girl looks very bossy, I'd avoid her, great drawing though.
Being loved or respected? If I had to choose I'd take love every time.
Happy PFF, I look forward to your blogosts.
I LOVE how your work reflects a part of your life. These are great and I LOVE my gelli plate. Perfect gift for you. Can't wait to see what you print next :)
Wonderful and expressive paintings! The colors look so vibrant! I don't know what a geli pad is and how it affects the painting - but I like what you have created here! Happy PPF!
I could see the difference in your paintings but couldn't decide how you had achieved it. Well done for your first attempt, just about fantastic. I bought one and have only used it once - there are so many things I want to do. So you have inspired me to get it out and DO something. Mine is 8 by 10 too, big enough I think.
All three of your paintings are gorgeous, and the geliprinting adds a new dimension.
well it certainly didn't take you long to create some fabulous work with your gelli prints!! So glad you have a plate to play with. Love Leno's mom :):)and the bunny, and the skateboarder too.
All I have to say is R E S P E C T....
Awesome work, girl! I love that little skateboarder dude. SO fun and bright and fantastic :D
I would rather be feared. hahah just kidding - always respected.
It's kinda weird, but you seem to write exactly what I need to read.
I'm a little jealous of your gelli plate. I keep saying I'm going to get one, but still haven't yet. I bet it would be great to use in an art journal. Hope you have fun playing with it. :) Can't wait to see what else you make with it.
Very thought provoking. Totally agree with you assertiveness, respect, confidence, positivity are all attributes we need to feel about ourselves first before anyone else will feel it towards us. How people treat us is more about how we allow them to treat us. Great post. Love the art and your gelli plate.
It's clear you were inspired! Wonderful creations full of color and personality. Have a lovely weekend!
How sweet of them! Jelly plate and art goodies! AND Jay Leno? Ha, funny. Love your pieces this week - and love you perspective on the subject. I fear I am weaker - voting for being liked rather than respected. BUT I am changing that - it just takes courage to speak up. I admire that about you (as well ;) xoxoxo
how nice to get art supplies for mothers day! i can't wait to see what you make. your art this week is fun as always! love your quote about respect too.
Before I read your post I would have answered 'loved' but now you have me thinking......and that is why, whatever you say is worth saying Sherrie. I love visiting here . Looking forward to some fun times ahead with your Gelli plate expetimentations x
I love that cute little bunny! The smile on his face is adorable!
That's a tough call- love or respect? But then, I think if you really love someone, you'd respect them too. And if you respect someone, you'd love them for that respect. Maybe? But I am being way too philosophical. And you can tell its been a long day by this answer. Once again I love your paintings. I look forward to seeing them every Friday.
I always wearn something when I read your posts :). This one was delightful and thought provoking. I choose respect, of course, but I don't get embroiled in controversies as much anymore -- If someone asks my opinion I give it but I think life's too short to raise too much Cain. I love the skate board boy and your robust lady. Great art, great writing.
I love your geli prints! I got one for my birthday too, but haven't had a chance to play with it much. I can't wait to pull it out this summer. As to your question, I like being loved, but my integrity is much more important. I am artsy, a little eccentric, outspoken, very spiritual, and perfectionist, but I don't do it to please others. If people love me, I'll love them back, but I outspoken if I see something that I know is not right. Blessings!
I definitely would like to be loved, respect doesn't warm so much when you are cold.
It was interesting to read your thoughts and look at the same time at your paintings which went so well together with the text.
Lovely post, thanks for sharing.
Love your bold and colorful art Sherrie. Are the gelli pad and the gelli plate the same? Hope you have a blast with it. I love to get messy with mine.
Wishing you a great weekend
Hello kindred..such a lovely and magical post..and your art is always vibing with fantastic energy and spirit!
Love Jay Leno's mom ;-)
How wonderful you got a gelliplate as a gift! I have the 8x10 and it works wel enough. Looking forward to your experiments with it!
Great art. Love it. And I'm going to keep that line handy- I'll learn it when I learn it! xo
I can't love someone I don't respect. It doesn't mean we have to agree on everything - that would be boring - but I do want their respect as well as their love. One without the other doesn't work for me.
Have fun with your gelli plate.
Another thoughtful post with amazing art!!!! You always brighten my day and give me words to think on ♥
Great drawings and good reminders.
Being respected, my friend!Love is a consequence of so many things and I do believe that love without respect is not real love.As for your work, it is always fabulous and enchanting!
I love the way your mind works! I choose respect. Without it, love isn't really true.
How cool that your kids got you a gel plate for Mother's Day. I have the same 8 x 10 size and love it.
Your post makes me think and gets me often smile. Love your art work and stories. Your question is not easy to answer, but I think yet that love is more important, it is more personal than respect.
Your art is always creative and wonderful. Your words are heartfelt, amazing and always hit the mark. I am writing a middle-grade book speaking to much of what you talk about. Have you ever thought about writing a book? You are so very talented. Thank you my friend. Blessings, ,Janet
Your art, of course, is wonderful, but, reading your post is just as awesome, Giggles! I love the way you tackle difficult subjects in such an easy way. Yes, I'm definitely with you _ respect first and after that love naturally follows. Great work!
So in love with the skater and the girl in her hillarious pose ;) ♥ Conny
Piaroms Art Journaling
I love your style!
These paintings are fantastic too.
I especially like the little girl :)
Thanks for provoking thought and making us laugh! What fun you are having with your art!
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