Happy New Year
I hope all of your creative dreams come true in 2015!!
This Facebook quote really got
me as I observed people hide their illnesses,
and worry behind twinkling lights, laughter and wonderful food this season!
will be many changes this year as people wrestle their demons,
frustrations, grief and illness. Equally there will be wonderful changes
too with newness, hope, and joy! I will find snippets of gratitude in
every moment I can. So begins my Gratitude Art Journal!
Last day of 2014 taken by Cupcake through the car window |
Even the following photo of the last day of 2014 doesn't tell the story that
Cupcake missed a wonderful New Years bash with a
complimentary hotel room over on the island because she was so sick!
Everything can look so perfect
in photos but behind those lovely images are family stories of suffering
and worry! I agree it's important to grow the positive and dream big
dreams. However we can't dismiss the pain that may be bubbling below
the surface or mistakenly envy those we feel seem to have it all!!
Photos are just that, they capture a lovely moment. A momentary pain killer! Like pennies we should gather together those moments into
a bigger sum to cherish and carry us through the tough times! Focusing
on the goodness begets goodness, but it doesn't ward off grief or suffering...it just quells those disruptions briefly.
This has been a difficult year for so many I have watched as some bloggers have lost their heart and inspiration through grief,
and others have been propelled to amp up their creativity as a road to
healing and comfort! We are so fortunate to have an avenue to express
those deep seeded feelings whether with words or colour! Some use their
athletic ability, or culinary skills. Others use music, charity, and
reading to find solace! I am lucky to have all that I need to cope
within, some are not so fortunate.
Next week I'll share my word of the year and my process for
finding it!
How are you feeling going into the New Year? Do you feel hopeful?
Here is a hilarious video that happened recently on our local News Cast. The Newscaster grew up just down the street from Beardo and hung with his older brothers! Cupcake laughed so hard at the live cast she awoke Beardo...you could say their 2014 went out with a bit of a bang! I suspect this WILL go viral!
Yews we are fortunate to have our art and passions to help us to deal with the inner pain. I know I would have gone crazy without my art and crochet and garden when my Mum and then my Brother died end of last year. I am still leaning on it!!!!!!! You are an inspiration, I think I will start a gratitude journal too! Have a wonderful creative Year. Hugs Sharon
Beautiful! Happy New Year, Valerie
An art gratitude journal is a wonderful idea. Gratitude brings a sense of peace no matter what the circumstances we find ourselves in. Have a wonderful week. I am looking forward to learning your word of the year.
Wishing you a happy new year, I hope cupcake is feeling better. The festive period can be a trial for many, as can the dawning of a new year, much love sent your way.
What a fantastic idea!
Happy New Year!
I loved that in the video they stated so positive and cool, not once but twice.
Happy 2015, Giggles, and hope all goes well with you and that you have a lot to be grateful for.
Yes, what Robin Williams said! It is so true.
And I agree with you that it may be good for yourself to focus on the positive things in life, but the negative things happen and I think it is wrong to avoid them and to say: I don't want your negative stories! If we don't share these stories we'll not be able to move on. We need to share them to heal I think, but sharing can be difficult.
I wish you and your loved ones all the best for the new year!
Hugs Ilona
Can't wait to see what's in your journal! Happy New Year.
OMG that vid was crazy...I love how he didn't offer her the towel! Oh name...love your artwork Giggles!
Hello again in 2015. The video is so funny, looks like something that would happen to me! At my book club party I couldn't open the champagne to put into the punch and finally had to resort to a huge, 12" long and 5 pound adjustable wrench to get the bottle open. Your gratitude journal is a great idea. I have started leaving a note at the end of the day in a container in my art room of what I am grateful for. I love your beautiful lettering today.
I think your Gratitude art journal is a wonderful idea. Very special :)
Happy new year!
Your post is on-target for the New Year, Sherrie. So many people do hold things inside. I on the other hand want someone to boost me up so I usually go the other way and reveal all! Not good! Keep up your wonderful posting in 2015. We all look forward to the way you stretch our minds. As for the video, it was funny and scary. Why weren't they wearing safety glasses to protect from broken glass, just in case? I couldn't figure out what she was trying to do. Was it, trying to remove the cork in a unique way?
This was the post that was so true, lol, I commented on the next post, having read them both.
Happy New Year, looking forward to more of your lovely posts and art!
