Wednesday was pink shirt day in Canada, to raise awareness for anti bullying. Eradicating bullying seems a futile endeavor. Nothing to date seems to work. I feel the ugly of bullying escalating as people hide behind screens, and continue to feel anonymous while media strives for their little piece of the pie slamming the latest celebrity.
I asked Beardo if he thought bully awareness has improved anything! He commented that Bullies are bullied, nothing has changed except we talk about it more! That's coming from a man who has zero tolerance for anything violent, physically or verbally.
So how could we really make a difference I wonder. Maybe social responsibility? Taking care of societies most vulnerable, abused women and children, youth at risk, the mentally ill. Maybe a kindness project instead of Anti Bullying campaign.
During Cupcakes elementary school years they required children to say three put ups to their classmates for every put down. A stellar idea that made kids aware of the importance of finding nice things about a person.
I was known to be witty as a teen, you'd not want to be at the brunt of my contemptible humour! A form of defense well honed for protection after being verbally bullied as a child, sometimes at home and at school.
This is a subject I've visited before. Since it's an ongoing issue with no solution it's important to repeat my sentiments once again. Especially when I see even more blatant nastiness on television and online.
It seems to me people are letting their guard down on social media too. Do they not realize their children may one day read their ugly, in the moment, words of frustration.
How do we resolve this issue or at least take it down a notch or two? I've seen kindness projects but they never seem to take flight like they should. Random acts of kindness need to trump bullying.
I am one to think in opposites trying not to focus on the negative. So instead of Anti bullying wouldn't it be nice to wear purple shirts to celebrate a day of kindness where we proactively do something profound for someone who needs it most.
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Cordelia |
I asked Beardo if he thought bully awareness has improved anything! He commented that Bullies are bullied, nothing has changed except we talk about it more! That's coming from a man who has zero tolerance for anything violent, physically or verbally.
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Cupcake Love Pal, I didn't even want to post him! |
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Scottie |
I was known to be witty as a teen, you'd not want to be at the brunt of my contemptible humour! A form of defense well honed for protection after being verbally bullied as a child, sometimes at home and at school.
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Boarder Dude |
In grade one I was choked so hard by a male classmate who had been severely abused by his father that he committed suicide at twenty-one while incarcerated!
This is a subject I've visited before. Since it's an ongoing issue with no solution it's important to repeat my sentiments once again. Especially when I see even more blatant nastiness on television and online.
It's as though adults have ramped up their
judgements of others, spewing any old thing, losing the concept of compassion. How are we to be good examples when we jest about the inadequacies of everyone else?
It seems to me people are letting their guard down on social media too. Do they not realize their children may one day read their ugly, in the moment, words of frustration.
How do we resolve this issue or at least take it down a notch or two? I've seen kindness projects but they never seem to take flight like they should. Random acts of kindness need to trump bullying.
I am one to think in opposites trying not to focus on the negative. So instead of Anti bullying wouldn't it be nice to wear purple shirts to celebrate a day of kindness where we proactively do something profound for someone who needs it most.
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Franz |
As parents we can only teach our children well.
Nip bad behavior in the bud. Watch our words
so that we are kind at home and on the
internet. Make our homes a soft place to fall.
Keep judgements minimal, and remember
Nip bad behavior in the bud. Watch our words
so that we are kind at home and on the
internet. Make our homes a soft place to fall.
Keep judgements minimal, and remember
that everyone has a story!
In a perfect world we would hope for a kindness project to go viral escalating enough to wipe out bullying.
For now one can only dream!!
How would you counteract bullying?
Happy PPF. Fab art work and hear hear to the message about bullying.
What a fabulous collection you have here! There are some real favourites amongst them, beautiful pieces, so expressive and creative!
Bullying is a hard one, we've been lucky to be spared of any of that, but for those who suffer from this, especially children and young ones, they need to be protected.
A great post filled with wonderful art!
Fantastic post again. Bullying was always a big problem at school when I was teaching. Happy PPF, Valerie
I love your artwork and a really good post.
