Quote of The Day

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Repealing Goals

 Thank you for all your wonderful comments last week! 
I've come to the conclusion most artists are more intuitive 
based creatives! As am I.
 Last year it was my goal, or should I say plan, to 
make fifty consistent  flat cards, of life suggestions,
in my goofy digital style. I have surpassed that now,
 with  67, and I'm going for 70. Then I plan to edit some,
 possibly changing the font... which I have purposely 
left messy since I am writing upside down at times,
with a mouse! Sadly the dpi on the cards is not 
conducive for proper printing... but I will figure out 
how to transition that, or replicate the cards!!
Any suggestions are welcomed!!
Either way it's been an enjoyable process created
 on my Windows paint program!  It's a fun series 
which I may continue just for the joy of it!
 Our home is filled with three intuitive creatives. 
It's as though the muse passes through and we
  must quickly catch those moments before they disappear! 
Cupcake has a list of things she wants to complete,
 but sudden urge to create her first bow tie struck.
Putting aside her mental list she created a mock
up for practice, before using good fabric. Beardo
  loved it so much he claimed it! Her attempt  to make 
it in one piece proved challenging. It took hours
 as we all tried tirelessly to  pull it inside out!
The next tie will be created in two pieces 
instead of one!
For us, living a creative life requires quiet time to feel 
and hear new ideas.  We need good boundaries so 
others don't infringe on our much needed creative hours.
We also require time to regenerate, and find inspiration.
Plus we need a bit of focus, so we don't sabotage our
 creative time doing other things!
The dancers!
 I've heard tell, Tyler Perry holidays alone, so he can
have complete freedom to write non stop. Last night 
I heard Seinfeld say at sixty one he feels free to say "NO"
all the time now! 

Only recently have I felt free to say "no!"
Even then, it will be questioned, which I don't feel I need
to answer. But, I've been tested! I have always valued my
 free time, so I really respect those who take time to
foster their talents too! I'm not sure highly social beings
understand that concept quite the same!
Original journal page
Even though I routinely write and create, it doesn't always
materialize into anything cohesive. Hence the many drafts
 in blogger that may never come to fruition!

 I'm happy to have the time to create, but I'm thrilled when
something turns out well. Yet those pieces are few 
and far between...so I continue on. Waiting patiently
for those really special creative moments  to show up
 on the page, or canvas! In the meantime I play,
and these fun characters emerge!

To one day form a child's picture book
for my  own personal delight!
For now, I'll repeal any goals and make plans
 to continue  piecing together art that 
comes from goodness knows where, onto the
 page. Then beckons words to join it, as an 
after thought!  
 Again thank you for helping me realize that goals really aren't
the way for me to go. Instead I will piece things together
when I intuitively feel they're ready!
 What do you do to protect your creative time? 
Do you find it hard to say No?

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Happy pup original acrylic journal page!
Goals and relationships are like flowers, 
whatever you nurture most flourishes!

This week we had a battle with some blueberries.
Only Cupcake and I ate them  and paid for it 
later. We have returned the remaining to the store
 and are waiting to see  whether there will be a recall!! 
Meanwhile our stomachs are in loud communication
with our bowels!! Can't wait until those crazy punk rockers 
settle down.  
 I'm afraid my word of the year has not been holding up
as much as I'd like it to! Seems "Improve" has been
defiant lately as my creativity ebbs and flows.  However I have
 seen a few friends I hadn't seen in a while. That's always
fun catching up! At least that's improved!
Do you manifest exactly what you want? Over the years 
I've watched many people succeed in life. They all tend 
to plug ahead in the same direction one step at a time
dogmatically until they reach their goals!  
Today I listened to a successful man say how he makes
six month, five, ten and twenty years goals and reads 
them twice daily! I always admire people who know
exactly what they want!  
This week I need to spend time defining and nurturing 
my goals. Unfortunately I have let the blueberries sabotage 
my efforts to stay on creative track! Those around me seem
to be improving...hopefully I can come back next week 
with at least one of my goals manifested!!

What is one goal you hope to manifest
 this month or next

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Happiness Paint Party Friday

Original acrylic Sammy-lu
I saw this happiness experts on tv today! Funny how blog posts
can change at a moments notice!! Since this gal  Sammy-Lu
 looks pretty happy I thought it may be a good subject to write about!
 What a great way to go into the New Year, even when you're not quite
sure what the future holds!

Personally I've always thought happiness was a choice!
Apparently fifty percent of it is! A very small percentage is
circumstances and the rest is innate!! Who knew!

I was not a happy child. I felt lonely and sad a lot of
the time!! My best  times where when I had my dads
 undivided attention! Or when I was active rollerskating,
riding my bike, or playing baseball. I also loved being left alone 
with my brother we had a lot of fun together. We were so close
we  often  hid the belt when mom threatened to use it! I felt 
overworked  and picked on most of my childhood! 
Truly as I look back I was!
 I found a lot of solace just being alone, and I still do!
Original pink toadie done for a friend... couldn't reveal it until now!
I can't say I was totally unhappy when I was married
because at least I felt free to make my own choices!
For a time I was free of criticism, and judgement!
 Even though I had many lonely moments being 
married I chose to  find bits of happiness in doing 
things I loved!!

