SOC week 2
Coral & Teal
with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Bright White
Speaking of Sharpies, ever drawn a mustache on a room of sleeping children? When Cupcake was about eleven I did it to a group of six girls in a cabin! They all awoke laughing at each other it was so much fun they loved it!! I also wrote all their assets in a little note pinned to their bed. It was such a great school field trip, with many fond memories. It's also the reason Cupcake loves walking in torrential type rain storms. It down poured almost the whole trip! Accommodations were basic wood floors and walls with no heat, I broke a few rules and made it fun anyway!
Cupcake had some pretty inspirational teachers, they saw her true value. In all her school years there were only three or four teachers that had a negative affect on her. Thankfully that was in high school too where she could stand up for herself! For the most part school was such a positive experience for her. Unlike myself, labeled early as a daydreamer I had maybe five or six good teachers in all my years!
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wonderful artwork!
I was lucky to have many wonderful teachers beneath some boring!
Happy PPF!
Fab background and great quote
Love what you have made, and what a fantastic idea with the moustaches! Hugs, Valerie
As always a wonderful post. great teachers are inspiring, and can have a huge impact on young lives.
Well, I think your art looks great this week! It's frustrating when everything you touch turns to yuck. I know the feeling. The only way to get through is just keep going at it ;-)
Teachers are so important to kids, and I wonder whether all of them realize what kind of impact they can have. I must admit there are very few teachers that I remember with fondness. I had one really good math teacher when I was 13, but we were only able to enjoy her for one semester. After that she got fired, because, guess what, she was pregnant without being married... It was a Catholic school with nuns, and in that time that was a scandal ... Put me off religion for good ...
Well, now I've been thinking for awhile, and it seems I had good teachers only. :) I didn't like it much in school, too many rules. Everything had to be done their (the teachers) way, and nothing the way I wanted myself. Guess I might have been an irritating pupil. LOL.
Hello Sherrie, and Happy PFF.
Sometimes we get too close to our art, I agree with Denthe, to me there is much to enjoy here and your work in progress looks fascinating with so much detail.
Teachers - such an interesting subject. I had wonderful teachers, the only exception being art teachers who were truly, truly bad, strange isn't it.
Thanks for another thought-provoking post, I'll be thinking about my school teachers this week.
I had more bad teachers than good ones but its the good ones that I remember the names of..
Great doodling of the words it looks fab...
Happy PPF
Sandy :)
To me your art is always so beautiful. Full of color and life. As for Cupcake's teachers, I think you have been the best one in her life. What wonderful memories you have made.
Have a very nice weekend
I love your colourful, swirly, flowery pieces! Bright and happy!
I did have some great teachers and you are so right, those I will always remember. Teachers are so important, there will always be a mix of not so good ones and ones that really make the difference!
I 've just read Sheila's comment and funny I did have an art teacher who was AWFUL!!!! A very austere German who would put our paintings up on the wall and criticise them!
Good teachers should be honored and valued for the positive input they have in children's lives. I taught for a year and a half and decided I didn't have the patience at that age to deal with teenagers, only 4 to 8 years younger than I. In my older years, I did sub teaching, on the kindergarten - 4th grade level and loved it. Your WIP are beautiful, Sherrie, and I hope to see the finished products soon.
Love all the colours and Layers in your piece.
I'm so grateful for all the teachers I've had, even the ones I didn't like. haha Basically, every person you ever meet is a teacher, yeah? That's the way I look at it, anyway.
Really fab tribute to teachers! I have been very fortunate to have mostly very inspiring and supportive teachers who encouraged me to speak up for myself (one sweet teacher even wrote in my junior high yearbook "you are one smart girl but you need to become a partial blabbermouth to be heard") Took me awhile to break out of my shyness but try and keep me quiet now:):) I did have a bad teacher once who actually criticized me daily in class(in 2nd GRADE!!)to the point that I had stomach issues on a daily basis for several years. One person that should never have chosen teaching. I am SO looking forward to what you do with your WIPS-they are wonderful already!
I adore your SOC entry and the way you manipulated the piece using various color palettes.
