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Original acrylic Sammy-lu |
I saw this happiness experts on tv today! Funny how blog posts
can change at a moments notice!! Since this gal Sammy-Lu
looks pretty happy I thought it may be a good subject to write about!
What a great way to go into the New Year, even when you're not quite
sure what the future holds!
Personally I've always thought happiness was a choice!
Apparently fifty percent of it is! A very small percentage is
circumstances and the rest is innate!! Who knew!
I was not a happy child. I felt lonely and sad a lot of
the time!! My best times where when I had my dads
undivided attention! Or when I was active rollerskating,
riding my bike, or playing baseball. I also loved being left alone
with my brother we had a lot of fun together. We were so close
we often hid the belt when mom threatened to use it! I felt
overworked and picked on most of my childhood!
Truly as I look back I was!
I found a lot of solace just being alone, and I still do!
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Original pink toadie done for a friend... couldn't reveal it until now! |
I can't say I was totally unhappy when I was married
because at least I felt free to make my own choices!
For a time I was free of criticism, and judgement!
Even though I had many lonely moments being
married I chose to find bits of happiness in doing
things I loved!!
I was pretty social when I was young and often the life of a party!
My spouse wasn't! So I went out with different friends!
As a true homebody I also found joy in doing things around
my home, decorating, crafts, cooking... I always had a
new project on the go! I can't say I was ever bored!
My spouse wasn't! So I went out with different friends!
As a true homebody I also found joy in doing things around
my home, decorating, crafts, cooking... I always had a
new project on the go! I can't say I was ever bored!
The expert suggests smiling as a way
to prompt happiness. When you smile it activates two
muscles in your face that actually send a message to
your body to be happy! So in this case you can
fake it until you make it! Personally I'd rather
watch the comedy channel!! I'm not good
at being fake!
I love laughing. I will turn the comedy channel on
for background noise hoping to get a laugh or two
on my own! I also sit in complete silence most of the time
listening to the click of the keyboard, awaiting creative moments!
Years ago when I awoke the music went on. For decades
music filled my life. It still does, but in a different way now!
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Digital colour edits! |
Beardo's family are a group who smile constantly.
It starts with the mom who always greets you with a
smile as though thrilled to see you! Her life hasn't been
easy but she is grateful for everything and works so hard for
her family! I've watched her turn a surly grandchild's attitude
around by telling them to smile!
smile as though thrilled to see you! Her life hasn't been
easy but she is grateful for everything and works so hard for
her family! I've watched her turn a surly grandchild's attitude
around by telling them to smile!
Circumstances can make you very unhappy.
Especially when you are worried about family,
bills,health, or if you're grieving a loss of any
kind!! Amongst that are moments of joy to
be had. I remember having a big laugh on
an elevator when my mom was dying...
As a mother I would want my kids to have loads
of laughs under difficult circumstances!!
Some may see it as disrespect, where I
see it as soul healing!! No parent
wants to see their children sad!
Especially when you are worried about family,
bills,health, or if you're grieving a loss of any
kind!! Amongst that are moments of joy to
be had. I remember having a big laugh on
an elevator when my mom was dying...
As a mother I would want my kids to have loads
of laughs under difficult circumstances!!
Some may see it as disrespect, where I
see it as soul healing!! No parent
wants to see their children sad!
I've watched Cupcake take a bad circumstance
and barrel through it by being as positive as she can.
Being grateful helps move you towards happiness during
tough times. Seeing all that you have, appreciating every
little things...not taking anything for granted really
makes you feel fortunate. While mom was dying
I remember focusing on a dandelion (which is a
annoying weed in these parts) and thinking wow
how beautiful, at least it's alive!!
It gave me a new perspective.
and barrel through it by being as positive as she can.
Being grateful helps move you towards happiness during
tough times. Seeing all that you have, appreciating every
little things...not taking anything for granted really
makes you feel fortunate. While mom was dying
I remember focusing on a dandelion (which is a
annoying weed in these parts) and thinking wow
how beautiful, at least it's alive!!
