Quote of The Day

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Flaws Paint Party Friday

Observing a piece of art as a whole is a richer experience  than only focusing in on one aspect of the  picture.  

Pointing out our personal flaws  draws attention to them!! I prefer to let them blend into the background instead! When an  artist is  unhappy with their painting, declaring what they dislike alters my perspective of that piece.
Instead of enjoy their painting as a whole, I'm focused on what they perceive to be the flaw... It changes my experience of that artwork... A mention that you understand there are flaws, without a detailed explanation, may preserve the valuation of the piece!
Bird Love
I worked with a woman who had terrible rheumatoid arthritis.... her hands were completely   deformed and  gnarled.  She had a moon face from all the  prednisone. Still she did her best, worked as hard as she could, and maintained a home in Vancouver. 
 I was young and picked up the slack where she was void... I didn't mind, I had a lot of empathy for the older spinster! We had a mutual respect for each other! 
 Eventually  a new girl was hired. Once she was accustomed to her position  she drew attention to the elder coworkers deficiencies by focusing  in  on them. With compassion I had worked around certain  defects for years, choosing not to notice them.  However the newer girl exacerbated the flaws by honing in, and pointing them out at every opportunity!.

 Not the physical flaws, the personality flaws that go along with being an independent woman in pain, trying to manage in a world of young women trying to outdo her!! I resented the younger coworker because until she pointed out the shortcomings I was perfectly happy to  pick up the slack where the older gal lacked!
Unfortunately when people blatantly point things out you're forced to acknowledge them...there was no going back.  Thankfully I saw through the younger woman's attempt to  deem the elder in a position of three is a crowd!  Still I was happier before I noted all my coworkers weaknesses under a magnifying glass!
Eventually the older lady retired. Despite the peer pressure  I  was always kind and helpful to her and those less fortunate.  It was such a great lesson carried on throughout the years!
A lesson my mother taught me at a young age...Don't tell people your physical flaws. Instead of appreciating you as a whole, they won't be able to ignore those things less attractive!! So  enjoy and love the whole package people it enhances the experience!  Make improving  flaws an intimate personal challenge, rather  than pointing them out  in your art, yourself, or others!! 

Do you focus on your flaws?
The kids went to Sir Paul McCartney's concert 
this week for the second time in four years!
They couldn't be more thrilled once again
to have experienced such a legend!   
 They stopped for coffee and donuts  on the way home.
A lady ahead of them was complaining to the barista 
that it was a terrible concert and that he should retire.
Dumbfounded Cupcake and Beardo wondered if they
were even at the same concert as her! Having already
experienced several living legends in their 
young years they found McCartney to be at the
top of their list!  His energy and work ethic are
Perspective is everything! How you choose to look at the 
world does affect your experience!! There will always
be curmudgeons, we just have to feel sorry for them.
They do themselves a huge disservice and miss out on 
so much joy!    
May your week be as bright as these tulips!!


Valerie-Jael said...

Great post - the whole picture is important, not the flaws, but that does not seem to resonate with many people today. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I couldn't agree more with you. That is why I avoid negative people too, because it is so easy to be sucked into their negative view of things. I know none of us are perfect, so I accept people for whom they are, the good and the bad. My hope is that they will also overlook my inadequacies as well. Blessings, my friend!

Paper rainbow said...

Your mother taught you such a valuable lesson. I have struggled over the years to not see only the flaws in my work..only maturity has made me learn to see what others are and to accept and value their complements. A wonderful post! Also lucky cupcake! ☺

Christine said...

Very good advice this week to go with your colourful art! Glad they enjoyed the concert too.

Lynn Cohen said...

You are such a wise young woman! I always appreciate reading your words of wisdom here. And your art work blends through the words like a fine tapestry! I also enjoy seeing and hearing about your daughter and soninkaw! They too are beautiful human beings! I hope someday to meet you all in person! You just never know!

froebelsternchen said...

Fabulous artwork - specially love the dog.. looks like my dogs do.
Happy weekend!


Another great topic and very true - I do have a tendency to point out any flaws I see before others get a chance to notice them - Sometimes I feel like I want people to know I'm aware of them in case they think I'm not - if that makes sense?! But you are absolutely right, as soon as someone points out a particular perceived flaw that's what people then also notice whether it's on a painting on on a person.
As for Paul McCartney, we'll have to agree to disagree on him (I think Lennon was the talent out of those pair) but wouldn't life be boring if we all liked the same things!

Tracy said...

So true about flaws! What seems glaring to us may not even be seen by others as they appreciate things as a whole.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Great wisdom! I like your mother. :)

My name is Erika. said...

Fun puppy this week. Your paintings always make me happy.And I think a distinction should be made between finding flaws and finding flaws. When you paint something there is often something you're not quick happy with and you know you can fix it once the inspiration comes. And then there's people who find flaws with everything. Those are 2 different things. Some people are sadly very negative and want to bring the world down their dark hole. That sounds like the woman Cupcake and Beardo met at the donut shop. That is very sad and what a waste of life. Happy weekend:)

Granny Annie said...