I have to admit. I had very few teachers I didn't like. I can't say the same for some of the students, who occasionally called me teacher's pet. One thing I learned was the style of the teacher. Then I wrote and studied in that style. Believe it or not, all teachers are different, and some are easier than others to have fun with. Sometimes breaking the rules is bad, and sometimes it's the only way to get get through a difficult situation.
Did I mention I love your SOC entry (grin)?
Wonderful colors and I love teachers. Good teachers helped me love learning. Now my daughter's a teacher. It's a hard and frustrating job, but she loves her students. Thanks!
Hi Giggles, Cupcake was so lucky to have a mom like you! As for teachers, I have had a handful that I remember. I think it was partially their enthusiasm and partly that they loved teaching. I think it is a real skill to impart knowledge and inspire.
I need a copy of your painting for my classroom. It is excellent. What did all those kids say back in that cabin when they woke up with mustachios?
Your colorful pieces are always an artistic smile. I had so many wonderful teachers in school - even the ones I didn't like as much didn't leave me with a bad taste about school. I was probably too much of a rule follower - maybe it's a good thing I never went to art school - LOL
my week started with all sorts of wonky work, but came together in the end... and loved hearing about the school trip... that would have been fun... i once chaperoned a Year 8 camp into the hills and it rained so hard one night that two tents washed away... not so fun... but memorable!!! I had several amazing teachers and they changed my life... it is also wonderful to see Phoebe have the same experience and watch as they now transition into friends... a lovey time
Teachers imprint on our characters, after all we have spend accumulated hours with
Enjoyed your work this week also, happy PPF
Much love...
Great SOC entry and PPF. Your work is always good. I think the best teacher in your daughter's life has been you. You are a wonderful person. Happy PPF!
HI GIggles...beautifl post..yes teachers can be very inspiring and a magical part of our childhood lives! Gorgeous patterns and shapes..very mesmerizing art!! gorgeous!
Happy Summer
Nice take on the soc theme colours and the wips too Giggles!
I can remember some of my teachers, good and bad...and rest assure the same teachers are remembered by the same things: either good or bad quality teaching.
Oh, I had such problems with my art too, hardly anything turned out the way I wanted ha!
Love your art this week, sometimes we are our worse critic! Teachers! My parents were both teachers and I lived in a small town so I tended regard them with disdain, except for one my art teacher.
I have a mixed feeling about Sharpies too. Sometimes outlining a piece with one can ruin it. But I love your work, especially the print that you have made with stencils and modeling paste (I think) They can be used as beautiful backgrounds.
Teachers can have a great impact on students In high school I never got along well with my math teacher and may be that is why I never loved maths. But there were many who influenced me and I remember one of them always encouraging us by telling us that in life it is ok to swim against the current...
You always bring back flashes of my past through your writing-:)
I was fortunate to have mostly loving and inspiring teachers throughout my school life, and that's what I've thrived to be as a teacher myself. Three of my favorites were my first grade teacher, my English teacher during my Senior year in High School, and my writing teacher when I was working on my Masters. They all were very professional, yet treated students like individuals, not just a number on their list. Thank you for honoring teachers with your beautifully colorful artwork. Blessings!
I really like the quote you selected and your pieces are very pretty!
i had many favorite teachers! i think of them often and I've been out of school for over 30 years! they have such an influence on our lives!!
I love the vibrant colors and fluid shapes in your paintings! Beautiful! Happy PPF!
Wow this is delightful! Your colours are great. I had lots of good teachers over the years but the worst one was my grade 8 art teacher. I don't remember her name but I remember she did not seem to like anything I produced. I gave up on art for many years after that.
This is one of my Fav quotes...and you have done a great job here :) Nice reading your story and yes teachers do influence children a lot and my girl has trouble adjusting with a few of them in her school. I feel sad about a few things there. There are a couple who actually terrorize these kids and they loose all their confidence!
Anyways on a happy note...Hope you a great weekend!
I really like this work of art and I totally agree. When my daughter had wonderful teacher, it made all of the difference in how they learned!!! Thanks for sharing this with all of us!
I love how colourful your work is!
Colorful and whimsy pieces - I love them (as always :) )
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