Quote of The Day

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Autumn paint party Friday

Harmony the happy Autumn Witch! Face #25
 I love it when sweet characters like Harmony show up in the paint!
Especially when you aren't expecting her!! She loves Halloween,
Fall weather and Autumn colours almost as much as I do!!

 The otterbox on my phone is badly chipped but  it's
impossible to find a new one since the phone
is so old now...well, old in this millennium...back in the day it 
would be a young whipper snapper at five years old!! 
The case managed to pick up a few ugly blobs  of paint along 
the way pretty much like everything else in my midst
so I decided to give it a proper make over by painting
this little character on it! I love anything to do
with peace! So it had to have a peace sign! 
Photo Credit Pepperpf
Growing up  life wasn't very peaceful for me.
Creativity is born of peace and that's
probably why I cherish it so much!
There is a dance of intimacy in families. 
Some families have good boundaries
 respecting each other thoughts and opinions!
 Others have loose ones void of respect
 for how another member might be 
affected by what's said or done!
#21 Lainie is still grieving but decided to take up hula dancing to get herself out there!!
Addictions can blur boundaries 
in such negative ways
the damage can be irreparable!
Mo is face #22
Thankfully once we grow up we can 
choose to live as we please. If the drama
follows us it can really sabotage 
growth even keep us stuck at times!

That's why I choose peace and laughter
 whenever I can
..... it affords me a lighter heart!
More creative time too! 
I used a dollar store stencil but added my own touches to this revamped lunch kit!!  Face #23
 We've had one of those weeks where things keep blocking
our progress. We keep trying to move forward, and we have. 
Autumn Olive face #24
But for every four steps forward, there are a few steps back.
A tilting shelf needed replacing in the garage...the blessing is, 
it was caught  before it fell over destroying our 
homemade pickles, storage items and damage my car!
Other side of small lunch kit found while purging the garage it's housing my sharpie pens!
 Our fridge is on the fritz. The freezer works but not the fridge. 
If anyone can fix it Beardo is our man!
Beardo with rosebuds Photo Credit Pepperpf
 Several attempts and a new part hasn't brought the chill
back to our fridge! One more part to try or we need
 a new fridge! The week has been full of retrograde glitches!
The kids at a wedding on the weekend!
  I sometimes hear or read 

sad stories that play in my head! 
It can really impede my creative mojo....
at times  it can propel and motivate it too!
I have been sabotaging my self all week and thought
 I hadn't created much  but  I accomplished
 more than I thought!!
   I love digital colour editing! This one makes me so happy!!
I need whimsical fun colours around me. Any
 chance to revamp a cute container I jump on it!
Finding old treasures in the garage has been fun!
Even though my brain is full of thought 
this week there has been nothing 
of substance to speak of!
Although I have completed 29 faces
some are not fit to share. Even
water coloured Haddie and Lainie 
 were iffy....but I guess that's the 
point of this challenge to keep us 
trying new things!!
#20 Haddie  slides on the hardwood floors in sock feet hoping no one  sees her!
 What produces the best creative results for you,
feeling sad, or being peaceful and happy?
Do you need a challenge to keep you motivated?


Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely post . Creativity, peace, freedom - wonderful! Happy PPF, Hugs, Valerie

Christine said...

Peaceful and happy does it for me! Nice art and good thoughts this week, hope the fridge gets fixed and soon!

sirkkis said...

I do got my morning smile, even laugh, watching your fabulous paintings. Thanks!
Most I love your Autumn witch.
Happy PPF xx

Ayala Art said...

I enjoy so much your color combinations!
Rosebuds in his beard...? I only heard of Flowers in your hear (when you are going to San Francisco...) hehehe
Happy PPF!

PaintingWrite said...

Looks like you were plenty creative - love the phone cover and lunch box!! Beardo looks like he's lost a load of weight? Both look really good in that photo!

Unknown said...

I hope by this time the fridge is fixed a purchasing a new one has been avoided. You created a lot this week! So many wonderful faces and great words as a reminder. I especially adore Harmony the Autumn witch!

Ginger said...

Always enjoy reading your posts and your whimsical colorful faces are wonderful! I always strive for peaceful and happy, but find if I just begin, no matter how I'm feeling, I will get there once I get into the flow of creating. It is harder to begin when I'm not feeling happy, but I have learned if I just do it, and stick with it long enough to get past the hump, the creativity will shift my thoughts and my mood.

Unknown said...

I love your witch she's great! I feel like when I'm focused I do really good work...I like to listen to creative pod casts.

sheila 77 said...

Loved all the colour and artistry this week.
I feel for Lainie (21) - hope everything works out for her, love her pink hair, a brave choice, and I'm a bit worried about Haddie (20), haha!, and Harmony (25) is great, of course she showed up, she wanted to be on your blog, great fun - what amazing characters you create.

I have to be reasonably peaceful and happy to create and I like a challenge as long as it is a theme I like.
Have a great weekend and week ahead.

DVArtist said...

oohhh So sorry about your fridge. Yes laughter is a proven fact that it releases stress, helps the heart and just makes you feel better. I too choose to laugh. As always your art brings joy and "laughter" thank you.