It gave me a new perspective.
Being generous is also a way to find happiness. When you give
it makes you feel good, and it makes the receiver feel good, which
in turn makes you feel good again!! Usually those feelings
spread outwards!!

Even when I worry, go through rough patches, feel sad
moments I always manage to find happiness at my core!!
Being and feeling a deep gratitude for what I have grows
my happiness!! Next monday is suppose to be blue monday
where people get credit card statements, and feelings
of regret are manifested, sadness is elevated!!
Even though it may prove to be a difficult day for many
I plan to choose to be happy like I do everyday....even when
I lose my blog posts!! These are just glitches they
don't define my happiness!! Maybe we should turn the
tables on a predicted bad day and refuse to let it
get us down, by celebrating it with something wonderful!
I choose to be happy how about you?
What could do to elevate more happiness in your life?
This post isn't meant in any way to diminish those suffering with mental illness I understand there are those who may need a lot of help to elevate from their funk!
it makes you feel good, and it makes the receiver feel good, which
in turn makes you feel good again!! Usually those feelings
spread outwards!!

Even when I worry, go through rough patches, feel sad
moments I always manage to find happiness at my core!!
Being and feeling a deep gratitude for what I have grows
my happiness!! Next monday is suppose to be blue monday
where people get credit card statements, and feelings
of regret are manifested, sadness is elevated!!
Even though it may prove to be a difficult day for many
I plan to choose to be happy like I do everyday....even when
I lose my blog posts!! These are just glitches they
don't define my happiness!! Maybe we should turn the
tables on a predicted bad day and refuse to let it
get us down, by celebrating it with something wonderful!
I choose to be happy how about you?
What could do to elevate more happiness in your life?
This post isn't meant in any way to diminish those suffering with mental illness I understand there are those who may need a lot of help to elevate from their funk!
Wonderful, colourful post and artwork.Happy PPF, Hugs, Valerie
I'm keeping a happy journal this year, it's going well. Nice work and reflection today Giggles!
Hello Sherrie! I do notice a lot of "blue" in this post! But I think it must be for blue skies and bluebirds singing their tunes! I love your toadie, adorable and multi-colored Sammi-Lu! You are such an original thinker!
Have a wonderful week. What would make me happier...if I would stop putting off until tomorrow sticking to my diet plan!
I just myself "BE" and celebrate each moment as it comes!! Thank God for the abundance I am blessed with !!
Super art. Happy PPF and being full time artist/designer would elevate My happiness.
Really inspiring post, my friend.
I try to get every pieces of happyness I meet in the air....
Have a great PPF day xx
A great thought provoking post as always! I spent a lot of my life being the glass half empty person and it's only in recent years that I've come to realise the glass is always full if you want it to be. I agree there will always be things that come your way over which you have no control but it's how you choose to deal with those things that's important. I think gratitude plays the biggest part in being happy because as soon as you start to appreciate all that you do have instead of moaning about all that you don't then you start to allow yourself to be happy. I agree it definitely is a choice for the most part.
that said, living somewhere with proper seasons (a guaranteed summer!) would up my happiness for sure and unfortunately that isn't something I have any control over so I just have to find happiness in the wet windy Scottish weather instead!!
Interesting read on happiness. I always thought it was a choice too, but I do think some people are just innately happy. And I do think our circumstances play a role. I think I am a happy person although I am not always happy. I used to think it was all my choice, but some of it I realize is just in me. I'm not sure why that is...and as for winning the lottery, I'm not sure that would really make you happy. Money isn't happiness. In fact I've found the less I think of money the happier I become.
And before I forget-love your pieces this week, especially toadie! Happy weekend.
super art work-and I LOVE your toad! I feel so fortunate because despite rough times (which everyone goes thru) I have always been a happy soul. I feel it is what's gotten me through the dark times ever since I can remember. If I can help someone else feel happy my heart fills with joy. Happy PPF my friend!
Super art and thoughts as always - I am a lucky girl - being happy the most of my days - more happiness is not needed.
oxo Susi
Thought provoking post with your wonderful colorful art creations.