Another great post and i agree that with the advent of social media and the 'trolls' who use their anonymity to say awful things to people online, the world really does seem to be becoming a lead kind place. i am a fan of the secret and the other books written in that vein one of which was the magic where for 28 days you practice different exercises in gratitude as a way of learning to be grateful for all that you already have and as a lesson that what you put out you get back. i honestly think if all schools taught that as part of their curriculum we could raise a generation of kinder more enlightened humans. Too many children dint know the meaning if the word gratitude as they see it as their God given right to have what they want when they want it. If they learnt to be grateful for the little things it would follow on that they would be kinder to those around them and hopefully wouldn't feel the need to bully. If course there will always be people who are simply mean and will never change their ways but it would certainly help. It makes me think if the expression that if you reach a child not to step on a caterpillar it is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar.
In the UK we too have anti bullying week and for some time I have wondered on its effectiveness. I dislike the word bully. Most children who bully would probably not use that word to describe their behavior. Yet all children recognise kindness and like you I think we need a positive word to describe the week. Perhaps friendship week. Children could be paired with a buddy . A classmate not in their normal friendship group. Looking at children in cultures all over the world may help to show that we are all the same under the surface. I like the idea of kindness week too as that is a positive word and action. Love the tee shirt idea. Great thought provoking post!
Your faces made such a strong contrast to the sad thing you wrote about. faces with color, joy and hope, text about the cruelty that touches almost everyone.
Answers -let and let live, but why is it so difficult to some people?
Love your bright faces and the important message that you are sending with them.
Happy PPF
Sandy :)
Wonderful! I am loving the color you have been using, lately! My favorite is the anti-bullying painting :)
Love your art and I am for purple. Highlighting and rewarding kindness is a more positive approach.
I always love your bold use of colours, they brighten any day :-)
awesome collection of art Sherrie-LOVE it! I do agree with Beardo in that I feel many bullies are such because they too have been bullied-perhaps by their own family. How sad, but how can someone on the outside help without interfering? I've always had a hard time with that.
More fun faces. Love your experimentation this week with the "designed" patterned faces. Always enjoy giving them a look as they put a smile on my face.
Your works are good but more good your thinking and kindness on children. Saludos
As usual you have some gorgeous colors in your art work. Bullying is probably as old as Cain and will always be around in those who are self centered whether from low self esteem or from loving themselves too much. Add to that the genuine hatred that some groups have for others and you have a lot of bullying. I think the idea of Cupcake's elementary teacher is one of the best ideas. It seems to have taken hold in her life, from the things you have said in your blog. Those of us who care can start practicing proactive encouraging/exhorting/building up whenever possible.
Beautiful post and art!! I agree with the idea of encouraging kindness instead of "anti bullying".I remember reading somewhere about a class where the teacher made every kid write down one nice thing about each kid in the class. Then the teacher passed out all the comments to each kid. Much later that teacher found out that many of those kids kept their lists till adulthood and always looked at them when they needed a little encouragement. It changed the lives of those students!!! Hugs, Deb
Very thought provoking post. Your words... so true. Your images speak volumes also. Well done!
What a great post again Giggles! Love your artwork!
Happy PPF!
Happy weekend!
Beautiful and fun artwork, and words that make you stop and think. Hugs!
this is a tough one as I am non-confrontational. Awareness sure is a good thing.
So interesting to read the comments.
Nic has answered so well, I especially like the idea of encouraging children not to step on caterpillars, something like the zero-tolerance idea.
With one exception I thought your faces today looked very sad, especially poor Scottie although he does have a kind-looking friend.
If only everyone was more kind, I think that would help the problem - kind to others and kind to themselves.
Hope you have a happy weekend!
Love your faces this week! They all have a bit of sadness and contemplation, and fit your message so well. I love the idea of a kindness week, because that is essentially what is lacking in this society. I think school can play a big role in this, but parents need to do their bit too. Furthermore I think, even though it may not have had much result yet, it is still important to have anti-bullying days/weeks. We need to keep mentioning it, we need to keep people aware of it, and I feel sure that bit by bit things will change...
