As we celebrated Canada Day July 1st I reflected on something my dad said fifty years ago. He asked me," why do you think you are so lucky to be born in such a beautiful and peaceful country instead of a faraway land where food is scarce and there is so much unrest?" A big question for an eight year old, one that stuck with me!! It kept me from taking my life and possessions for granted!
Today a friend sent an email, another reminder how lucky we are to live where there is access to so many wonderful basic and luxurious amenities that many countries could only dream of! The following thoughts were born...........
A former hockey hero once filling an arena with eighteen thousand people awaits his demise with a terminal disease, while three hundred people show up outside his hospital room to chant his name in appreciation. Another revered hockey goalie adored while at the top of his game hears little fuss when he's traded. Styles come and go, heroes come and go, only the rare few stay in the lime light for long. We are a fickle society!
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Wedding card for a friend...looks better in person, the sparkles alter the photo! |
A woman gains a few pounds and feels she's not worthy, a man or woman ages and is treated like they are no longer relevant, social media comes along and ousts what was thought to be timeless Newsprint. Maybe years ago things had a longer shelf electronics, small appliances, friendships, and marriage. Some people change their mind like their underwear, falling into that change, disregarding long term consequences.... so much is dictated to us about what and who, we should want, or love! Yet each of us have such unique interests and preferences! I often wonder how we so easily fall prey to this kind of marketing!
I'm glad I was born in a day where life was simpler, relationships and values took priority! I watch my kids on a few days off enjoying each other with only small bout on social media and a bit of television. They are truly enjoying the simple life, shutting out the world to reconnect and calling it a holiday!
Are you fickle, do you find yourself wanting that possession/or person touted as the next best thing? Are you truly appreciating the simple things that are unavailable in so many other parts of the world?
Today and everyday I am a proud Canadian appreciating friends, family and the simple things!
A great thought provoking post. Love the artwork too. Happy PPF.
Wonderful post! Hugs, Valerie
I always enjoy your whimsical artwork and thought provoking posts. I enjoy having quality items, but I do a lot of bargain hunting. However, I do take very good care of what I have and keep it for as long as I can before replacing. For instance, we have a Honda Accord that we purchased brand new in 1999. We passed it on to my oldest daughter first, and then to my youngest when the oldest went off to college. My Suburban is a 2003, and I'm still driving it too. I do the same thing with clothes, as I like buying quality classics that I can wear for years. Blessings!
Great post. You make some serious and well said points.
amazing post!
As always thought provocation - I love this!
Happy weekend - Happy PPF!
Adorable wedding card, and of course I love your very expressive and vibrant art projects! My hubby and I also agree that we are so thankful to have been brought up in much simpler times. We certainly don't feel the need to have the newest or trendiest and like Arnoldo take good care of our things and keep them as long as we can. I think we are one of only a handful of people who still use VCRs and tapes (although I see it won't be possible once our cable goes completely digital:(. And we don't have a smart phone or kindle or ipad. A Happy belated Canada Day and happy weekend to you!
This is a wonderful post and I agree with you. I am a simple gal with on a pc to connect me. No smart phone or ipad or what ever all that other stuff is. LOL Always enjoy your posts and your lovely art.
What fun artwork! I am proud to be an American, and we are celebrating this week too. It is a blessing to live where we do and have what we have. Have a wonderful weekend!
I like reading your blog probably best of all bc of the truth and timeliness. I love the greeting card also. I always have to remember to have gratitude
Love your colorful and fun artwork, Sherrie. No, I tend to stick with what I have. I am still wearing clothes I have had for 30 or so years. And the husband lasted for almost 57 years. I too am happy I was born in an age of more permanence. And in a place of freedom. Because I grew up poor, I learned to recycle long before that was an "in" word.
Lovely card your friends will appreciate! And great advice in today's post. I tend to hold onto things too long, but you are right, we are a wasteful society.
Wonderful post - and your happy art work as well. We are enjoying our independence day today - so many of us take what are luxuries for most people in the world - as necessities. Have a lovely weekend
Oh so lovely and your words are always great to read, thanks for sharing! You know me a little by now and I so appreciate the simple and the abundance that is everywhere in my life. A very good reminder to share with us all, there is so much for us to be grateful for, we are blessed!
Happy Canada Day! It does sound like a great place to live. I like your happy images, especially the first - love the expressive eyes and lovely colour and pattern.
Beautiful post Sherrie It echoes so many things that go through my mind, especially about electronics, value of relations...
Most of us don't live in the real world,the world where little things matter, food is not wasted, a smile can make someone's day... I think we are unknowingly living in a made up, superficial place and I doubt if most of us will ever realize this
Have a lovely weekend
Love your artwork as always. I am old school and go by the old fashioned ways. I admit I have an iPad, but it's a luxury for me and I take care of it so that it lasts. My dad always said, if you don't have the money to buy it, then don't buy it. Always reminding us not to charge and be in debt. Thank you for your post. I'm very grateful for everything and give my thanks daily.
good post today, and we are celebrating our freedom too. Happy Canadian day! Love your colorful art this week too!
Wonderful post love the art, lovely card for your friends. I think I am so blessed to have grown up in a time when we 'made do' and had no expectations of having brand new things before they wore worn out. It stands us in good stead for when times are tough. I worry about the young generation of today, with their instant, have it now attitude. Its not their fault it is ours!
"I'm glad I was born in a day where life was simpler, relationships and values took priority!" Yes. Good post -- and I liked what you did with the changing colors!
That wedding card is just amazing! I love the couple you drew!
Fantastic variety of projects! Love the mix of vibrant colors!
Wonderful post. Happy Canada Day! xo
Love that weddingcard and how happy they look. It's true what you write, we live in a society where "older" things (and human beings!) are discarded too easily. But I agree with Zana on this: it's our responsibility to teach our children the value of things, and not take anything for granted.
I love your artwork and your message. It's hard to see my girls go crazy and get obsessed for one fad and then let them fall to the side when a new thing comes along. I guess I am the same sometimes and it makes me worry. I don't want to live in a disposable world.
Fantastic art and a great post!
Have a lovely weekend.
A beautiful and thought-provoking post, Sherrie! I long for a more simple life but it can be easy to get caught up in all the latest gadgetry of today's world, especially the younger generations. That said, I still wear clothes that are 20 years old. To date, I have only ever upgraded my mobile phone when the previous one has died or developed an expensive fault. After reading your post, I am more conscious of living a more simple life. Btw, your art is gorgeous! I love the colours!
Agree your country is fabulous with what I have been lucky to have seen of it. As to the simple things in life. I left the rat race of life behind a long time ago and have never looked back. Maybe I don't have a fancy car or all the glittery things that some women want but I have my art, my health and my family and friends. For me they are the most important things in life. :-)
Sorry forgot to say love your artwork as always.
Such a thoughtful + relevant post (as always ;) )
We are not a consumeristic household, I mean we have a lot, but we don't covet the newest tv, computer, or car.
And I know that we as a family are much happier for it.
Thank you for a timely reminder that family + friendship is more important that 'things'.
Love the art you used to accompany your post! xx
Wonderful post! So many good things happen when we are thankful! Happy PPF!!
what a pleasure your happy colored drawings!
I remember the 'best of times' which were a few years before your 'best of times.' However, there are too many people in this country who do go without food, it is not the 'caring' society that I grew up with and remember. I didn't grow up with TV which is why I don't watch much now, I can see the manipulation going on. We do need to be aware. Many Blessings My Friend, Janet PPF
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