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Icad #6 Feminine |
Whether you divorce or someone dies, the first year can be so difficult as you pass through each season of celebrations alone. When Beth recounted on her blog the nuances she misses about her husband I was reminded about all those little things that run through my mind daily left unexpressed!!
I love the way Beardos hair falls in a curl over his forehead when he's speaking to me. The way his musicians hands move ever so gently for a big guy. The way he folds laundry so perfectly like his mom, a mother of ten children!
A few weeks ago I had lunch with Gypsy Goddess she has the most beautiful mop of long blond curls...she could let it go gray, still it would be glorious. That day it looked particularly pretty, and I said so! She asked me why.. it took me back as I stalled to ponder why it looked so gorgeous. That's when I noticed she had some natural roots, I said it looks soft and beautifully natural! It really did!!
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Four years ago on her 50th birthday we had an art party for her! |
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Icad #4 |
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Icad #5 |
Some days when she arrives home from work I think...wow she looks so stunning... hair glistening wearing colours that make my heart skip a beat! Maybe it's just our soul shining through that makes us more beautiful one day than the other, and maybe it's just a darn good sleep the night before!!
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Icad #2 |
When Beardo chimes in a melodic "Hello" or "Hellur" as he opens the front door, and I meet his sound with a goofy greeting of a stretched out HELLLUUR....like Madia does in the Tyler Perry movies! He knows it's my term of endearment....which he will mimic back on occasion! I feel pure love for my son
I love that we always wait to eat together almost every night, and that we ask each other how our day was every single day and we know the answers! I love that every single time they leave the house or on their way home they both ask if I need anything, more than willing to stop off and get it, not thinking twice. Ninety nine percent of the time my answer is no, I don't need anything, yet they still ask! Even when I tell them not to buy me a Slurpee even though I love them, they still ask if I want one!!
I am meeting with a dear friend for lunch, she remembers dates like a savant. I love that about her! When we reminisce she always remembers the exact date and year of every fun event! ! I love it, and it's a natural part of who she is!! I can't wait! I'm going to tell her how much I love that part of her this weekend!!
Not all nuances about people are nice, some can annoy us too! Personally I choose to focus on the good ones, they are way more joyful!!
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Icad #1 |
The following story made me cry!
This is why," In the end, only kindness matters!
Cupcake wrote this on her instagram with this photo:
my way to work this morning I offered a man that seemed like he was in
pain my seat on the very busy Skytrain. He said no, I said are you sure,
sit I don't mind. He refused, said he was off in 2 stops and leaned
against the door. As he got off the train he put something in my hand... It startled me... (to be honest I was a little nervous at first ) He said that's for offering your seat. Thank you and have a great day. Before I could look at it and say thank you he was gone. Not sure if he made it (by the looks of his hands, he may have)On her facebook Jessica wrote : That is an Indian carving and a great token of respect and wisdom. Cherish that for life and know that your heart is pure. Thats what i love about you pepper
I love non destructive, tasteful graffiti! Look at what these old folks are doing to banish ageism!
Thoughtful post, colourful work. What a strange incident that happened to your daughter. It almost sounds like it was a test that she passed.
Another wonderful post! Fantastic work, happy PPF, Valerie
We will be singing Joni MItchell together today....
Your art always makes me smile :oD and what a great story about cupcake and the carving, that is wonderful!
I just love coming to your blog! Not only do you make delightful art in your own unique style, but you write about profound things so well. I grew up with "bad hair". Thin, straight, mousey brown. Always in my eyes. Mom got me perms, wrapped it in rags, tried all manner of things to bring it up to acceptable. I later did the perm thing, colored it, never was it anything to write home about. A couple of years ago at age 72 I decided to let the gray out! I have never gotten more compliments on my hair as I have in the past year! Still thin and straight, but shiny silver gray seems to suit me! Even I like how I look when I look in the mirror now. All good comes to she who waits!
I love learning about how you live and how beautiful your children treat you! You obviously raised them well, and your daughter chose well. I'm so very happy or you!
Have a wonderful week!
What a lovely gesture! That carving is something to treasure. You are such a kind and special soul. You see so much goodness in everything. That only comes with wisdom.
What a beautiful post and story. Sometimes, it can be hard to express in words what we feel, and easier to do it in little gestures. But it's the little things that count. And I like your approach at focusing on the joyful sides.
A gorgeous post again!
Lovely artwork !
I love how just when I'm plodding along looking at wonderful art work on Paint Party Friday each week, I'll stop by your blog and suddenly you've got me nodding in agreement and smiling in recollection or filling up with emotion (as the story of cupcake and the man on the train just did). You always make us think about things and I love it along with your crazy colourful fun-filled paintings that illustrate your posts!
Some fun pieces this week. I love the green monster and the flying in the wind pieces the best. And what makes us beautiful? Hmmmm....that's a tough question. I need to think about that one a bit. have a great weekend.
Your pieces of art are so much fun, and I love your style. Your words are wise and healhty and really something to think of.
It's those little things that make a person special. I still miss seeing my father's chiseled hands after almost 30 years of his death. I love the story about what happened to Cupcake on Skytrain. It tells a lot about who you raised her to be. Blessings, my friend!
How I love coming here to read your very thoughtful posts AND to see all the fabulous art you have been creating again this week! Wise and kind thoughts to live by, and I love the carved piece-what a special gift that apparently went both ways:)
The last story gave me chills. What a beautiful carving. There are good people in this world. Thanks for reminding all of us. xo
What a neat post, Sherrie! Last night I got an unexpected phone call from a friend I have known longer than any other (76 years long). She had a stroke about 6 months ago and I had not heard her voice in all that time. What a wonderful time we had dredging up memories! It was so uplifting to see that her memory is still excellent. Your words are wise. I wish I could share memories again with my dh, so many private, sweet events we could talk about. I just read yesterday that it takes 2 to 3 years to edge through grief. I'm not quite there yet. Also, honestly affirming people is never wrong. Who knows but you may be giving that person a lift in an otherwise downer day?