A hard issue.. which in principle should be easy.. do unto others as you would have others to do unto you.. still it's hard to stop bullying it seems. But if ALL of us could be nice to one another, it maybe would be easier to obtain the goal..
However you paintings are fantastic!
First of all - I love the art work. The faces have an abstract quality - but they convey real emotion. I agree with Denise - there is some sadness in the expressions. I think a positive approach is more helpful as well - however, I really think there is a great deal of breakdown in the family structure, in our values - and I think that there is very little respect for any authority. Schools can do their part but they are not more important than the family. Great post
Very thoughtful post illustrated with equally thoughtful art. I think a kindness week would be helpful. We will always be a competitive species and bad things will happen. I think what the anti-bullying campaign does is raise some awareness, especially to those who are being bullied. At least they know they aren't alone. The kids I mentor are likely to seek help when they are being bullied rather than internalize it. They also support their friends when they're being bullied. They don't use the same kind of cruel humor we did in school, although I'm sure some do. Online bullying is a different ball game. Kindness, of course, is always the best tool to fix the world, at least in the tiny corner of the world I occupy. Thanks for your great blog.
Love your faces Sherrie, all with their message. You know it makes me think that this world is going in a different direction than we've ever been before. People seem to not know which way to turn because they don't know where they are going to end up at. All their feelings reflect to the children and children react. It's a scary world right now and it has begun to affect my way of thinking, so I pray deeper and deeper for peace and calm. Ah, food for thought post again. You always make me think. Have a wonderful weekend Sherrie. Peace to you and yours.
Heavy subject matter...... We do need to practice more kindness, every day and we need to continue to talk about the subject of bullying, at home and in school. Love your faces. Hope you have a peaceful weekend.
Some amazing faces here, I love the idea of a kindness day, but I suspect it wont stop the bullying, Beardo has got it right the people doing the bullying usually have issues whether it is mental or being a victim themselves. It is a difficult subject. Awesome post. I didnt post this week as have been busy with a friend getting my garden up to scratch for selling. The front garden is looking good, next week the back garden gets a thrashing!!! However will try and do some art as even after a week I am having withdrawal symptoms! Have a great week.
another interesting set of expressions, i tried a face, but didnt have the nerve to post it; i have to keep trying more faces though
thanks for stopping by my blog
much love...
Beautiful art this week... and some very thought provoking words again. All of my life I have tried to be a kind person and was always willing to stand up for the other person who was being treated unfairly. I get so frustrated at the apathy in today's society. It seems like it's a losing battle that I just can't come up with an answer for.
Hi, I am here and listening to your thoughts on spreading kindness, which I think is an easy job for everyone onece they get the habit going. I love your people today, especially Scottie with the little dino/lizard. Most of the muscle pain gone, but a real hot spot which I think is the sciatica that is irritated. I am trying not to sit too much. Have a wonderful week.
Wonderful, colorful art and, as always, thought-provoking words. I'm not sure what the answer is but I do notice how mean our society has become, and how willing we are to let violence into our homes and lives through media. Everyone seems to strive to be a bigger "bad ass" than the next guy. Where did we lose our humanity??
Love the type of blog today. I'm writing a middle grade book, part of it about bullying and how to handle it non-violently. I'm impressed you noticed the old cow-girl has white hair amongst her red. Good catch. Blessings, Janet, PPF
What a thoughtful post! It is important to try to find the balance, & to support kids to do their best/be kinder ....
Today artist Shiloh Sophia was leading a group of women round the world creating Prayer Flags for peace & for International Women's day. Much of the violence around the world and at home is against women & children!
Blessings as we each practice loving kindness wherever we can!
Beautiful how the post and the artwork capture emotion together -- I agree that promoting kindness at an early age is helpful! Very sweet and meaningful post!
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