 I was pretty social when I was young and often the life of a party!
My spouse wasn't! So I went out with different friends!
As a true homebody I also found joy in doing things around
my home, decorating, crafts, cooking... I always had a 
new project on the go! I can't say I was ever bored!
 The expert suggests smiling as a way
to prompt happiness. When you smile it activates  two 
muscles  in your face that actually send a message to
 your body  to be happy! So in this case you can
fake it until you make it! Personally I'd rather
watch the comedy channel!! I'm not good
at being fake!

I love laughing. I will turn the comedy channel on
for background noise hoping to get a laugh or two
on my own! I also sit in complete silence most of the time
listening to the click of the keyboard, awaiting creative moments!
Years ago when I awoke the music went on. For decades
music filled my life. It still does, but in a different way now!

Digital colour edits!
Beardo's family are a group who smile constantly.
It starts with the mom who always greets you with a
smile as though thrilled to see you! Her life  hasn't been
 easy but she is grateful  for everything and works so hard for
 her family! I've watched her turn a surly grandchild's attitude
 around  by telling them to smile! 
Circumstances can make you very unhappy.
Especially when you are worried about family,
bills,health, or if you're grieving a loss of any
kind!! Amongst that are moments of joy to
be had. I remember having a big laugh on
an elevator when my mom was dying... 
As a mother I would want my kids to have loads
of laughs under difficult circumstances!!
Some may see it as disrespect, where I
see it as soul healing!! No parent 
wants to see their children sad!

 I've watched Cupcake take a bad circumstance
and barrel through it by being as positive as she can.
Being grateful helps move you towards happiness during
tough times. Seeing all that you have, appreciating every
little things...not taking anything for granted really
makes you feel fortunate. While mom was dying
I remember focusing on a dandelion (which is a 
annoying weed in these parts) and thinking wow
how beautiful, at least it's alive!!
It gave me a new perspective.

Being generous is also a way to find happiness. When you give 
it makes you feel good, and it makes the receiver feel good, which
in turn makes you feel good again!! Usually those feelings
spread outwards!!

Even when I worry, go through rough patches, feel sad 
moments I always manage to find happiness at my core!!
Being and feeling a deep gratitude for what I have grows
my happiness!! Next monday is suppose to be blue monday
where people get credit card statements, and feelings
of regret are manifested, sadness is elevated!!
Even though it may prove to be a difficult day for many
I plan to choose to be happy like I  do everyday....even when
I lose my blog posts!! These are just glitches they
don't define my happiness!!  Maybe we should turn the
tables on  a predicted bad day and refuse to let it 
get us down, by celebrating it with something wonderful!
I choose to be happy how about you?

 What  could do to elevate more happiness in your life?

This post isn't meant in any way  to  diminish those suffering with  mental illness  I understand there are those who may need a lot of  help to elevate from their funk!

Friday, January 08, 2016

Word of the Year!

With great ease around the middle of December my word for 2016 
came to me!!  I was so pleased that it presented itself so easily!
I quickly did a digital sketch as I have done in the past!
I find a word guides me much better than any resolutions!
In the past it has worked with with 
2013 being Focus
2014 being Glean
2015 being Bloom
So here I present you with my word of 2016....
There  are so many things in my life I need 
to improve on! Sadly much like resolutions this word
has already stopped me up a bit!
Cold Crispy Day photo Credit Pepperpf
 The cold weather contributed to a few aches and pains 
so I seriously need to get back on track! I always have 
faith and hope things will improve! As do my children!
We've weathered many a storm but always focus on  
the best parts! Friends, family, laughter, good food
creative time and a  spiritual belief all bring us joy!
Even though Cupcake has been through some stressful days she manages
to keep a positive outlook. First by turning off any  News programs then
purposefully living in the moment....enjoying what's in front of her! 
Baileys and Coffee and budding flowers photo credit Pepperpf
Sure there are always thoughts trickling in that bring worry and doubt.
And we definitely have our share of glitches in life. Last week
the heating coil burnt out of our four year old dryer! Thankfully
Beardo was able to easily replace the hundred dollar part!
However being grateful and keeping positive,while focusing 
 on the haves, instead of the have not's,  always seems to attract
nice things to us!
It was my friends Birthday this week so my kids made us a 
beautiful meal. Served it with fancy drinks and dessert! I am
 so proud of who they are as you  already know. Selling her house 
my friend brought the kids a wii fit she was disposing of 
...along with her  wii console, so now they can watch Netflix in bed.
 They were so excited!! Simple pleasures I tell you!!
 Soon after my friend left Beardo discovered he had won 
a three hundred dollar food voucher to our local grocery store
through an instagram contest!! Both kids were over the moon! 
Two gifts of good Karma after creating such a 
beautiful evening for us ladies!
So I will use my daughter and son in law as inspiration! Focus
on doing a whole lot of ugly art creating until something good comes 
forth... I am in a creative lull... We all have them, but fortunately
once it  dissipates creativity does seem  to take a new better path!
I have figured out a few pivotal things about myself recently. I don't
really like to draw much, unless it's digitally! I am an intuitive artist
I love finding shapes in the paint! No matter how many classes I 
take I tend to revert back to my own thing! Whimsical
characters full of colour!
This year I will pray to IMPROVE
where I can!

Do you have a word for the year? Is there 
anything you want to improve on? 

If my post was missing or seems different from when
you last read it, just know I lost the majority
of it and had to completely redo it after it 
was already published....a little retrograde 
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