There is so much to be grateful for and in my darkest hours that is what has helped bring happiness to the forefront for me.
I once had a boss tell me to "fake it till you make it". Not this cookie! If I can't be me, I am NOT interested. I am very lucky in that I have a happy soul. I cry when I need to cry and I laugh whenever I can and it works for me. By the bye, your header is priceless (made me smile). Always love your posts! Happy PPF
I just love your blog posts and not just because of your fabulous and colorful art! Your musings are always so thought-provoking. I tend to be a very optimistic and happy person. I think I've always been that way. For a while, in my teenage years and my 20's while we were having some huge family problems, I lost my way for a while and fell into a dark hole. When I got through that, I swore to myself that I would never go there again. So, to this day I am very aware of what makes me feel good and what doesn't. I don't listen to sad music or watch movies that trigger bad memories. And when life happens (as it does for everyone), I am even more diligent of making sure I treat myself well so that I can weather any storm and still not lose my deep-seated core of happiness. Thank you for this post!! xoxo Silke
Love your post, Sherrie. I agree with you about happiness. I have done greetings cards with the notation: Bloom where you are planted! on them. Remember when that was a popular phrase? I think that may be the secret of happiness, even though the saying is sort of trite. I hope 2016 is a wonderful year for you and your family. But even if the rain should fall at times, try to hang onto your positive take on life. You encourage us all with your attitude.
Your art makes me happy, for one. Standing at my sink washing dishes, (hands in warm water, pretty dishes, looking out the window at the trees and water in the pool, knowing this is my house) makes me happy.
I suffer from PTSD and chronic depression yet I think I am a pretty happy person (after years of therapy to learn the tools to be able to kick my own ass when I find myself slipping into gray).
Writing and creating (clay, paint, food, yard, quilts) also makes me happy....though one might wonder because of an occasional f-bomb or s-word! That's just part of a genius at work, I guess!!!
I love this post. You let us see a bit of your soul and it is beautiful.
Fun, Fun, Super Fun pictures!
Very wise words. I love your toad, so adorable. And your lady is wonderful too. I have a happy spirit even though I don't always feel happy.
Great post and lots of things to think about!!!! Giving to others, music, walking, getting out of the house, a new library book, lots of simple things will lift me out of a funk. I don't think winning the lottery would do it for me. Too much!!
I love all your artwork, but my favorite today is the toad. :D What a cutie! Your blog is an inspiration, my Friend. ((hugs))
yes happiness is a choice! Lovely post and fun faces.
Great post and art! Happiness is how you look at the world and all around you, you can choose to smile or get glum, I love to smile most of the times and feel happy and bright most days, so much to love and enjoy all around!
LOVE your art! And your new blog banner is great. As for happiness and smiling...I try to smile at everyone. And I'm a pretty happy person most of the time. (I believe it is a choice.) I went through my ups and downs growing up and being young but eventually I settled into who I am and learned that my life is pretty darn good.
Giving back is something that I could do more of to bring more happiness into my life. I feel super happy when I'm giving. And it doesn't have to be something huge. Just giving a smile can change someone's day.
What a sweet little frog and so many wonderful variations on the girl! I think it's great that you have such a positive attitude.
First of all I loved the post. Happiness is an interesting topic and I wonder about it quite a bit. A long time ago I was a reiki master, and many of the theories of reiki made me think about how I could direct the choices and outcomes of my own life. That being said--sometimes I just could not feel happy. For the most part being upbeat is my personality, and I think I was trying TOO hard to eliminate sadness from my life.
Second I am fascinated about how you made the colors change in the pics--too cool.
Thanks for the thought provoking post.