I always read your words and always think of how profound they are. I love how your daughter chose to give up her seat for this man and because she did, she was awarded out of the kindness of this man. He returned her kindness. Great pieces. I always enjoy your work and thoughts. Thanks.
you always give us such thought provoking material to look at, you have an amazing view of life, that was a really unusual happening for your daughter,, she is a good girl,,
Wow Giggles, this time your really got me!! I have cried here about your sooo awesome heartmoving post!! I so love your art and your way of seeing life and all the people around you! You have such a generous heart and so your loved ones too! Thank you for sharing this with us, this makes the world so much richer than it was before! ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly
Beautiful and uplifting post and illustrations. Thank you for sharing!
you sound like a wonderful person, so full of love and hope, and I love how you love your family and and your not afraid to say it. Your art reflects your personality fun and inquisitive and thoughtful
A wonderful post, I so look forward reading them, sometimes I come for a second reading. And the story about Cupcake and the carving was great, kindness and good thoughts do count a lot.
Love and hugs
Loved to read your post again, wishing you a wonderful weekend ;)
What great fun art you make! You make the world a more colorful place!
Your artwork, dear Friend, is so wonderfully whimsical and fun.
What a beautiful post! Great words and great work! So nice of you to share so much. Happy PPF. Hugs, Rasz #62
such apositive happy post, i loved reading the stories you put together! if we allcould be just a touch more complimentary it makes such a world of difference.thanks
First of all, I'm of the age of graffiti . . . no wonder it is the ageists that are doing this. What fun. Love all the pics that I see when you tell your stories. . . and of course your drawings. Kindness is a blessing, we all need it. I'm glad you could meet up with an old friend. Blessings, Janet PPF
You are a colorful, loveable soul. I love that you share such thought provoking thoughts and words. It's as if when I get to your post I am allowed to slow down, breathe, reflect and remember... all on a Friday night at the end of a hellacious work week. Thank you for often times grounding me. This is the first year in 3 yrs I am not participating in the ICAD challenge. I am enjoying seeing yours. Big hugs to you.
I love the way you notice the "little" things in life.
Earlier today I saw that article about graffiti artists and thought "how fun would that be"...it's just my style!
What wonderful and joyous colorful art- love the profile for the challenge!
I love all your Icad drawings. Your green eyed monster was fun.
What a thought provoking post!! Love your whimsical artworks.. they really show how much you love creating! I enjoyed the story of cupcake! So glad I stopped by... I found myself nodding with what you've expressed.
Such a thought provoking post! A great reminder to us al to take a moment a tell those close to us what we love about them. Very uplifting art again this week. Your ICADs are looking great. thanks for stopping by. Diane
Love what you have done and the words you have written are lovely.
Becky x
How i loved reading this post. I feel as if I know you and your family! Your writing is so vivid and so heartfelt! I love your art too, which goes perfectly with your writing. You have made my day with your uplifting thoughts. I loved the story about the Indian carving so much too. xxx
Another great and thought provoking post. Your word make me think ad much as your art makes me smile ♥♥♥♥♥
This is such a fascinating and original post. I will look at my Real Life friends in a new light after reading this.
I'm loving your Icad series, all of them. If I have to choose a favourite this time I'll have to choose a few - the lady with the bird #2, the girl dancing #4, and the Bee #1, because of both the art and the inspiring words.
And that's a fun and wise illustration about the wrong road.
What a sweet and thoughtful post. Your green monster is fun and has a great energy.
That's such a beautiful story, about Cupcake and the old man. I'm sure she will treasure the carving forever. You're right: too often we don't express what we're thinking about someone, because it seems obvious or because we are embarassed. The world would be so much better if everyone just said something nice to one other person every day .... I will keep this in mind ....
As I do every week I read and reread your post. There is so much food for thought in every piece and I always enjoy your art so much. I too believe that there is something special in all of us and I try very hard to tell people what it is that makes them special to me. Sometimes it surprises people but it is very important to me that people know how I feel about them.
I don't want to look back and think I should have said or I should have done. It is so much better to live in the moment.
I love the story of Cupcake and the man on the skytrain.
I always enjoy reading your posts, they always cause me to think. I really like how you had such a variety of art pieces and how they fit into your reflections. Your positive thoughts are as refreshing as spring rain!
Hi stranger, again you have created some more joyful art and I love the special gift given to your daughter. Have not been around much since I lost my mother and with my own ill health have not been in the mood for creating plus now my husband is ill..........am not complaining but it sure puts a damper on things........On the upside we managed to go to Portugal for a fortnight this year which did us both good, so am praying that everything will turn out alright in the end. Just have to be patient and I don't do patience very well......lol
Thank you for the kind messages you left on my blog....take care, hugs Annette xx
Beautiful message! So true that it's important to stop and appreciate the beauty in everyday life -- what a cool anecdote from your daughter and a beautiful carving!
Ooo lots of fabulous faces! Thanks so much for linking up on Show Your Face this week. Kx
Miss your words of wisdom and love and your colourful art!
Beautiful words written :-)
I love noticing these small things that warm your heart or make you smile
and I believe in kindness! I need to be aware of the importance of kindness
in my daily work at school at the moment! The children all need to be met
with respect and kindness! <3
Hugs Ilona
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