Deborah Wainwright said...

Fabulous art as always xx

bellefrogworks said...

So good to visit you my friend. I've been a bit overwhelmed here so I'm very erratic in my postings. I also thought I hadn't accomplished much but did complete 2 paintings. Love all your colorful faces and that picture of your son-in-love (it's not law that connects you guys) is so funny. He has a wonderful smile. Hope you have a working fridge soon

Gibby Frogett said...

Fantastic artwork and post - this is my first visit and I look forward to now following you.. Gill x

artbyjune said...

Love the little figures! I prefer to create in happiness and peace but it doesn't always happen that way. Often frustration brings a break through....eventually anyway!

Marji said...

Congratulations on completing all 29 faces. The ones here today are really great. I love your colorful approach to things - so inspirational. Lovely words as always.

Paper rainbow said...

Lots and lots to majesty me smile here! Your quirky peace phone case ( love it) and that photo of beardo made me giggle with the rosebud beard! :) saying that give me peace to create and then I am happy. It goes in that order. :)

Kate Robertson said...

Oh I think Haddie is so cute, glad you shared her.

Tracey FK said...

Beardo and Pepper are such a gorgeous couple... and my nephew did the flower beard thing as a reward to his class for all passing a maths test... the kiddos loved it... plus I love what you did with the phone... it looks awesome...xx

Ginny said...

I think I would be good friends with Harmony. I love fall and all of its magical colors and holidays.

Peace and happiness always helps me to feel creative. But it can appear at other times as well. No matter what when I am painting I am taken to another place and I always feel better when I am done.

My name is Erika. said...

Ha-ha. Lanie looks like she still doesn't want to be out there-but bet she might be a hoot after a glass of wine or two. And your happy witch-she's great too. Your faces are the perfect inspirations for some great stories. have a great weekend.

froebelsternchen said...

Wonderful post ..so much happy art! Love to see your couple - they look great together!

Faye said...

Yes, both of us posted about peace, that elusive element in life. I love your Mo. And of course, all your work and words, but Mo is really special. Your fridge is broken and my desktop now doesn't always connect with the wifi. I had it in to the Genius Bar at Apple and it worked fine there. Back home it is iffy. Sometimes it doesn't even boot up. Hope the refrigerator gets going again.

denthe said...

Love all your different characters, and the way you did the lettering on your recycled lunchbox. When you think you haven't done very much it's always a good idea to line up everything you created in a certain timeframe, and often it's surprising to see what you did. I find that I sometimes need a challenge to stop myself procrastinating .... After such a challenge I'm always roaring to go with other projects ;-)

Julie Lee said...

Your posts always make me think. I love the art, but I love the thoughts too. You are so right about families and boundaries. As a child I vowed that I would never forget what it felt like to be little and powerless and I hope I have always remembered this both as a parent and a teacher and allowed my children to have space and to make decisions. Your altered lunch box is great and I love the characters you create. Your two young ones look fabulous all ready for their wedding. I like to create however I'm feeling, but I do find that my mood affects what I produce a great deal. xx

kat said...

What a show, such great characters and thoughts to go with it all. I too love this season of golden colours and love when the trees turn yellow like the one in the picture you posted.
Sad times can make me turn to poetry and writing, that can be a release more than art, I enjoy painting more in joyful times.
But really anything creative is so good when feeling low. I love reflecting emotions through art, colours that sing and dance when feeling joyful, such a way to celebrate all the good times!

Fallingladies said...

Love the hula dancer! For me i think feeling full up with overwhelmed emotion makes for the best creativity, usually sad, out of control thoughts, and then art becomes a calm , an island in my messy pond.

Neesie said...

Amazing amount of work displayed Giggles and thoughtful words once more. I'm in awe of how much artwork you create.
Beardo and Pepper look so happy and cute together... they make a beautiful couple.
I think Mo might be my favourite and your phone looks great. My phone is looking very sad and is a relic of 4/5 years old too but I never thought to paint it! Thanks for the inspiration once again.
Have fun and enjoy your week... hopefully filled with masses of creativity.

Lisabella Russo said...

What a sweet little witch! I hope the part fixes the problem with the fridge. I love your thoughtful thoughts...

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Gorgeous colourful art work! All is about balance, challenges and peacefulness :)


Kim Dellow said...

Beautiful! Love your faces and fab photos too. I'm not good with challenges, I find they stop my creativity dead (which is why I keep Show Your face as a link up and any themes as optional!) Sometimes it is the trying something new that spurs me on and sometimes it is just working even when I don't feel like working that helps, but that can be hard to do! Thanks so much for joining Show Your Face and for the shout out too. Kx

AppleApricot Wen said...

Wonderful beautiful art! I love your style that reminds me a bit of some expressionists. Very inspiring! Thank you for your visit to my blog :) Wishing you a beautiful day, xx Wen

JKW said...

#25 : Best witch face ever. . .#Beardo : Adorable, Funny, Sense of humor Best son-in-love ever. Lucky you. Blessings, Janet PPF

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