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Halloween Harriet |
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Marquette Face #29 |
It's a beautiful time of year so I don't mind, but it cut into my creative energy. I live a creative life and that doesn't always mean waking on demand. So shuttling Beardo to the plane threw me off a bit even though I love doing it for him!!
I can be a bit of an energy vampire so I rarely speak while my family is packing. Knowing it can throw a traveler off and make them forget things. For that reason I also hate being disturbed when I pack.
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Jullien face #27 |
However... this time was different. I didn't speak during the process but I checked to make sure Beardo had a few extra things as a precaution. He was headed to Toronto where my brother was stranded for nine days during Nine Eleven.
I was a bit more of a Mother hen than normal. Not a crazy cluck cluck cluck mother hen, maybe more of a nervous Nelly! He's been there a few times before and I've not had a second thought. I assured him if his trip got cancelled, which he was worried it may, maybe it wasn't meant to be.
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Harriet Face #28 |
After I dropped Beardo at the airport I decided to slip back into bed. I tossed and turned unable to sleep... eventually I passed out. An hour and half later I got a call.
Since I was so sleep deprived I squeezed into my pillow and let it ring without checking who called. A few minutes later the phone rang again and I knew I had to answer it.
It was Cupcake.....she started with a positive....the flight was good, he safe but his taxi was just rear ended! She was a basket case not knowing if he was okay.
He was communicating with her when the car was hit. They took him by ambulance to be checked out. They had to remove the seat from the taxi to recover his luggage which was thankfully only a carry on. He spent the next five hours on a spinal board.Thankfully nothing was broken and he was released and told to take ibprophen since he'd be in pain the next day. We won't know until he arrives home how he is.
I was glad he had all the little extras, extra phone time and money, a bit of food to munch on since he hadn't eaten in since the wee hours. I will sleep better tonight knowing he's back home under our roof. I can only hope he doesn't suffer too much in the coming days!!
I normally give him a big hug before he leaves on a trip. This time we were way too rushed dropping him off so Cupcake hugged him extra long for me!! Now I know why I was so upset that I didn't hug him!
Have you ever regretted not hugging someone or
telling them how much you care
telling them how much you care
then had something scary happened?
We always say," I love you," thankfully I did and he knew that!
Have you ever had an intuition but didn't quite understand until later?
I tend to make my decisions based on half intuition and half logic, so I know exactly what you mean. When I've ignore either one of my reasoning tools, I usually regret my decision. Blessings to you and your family, especially Beardo.
wonderful - and fun figures ! Love them!
I do the most things in life based on my gut feeling.. and it is good so!
Happy PPF!
wonderful - and fun figures ! Love them!
I do the most things in life based on my gut feeling.. and it is good so!
Happy PPF!
Intuition is such an interesting thing. Sometimes the full message isn't revealed until after the fact. Seems the thing to do is to act and we can just know and trust it's right even if we don't 'get it' till later. Glad Beardo is OK. Love the art this week! Looks like you made it to 29!
Cute personalities again, so colorful - we need colors in our daily life, in and out.
Normally I don't regret but sometimes I realize that silence would've been better (instead of my opinion) :) but life goes on...
Happy PPF!
my blog is here - > BLOGitse
Love your fun and colourful work! Valerie
Love your faces especially Jullien. I act both on logic and intuition, but if I still dont have the answer I go by intuition. Thanks for your lovely words on the PPF comments.
You must have been so very worried and pray he gets home to you soon, so you can give him a big hug.
Love all the faces and the brilliant colours. Happy PPF, Annette x
I'm glad Beardo is o.k, intuition is something I strongly believe in, good to keep in tune with!
Your characters are great and wacky as always!
Good to hear Beardo is well. It was a good lesson to trust your feelings and intuition. Lovely art pieces, so colorful, full of energy and colours. Thank you for sharing your story and creations. Have a lovely week!
Wow- I think that's amazing how you sensed a bit of trouble-lucky Beardo it was only being rear-ended in the taxi. I could have been so much worst. Great paintings this week too- even if they were done last minute.
What a roller-coaster story! And your marvellously painted ladies reflect this as they try to keep their balance.
I've had lots of intuition, especially when a loved one is travelling away. but 999 times out of a 1000 it is all only in my imagination.
Hope you have caught up on your sleep and that all is well in the end with Beardo.
Love your fun work this week. I listen most of the time but chastise myself a little bit when I don't listen. I believe its all a learning process so I do give myself a break and let it go.
