Quote of The Day

Friday, April 15, 2016

Karma Paint Party Friday

Cupcake hollered up the stairs," ARE YOU OKAY Mom?"  
She heard me doing the ugly cry at my computer! 

photo credit Pepperpf....tulip festival
A hard working dear friend struggled terribly 
when young. Barely a quarter to spend on coffee.
Broken down chairs, laundry hanging on ropes
in the kitchen unable to afford to fix the clothes dryer.
Things broke down constantly and there was a mini
crisis at every turn. Life was  so very difficult with
babes in arms
I worked hard too, but I had a 
pretty cush life at the time!
  I was extremely independent,
 my life was pretty secure in comparison!
Despite the differences we always had
such a great time together.
Photo credit Pepperpf  more tulip festival
Margarita tulips photo credit Pepperpf tulip festival 2016
A few twists and turns my life became difficult too!
Friends came out of the woodwork to help!
 Only a few weeks ago I was thinking of that one 
particular friend who really was a special
  life-saver during those tough lean years!
Photo credit Pepper
A friend who was always a phone call away in 
my time of need. Helping me more times than I 
can ever  count! It was never possible for me to 
repay the generosity and kindness! 
Original Photo credit Pepperpf, colour edit done by me!
Instead I prayed good  things would 
come their way. I'd always wished I could do
 something really spectacular for them, 
but I was never in a position to repay them. 
Recently my mind wandered to all the things they 
did for me and others. Again I said a little prayer 
that good things would happen for them. 
Photo credit Pepperpf colour edit by me
As life improved I was grateful not to 
have to call each time there was a problem
I couldn't solve alone!  It was embarrassing 
to be so needy back then! We hook 
up annually now.
Even though I rarely see my dear friends I 
think of them often with such love and fondness. 
Wishing them a wonderful life filled with
 everything that makes them happy!
 This week  my friend  had very good
fortune befall their family.  Much 
deserved life altering blessings.
My heart is so full of gratitude for
my wonderful friends! 
The ugly cry at my computer was tears
of joy and gratitude! Pure happiness for
 my dear friends.

My prayers were answered! I bawled
 while giving thanks for this wonderful
blessing on their life Their lives will be 
changed in a beautiful way. I am beyond 
ecstatic for them. Even though this has 
been a physically difficult week, my
 heart is so full of joy!
Life really is a roller coaster ride. We 
all have joys and sorrows over a  life time! 
Every so often, when we least expect it, 
some really really good  karma drops
 by to visit really really good people!
Extremely thankfully!!

Do you feel pure joy when
your friends have good fortune?  
Can you share a particular time 
you were especially happy for
 a friends good fortune ?
Original acrylic
Sorry my art is a little weak this post.
 I have several works in progress right now....
Wishing you all creative joy this week!


sirkkis said...

You write very beautifully about your friends. Yes, they are treasures for us. Thanks for lovely photos and your paintings are great.
Happy PPF 🌷

Valerie-Jael said...

Nice posts, I am always happy for other people when they have a good life. Hugs, Valerie

My name is Erika. said...

The photos from the tulip festival are gorgeous. So many tulips. And I love the puppies this week. They are a lot of fun- but your paintings are always fun:) Have a wonderful weekend. :)Erika

Neesie said...

I adore visiting you... and I think that's probably what your old friends thought. You couldn't repay them in a monitory way, but I bet you paid them massively in many other ways.
It's wonderful to hear that your prayers were answered. I'm even feeling happy for your friends and I've never met them. So powerful are your words.
Your vibrant artwork adds to the joy of visiting your space.
I wish you nothing but the best.
Happy PPF and a wonderful weekend to you xoxo

Christine said...

Love your cute artwork! I tend to be very supportive and responsible, and generally experience good Karma. life sure can have ups and downs, glad you are in a good place now with your caring daughter.

Linda Kunsman said...

fabulous art and a beautiful tribute to friendship! Isn't it wonderful to have such a cry over joy rather than sorrow? That'd be me too:) So emotional... I am so very happy for your friend. Hope you feel better soon. Have a super weekend. Hugs!

Robin said...

I am always SO happy when people I know have a blessing or good fortune in their life! I believe we all deserve that and to celebrate and rejoice for everyone, no matter what our lives are like at that moment. Be grateful for the good times because the tulips do not bloom all year round. I love your pictures and your art and especially your words! Hugs, Rasz

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Great artwork and lovely tulip photos. I do enjoy when other people have a full and good life. Happy Friday!

Love and hugs

Faye said...

You have a rare gift, well actually many, but the one I am thinking of is the gift of empathy. How very rare it is to find someone who is unselfishly loving that their friend is receiving some special blessing. Your prayers of long ago are being answered. Sometimes we think the prayers aren't answered because we want what we want NOW. Sometimes the timing is not what God intended. Thanks for sharing not only your creations but your insight, as well.

Granny Annie said...

Nothing weak there. Lovely post and we all have more than we can manage most of the time.


Unknown said...

Love your words, paintings, and tulips!

Indira said...

Great art and lovely warm generous sentiments about friends and friendship. People are lucky to have you as friends.

Fran said...

Wonderful colors, what fun characters.

Anonymous said...

I'd just would like to dive into those flower fields! And your colors in your art makes me strong again!

kat said...

A beautiful post, filled with so much positive and joyful energy! It's such a feeling of peace and joy when you hear about good things happening to those you love and care for, it always brings a warmth smile inside that spreads!

DVArtist said...

This is really a lovely post. So glad the universe blessed your friends.

sheila 77 said...

Yes, it is always good when our friends have good fortune. It seems to me that you would be a wonderful friend to have.
Thanks to Cupcake for the lovely photos of tulips, reminding me that I must buy them while they are in season, as now.

Lisabella Russo said...

What sweet art and photos! I am very glad for your friend, I definitely am glad when good things happen to good people!

Liz Powley said...

I adore your sense of colour. Beautiful work :D

Best wishes,
Gumnut Inspired

GlorV1 said...

You are an amazing person Sherrie. Always thinking about others. I truly love your attitude about life. I feel good when I read what you have to say. I go about my day uplifted by you and others that share your ideas on life. Thank you for that. As for your doggies, tee-they are so darn cute. I like them here and on IG. Take care dear and be well and happy.

Mona Pendleton said...

Fantastic artwork and photos! Love all the vibrant colors!

Goldfish Diaries said...

What a happy little dog, so awesome! I felt the same way when I heard the news, could not have happened to a more deserving couple! Life has a way of setting things right sometimes, and hopefully just got a lot easier for them and their family.
You have always been there for everyone, too, and your love and good wishes are always evident as well as your passion for life, it shows in your art! <3

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