Love your artwork and your inspirational messages.


Anonymous said...

this post gave us such a beautiful life lesson,, and you write so beautifully,, your painting is amazing and I always with the post wouldn't end when I come here,,

Faye said...

I have tried to remember not to mention things that are "off" in my appearance (like bad hair day). My dh's philosophy was that if things weren't mentioned or pointed out, most people don't notice. (EXCEPT for the clods like your co-worker who probably was feeling inferior. That's probably why she picked up on the flaws of the senior woman.) I like your painting of the girl and dog together. Very cool.

kat said...

Super art and colours! No I don't focus on my flaws, completely pointless, I'm always geared towards the positive!

Liz Powley said...

Wow, so much good stuff, both the art and the life lessons.

I made a rule on my blog that I should never be negative about my art - I am one of those perfectionist, pedantic people who shreds her artwork to death if I'm not careful.

Your post struck a few chords and, yes, I need to take notice.

Thanks for sharing your lovely work and your wisdom.

Best wishes,

Linda Kunsman said...

very important words and lessons here Sherrie!! I have learned (from Iyanla Van Zandt to "when you see crazy coming, cross the street!" It's a good reminder to not get sucked in to negative people who wallow in their own misery. I prefer to make people happy and to be surrounded by the same. S o sad to hear about the elderly woman. I have a special place in my heart for them and like to think I always gave them reason to smile when I worked with them so many years at various facilities. That McCartney concert must have been amazing!!! He has always been my favorite Beatle:) Love all the wonderful colorful artwork here too!

GlorV1 said...

Again as always, inspirational topic and so true. You are a very wise woman.:)) Love your paintings, especially the dogs. Have a great weekend.

Carol said...

Love your art this week and the post is an important message that many have missed along life's journey. I so would like to see Sir Paul in concert. I admire his will to carry on no mater what life brings his way :) and he was always my favorite ♥

Neesie said...

Such wise words and I have to say they resonate with me. I always try to see the good in everyone and everything unless proven otherwise, especially as I get older.
Sometimes it bites back, but at least I've given a fair go.
I adore visiting you... you've always an interesting angle or story to tell and fantastic artwork.
Love the concert photo's too. Sometimes there's no pleasing people.
Happy PPF to you. Have a wonderful weekend xoxo

Nadya said...

Love your colorful art, and it compliments your post.
My man had polio at 9, and used crutches into her mid 80s (then a wheelchair). Her mama encouraged her to go about her business, doing everything she could for herself, and only ask for assistance when that was really needed! And to be gracious when someone insisted on helping when that wasn't necessary.
Like your co-worker, she was a great role model, and I learned early on how to help respectfully and unobtrusively. Something like arthritis or fibromyalgia can be less obvious disabilities, and pain may be misinterpreted.
Thanks for sharing.

Beth Niquette said...

I adore your bright and cheery artwork. I loved hearing about the concert. I can't imagine that wonderful artist's concert being anything but wonderful. :D

sirkkis said...

Thank you for a great advice and fun paintings. It's such a joy to visit here.
Happy weekend xx

EVA said...

I love your attitude!

And your fun paintings - especially the happy dog!

Anonymous said...

wonderful words of wisdom and I love your colorful art!

JKW said...

What a dynamic and important message. Thank you for sharing, it should be shared the world over, but would it be understood. I commend you for being who you are. As my daughter says, there are some things she doesn't want to know/hear/see because it is in the mind forever like that. You so aptly pointed that out. Many Blessings for you and yours. Janet, PPF PS. I've been absent, because so busy with Chemo Lady, and Rose (to be 96 in July) and daughter/grandson moving far away. I've neglected so many things. I will get back to painting, albeit, my hot workroom because the community took out ALL trees (except for the Palms of course) and no shade. Therefore, I do have to move also. . and soon.

Karla B said...

Hello dear friend!I missed your beautiful artwork.It's always a feast for my eyes.
Much Love

Ayala Art said...

Awesome art, great post. And yes, definitely, perspective is everything!

sheila 77 said...

How right you are, as soon as someone points out a flaw, that is what we see, although we may never have noticed it. Sometimes a blogger says "sorry for the terrible photo" and we thought it was perfectly alright - until then. And sometimes we have seen a film we really loved, then read that someone else thought this and that in it was no good, and it does sometimes take away from it.
I'm glad you all have such a positive outlook on life, it makes a huge difference to the enjoyment of everything.
Your "Bird Love" paintings are great in all their colours, I think my favourite is the pink/purple one, and the lady and her dog friend are so good too, they both look so happy together, and I like her little turquoise shoes.
Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Your art and words always make such a great combination!

I've seen Sir Paul once in concert, it was so thrilling!!

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