Quote of The Day

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Judgement Paint Party Friday

Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends!
Enjoy your celebration!
We Canadians have already celebrated 
Thanksgiving in October!
Mad Milly loves to take chances!!
Too many tattoos, too many scars, someone scantly clothed,  
 someone in outdated clothing, an over weight woman, 
and anorexic girl... 
we are so quick to judge without knowing the whole story!

The woman with a shopping addiction might  be a girl abandoned 
by her mother as a child. The alcoholic male could be a dyslexic who
 lost his parents too early and couldn't cope. A young man with the
 Mohawk might be a neglected boy with an alcoholic father 
and  mentally ill mother!
 The young woman with dreadlocks might  be a single 
mom working two jobs then going to the food bank 
on her day off to make ends meet!

The anorexic could be a boy with bad teeth and a father who 
 condemned everything he did.The young man or woman with 
too many tattoos could have unresolved  emotional pain 
they never discuss!  The gorgeous woman with mood swings
 possibly denies her mental illness while the obese woman
 hides the sexual abuse by her grandfather!
 I like to know  a persons story before making any judgements. 
Even then I find  it's better to be kind knowing we all have 
a story that we don't need to have judged!
 That seemingly perfect life could be filled with huge 
debts, and constant money worries! That seemingly
perfect body may house a bulimic! That wealthy
 woman with a beach front view,
traveling twice a year may be married
to a crotchety bipolar who has embarrassing
fits of temper. 
We can learn so much from all these pertinent stories.
Compassion and understanding leaves the door
open for them to be heard!  
There will always be those certain few that judge us
harshly no matter what. Unless we have a very thick
 skin, it will hurt at times!  However it's  also improbable
 to live according to how others  think we should!
And impossible to please everyone!
So it's best not to worry about others making judgements and
just live the life that suits our own heart! There will always
be those who criticize and judge.  Mostly because they
feel inferior themselves!
Many brides spend their precious wedding 
planning trying to please everyone but themselves 
just to keep the peace. Meanwhile no matter
how perfect the celebration may seem there will always be
those who make  judgements, about the music, the dress,
 the cake, or the venue. So it's better just to make yourself
happy doing what you prefer! 

 I've not been one to worry too much what others think 
about me, which frees me to be my authentic self.
 Have you been unjustly judged lately?
 Do  you tend to worry what others might think or say?


Valerie-Jael said...

Nice post! I think if we can accept ourselves as we are, we can also accept other people as they are. Happy PPF, Hugs, Valerie

sirkkis said...

Interesting thoughts and great paintings.
Happy PPF ♥

froebelsternchen said...

Great post and art again!
Those who criticize and judge so much
are those who are bored..I think!
I even have time to think about others -
I have enough to do with myself!

Happy PPF !

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Wonderful art and your musings. I try not to judge but it does slip from time to time.

PaintingWrite said...

So much colourful art in this post!I agree that we never know what is going on in someone else's life and should treat everyone with respect and kindness, apart from cold callers ringing my mobile promising me I'm entitled to a refund from mis-sold payment protection insurance - those people have sold their souls! (I'm kidding, everyone has to make a living even if it is by constantly annoying folk on the phone!)Sometimes though there mightn't be a story - the person with a lot of tattoos might just really like body art without any underlying emotional reason for it. We should all just learn not to judge others regardless of whether there is a reason for their life choices or not - easier said than done, I know! Thanks as always for the thought provoking post!

artbyjune said...

A beautiful selection of face portraits this week!! I love them all.. for their boldness!

Daniela Rogall said...

nice colorful artwork

Gillena Cox said...

there is so much wisdom in your words; luv your bold characters

happy PPF

much love...

Toni said...

Very nice. Thank you for sharing.

Christine said...

Love your vibrant art as always! This year I learned not to judge homeless people, but to feel compassion, as you said we don not know their circumstances.

Faye said...

Great post, Sherrie. I hope when people view my granddaughter who has had must of her gorgeous red locks cut off and who has ear, eyebrow and nose piercings can look beyond these bits of rebellion and see the truly brilliant, loving, caring scientist inside. People who are way beyond average or even beyond high intelligence often do things that look odd to us ordinary mortals. I think she is saying: I am more than a brain. But who am I as grandma to really know. I know she misses having her highly scientific discussions with her late g'pa, who loved her dearly and was such an inspiration to her.

Linda Kunsman said...

wonderful post and SUPER art!!

Kate Robertson said...

Great post and oh so true. We don't know what anyone's life is truly like.


Beth Niquette said...

I especially love the wise face of the first portrait. Your bright artwork and inspiring comments always brighten my day.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Life is too short to waste making judgements about others, muchness worry about what others think of us. Most importantly, "Judge not, that you be not judged," Matthew 7:1. Have a blessed week, my friend!

GlorV1 said...

I always enjoy your posts and outstanding creations. I always leave here thinking of what you've said. Awesome work.

DVArtist said...

You should write a column. Oh you just did. LOL I love how you convey a message and then add the art to enforce it. I was bullied terribly when I was a kid and learned fast how to have that thick skin. As I got older I started to learned how to shut out the fear of what others think and now at 63 I could give a flying flip. Accept me for who I am or go some place else. However, if you stay you will find a fun and loyal friend. OK so you got me carried away.LOL Have a wonderful weekend.

NatureFootstep said...

your post made me smile today, that´s a good thing. Thanks!

Özge Başağaç said...

I looove your characters :) Happy weekend...

Unknown said...

Mad Millie's bow fits her perfectly. It took me well into my 40's s to stop caring so much about what other people think. I witness so much bullying at school by my students. The hurtful words they throw at each other is nothing compared to what they get at home. So sad.

Lisabella Russo said...

I like that wonderful bow on the top lady! Interesting and thought provoking post...

J C said...

Girlfren, you always have such good advice. And really awesome colorful girls.

Renee Dowling said...

What a wonderful variety of illustrations ! I really can feel the sadness in the one ladies eyes and expression, wow!

I know what you mean about not pleasing everyone. I have been a teacher for many years, and can remember each complaint. This month I was able to finally put things into perspective:
1. You can't please everyone.
2. I have probably taught well over a thousand students and out of all of those, only a handful of parents have complained, so I should quit giving those complainers power over me and let the other satisfied parents and children boost my confidence and continue on.

Well written and insightful as usual!

Thanks once again for sharing!

Gloria j Zucaro said...

Thank you so much for letting me know my link was not working. When I did my copy & paste, I missed the "l"at the end of html. I must say, and don't take it wrong, but my first instinct after reading your post today was to say "I love you!" You are so wise and kind I love the paintings with the words going round and round. Have a wonderful week and thanks again.

kat said...

Such a bunch of colourful people all with their own characters! It is so good to be free of judgement toward others and feel free to be who you are authentically, for me that's the way of peace and harmony.

Indira said...

Thoughtful post accompanied with evocative paintings. I always enjoy reading your posts.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

Even then I find it's better to be kindknowing we all have a story that we don't need to have judged!

Thank for this your words.
Beautiful post, beautiful art!
Much Love

stefanie stark said...

Your blog is really cool. I always find something new that inspires me. Here it is Mad Milly - I love her!

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