Dea xo
Hello, dear friend......... your posts are always so thought provoking... I for one do not feel I had a happy childhood either....I have learned since I have gotten much older, that I know better how to make myself happy, that I know that I, too, love to be by myself much of the time......... that I am an HSP (there is such a thing as a highly sensitive person and it's ok to be one and there's a lot of us out there) that although I am and have been guarded for a long time, I am happy most of the time despite life's trial and tribulations, and there have been many. I like you, don't care for people that want me to smile if I don't feel like smiling because that's just plain artificially phony and I don't do phony. I am not going to change to make someone else feel more comfortable. ok. enough said. The part I love about your girl in this post is the changes of color in her sweater/blouse. Big hugs.
Just so fun!!
Wonderful colorful art! I agree with all your musings. It's hard though to see the positive in a bad moment sometimes.
a very nice set; and i'm happy you dropped by my blog this Friday
much love...
I always love the colours you use! The pink toadie is so gorgeous you should design notepaper with that creature on it to brighten people's day! I love to see my children smile! We spend lots of time just laughing at silly jokes together in the kitchen! Because my son has suffered from serious depressive episodes since he was a teenager, his smiles and the sound of his laughter are a special gift to me. You have a beautiful, positive attitude to life, which is reflected in your colourful and witty drawings. xx
Hello Dear One, Once again you made me think about the condition of happiness. I, like you did not experience a happy childhood. That being said, when I look at photos of myself I am smiling from ear to ear. I think the individual internal experience matters. Today, is a different story. I would say I am a positive person who is grateful for the many opportunities that life offers and tends to see the glass half full. I enjoyed scrolling through your blog and seeing the changes in your art. Have a lovely week.
~~ Irene
Love Sammy-Lu and her positive outlook on things! And your pink toadie makes me smile :-) I think realizing what you have and never taking anything for granted is a good way to find happiness. I must admit though that I also get a bit irritated by those types who always act happy no matter what. Life is just hard sometimes and you can't always smile. As long as you realize it'll pass it's okay to be unhappy now and then ...
I love your art. . .the lady is fantastic and the little guy is adorable. Be Brave is my motto for this year. There are a lot of very big changes and it will take the strength of a Bull to get through them. So, I must be Brave for the challenges. Laughter is always the Best medicine I know no matter what the circumstances. Blessings, Janet PPF
Happy PPF! Love all the colorful works of art!
I think one of the most precious gifts is the ability to be contented with what we have, and to enjoy every minute of it. Some people are more inclined to be happy than others and nothing can persuade them to change their attitude. But then maybe they are happy that way!
You seem to be a very enthusiastic and happy person, and you share it through your marvellous writing and art, so thanks for that.
Love pink toady, she is fun.
Wonderful piece, my friend!
A thoughtful post.
I was miserable as a child. Lonely, alone. Unpopular. We spent two months at the cottage and I had few friends there.
I have found that I have increasingly sank into depression, and I'm on meds now. I had friends when I was teaching, but since we moved away, they don't visit us here in the country.
I am happier blogging and virtually visiting. I'm not a girly girl and don't really fit in.
My 2nd husband was diagnosed with cancer. Sadly, my ex-husband died after cancer treatments of a heart attack.
Since then, we try EVERY DAY to be happy. It's a choice. Too many complain- weather, whatever, but we choose to be happy. Hubby is a hermit, too! We get on well!
What a touching set of pictures. They really pull at the old heartstrings. I have fought depression all of my adult life so I know how the ups and downs can affect one. Art has been a wonderful outlet for me. I loved how you shared and were so honest with all of us. This was my first visit to your blog and I will return. Hope you have a nice week. genie
Beautiful artwork, and great post. I've been thinking a lot about what being happy means to me, and how to be happier. I think we all have to find our own way, what works for us. Making art certainly helps. At least sometimes (sometimes it can be just frustrating...)
A wonderful post (as always) Giggles... and the line I loved the most: I'M NOT GOOD AT BEING FAKE.
That's what we LOVE about you, Giggles! We can sense this in your words. Yes, happiness is indeed a choice, although i totally agree that it's far more difficult for some than others. I'm not sure I'd be able to choose happiness if I was hungry or homeless or abused. So I get that it's not so simple for certain people. Your art is perfect for this topic Giggles. Hugs to you! xx
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