A thoughtful and poignant post to start the new year. I agree that, especially with social media, it is very easy to show only the side we want to show and no one else really knows what might be going on behind the perfect photos we choose to display. I count my blessings every day for a very fortunate and loving life as I'm aware that things can change in a heartbeat. Happy New Year to you. xx
I love the idea of a gratitude art journal... An attitude of gratitude is definitely helpful when trying to navigate difficult times!
Oh what an absolutely wonderful post for the new year dear Sherrie! I love that you are doing a gratitude journal. Grace and gratitude have gotten me through so much, along with art. The news vid-too funny! I personally would never try that. I wonder if it had something to do with the brand of champagne-not all bottles are alike. Looking forward to hearing about your word. I will be posting on mine next week too:) Happy New Year!!
Keeping a Gratitude Journal is such a healing practice. We focus too much on the negative side of life -- not you, though. I think you're an expert at finding light, color and humor in the midst of it all. thanks for sharing your work and thoughts and stories with us. I think I'll stick to the standard way of popping a cork, though. :)
Thank you for your prayers kind words and your email. I am amazed at how many folks are losing loved ones. In this past year, at least six friends have lost their husbands. And not all old--but younger fellas.
I am glad God is with me. He hasn't failed me yet--there are miracles all around me and when I weep He is there to weep with me. I have begun looking for His sparkle in every day--and those little glimpses of joy are life-changing.
((hugs)) Thank you for your heart of love for all of us.
I am full of hope and bubbles for this New Year! So dear friend Happy New Year to you, enjoy many special moments and enjoy filling in your gratitude journal!
as always I am so moved by your words and seemed to have popped in on something that is unfortunately resonating with me miss giggles...but no matter how many miles we are apart and how long in between emails and chats... why is it? I think you already know what I am feeling? Your insight into your loved ones souls is a gift. thank you for always touching my heart. I will keep up with my happy place and I AM so grateful to have it! hugs and love always xoxo
While it is good to focus on the positive, the truth is that sometimes the negative overshadows the positive, so often times we are still in pain. And like llona said. It IS sometimes hard to talk about. Thank goodness for ART. ART can save. The video was hilarious but they covered them selves quite nicely. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when they went to commercial break. Thanks as always for your thought provoking post. love and happiness in this new year.
Happy happy new year I thought your post was very thought provoking. I feel optomistic and hopefully this year
Happy New Year! Love the idea of a gratitude art journal. Great post, very true.
Yes to all of the above. You have a gift with words, always touch the tender part of the heart. My wish for you is the best life has to offer, for you and your loved ones (Beardo and Cupcake)
You always amaze me with your insightfulness! Great idea for your new journal! Best wishes to you and may all of your smiles be genuine!
Happy New Year. You always provide food for thought. Love the idea of a gratitude journal. Enjoy the year ahead that will definitely go by so fast.
Happy New Year!! Yes, we are so lucky that we have our art and creativity in general to help us deal with whatever life throws our way. I feel really good going into this new year. But, interestingly, I feel as though I'd just like the trajectory of 2014 to continue. No super big changes. I love where my life is heading! :) Hugs and Love! Silke
Wonderful post! I made your shortbread cookies for a party - and they were fabulous! The hostess wanted the recipe - and they truly do get better as the days pass! Thank you so much for sharing - they are a new family favorite :)
Beautiful! Great idea!
So true...so very, very true... fortunate are they who find a safe and validating place to disclose thier heartache, brokeness and pain... In the last two years i have had several losses, one of which went in the same way Robin William's did. At first my creative juices flowed and were therapy...then it dried up...and a creative vacuum followed. I guess all part of the loooong healing process. I am thankful for this community, their encouragement and your always honest, thoughtful words!
I had seen that Robin Williams image before and those words just crushed me as well. So true. And sad. And yes, i'm WITH you on that. Too many people hiding behind perfect smiles and perfect food shots and perfect vacations on Facebook. It's become so easy to pretend we're someone else, hasn't it? Very sad indeed. Sorry to hear Cupcake was sick... and that video with the champagne bottles - funny! Happy New Year my friend! THANK YOU for all that you share with us. xx
I am doing the Documented Life journal for a second year. It is about MY life and altho we have prompts we also do whatever is pertinent to our life within it. I love it. I have shared a few pages on my ART journal with PPF. Love your Gratitude journal idea and look forward to seeing it progress. Blessings, Janet PPF
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