OMG, what a story! I'm glad nothing serious happened!
I love your colorful pictures!
Oh my goodness, glad he is doing okay and it wasn't any worse. I definitely know what you mean about those intuition moments, where you feel like something is off. I was in the car with my husband and got a weird feeling and noticed he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. So I told him to buckle it and about a half hour later we were hit from behind. So weird!
I love Harriet. So good that Beardo is okay! Intuition is a weird thing, I notice that the older I get the more I rely on it. Whether you believe in it or not, I think you should never completely ignore it ...
Gee, Sherrie! I'm so glad your son in law is OK. What a trip, huh? You never know when you say "bye" if it will be your last opportunity to say it. Thank goodness, he is back home. I agree about the packing situation. I tend to pack days ahead when I am going somewhere so I have time to remember those things I would have forgotten. I do regret some times I didn't hug more.
Ohhh I am so glad he is OK. But that is always scary. We never know and it is important to never let a loved on out the door if you are arguing or upset with each other.
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. It is good to be back so I can see you beautiful art.
Have a great weekend
your work is so beautiful, its happy work, I always follow my instincts, its never lead me wrong ever!
What wonderful work. ((hugs))
Yes, I believe in intuition--I've always called it the "vague hunch." As I've gotten older, I've learned to pay attention to those intuitive vague hunches. There's always a reason I have them. Take care, my talented Friend. ((hugs))
Goodness! Also glad he's OK - it will be good to have him home soon!
Yes, intuition is such a mixed blessing - it's always good to follow as best we can, take another route, check that latch, .... and always say I Love You!
The little ladies are so fun - I love your use of colour!
Happy Paint Party Friday!
I am glad it happened not worse, although it was bad enough. Your art is so glad and beautiful again. Lovely ladies. My best wishes to you and your family!
So glad Beardo is ok, plane rides are so routine these days but one never knows. And then, to be in that car accident! Geez.
Loving your art as always. I hope Beardo is ok. Yes, I always try to make sure I tell someone I love them because we simply never know.
i find that while intuition is always present, i sometimes let my mind over ride it. i am trying to stay in touch with the delicate inner voice. i am glad everything turned out ok for beardo. lovely and vibrant paintings this week, giggles. xo
So glad that all is well!
Your colors make me want to celebrate!
Your story was intriguing and I'm so happy your Beardo is doing well under the circumstances. I'm visiting from PPF and I love your vibrant artwork. I have regretted not hugging goodbye...m best friend who flew to TX for a bone marrow transplant and passed away a couple of weeks later. I thought for sure she'd be back. We live and learn though, don't we? Happy Saturday and I hope you get some rest. :)
What sweet faces! I'm glad he's okay and that you'll be able to hug him soon!
So glad he's ok - people worry about flying - but taking a taxi in a city (I used to live near Manhattan) is much more dangerous. I love all your faces - but I have to say that Julien - #27 is my absolute favorite. That hair is wonderful and so is the face!
Oh thank goodness he is ok, what a dreadful shock! Intuition is a strange thing, when it speaks we often ignore it, or don't fully understand what it is telling us.You must be so thankful he is safe, family are the most precious things. x
Hopefully he is home now and everyone is relieved. I tend to follow my intuition ... it doesn't pay not to for me.
Cute art!
Total fun riot!!!
Your art faces are very interesting and colourful. I'm glad that Beardo is okay.
Blessing hugs,
What a story! And what relief you must feel now that you know all is well...still the big relief won't come until he gets home-I have a "beard" too - actually two...my son as well:)- Your art and words flow so well... I couldn't stop looking and reading ....then went back to look. Of course my favourite is your orange image. Thanks for sharing with Mandarin Orange Monday:) And yes, it is good to be back and well..I feel refreshed.
I hope you catch up on your sleep soon too..though I must say...you still are very productive with your art even in that state:)
Wonderful little pieces to accompany such a harrowing experience. I hope all turns out well soon.
All your halloween people look so funny and I love them all. They make me feel like a guest at a hilarious party having a lot of fun!
Glad to hear Beardo is ok, although i'm sure he'll be sore for a while. Poor Cupcake must have been worried sick.
I always trust my intuition, as I know you do. :-)
Lovely artwork... so colourful & fun, as always. xx
These pictures with your story (as always) are so fascinating with it. Your stories are a work of art besides entertaining and helpful. Blessings, Janet, PPF
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